The Strongest Hacker

Vol 2 Chapter 506: Lower Tagil (1)

"Who are you?" Zhang Yang was a little confused, not knowing what was going on. It seems that this reaction should not be the reaction of an invaded person, right? what's going on? For a long time, Zhang Yang stopped the action of kicking him out of the system and hit on the writing board: "Who do you think I am?" The other party's sentence was inexplicable. Of course, Zhang Yang couldn't honestly say his identity directly.

"How did you find this server?" The other party asked another question. Zhang Yang is baffled. By the way, isn't your server hidden in a deep mountain and old forest? Is it strange that I found your server? Uh, it’s not right. "Is your server hidden by powerful broilers? Is it strange that I found your server? Although the other party asked strangely, Zhang Yang would like to use him as a computer. Chapter 506 A) Xiaobai, but obviously "this person is not.

Is it possible to have a computer system that has no computer system in the world as a server system? It’s just that this person’s question is too weird.” For a long time, Zhang Yang thought about it and typed: “I found this server directly through an IP. Is there any treasure hidden here? "" "Can you answer a few questions?" "The other party threw another inexplicable sentence.

Whether Zhang Yang's nerves are dull, he also knows that there must be something wrong with this situation. Zhang Yang immediately typed and said, "You said."

Zhang Yang waited for about a minute or so." The other party suddenly pasted a large paragraph of text, and Zhang Yang quickly glanced at these words: "Starry sky, translate all of them into Chinese. "With Zhang Yang's words, Starry Sky quickly translated these texts." However, the text on the original writing board was not modified, but only a copy was attached to the writing board on Zhang Yang's own chicken.

Zhang Yang looked at these questions carefully. The questions were all very strange, but Zhang Yang had a sense of familiarity. After a long time of contemplation, Zhang Yang said quickly: "Starry sky, let's search for the problem of Chapter 506 under Tagil (1). "As soon as Zhang Yang's voice fell, the voice of the starry sky rang: The "Answer" of these questions was the same as some of the contents of the encryption method before cracking the first sequence of stored files."

The words of the starry sky immediately made Zhang Yang realize, "Write all the "Answers" cases of the question and directly convert them into English to send to the other party." Zhang Yang has vaguely understood that this person may be one of Zhang Yang's rescuers, otherwise If it does, the other party cannot know the contents of the encrypted file before the data that Zhang Yang obtained from that server.

Sure enough, after Zhang Yang passed the "Answer" cases, this person quickly sent a new message: "Did you get the data in that server?"

"Yes, I'm here to save you. Where are you now? Are you still in that villa?" Zhang Yang thought about it and didn't hide his purpose. He said the purpose directly, so that he could test the other party. Who is it. Although it was said that the other party had asked such a question, "it may not necessarily be that Zhang Yang wanted to rescue those old men, maybe those old men have already been confessed by the Freemasonry." They might have asked what was in their materials.

"Are you here to save us? You have arrived in Kyzyl?" Since Zhang Yang can know what the goal is, then obviously he has arrived in Kyzyl, otherwise, it is unlikely to know. But what they did not expect was that Zhang Yang would Directly own a satellite to monitor the situation in this place.

"Yes." After thinking about it, Zhang Yang directly asked the starry sky to transmit the real-time image of satellite monitoring to another monitor. Zhang Yang looked at it, and there was no movement around the villa.

"Great! You are finally here, where are you? When can you take me away?", the other party seemed more eager than Zhang Yang. "It was like waiting for a long time. Zhang Yang always felt a little strange, is this a conspiracy?" It took a long time for Zhang Yang to narrow his eyes slightly and think about the time," Zhang Yang quickly typed and said, "Are you still in that villa? I listen to your words, can you act freely?"

"You can say that." The other party said vaguely. Zhang Yang thought about his time for a long time before he said, "Well, at six o'clock tomorrow afternoon," we will meet you at the villa, and then I will take you out of Russia. The secret number is the carduelis, 〖Chinese〗 Mandarin carduelis! "Zhang Yang directly gave a time, and at the same time temporarily thought of a secret signal, as for the language "completely unnecessary" "If you are not sure about the identity of the other party," Zhang Yang could not let Zhao Fei pass them by.

"Understood! Then I will get off." The other party left a word directly, and then there was no sound. At this time, Zhang Yang also saw the data retrieval inside the server by Starry Sky. There is no other useful information. It can be said that the entire server has nothing but a system. It is a complete empty shell. After hesitating, Zhang Yang immediately asked Starry Sky to remove all traces of himself, and then directly exited the server. .

