The Strongest Hacker

Vol 2 Chapter 513: Your IQ is superior (3)

No one in the room said anything. Karloikov was thinking what Zhang Yang did not know, but he could guess what he was trying to get from Zhang Yang’s mouth, but he didn’t dare to take Zhang Yang too much. After all, Zhang Yang He has diplomatic immunity and is the richest man in the world. This dual identity makes it impossible for him to use the means often used by Zhang Yang. ;

Zhang Yang is even less likely to take the initiative to speak, and now the initiative is on his side, Zhang Yang naturally enjoys leisure. It took a long time for Kaloikov to say softly, "Mr. Zhang is sorry, please forgive our recklessness, but this time we are here to ask Mr. Zhang to cooperate, if there is any special news, please tell us, the Russian government Thank you very much. In the next few days, you may have to harass Mr. Zhang, please, Chapter 513, your IQ is very good (3) Mr. Zhang forgive me.",

"It's okay, I can understand your difficulties. If there is any news, I will inform you. In addition, I think you will investigate after you have a similar conversation. Otherwise, I don't think I would mind passing on today's things. "", advocating "Dadu", waved his hand, while adding a word of saltiness.

There was some sweat on Kalokov's forehead immediately. Although Zhang Yang's words were only a threat, how could this threat be said? Although the Russian government did not care, it did not affect Russia at all. It is well known that Russia The economic environment is relatively poor, and if Zhang Yang really spreads the news, and then affects the disappointment of many investment businessmen on the Russian investment environment, I am afraid that the Russian president will hack him.

It’s okay if it’s an ordinary businessman, but the other party is the richest man in the world anyway. This influence is still there. Although it is not much, even if one is lost, it is also a big loss for the Russian economic environment! "Mr. Zhang is assured that we will." Kaloikov nodded respectfully, then stood up and said goodbye.

Zhang Yang is no nonsense, you have a very good IQ directly in Chapter 513 (3) Nodded, said nothing and sent them out of the room. After the four Russian security bureaus left, the staff of the two governments said respectfully: "Mr. Zhang, we will report to you on the matter today. If there is any excessive request from the other party, Mr. Zhang, you can Directly refuse, or wait until we come to talk."

"Well, I know thank you two." Zhang Yang smiled and said politely.

"You're welcome, this is what we should do." The two staff members smiled and nodded. "Nodded and turned around and left. Not long after returning to the room, Zhang Yang's door was knocked again, and Zhang Yang went to look at it. It was Luo Tianshu. When Luo Tianshu was let into the house, she immediately asked, "Are you all right?" "It's okay, what can happen, who knows if the gang is taking medicine, and somehow ran over." Zhang Yang shrugged his shoulders. Luo Tianshu didn't know about Zhao Fei's coming here. It's better to hide Luo Tianshu when people are married now, otherwise Luo Tianshu wouldn't worry about what to show.

"Oh, if they have anything excessive, just tell me, I will protest with it." Luo Tianshu nodded to know. Zhang Yang smiled bitterly, "Do you think it's still useful to hide my identity? When I came, I didn't think about it. May the Russian intelligence personnel not know my identity? They already knew it.",

"Uh..., haha, don't be depressed and deceive others." Luo Tianshu couldn't help but smile when he saw Zhang Yang's expression, and reached out and patted Zhang Yang's shoulder.

Zhang Yang rolled his eyes and nodded silently: "I know, but is there any progress on your side?" In fact, this time Starry Heavy Industry is still preparing to buy something to go back, although the latest engine may not be sold well. For the "China" country, but some relatively advanced domestic engines can still be sold to the country, but these are not the most important. It does not matter whether you can buy Chengdu!

As long as Zhang Yang took the boy back, TMD. By then Lao Maozi begged to use T-80

Zhang Yang may not be willing to exchange his technology for him. Isn't your engine a cow? Then you will cry. Zhang Yang couldn't help but start YY, "Hey, uh... I said you are really a man, always go away when you're fine." Luo Tianshu couldn't help but patted Zhang Yang, he just answered the question for a long time, and he started feelings again. Distracted.

"Ah... It's okay, it's okay, you say." Zhang Yang Xiaohan gave a bit of a look, it seemed too easy YY is not a good thing.


