The Strongest Hacker

Vol 2 Chapter 493: Butterfly effect (4)

Chapter 493 The Butterfly Effect (4)

Chapter 493 The Butterfly Effect (4)

Zhang Yang didn't expect that just because a white matter thing would attract so many gangsters, the meal was very simple, and the prime minister of the banquet smiled and said to Zhang Yang that he had invited his meal with his own salary, and the table was very simple Too. Zhang Yang didn't care if the meeting was simple or not, but Zhang Yang didn't expect the Prime Minister to say this directly, and there was no hypocrisy on his face.

People at the level of the prime minister also have a salary. Of course, how to say this problem. In the eyes of many people, it seems like a very funny thing to talk to the top and second leaders of the country. After all, the leaders of the whole country still pay Will you be short of money? But how do you say this? What is the affection of their family? Chapter 493 The Butterfly Effect (4) Zhang Yang doesn't know, but at the standing committee level, corruption and the like will definitely not be impossible.

Although we can’t take everyone very seriously, but we can’t take everyone very seriously. The Prime Minister can directly say this sentence, which proves that he really did it. At the level of Prime Minister, there is no Necessary to play with those virtual ones.

Actually speaking, their annual salary is more than 200,000, but because everything is provided by the state, their salary is useless. Of course, as for what other people's families do, is it lack of money? That Zhang Yang will not know, and do not want to guess.

Zhang Yang did not rush to pay after the meal. As for whether the people in this restaurant dared to collect it, Zhang Yang would not know. When the restaurant came out, Zhang Yang had followed a soldier and was still a female soldier, but it wasn't the Shangguan Deep Snow who was eating inside, but another heroic female officer.

"What's your name?" This female officer is responsible for the communication between Zhang Yang and Guoan. For a long time in the future, she will work in the Starry Sky Group. The necessary understanding is still needed.

"Head of the report! My name is Raksha." Chapter 393 The Butterfly Effect (4) The cold woman answered Zhang Yang's question with a serious face.

"Name?" Zhang Yang froze for a moment, Raksha? This name is really special enough.

"The head of the report, no! My name is Luo Mingsha." Luo Bazaar was still full of seriousness, Zhang Yang reluctantly started the car, and said while driving: "You don't have to be so serious, you don't have to call my head, my boss or President Zhang. , Zhang Yang will do."

"I'm sorry, Chief, this is my job." Luo Sha replied expressionlessly.

Zhang Yang was speechless immediately. He simply stopped talking. Now Zhang Yang's interest in speaking is gone. How could a little girl who had been pretty good get it like a starry sky? Like a robot, there is no fun at all. The atmosphere in the car immediately became quiet, and the car quickly drove to the Starry Sky Group to provide the country with a unified military system for free. This was not a problem for Zhang Yang.

In fact, this problem is too simple, just copy the starry sky completely, and then clear the important data inside. Moreover, Zhang Yang has experimented that even after copying all the data of the starry sky, including its database, the logical thinking ability it shows is still awkward and cannot be presumed by the starry sky itself.

Even Zhang Yang couldn’t figure out what the reason was, and the problem could only be attributed to the unknown mutation of the program when the infecting insect and Adam were combined, but what is this mutation, unless Zhang Yang converted the entire starry sky into The source code is studied, otherwise, the probability of finding it is zero.

Starry Sky doesn't know where this problem is. The hardware resources required by a huge military system are terrifying. Zhang Yang had given the above a specific time when he left, one year, that is to say, after one year, the Starry Sky Group will complete a complete update of the national defense system, including all the domestic military bases, Military regions will be connected to this network.

And now all that needs to be done is to build high-speed network channels in various parts of the country. If you want to carry out real-time data transmission, not only can you have a system, satellites sometimes cannot support such high-intensity signal transmission, and satellite signals are very It is easily affected, and the basic high-speed network construction is quite critical.

