The Strongest Hacker

Vol 2 Chapter 516: Zombie Cow Ghost (2)

There are technicians from the Star Group, as well as technicians from other countries and other companies. The bodyguards of each company take their own company's personnel to the export quickly.

People in the Russian military are not blocking, just maintaining order. When Zhang Yang rushed to the entrance of the exhibition hall, there were already gun-like guns outside, but they were quite far away from here, and they were not particularly clear. If it was just that explosion, it would be fine, but as these gunshots came, there was some confusion in the entire exhibition hall.

"Quiet! Quiet! Please be quiet! Something happened outside, it is not safe to go out now! Please wait here first, wait for the outside to be completely safe, we will send someone to protect everyone!" A Russian officer at the door shouted in English Said. Chapter 516 The Snake God Niu Gui (2) All the people present have seen the world. Everyone has been quiet after hearing the officer’s call. Because this exhibition hall is mainly the Air Force Weapons Exhibition, and all of them are in kind, the entire exhibition hall is very large, just like the large venues that host sports games.

The entrances and exits are very large, allowing a plane to pass directly through the entrance. Zhang Yang rushed faster. At this moment, just in front of the door, just in case everyone was squatting, a row of Russian soldiers stood in front of Zhang Yang. From the gap between these soldiers, Zhang Yang could see far away On the right side of the entrance of the entire base, there was a huge fire from the front of Zhang Yang who came from there. And the gunfire also came from that direction.

Two minutes later, several fully equipped gunships flew directly over Zhang Yang’s head and flew straight in that direction. I don’t know why. Zhang Yang was not particularly worried. Although I don’t know what the organization of these suspensions got by GOD, they still look too high on themselves.

After all, this is one of the most stringent military bases in Russia. I don’t know how many defensive measures are in the vicinity of the base, and here is also Russia’s territory. Chapter 516 The Zombie Bull Ghost (2), these terrorist organizations can be in this place It is already very good to set off such a storm. The development of the incident really followed Zhang Yang's imagination, probably ten minutes later, accompanied by a violent explosion, and so on, it quickly calmed down.

And the Russian officer just now apologized and asked everyone to stand up and say: "Sorry, everyone was surprised. Now please return to the hotel's respective room. We will give you an explanation soon." With this officer Soon, more than a dozen commuter cars drove over. Everyone got on the bus. These commuter cars sent everyone back to the hotel. At this moment the entire hotel has been completely martial law, from inside to outside are all soldiers on guard.

After returning to the room, Zhang Yang did not go out. After thinking about it, Zhang Yang turned on the computer. Instead of using a springboard, this time he used a computer to log in directly to the Heimen Forum. Anyway, his current identity does not have to be concealed. Look, even if it was discovered by the other party, he didn't do anything illegal.

After turning on the computer and looking at it for a long time, there is no latest news on the Black League forum and the war on the Internet is obviously still continuing. I don't know when these guys are going to retreat. After thinking for a while, Zhang Yang was inconvenienced by himself now. After thinking about it, Zhang Yang called up the starry sky with his mobile phone and looked at the current state of the boat. After checking it again, Zhang Yang was very happy. He didn't expect that the starry sky had successfully hacked into the monitoring system of the entire base.

Zhang Yang quickly transferred the information of the monitoring system through the mobile phone, because the monitoring system is connected to the hotel network, it is not connected to the military network in the military base, so the starry sky hacking into the monitoring system means the entire The hotel's server system is already under the control of the starry sky.

Checking the hotel's server, Zhang Yang was a little surprised that the Russian military did not monitor the entire hotel's network operation, or that they had already withdrawn it. Are they really so relieved? But even so, Zhang Yang did not directly connect to the starry sky through the hotel's internal network.

After putting the phone down, Zhang Yang first found several broilers, and then connected to the starry sky through these broilers. In this way, although his computer will exchange data with the outside world, it is much less than the data exchange directly connected to the starry sky. Starry Sky only needs to show specific information to the broiler chicken that Yang found.

