The Strongest Hacker

Vol 2 Chapter 519: Hackers are also crazy (2)

After calling GODD, Zhang Yang picked up the phone and called Black Hawk. As for whether Black Hawk would help release this announcement, Zhang Yang would not know. It’s always right to ask, the phone quickly connected, and the Black Eagle immediately answered the phone and asked strangely: "Zhang Yang? Are you in Lower Tagil?"

Zhang Yang whispered a secret in his heart, MD, knowing that he can't hide your gang of animals. "Well, I'm in Nizhny Tagil, do you know what happened in Russia? The latest announcements issued by the United States and Russia." Zhang Yang asked directly.

"I know, the US Department of Foreign Affairs has sent a diplomatic note, inviting us to join this national cybersecurity organization, but the above opinions are not the same, do you mean?" Black Hawk didn't know what Zhang Yang called to do? Strange rhetorical question Chapter 519 Hackers are also crazy (2). "Meaning? It means a fart, you don’t know the evil intentions of Lao Mei? You don’t talk nonsense, nets gs. sd contacted me and said that there is an announcement that I want you to help you publish it. meaning?"

"Fall w? He's going to make an announcement? Looking for me?" Black Hawk fainted and fell gs. Sd head squeezed the door? Besides, when will he send notices to find others? Isn't this guy always doing what he thinks? When will you take care of others' feelings?

"Yes, it's private. U, I won't say much more than that. Anyway, what happened on the website of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs is private. u has nothing to do with him. He didn't do it. He just came up and did it. It wasn’t anyone else, it was Netgang who released the United States Government House that wanted to form a world cybersecurity organization.” Zhang Yang thought about it, and he didn’t hesitate to tell the Black Hawk that it was “reliable!” Black Hawk figured out the cause and effect of the matter and immediately called it out. "Do you understand? The reason why gs. sd doesn't appear is that I don't want to be fooled by Americans, so I will use your hand to make this announcement. Now it depends on whether you are willing to cooperate... You have already got it here. Enough Chapter 519: Hackers are crazy (2) The evidence proves that this thing was done by the United States." Zhang Yang paused. He knew that the Black Eagle also understood the development of the matter, but he didn’t know what the Black Eagle would do. elected.

"I can't do anything about this matter." Black Hawk paused and thought back to Zhang Yang without thinking, if the announcement was for private. If d said, what is the consequence? Although Black Hawk can't figure it out, it certainly has an influence on the national policy. This matter is not what he can do. Don’t look at the matter of helping make an announcement is a trivial matter, but the whole thing will affect the country’s foreign policy.

"Everyone, so, you give me an e-mail, I will send you the e-mail, please report it to the above, if you agree with the above, you will send it if you do not agree, and then delete it after you read it." Zhang Yang directly to the black Eagle said.

"Understood, you sent it to this mailbox." Black Eagle did not reject Zhang Yang's proposal. Some things were necessary in his hand. After receiving the mailbox of Blackhawk, Zhang Yang directly sent the email he prepared to Blackhawk again. After sending to the Blackhawks, Zhang Yang thought about it and sent it directly to King again, explaining two sentences.

In China, the influence of the Heimen Forum has become quite huge. After these things are done, the time is displayed and the time is less than half an hour after the virus broke out. At this time, only part of the hacker forum has appeared about it. Beiu's announcement of GODD has obviously started.

However, this announcement has not yet spread to Russia, who can send it to? After thinking for a while, a brilliant attention suddenly appeared in Zhang Yang's head. Zhang Yang smiled wryly and opened the anubis website directly! The establishment of this department, or organization in the United States, will never be happy to see, no matter from what aspect, hehe.

After logging in to the anubis website, Zhang Yang paid a few tens of dollars to register a family of four without saying a word, and then sent an email to all administrators through the station text message: "I am private. u! I have a copy in my hand I think you will see something, if you don’t mind, just post it and stick to the top."

After sending this news, Zhang Yang directly added the email he prepared to the attachment of the message in the station, and directly sent a copy to all administrators. After posting, Zhang Yang weirdly logged out of this casually registered account.

In an unknown corner of Australia, countless advanced equipment in a huge underground base shows that the technology here is quite high. In a huge room full of hosts and monitors, more than a dozen people are paying attention to the information on the computer screen .

At this time, one of them suddenly called out: "Oh, gs. sd sent me an email and registered our website."

Soon, everyone in the whole room yelled out. "Poof..." A man sitting on the sofa at the door with his feet on the table and drinking coffee at leisure. The man of about ten years old directly sprayed the coffee in his mouth on his clothes without thinking. In the already embarrassed clothes, the man jumped up from the sofa and cried unbelievably: "gs. sd sent you an email? What did he want to do? What did he say?"

"Boss, you should read it yourself." The dozen or so administrators who received the email looked at each other, and looked weird. Said. The man immediately rushed to the computer in two steps and looked at gs. The email sent by sd, the man's face was also speechless for a while.

He wanted to say, gs. sd ah gs. sd! Do you dare to be more shameless? The previous events of the two sides are already in full swing, this actually sent them an email? Leave them alone, and actually ask them to help him clear the suspicions? *of! If gs. If sd is in front of himself, it is estimated that this man will not help but pounce on him and give him a punch. Do you dare to be cheaper?

