The Strongest Hacker

Vol 2 Chapter 495: Butterfly effect (6)

Chapter 495 The Butterfly Effect (6)

"Prime Minister?" When Zhang Yang hung up the phone, Lan Mo couldn't help but asked curiously, his face was rather weird. Zhang Yang nodded, which was actually not a big deal, and said with a smile: "Because the next development of Star Group, there is some connection with the above."

"That's right. Okay..." Lan Mo didn't know what he thought of, hesitated and didn't say anything, Zhang Yang was a little strange, but Lan Mo didn't want to say, Zhang Yang would naturally not ask. After dinner, Zhang Yang sent Lan Mo back to her house. The place where Lan Mo lived was not far from Mengxi Garden. It was similar to what Zhang Yang thought. It belonged to the very old city and lived there. Still in the basement.

A computer drama in this small room is pretty advanced. Chapter 495 The Butterfly Effect (6), "Come in, don't think I'm in poor condition here." Coming in, it seems to Lan Mo that for Zhang Yang, I am afraid that she just lives in an ordinary building and belongs to a very poor type, so she let go.

The basement is not very large, very small, with a bed inside, a computer desk, and then some cooking things are all squeezed into a room, and it seems that Lan Mo has lived here for a long time. "You are now an employee of the Starry Sky Group, move to the company's dormitory building, there is no shortage of places where you live alone, this kind of place has lived for a long time, it is not good for the girl's body." Zhang Yang shook his head slightly. Very simply.

Girls are always afraid of cold, as is the case with Ren He. This kind of basement is quite humid and cold. In winter, I really don't know how Lan Mo spent it. Zhang Yang's words made Lan Mo a little distracted. For a long time, she blushed slightly and said: "Well, okay, let's go tomorrow. I hired a car to move all my things over."

"No, you just pack your clothes and important things, put them in Moushang, and then take the computer to us and we will go. The rest of the daily necessities in the dormitory have 490th. Chapter 5 Butterfly Effect (6) is a brand-new one for unified procurement." Zhang Yang said quickly. It would be fine if he didn't see it. After seeing it, Zhang Yang could not let Lan Mo live in such a place anyway, no matter what It is said that the two people also formed a deep fighting friendship. When Zhang Yang went to GOD for help, Lan Mo was the first to shoot GOD.

"Um... okay." For a long time, Lan Mo agreed with a whisper, and began to pack up his things. In fact, there was nothing to clean up. There were not many daily necessities in the whole house. All has been invested in the hospital, and it didn’t get better until Zhang Yang bought a building in her hands, but although there are millions of them, but her father is leukemia, if he has been living in the hospital, the money It won't last long.

Lanmo has two computers, a laptop and a desktop computer, all of which are placed in the trunk of the car, and her clothes and some daily necessities are simply stuffed into a large suitcase and gone. Put this in Mou's trunk, Lan Mo looked at the basement with some nostalgia, and then got on Zhang Yangmu's co-pilot.

After starting the car, hesitantly opened his mouth and tentatively asked: "Can you tell me why you want to be a sales lady? It is not difficult to find a job with a salary of several hundred thousand per year using your skills."

A trace of sorrow flashed on Lan Mo's face, and she spoke softly for a long time: "I'm not afraid that you know, in fact, my computer technology is learned from GOD. In the past, when I was self-study, the technology was not very good. Later I met GOD by accident, and gradually got the current technology, but GOD has never told anyone. The reason why I chose the sales lady in the past is because I can contact some rich people, I am not afraid of you jokes, I I used to think of being a mistress for others, or find a rich man to marry, but I haven’t been serious."

Zhang Yang nodded silently. Everyone has their own life. Zhang Yang has no right to evaluate the values ​​of others. No matter what Lan Mo chooses, she is not wrong. If possible, no one wants to live like that. Back at the company building, they greeted Zhao Fei and Zhang Yang took Lan Mo directly to the floor where Xia Yiyue lived, so that there was also a response between the girls.