Back at the Starry Sky Group, Zhang Yang directly threw this boring woman named Raksha to Chen Xiaowei. Anyway, as long as she was in the Starry Sky Group, Zhang Yang had no time to take her.

Back home, Zhang Yang directly connected to the starry sky, and then began scanning his destination through the No. 1 satellite. The information on the server is complete, but there is a message from the old guys who researched the information. The condition they put forward is that after Zhang Yang gets this information, he can rescue their group.

Zhang Yang did not understand the technology inside, so he decided to rescue these old guys first, and then start to make this thing. Since they can study this thing, plus they are their life-saving benefactors, they are There should be no problem for the Star Group to sell their lives?

The orbiting instructions were given to satellites 1 and 4. The places where these old guys were locked were not found elsewhere, just above the polar bear site, Kyzyl, the capital of the Tuva Republic, one of the main administrative units of the Russian Federation, Although it is equivalent to the capital of a provincial unit in the country, Kyzyl is actually quite ruined. The total population of this place in Russia and the outer borders is only 100,000.

There is no heavy industrial base here, but because it is one of the important hubs of Russia and the border areas, there are three large military bases around it. Riding on a satellite orbit for some time, Zhang Yang first hacked into Kyzyl's network system directly through several broilers. The speed of the invasion is very slow. This is not to blame Zhang Yang. It is not that he does not want to improve efficiency, but that the speed of the network in this place is too ugly.

Zhang Yang even doubts whether there is a high-speed network in this place in the past. I am afraid that it is only the most basic network, but this is also impossible. Russia’s network construction is even more painful than the country. I am afraid that some local networks on the vast Siberian plains cannot follow Big cities on the front line.

The Tuva Republic is more mineral-based, and the most numerous are the various mines, as other companies basically do not. Retrieved the data of the Republic of Tuva, very few can be found on the Internet, and finally Zhang Yang had to sneak into the Russian Ministry of State Land and Resources to find information about the Republic of Tuva.

I have to say that Zizi’s site is really rich in resources, but these were all Chinese sites, and they were all taken away by the quilt. Zhang Yang did not think of a reasonable way to go to this place for a long time. Do you want to sneak past? The question doesn't work like this. God knows that there are a few people among the old men. If there are too many people, there are several military bases around. If the Russian garrison is shocked, it will be a tragedy. Zhao Fei and they are not gods. It is impossible to bring people back under the tracking of aircraft cannons.

If there is a formal way that can be passed, it is best to let Zhao Fei sneak through the border and get these people back. The problem is that the entire Tuva Republic has nothing but mineral resources and forest resources. Even in the name of the Star Group, there was no good excuse in the past. your sister! It’s hard to choose any place, so you must choose such a broken place.

After struggling for a long time, Zhang Yang did not come up with a good idea. Throwing this thing behind his head, Zhang Yang turned off the computer and waited for the satellite to orbit. When the satellite passed, Zhang Yang searched from the sky to take a look Is there any place that can be used? It is best to find the place where the gang is being held.

While waiting for the satellite, Zhang Yang did not do anything else, but directly contacted gd. "Hello, are you busy?" gd asked Zhang Yang in a strange tone.

"Well, it's too busy, by the way, how are you there?" Zhang Yang asked vaguely, although he knew that there was a Zhongnanhai bodyguard around gd, but after all, the Tomahawks were mafia, who knows the other side Will the cards be played according to common sense? "It's okay, you reminded me, if I can still be overcast by the other party, you too underestimate me, a total of four people were caught, two died, but we caught a big fish." gd depressed The voice said.

"Big fish? What do you mean?" Zhang Yang froze for a moment. Didn't these people come to assassinate gd, or did they just come over and grab gd? What big fish can there be in this kind of person? Wouldn't those leaders even come by idiots? "Hey, one of these people is a member of the black widow. Now they are being detained to the Manchuria Bureau. They are discussing whether to give this person to the Russian police." gd whispered.