After all the preparations were made, Zhang Yang directly switched to the website of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs through the starry sky, quickly let the starry sky analyze the personnel on both sides, and Zhang Yang directly followed the group of people who were now madly attacking the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. . It is not difficult to track the other party's IP, the difficulty is to find his true location without being counter-discovered. Zhang Yang quickly found the first IP of these people through analysis software. After letting the starry sky analyze the IP, Zhang Yang patiently waited for the result.

The performance of the broiler chickens in his hands is not high, and the analysis speed will be very slow. While waiting for the result, Zhang Yang looked at the war on the official website of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Without waiting for the tracking results of the starry sky, suddenly the official website of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs had no direct access.

Zhang Yang shook his head slightly, and it seemed that the gang had succeeded again. From the attack strength and direction of these people, they could all see that they were quite familiar with the Russian system and knew what kind of bugs there were. Otherwise, the efficiency of cracking firewalls and systems cannot be so high.

I don’t know who has such a high means other than anubia. Is it black widow? This is also possible. Black widows are also very common in Russia. It is not surprising that they can get information in this regard. Tomahawk can expand so much in Russia. If there is no one in the Russian government, I am afraid no one will believe it.

After waiting for two or three minutes, I subconsciously refreshed the website and a new announcement popped up. The official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has become bare, and only a solitary announcement is posted on it. Obviously, this hacker put it on. Only when Zhang Yang subconsciously looked at this announcement, he was stunned. This announcement was actually written in Chinese!

"This incident is a lesson for you. Don’t mess with trouble next time if you don’t have anything to do with TM. You Russian old Maozi has every good thing. What’s your sister’s name, the time you invaded from the early morning and the previous time in the world Isn't it okay to have hacking incidents in other places? Grass, you TMD is okay to blame you, right?..." When I saw this, Zhang Yang felt weird. Why is this TMD so familiar?

After reading this Chinese announcement, and then looking at the following, Zhang Yang was dumbfounded. In the lower right corner of this announcement, there are five letters gacad! I am grass! Zhang Yang almost jumped up from the nippers, Nima, who did this? Zhang Yang almost bit his tongue down, and I said, how is this tone so familiar? Who dares to pretend to be the name of Laozi?

Zhang Yang was getting hot, he just wanted to start, but soon Zhang Yang calmed down. No, this matter must be considered clearly. Since the other party dared to impersonate his gacad ID, it obviously has a certain amount of capital. If he is impulsive and now blacks the official website of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, it is really yellow mud falling into the crotch Here, it’s not **** but shit.

Grass, if I let Lao Tzu know who did it, Lao Tzu must be black and you can't take care of yourself. MLBGD, Zhang Yang opened his mouth and scolded, and then quickly switched to the starry sky page. Now Zhang Yang has to go into battle personally, TMD. The easiest way to find the identity of this group of people is to directly track their mail and copy their Find out the true location.

Starry Sky's analysis result is very fast, the other party's first broiler is not powerful, Zhang Yang directly started to track the position of the other party. Zhang Yang’s current tracking method is not the same as his previous life, plus Zhang Yang’s experience of training some time ago, although this person’s method of disguising gacad is very similar to uses the ability of virus, but after analysis Zhang Yang knew that there was still a gap between his strength and his strength, and Zhang Yang had a feeling that the other party was not even alone.

Silently drilled into the first broiler of the other party, with the help of the starry sky, Zhang Yang searched the other party's next connection IP more quickly. Since the other party has pretended to have issued an announcement, although it is not known when he will retreat, it is best to track the other party's position as soon as possible.

While tracing, Zhang Yang kept watching the status of the website of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Now the guy posing as himself on the website of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has not continued to defend, and the technical staff of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs just deleted the announcement and issued A hacked announcement came up, and no other similar claims were issued.

After more than half an hour, Zhang Yang has followed the other party’s IP around the world, while the remaining broilers are getting stronger and stronger, most of them are in the United States. There is a broiler or even a space agency. Server. Zhang Yang felt something vaguely felt in his heart, but he couldn't grasp this idea. ! ! ! ;




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