"You will live here after thinking about it. This is a welfare room assigned to you by the company." Zhang Yang said to Lan Mo with a smile, looking at the newly renovated two-bedroom, one-bedroom house in front of him, there were some tears in Lan Mo's eyes The light was moving again, and for a long time she whispered, "Thank you."

"Haha, no need to thank you. I want to keep you in the Starry Sky Group, so I will pay these small benefits first. I am a vicious capitalist. Don't be fooled by my appearance." Zhang Yang smiled deliberately. Sound, jokingly said.

Lan Mo smiled a little, but Zhang Yang's words actually dispelled a lot of sadness. She smiled and said, "Well, then I will serve you as a capitalist."

"Well, then you take a break early. Tomorrow you can quit that job and go directly to work at the company. I'll go first, good night." Zhang Yang said with a smile.

"Okay... Zhang Pang... Well, you go back and forth, and I might have something here for me." Lan Mo hesitated a moment before speaking quietly.

Zhang Yang was a little puzzled, but he nodded and said, "OK, no problem." The entire building's network cables are installed. Anyway, these living facilities can't cost a few dollars. Zhang Yang simply installed all the rooms. Then, as long as the network cable is plugged in, it can be used. Back to his room, Li Keqing has not returned, and should not have finished work. Zhang Yang greeted Li Shufang before embarking on the floor where the computer was placed.

Opening his computer, Zhang Yang directly logged into the chat room. When Zhang Yang came in, Lan Mo was already there. In the chat room, GOD and others were not there, only the cumin lamb and the lone bamboo residual dream were there. When I saw Zhang Yang coming, Lan Mo did not hesitate and sent a private chat message directly to Zhang Yang. "匚, thank you, this thing I I got it by accident, but I haven't dared to publish it. Today I heard that you have a connection with it. I think it's still up to you to handle it."

After sending a message to Zhang Yang, Lan Mo directly sent a compressed folder. The name of the folder is just a number. Zhang Yang paused and accepted. The file is not large. The entire folder is probably dozens of dirty right. "What is it?" Zhang Yang accepted the document. Asked.

Because the entire apartment building is a local area network, Zhang Yang and Lan Mo can transfer files very fast, which means that the transfer is completed within ten seconds.

"This... you see, you will know after reading it." Lan Mo hesitated without saying. "Well, let me see." Zhang Yang nodded, and then directly decompressed the folder sent by Lan Mo. After opening the folder, there were hundreds of files. These files were not large, but the name of the file made Zhang Yang look. He froze sharply, without looking at the content, he knew what the file was about.

Dongfeng guided bomb leaks! The leak time announced in the fierce year seems to be at the beginning of the year. As the strategic armed force of the Republic, the strategic position of the Dongfeng missile series in the national defense system has been undoubted, but I have to say that some of them are deputy. The man has willingly abandoned his dignity for money. What's more important is that he hasn't sold much money, and it's just millions.

Zhang Yang had paid attention to this incident in detail, but Zhang Yang did not expect that there was a detailed document about this thing in Lan Mohu. Zhang Yang immediately began to view these files quickly. If Zhang Yang did not expect, some of the files in this folder were obviously about Dongfeng 31 missile data.

Zhang Yang looked at each file one by one. When he saw it, Zhang Yang's complexion had changed suddenly. Zhang Yang also learned about this event from the Internet in his previous life. The specific events are basically described on the network, but Zhang Yang has no roots at all. Unexpectedly, Lan Mo actually has such detailed information here!

If Zhang Yang remembered correctly. The year was arrested by a spy named Wo Weihan and a missile technology researcher named Guo Wanjun, but from the information given by Lan Mo, the people involved are not only Guo Wanjun, but Guo Wanjun’s There are obviously others behind!

