The Strongest Hacker

Vol 2 Chapter 524: Insidious and poisonous (Part 2)

Looking at the information in the hand, to be honest, Zhang Yang has some pain. The proven reserves of platinum in the world are said to be less than 12,000 tons. Although the information in the hand shows that it is used as an added blending agent, its dosage It's not big. For a TV as big as a fairy phone, the platinum required is about 0.1 grams, but go...,...the amount is small, but it's a huge number!

Based on a 0.1 gram battery, the computer is based on the 20 million iphones currently sold, which is 200 kilograms! One fifth of a ton! This number is not small at all. "This, "...Is it possible to reduce its usage? "Zhang Yang has some headaches. It's right that things are good, but how about this thing? The raw materials inside are too insidious and poisonous (Part 2).

Especially for platinum, in addition to the fact that deep sea minerals cannot be exploited at present, the reserves of the world that have been recently discovered and the platinum that has been mined now, definitely do not exceed the old 10,000 tons. It hurts! "There is no problem in reducing the amount of use. It mainly performs chemical action with an active element in it to maintain such high storage capacity and high performance of the battery. However, this battery has a characteristic that it is used for more than one year. There will be inertia in the future, and you can take it back, and the recovered battery will remain activated as long as we re-inject an element into it." Luo Gai smiled and explained to Zhang Yang.

"Oh? Are you sure?" Zhang Yang raised his head immediately. If it can be recycled, the exploitability will naturally increase greatly, and its value will also increase countless. "However, the problem of reducing the usage per unit area is no problem. If you reduce its usage, the elements corresponding to it should also be reduced, so that the battery's battery life will be greatly reduced. . Luo Ge shrugged.

Zhang Yang was not surprised but rejoiced. If this is the case, it would be great to see Zhang Yang 〖Xing〗 Fen's expression. Chapter 524 Insidious and Poisonous (Part 2) Luo Gai shook his head slightly: "Sometimes I am simply I can’t imagine your businessmen’s ideas, there is something better, you have to make it worse for sales.”

"No, no, you don’t understand Luogai, you can’t think about it. In the case that the current battery can only guarantee eight to ten hours of battery life, our battery can last one month. What kind of concept is it?" I dare Guarantee, if this news is released, I am afraid the whole world will be crazy. So "...we must lower its performance!" Zhang Yang said with a frown.

If the performance can be artificially reduced in this way, there will be no shortage of raw materials for at least some time. There are 12,000 tons of platinum reserves in the world, plus tens of thousands of tons that have been mined now. The overall number is quite large, but platinum Not only is it a precious jewelry metal, but it is also an important industrial raw material. Most of the high-precision precision instruments have platinum components in them.

There are so many high-precision precision engineering companies in the world that can be purchased by the Star Group. In this way, "reducing its use and increasing its recycling, this is an important thing."

"Well, these are not things that I need to consider. All you need to do now is buy these instruments for me. I'll probably figure it out." It is estimated that the overall price is close to $10 billion. You are mentally prepared. Luo Ge shrugged.

Zhang Yang didn't care at all, and quickly waved his hand: "10 billion is no problem, this is not a problem, I have a problem now, I don’t know if Luo Gai can continue to study the platinum substitute in this battery? You also I know the reserves of platinum elements throughout the century" and you should be able to realize that the emergence of such batteries is probably huge for the industrial grass life on the entire earth. If this kind of grass is stopped only because of the scarcity of elements, I think you are not Are you happy to see it? "

Zhang Yang tentatively asked, "Roger Gai's Zhang Yang has already realized that what Zhang Yang needs now is to let Luo Gai bring his brain to the fullest." To be honest, Zhang Yang is actually a pity. Such a cow is only such a short period of time. Can live, but this is also very good, if Luo Gai can really have a life span of tens of years, God knows what will happen in this world, maybe this is the balance of nature.

Just like the only genius who had all his personal information sealed by PS IV after his death, maybe Luo Gai and he are the same type of person.

"Okay, you said that I was thinking about it, I will try to do it, but I will not do it deliberately, some things are nature's own choice, maybe tomorrow the world will find a platinum giant mine, the world The platinum will quickly become less valuable and uncertain." Luo Gai shrugged.

Zhang Yang is a little speechless. He would like to say something. Do you still prophesy the **** stick part-time while doing scientific research? I also found a platinum giant mine, giant girl, the discovery of platinum element has already been confirmed, the birth of that thing is extremely difficult, it is impossible to have large mineral veins at all, of course, the deep sea is temporarily excluded, the problem is that even if the deep sea has It is almost impossible to mine it with current scientific methods.

