The Strongest Hacker

Vol 2 Chapter 517: Zombie Cow Ghost (3)

Zhang Yang hasn't got an answer here yet, but instead called D's phone call. "Shoot c. What?"

...D asked directly, because GOD knew that the only contact with gscsd was probably publicity, so he simply called. Zhang Yang rapped on the keyboard and said quickly: "Impossible, I send a message to that guy. He doesn't seem to be online. It's impossible that he did it. Besides, he won't be busy with things."

"Oh, so, the problem is that the tone is too similar, if it is not gscsd, who can it be? After all, other people are estimated to have no such strength." Nao D asked strangely.

"How do I know this, that guy has too many enemies, maybe anubis people want to black him, he also said that Chapter 517 is not allowed by the zombie bull ghost (3), after all, the last time cu appeared But let... u suffered a big loss, although no countries have issued announcements, but I think there should be quite a lot of people investigated by anubis by various governments." Zhang Yang paused, watching the progress bar on the screen go At the end, then open to GODD. Road.

"What are you going to do?" Gscsd and Zhang Yang should be good friends, so GOD would ask.

"What should I do? Cold mix! Anyway, I have already sent this thing to the gscsd guy. I don't know how to do it, and it is not possible for me to want a mover here, so I can only watch it. This matter You don’t have to worry about it, let the gscsd animal handle it yourself. He has caused too much trouble. You can join in the excitement. It is estimated that you will also have trouble.” GOD means to help, but Zhang Yang can’t let him join in.

"Okay, I see. Are you okay there?"

...D asked.

"It's okay." Zhang Yang agreed, and the two exchanged a few words of greeting before hanging up the phone. Zhang Yang threw the phone aside and slowly opened the new answer on the desktop. Zhang Yangzai looked carefully. This is the post analysis information that Zhang Yang waited for in a new post in Chapter 517 of the zombie ox and ghost (3), but it made Zhang Yang feel weird. This post analysis information is too strange.

Generally speaking, even the mails of some large company's servers connecting these servers are more than a hundred, because the connection and access are not the same concept, and the mails that are accessed cannot be regarded as connections. However, the first-level broiler Zhang Yang recently searched by Zhang Yang has just retrieved it, and there are more than 200 postal addresses connected to this broiler.

And they are all connected for a long time and have never been broken. This is very weird. The broiler itself has been checked by Zhang Yang, and it seems to be a private server, because there is no public information in it. It is just something very ordinary. It seems that there are some design drawings and the like should be a design. Division’s personal server, but a designer’s personal server is unlikely to have so many people connected.

And from the point of view of connection time, the shortest connection time among the more than 200 postal addresses has been more than two hours, and the longest is as many as ten hours. dry! It took a long time for Zhang Yang to spit out a word, and after thinking about it, Zhang Yang temporarily released the server and kept a copy of all the analysis information, and then Zhang Yang switched directly to start looking for the specific address of the broiler.

I searched this post by private call e, "It's very good, very powerful!" From the address in New York State, the post should be an address in Manhattan. After retrieving it, Zhang Yang thought about it and landed in the United States directly with a springboard. Now the search function of Shy Long is far less powerful than later, but it is so, it is easier to use than Baidu’s second-level crippled stuff. More, at least it can really find a lot of low-level information, and even with Hung Hung Red you can search for loopholes in some websites.

Think about it, Zhang Yang searched this address again with Hongfei e, because Zhang Yang uses the US postal server, so the performance of the mailer does not have any discount, but the full screen should still make Zhang Yang some eggs. It hurts. Although Zhang Yang's English is actually quite good because of programming, etc., this full-screen English looks quite painful.

"Starry sky, translate it." Zhang Yang is too lazy to read it by himself. You know English, but it is not your mother tongue after all, and it is impossible to see it at a glance as if you were reading Chinese. In a few seconds, the starry sky directly translated Zhang Yang into Chinese. Zhang Yang looked carefully in the answers searched by Clare. "As soon as I turned a page, Zhang Yang's eyes lit up suddenly, and he immediately sneered. m You D, I said how this thing feels wrong. Looking at the answer on the post above, Zhang Yang touched his chin. Now, Zhang Yang would like to praise the American people. The American people are still very strong. Sometimes you have to admire the paparazzi of the American tabloid... really want to be sharp.

In this search answer, a person asked a question in a column similar to Baidu knows, asking who knows what the address that Manhattan Zhangyang searched for is often seen, there are people coming and going, but there is no sign , And sometimes inexplicable sounds often came from midnight, he wanted to call the police.

And among the people who answered below, there is a very powerful one who directly gave the answer: "Dude, I advise you to forget it, that place is... It’s a secret branch in Manhattan, I know a person who happens to be FBI agent, he told me."

This answer is very powerful, Zhang Yang smiled strangely, it looks like a lot of surprises and nagging people, but sometimes most of them, some real answers online people say that they are eggs, they will not go Just believe it. In fact, what the lace tabloids sometimes say may not be true, but it may not be false!

Zhang Yang finally felt a little bit of purpose, m Zhao D, is the relationship between old beauty and beauty behind him? Just why? Zhang Yang narrowed his eyes and thought for a long time, simply planted him stolen? Unlike, Lao Mei knows that even if it is stolen to teach cu? They can't catch gscsd with their own powerful technology in the network field. Can we expect the Russian KGB to catch it?