And there are also several other spies under the Taiwan Military Intelligence Agency like Warwick, from the information in Lan Mo's hand, these things should be obtained from Warwick or from Guo Wanjun. of. "How did you get these things?" Zhang Yang asked directly after reading.

"It was not long after I learned the technology with GOD, and then I secretly caught a broiler on the Internet. I accidentally caught a packet in a broiler. At that time, the encryption method of this packet was very strange, because I was just learning, so Somewhat curious, I copied it secretly, and then began to crack the encryption method on it. It took me several months at the time. After I cracked it, I found this kind of terrifying inside. Things...but I dare not hand it over, nor dare to put it on the I said nothing, and it has been stored in my computer." Lan Mo explained to Zhang Yang directly.

Zhang Yang suddenly felt a little bit different. It turned out to be the case. God seems to make this group of **** too bad. Wo Weihan and Guo Wanjun are not important anymore. If there is no accident, they should be under the control of Guoan now. Now, the important thing is that the other people in the last document, these spies still hidden in the country are the real big fish!

This document should be preserved by Warwickham. Although it is not known what Warwickham kept it for, it was learned from the conversation in Warwickham's document that I am afraid that another spy has no place in the military. Small! This traitor must be obtained!

This is certainly not the case in my previous life. It is estimated that because Lan Mo was more afraid, he did not dare to turn this thing over. Later, around Q year, because it has been tried, Lan Mo thought that the matter was over, and it was estimated that he would destroy this thing directly. Too. In fact, Lan Mo may not even realize that the most important thing in this document is not the technical information of those missiles. Those things may have gone abroad already. The most important thing here is the chat record in the back, as well as some information about The clues of other hidden spies are the most important.

"I understand, you don't care about this matter, leave it to me." Zhang Yang nodded and said quickly. After closing the dialog with Lan Mo, Zhang Yang immediately pondered. It seems that the storm instigated by this little butterfly is not a little bit. If it does not appear by itself, I am afraid that this information will eventually be destroyed by Lan Mo. When the hidden spies are hidden, it is the greatest harm!

"Well, then I'm relieved, shouting, otherwise I really don't know how to deal with it." Lan Mo replied easily, and then said: "Then I will sort out the room, you are busy first."

Sitting in the position and meditating for a while, Zhang Yang took out his own mobile phone. Since this happened, Zhang Yang could not ignore it. Regardless of this country, at least Zhang Yang had not thought about going to other countries. At least it was as a What the Chinese should do.

Picking up the phone Zhang Yang's first thought was to call General Li. It was more appropriate to hand over this item as General Li, because without knowing the identity of these people, Zhang Yang would not dare to give it to him now. People in Guoan, who knows whether there is someone in Guoan.

Zhang Yang picked up the phone and didn't dial it. Instead, his phone rang first. When he picked up the phone, Zhang Yang was happy. Is it that he and the old general have the same spirit, and he is just about to call the old general~www.mtlnovel. com~ The old deputy's telephone deputy first came over. This time it was not a confidential call, but the Li family's.

"Hello, Grandpa." Since he called with Li Keqing last time, Zhang Yang also changed his tongue. Anyway, sooner or later, it would be better to call out to make the elderly happy. "Good, haha, stinky boy, you come to me here, someone introduces you to know." General Li said loudly with a smile.

"Okay, I'll go now." Zhang Yang nodded and agreed. After hanging up the phone, Zhang Yang printed out all the documents from Lan Mo and put them in his own briefcase. Zhang Yang quickly rushed to the old general's house.

When Zhang Yang came to the old general's house, Huang Kexin was already waiting outside. After seeing Zhang Yang's car coming, Huang Kexin came up with a smile.

With Huang Kexin leading the way, Zhang Yang naturally didn't have to be stopped by the outside guards. When he reached the old general's house, Bing entered the living room. Zhang Yang saw General Lu Yuanxing sitting on the sofa. Apparently the old general said to Zhang Yang that the person should be Lu Yuanxing. Admiral. ! ! ! ;




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