But looking at the contents of the attachment sent by Zhang Yang, this man is also quite entangled in his heart. Obviously it is the right situation and I don’t want the United States to set up such an organization. Once the elites of the cybersecurity departments of various countries around the world are combined, this is not as simple as one plus one!

Although this organization is unlikely to be perfectly coordinated, as long as the intelligence of these countries begins to share with each other, it is their hackers.

"FUC~K!" For a long time, after thinking about it for a few minutes, the man couldn't help but burst a swearing and said depressedly: "According to gs. What sd said, put his announcement on the top and publish it on my website. Well, and put all the hacker forums under our control into the top. "

"Ah? Boss, don't you know that these websites are secretly controlled by us?" another young man in his twenties asked incredulously.

"Forget it, compete with people like gs. sd. These websites don't matter. Even if he knows, he won't complain to the government of various countries. The last thing we did was rush him. As I said Do." Once the decision was made, the man's face was restored to calm and he waved his hand. On the second floor, "Yes!" Seeing that his head has made a decision, these administrators do not hesitate to directly follow the requirements of their heads, and put the announcement that Zhang Yang wants to send directly on the website of Biaoyuu, and bold and add Big, black, put directly on the homepage of the site.

"Puff..." "Puff...

"Poof..." When anubis backed this announcement and put it on the front page, the world does not know how many people sitting in front of the computer sprayed the tea, coffee, boiled water, etc. in their mouths directly on the computer screen in front of them.

I have to say that although the website of Biaouu has been basically exposed now, let everyone know that abi ‘this organization is ambitious, but anubis cluster is still the most popular hacker website in the world! none of them! Including intelligence agencies of various countries are staring at this website every day, so when the announcement of hungry song u will help top, at least 50% of the hackers in the world have seen it, and then the entire network is completely messed up.

Nima! Is it the end of the world? You read it right? Qanubis is private. u Announcement? I'm gone now! All the hackers and even the people of the intelligence agencies of all countries were completely messed up. All of them subconsciously pinched their thighs until there was severe pain on the thighs, confirming that they were not wrong. These talents were completely speechless.

Everyone looked at the announcement on the surface of the computer screen, and it was Yichang's extremely incredible look. Everyone could not imagine how anubis would fall. u posts, and gs. sd this animal. How did you think of going to anubis and posting to their website?

This training is the situation! All the black faces have a feeling that the world is suddenly collapsed. This world is really magical...Nima old sows will not be able to describe all the things in front of them! But after coming back to God, a feeling popped up in everyone's mind at the same time.

Obscene! Hammer degree is frivolous! Whether it is to find the position of Ba Xiuu, or to actually agree to Ma Beiqi's Bai Xiu, these two groups of people are really... insignificant. This is the first time everyone feels, subject to the impact of this matter, Hong. Instead, the content of the announcement made by most people accepted it calmly.

Nima, mice can marry cats as brides, what's impossible? What's more, the U.S. government has always been self-directed? Everyone is used to it! And after the reaction, all the hackers who saw this content began to madly spread the news to their friends in the hacker circle.

After all, there are still some who are not paying attention to website 1 and just watching the lively. With the power and free distribution of these people, the whole network suddenly gave people a sense of chaos. Messy... feeling!

After Zhang Yang saw that Anubis really put his announcement to the top, Zhang Yang also felt a kind of speechless feeling, although he guessed that there might be this, but Zhang Yang thought more, Anubis should refuse, after all, Anubis is in this circle It's been so arrogant for so long, and I have been deflated since I met myself. It is very good to see that I have not rushed to kill myself. As for helping myself, it is estimated that anubis. This will not happen.

But Zhang Yang apparently underestimated the shamelessness of this group of animals, and they actually assigned their announcements. If other hackers know the thoughts of Zhang Yang and Pa Xiuu, they don’t know if they will spit out a bit of blood and vomit on the screen. These two people are too shameless!

But other hackers don’t know that the fbi in the US and the person in charge of this operation really want it! Looking at the announcement on the screen, William Moores wanted to rush. The heads of Yiqi and Anubis scolded both parties in front of you. Do you have any principles for training?

How can you guys! How can you collude? But this was no longer what he wanted to think about, what he wanted to think about was how to deal with the end of this matter at the moment. News can mislead the public, but public training is not a relaxation. And as soon as these websites advertise, there are too many people who know about it. These people are not idiots. The evidence intercepted by shame is enough to prove that this incident was planned by several of these intelligence organizations.

William is a little But when he was about to order, he suddenly opened the door and rushed in: "Boss, major Russian websites and forums, including security companies such as Kaspersky. The website has suddenly reproduced the help... announcement!" ""Stop them! Stop them quickly! "William jumped up suddenly and screamed, but after the call, he sat in a decadent position and stopped? How to stop? The intelligence department of the Russian government is not Shao, but this matter The intelligence services of the Russian government, including the KGB, should also cover up themselves, because once the anger of the public is aroused, it is unlikely that the Russian government will even relax relations with the US government.

Due to strong civil pressure, I am afraid that the relationship between the Russian government and the US government will be reduced to freezing point! The thoughts in William’s mind hadn’t come down, and suddenly an assistant rushed in: "Boy... Most of the websites of the Russian government departments in Russia, such as Kaspersky and other security companies, suddenly collapsed. All websites were directly attacked by large-scale and powerful viruses, and all of them collapsed."

"What?" William froze for a moment. ! ! ! ;




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