Even if they brought Zhang Yang out, but they could not trace the location of Zhang Yang, so it would be meaningless to plant stolen goods. If it's not stolen? Then there is only one possibility. Lao Mei is using the name He Bi to cover up other facts!

Thinking of this, Zhang Yang directly issued a new command to the starry sky: "All the data traffic that connects to this post is offline. All you need to do is track where they go." After issuing the command, Zhang Yang immediately started on the network Search for other information.

Now Zhang Yang must figure out what Lao Mei wants to cover up. Otherwise, if you want to fight back, you can't find the right direction. Searching for information on the Internet is a technical activity. There is so much information on the Internet. Some of the news may just be useless. It may cover up what you want and information. It is quite difficult to find what you want to use in the vast variety of news.

Now that it is affirmed by Lao Mei, it is absolutely impossible to simply swindle and blame. Whether it is FBI or かa or ォQ, there is no point that they are rich enough to let them use wages and appropriation budget to do such useless work. Since they did this, there must be a higher interest for them to do so. And the only thing related to this matter is only two events. First, the entire city network of Kyzyl was killed, so it proves that Kyzyl has what the old and beautiful need.

Second, the base where Zhang Yang was located was attacked! Zhang Yang didn’t doubt it at first, but when he saw this, he felt that it should not be a terrorist organization’s job, even if the purpose of the terrorist organization was to create chaos and not be brain-damaged to attack a military base.

Unless they have absolute strength to win this military base, but obviously, this is impossible. Besides, military bases are bound to be around military bases. It is impossible for ordinary people or even the news media to come. What is the purpose of the terrorist organization’s attack? The purpose is to attract everyone's attention and use the attention of ordinary people to achieve their purpose of influencing countries.

Attacking military bases is unlikely to achieve this goal, because it would be too easy to block the news, and it would be a sensation like the "a" event to attract attention. Of course, what is the truth This is really an unknown.

Zhang Yang didn't want to talk about the truth, maybe it was Pull. Uncle Deng was right, but there was definitely a mess in it. Zhang Yang once saw the alert level of the US Air Force Base. All the air bases in the United States and other nearby air bases, even in peacetime, after receiving the most important alarm, the duty fighter can be tight within the old minutes? * 鸱How many kills are there?br/>

But just at the time of the incident, from the first plane being hijacked to the last plane landing, the whole incident took more than three hours, which was close to 3 hours. However, during this period, although US fighter planes have appeared... But it appeared only dozens of minutes after the first plane crashed into the building...and it turned out that the order to destroy the fighter plane was purely false.

Just before the incident, the United States wanted to get the benefits of Afghanistan, but there was no possibility of shooting. And just now, it gave the US military enough excuses.

It can be seen from this that anything can happen in this world. The truth, maybe you can never think of it, but in any case, these prove the truth! If there is not enough interest, the United States will definitely not do that kind of idle egg pain.

However, from the email given by GODD, Zhang Yang was unable to find the two contacts, but the name of the terrorist organization was mentioned in the dialogue. What is the name of an organization like a night bearer? This organization belongs to an illegal armed group in Chechnya.

After thinking about it, Zhang Yang’s fast class turned to Kizil. The holders did not get any news. It’s nonsense that you expect this kind of terrorist organization to have a network. do not know. Now the only place to start is Kyzyl.

After returning to Kyzyl, Zhang Yang thought about it and searched all the news reported by Kyzyl recently. While looking for them one by one, he also found a pair of Kyzyl city maps to start a comparison. . No matter what the United States wants to do, network operations alone are definitely not possible. Since the other party destroyed the entire urban system, including traffic control, etc., it is clear that there is action in reality to cover up.

About half an hour later, Zhang Yang finally found what he needed. This is a very unremarkable news, reported in a small local newspaper in Kefangle. It is said that a serious exchange of fire between the Russian military and terrorist organizations was suspected in a place in Kyzyl.

This was reported on a very obscure small newspaper. For this reason, Zhang Yang also searched again. It seems that the local TV station in Kyzyl has also broadcast such news, but it soon passed. But it's weird that there are no such things reported in other major newspapers and national television stations such as Moscow.

If this matter is true, then obviously these Russian national TV stations cannot fail to report it. It is also unfortunate that this newspaper has also written out the approximate place where the shootout took place, and the location is just where the little boy lived. nearby.

If this report says that it may be misunderstood by these newspapers because the KGB is performing its mission Then I am afraid that the next report should not be a coincidence? This report did not say anything, just mentioned that when the Kizil forest fire broke out, several armed helicopters flew over Kizil, and it seemed that these armed helicopters were chasing A military transport helicopter that flew shortly before them.

This was provided by a hunting old hunter in the mountain forest southwest of Kyzyl. This information is close enough to let people contact you!

As Zhang Yang touched his chin to think about things, suddenly GOD sent Zhang Yang an email from his mobile phone: "Are you sure that gscsd is not online yet?"

"He's here, but after replying to me, no one is there, what's wrong?" Zhang Yang returned the email strangely. People like cu, who haven’t been online and can’t explain it, let alone, Zhang Yang is also ready to act. Anyway, he doesn’t plan to take this dirty water to himself, so he just lied to it, anyway. GODD will not doubt. ! ! ! ;




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