"What's the point of giving it to the Russian police? I guess the top level in Russia, like the Tomahawk, which has been in Russia for so many years, must have their eyeliner. Even if it is handed back, I'm afraid it will either be rescued or wiped out. I It’s probably not much use.” If the same thing happened in my previous life, then it is estimated that it must have been given to the Russian police in the end, but the black widow was arrested by the KGB not now, but a few years later, which also means now Even if it is handed over to the Russian police, I am afraid it has no effect.

These people must have been rescued, otherwise they would have been killed. "So what do you mean?" gd asked strangely. "I don't mean anything. You just look at the treatment. I'll call to see if you are dead or not. Now it looks like you are alive and well." Zhang Yang shrugged his shoulders. What happened to the gd has nothing to do with Zhang Yang. The reason why Zhang Yang called was that he was afraid that something might happen to gd.

Seeing gd is fine, Zhang Yang is naturally fine. "By the way, did you see Lan Mo?" gd suddenly thought of his phone to Zhang Yang and asked quickly.

"Uh... I didn't see it." Zhang Yang choked for a moment, and he forgot about it, but gd definitely meant to let Zhang Yang help Lan Mo, but Zhang Yang bought a whole building under Lan Mo's name last time. If there is no accident, should Lanmo's problem be solved?

"Fuck, can you do it, you quickly get Lan Mo, and then wait for me to go, I will take over again." gd said quickly.

"..." Zhang Yang was speechless. What does it mean to get it done quickly, and he will take over? Damn, how can this sound so awkward? "Well, I live not far from her place of work, I called to ask if she was there." Zhang Yang thought for a while, Lan Mo's technology is not bad at all, if Lan Mo can be brought into the Starry Sky Group That is also a master. The technical department of Star Group must have grown stronger. Anyway, wherever she goes to work, she might as well go to Star Group.

"Okay, then I won't tell you, the phone charge is very expensive." gd nodded immediately, and then hung up the phone directly. Zhang Yang rolled his eyes and picked up his phone to find the phone of the sales department of Mengxiyuan. He rang it directly. The phone rang twice and was picked up: "Hello, the sales department of Mengxiyuan."

"Hello, may I ask if Jiang Yu is here?" Zhang Yang asked.

"Yes, please wait a moment." There was a promise, and then the people over there put down the phone to call Jiang Yu. Zhang Yang is not really sure if this Jiang Yu is the Jiang Yu mentioned by gd. The address given to Zhang Yang by gd is obviously an address, but Jiang Yu did not tell Zhang Yang where he worked at the gd. The name Jiang Yu is also very common. It is not surprising that people have the same name and surname.

After waiting for about three or four minutes, the phone was picked up: "Hello, which one?" Jiang Yu's voice rang in the phone.

"Oh, it's me, the one who bought a building in your hands last time." Zhang Yang paused, then said with a smile.

"Ah... it's Hello, hello, can you tell me what's the matter with me?" Jiang Yu exclaimed, and then asked awkwardly.

"It's okay, so I will invite you to dinner this afternoon. Do you have time?" Zhang Yang tentatively asked if Jiang Yu was Lan Mo. Zhang Yang was not sure. If Jiang Yu was really Lan Mo, she might know. Zhang Yang, after all, Zhang Yang bought a building, and now the entire building is occupied by employees of the Starry Sky Group, gd can know the identity of l, Lan Mo wants to know that nature is not too difficult.

On the other end of the phone, there was a sudden silence. After about ten seconds, Jiang Yu said, "Well, then, I will ask Mr. Zhang to eat. After all, you helped me so much last time."

"Yes." Zhang Yang smiled immediately and didn't refuse. The two agreed on the time and location, looked at their watches, and it was almost time for dinner. There was still some time before the satellite orbit was completed. Zhang Yang thought about it, simply It doesn't matter, anyway, because of the influence of light at night, Zhang Yang can't get any useful information. I will talk about something tomorrow. RO! ! ! ;




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