"Speaking of farts, actually I really look at the T-80Y column, but unfortunately the other party is not happy." Luo Tianshu shook his head slightly and said. Zhang Yang was somewhat helpless: "That’s for sure. You don’t have to look at how huge the influence that thing has on the country. Once Russia sells it to us, it is estimated that all engines in our country will have a large-scale jump in the future. State, can Russian aircraft be sold to our country by then?",

"Even if it's not like that, will our country still buy Russian aircraft? Luo Tianshu raised his eyebrows and asked a bit of speechlessly, but Luo Tianshu said it was not bad. Unlike the late 20th century, domestic technology is now rapidly improving. For example, the J-10 series of fighters that have attracted the attention of the world, although they still have the shadow of the Su series of fighters, they are basically domestically produced. Although their engines have some shortcomings, they are always the first domestically produced third-generation fighters!

But Zhang Yang knew that the purpose of releasing J-10 in 2005 was to attract the attention of other people. At this time, if Zhang Yang remembered correctly, the legendary J-20 is also in the late stage of development. In addition to the engine's shortcomings, the J-20, which was exposed a few years later, can be said to have reached the fourth generation fighter.

"But the world is really unfair to say. The European and American arms embargoes on China have been for so many years. Otherwise, our country would have caught up." Luo Tianshu said with a sigh.

Zhang Yang smiled slightly: "Science and technology cannot be blocked. That is what human imagination and creativity can achieve. The blockade can only block for a period of time. It cannot be blocked forever, but the blockade is not necessarily a bad thing. . India has not been blocked, but can their country's independent research and development capabilities be comparable to those in China? Perhaps because of the blockade, our domestic independent research and development capabilities have reached the current level."

These remarks are not unreasonable. In fact, there are countless people who have this view in the world. Although the arms embargo is a great development of domestic technology, it is also beneficial. It is also because of the arms embargo. The domestic independent research and development capability has reached the point where it is now, and it has begun to slowly catch up with the international advanced level. The efforts made during this period are obvious to all over the world.

When the Republic was first established, the country was almost inferior, and the Republic really built the most basic industrial foundation and began to carry out various technological research and development to catch up with the world's powerful countries. It was already after 1955. It can be said that at that time the Republic’s technology had just started,

At the beginning, at that time, American aircraft carriers and so on had been in the Pacific Ocean for decades.

These fortunes are left over to us by older scientists, so although things like engines may still be a decade or two behind the world, the gap will gradually narrow. It is useless to simply block something, and it is impossible to block it.

"Okay, I didn't see it, saying that I still have this vision and insight. It looks like I underestimated you." Luo Tianshu looked at Zhang Yang with some surprise, and said with emotion.

"Go, the things here are for you. Anyway, if you can buy something useful, just buy it.

Well, save time and return empty-handed. "Zhang Yang thought for a while and then urged him again."

"Well, I understand. Then I will go back to rest first, and you should take a rest early."

Luo Tianshu said with a smile.

After sending Luo Tianshu away from the room, Zhang Yang thought about it and returned to his room. He did not go to the computer. At this time, I am afraid that the KGB is monitoring all the network data of this base. Zhang Yang wants to avoid the other party’s exploration. Too likely. Now Zhao Fei and they have successfully come to Taguire, and so far the KGB has not found anything. Presumably Zhao Fei, they should not be difficult to dive into the plane.

After all, there are more than 20 crew members left on the special plane of the Star Group on the plane. Even if the KGB is constantly monitoring the aircraft of various countries, it is impossible to be foolproof, so Zhang Yang is not worried at all. If there is a problem, Zhao Fei can do it even if they cannot sneak into the plane.

Back in his room, Zhang Yang went to bed directly. Yesterday he slept too late. Today he visited for another whole day. At this time, Zhang Yang was already tired.

Not long after lying in bed, Zhang Yang went to sleep than eight o'clock the next morning, Zhang Yang was woken up by the phone. Picking up the phone at the head of the bed, Zhang Yang picked it up smoothly: "Hello?"

"Don't you come out today?" Luo Tianshu's voice was on the phone.

"Ah?" Zhang Yang was inexplicable. "Forget it, I don't think you heard what people said yesterday, and you still have a visit today, but if you don't want to come out, don't come out. Anyway, your identity is also discovered by others. If you don't come out, they won't say. what.

Luo Tianshu said helplessly.

"That" ""Well, I'm really sleepy, I will sleep again. Zhang Yang nodded and hung up the phone. Zhang Yang picked up the mobile phone above the bedside smoothly. As soon as he picked up the phone, Zhang Yang saw the three text messages on it. Zhang Yang's face immediately changed slightly.

By the way, didn’t you sleep like this yesterday? None of the three messages was heard. Zhang Yang hurriedly opened the information in the phone. As soon as the information was opened, Zhang Yang was stunned. ! ! ! ;




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