After exiting the server, Zhang Yang carefully searched all his broilers again and again, "confirmed that there were no omissions", and no one followed him. Zhang Yang completely shut down these broilers. After turning off the broilers, Zhang Yang gave a command to the starry sky for a while and thought: "From now on" with the monitoring target as the center, monitoring all targets within a 100-kilometer radius of the target, large-scale personnel gathering occurs, or is in the target Unknown people appear around. After analysis and comparison, all are monitored in real time. If there is instant information, send a message directly to my mobile phone. "

"Understand, repeat the command and monitor all abnormal biological movements within a 100-km radius with the target as the center. Large-scale personnel transfers or comparisons with unknown characters will immediately be monitored in real-time around the clock." Starry Sky repeated the command directly. After the confirmation is correct, "Starry Sky will immediately start execution. Because these satellites are all satellites of the US Missile Defense System, such a satellite can monitor more than 20 missile targets at the same time." If these personnel are monitored, the number of monitoring will be doubled. Rise. With the help of starry sky, there is nothing wrong with monitoring more than 100 targets at the same time.

What Zhang Yang needs to wait for now is to see if this person is the one he wants to save, or the Freemasonry, or the Russian intelligence service. Regardless of the latter, if you want to catch the person Zhang Yang sent In that case, it is necessary to send a large number of people to come over. "The whole villa is surrounded by forested areas and the terrain is quite complicated. This is beneficial to Zhao Fei" and it is also beneficial to the enemy. However, if the enemy wants to achieve full control, more personnel will be needed.

Even if so many people are lurking in the mountain forest near the currently deserted villa, the starry sky can also be directly monitored by satellite. Yan Kong is not a human, there will be no slacking, and it is definitely monitored 24 hours a day. . After giving the order, Zhang Yang directly contacted Zhao Fei by telephone.

"I have just contacted the person we need to save. The situation has changed a bit. It seems that the other party's situation is not dangerous. I have made an appointment to meet at the target villa at 6 pm tomorrow." Then I took them away, but I did not Dare to guarantee that the other party is 100% of the person we want, maybe it will be a trap and you can’t be sure, so when the time comes, you need to lurking around, I will confirm whether someone is ambushing through the satellite. "If someone ambushing, I will Send a signal to tell you to let you leave directly. If there is a signal shielding phenomenon, you don’t have to wait for my signal.” Leave Kizil directly. "After connecting Zhao Fei's phone, Zhang Yang said the situation immediately.

"Understood." Zhao Fei was also unambiguous, and hung up the phone after leaving a word. Zhang Yang didn't talk much, what Zhao Fei did was what they used to do. "How to do it, Zhao Fei knows them." Zhang Yang doesn't need to be as detailed as the command, just tell them the battlefield situation.

It’s already evening to complete these and look forward to tomorrow, take a civil aviation Boeing 747 chartered by Star Heavy Industries first to a military base in the BJ military area, and then follow the country’s special plane directly to Russia’s Nizhny Tagil . Back to the room, Li Keqing is already asleep, and tomorrow Zhang Yang will go to the next tower. "Li Keqing and Chen Xiaowei will not be able to leave. Luo Tianshu and some of the management who were promoted from the original companies, as well as quite a large number of technicians, will follow.

The entire delegation of Starry Sky Heavy Industry is about 50 or 60 people, plus the company's 20 security guards. Waking up early the next day, Li Shufang had already got up to Zhang Yang to clean up his salute, and Ding asked the old man to leave Zhang Yang and Li Keqing out for a long time.

"There won't be any danger Li Keqing asked worriedly on the road.

"No, we went with the national staff, and we didn't do anything, rest assured." Zhang Yang touched Li Keqing's long, soft hair a little dumbly.

"Well, then you have to be careful. I used to watch TV reports and said that some planes of these weapons and equipment airshows have come down." Li Keqing's face could not be erased.

"It's okay, it's okay, even those planes don't dare to fall into the crowd even if they fall." Rest assured. Besides, "we will not have an air show this time we go." I guess it is a negotiating negotiation with Russia. Zhang Yang said with a smile.

"En" is good. Then you go early and return early. The company has something to do today. I can't go to the airport to send you. be careful. "When Li Keqing was sent to the company, she reluctantly kissed Zhang Yang's face and got out of the car.

"Relax, I will be back in five days." Zhang Yang waved his hand and said. ! ! ! ;




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