"That's it first. Are you sure this thing will not explode as you said?"

Zhang Yang stood up and shook the information in his hand and asked, he is still a little scared now, that group of old men is really insidious.

"After supplementation, it will definitely not explode. It was born after a long-term experiment, but unfortunately that laboratory has been destroyed. At that time, I was only seven years old, and many things have not been remembered." Luo Gai shook his head slightly and said.

Seeing Luo Gai said simply, Zhang Yang nodded slightly, but this thing, Zhang Yang still needs someone to verify it. After all, the battery is only a person, although other battery experts are not as good as Luo Gai, the problem is, The life of this character is almost at the end. What should he do after he dies?

Zhang Yang copied all the materials about the battery in his server into a mobile hard disk, and Zhang Yang directly formatted the hard disk of the server in his room directly. After formatting, Zhang Yang thought about it and said to Zhao Fei: "Destroy it completely, sell the scrap iron, and let people buy a new server tomorrow."

Although there is nothing necessary in it, Zhang Yang thinks it is better to destroy this stuff, anyway, don’t get it up.

"Understood." Zhao Fei nodded.

"In addition..., find four people to protect his safety, starting today." All the things he has recorded are sealed, even if he just wrote a number 1 blank paper. Zhang Yang pointed to Luo Lao and said. Zhang Yang ordered this directly in front of Luo Gai. Anyway, this guy shouldn't prepare to run in his own hands, and God knows when he will come up with ideas to write down all these things.

FBO can archive all of a person’s data. It’s not an exaggeration to archive this young person’s information. "Yes." Zhao Fei nodded immediately and solemnly agreed.

Seeing Zhang Yang leaving, Luo Gai quickly stood up and shouted: "Wait... I always have a question I want to ask you." "What question?" Zhang Yang looked back at Luo Gai curiously, he said There is a question I want to ask myself, so obviously it is the person who asked gocod. Although Zhang Yang doesn’t know how Rogay knows it is gocod, Zhang Yang can also guess. No matter how he knows, he guesses that he is a gocod. The time is not long, maybe just when I met myself.

"Is the Star Group supercomputer system a variant of the Adam system?" Luo Gai directly asked his own question.

"Uh..." Zhang Yang choked for a moment. He really didn't expect Luo Gai to even know this. Zhang Yang hesitated immediately. He didn't know whether he should tell Luo Gai. Although he was unlikely to abandon himself, but why? Saying that, thinking of Luo Gai's identity on the Internet, Zhang Yang is not very sure that even if there is starry sky monitoring, Zhang Yang can't guarantee whether he can spread the news.

Seeing Zhang Yang hesitating, Luo Gai immediately smiled and said, “You don’t have to worry, I’m really just curious, because Adam’s theory was proposed by me, but I didn’t expect anyone in this era to really improve it. I gave up long ago, although it is good to say that my brain is far better than ordinary people, but it still has to be subjected to this big era, so I once secretly tested the host system of the Starry Sky Group, it was really unexpected and I As you can see, it should be a great feature artificially."

Seeing Luo Gai said so, Zhang Yang secretly relieved Nima, if you can really do anything, that’s true. Now that Luo Gai can’t understand the appearance of the starry sky, Zhang Yang smiles slightly. Laughing, the appearance of the starry sky was an accident. A downright accident, even Zhang Yang couldn't understand the reason, let alone others.

"Yes! It can be said that the starry sky evolved from Yabi, but really, I don't know how I completed the starry sky." Zhang Yang thought about it and said seriously, in fact, Zhang Yang is just perfunctory, some things He still didn't want to tell Luo Gai.

"Understandably, a lot of things were born under the accident, just like the data in your hand. If it is not an accident, it will not appear at all." What Zhang Yang did not expect is that this is obviously perfunctory. If so, Luo Gai actually believed.

Zhang Yang immediately thought weirdly that it seemed that he had to master the method of speaking to such a genius. , "Well, if you have a chance, you can test it further,

If you can study how it was born, it would be best. "Zhang Yang thought about it, still gave Luo Gai some power. In fact, Zhang Yang was very relieved of Luo Gai."

Since Adam had tossed him out, he may not be able to study the starry sky thoroughly now, but if he can really study it thoroughly, it would be even better.

After leaving from his room, Zhang Yang drove directly to the Starry Sky Group. After seeing Luo Gai, Zhang Yang could not wait, he suddenly felt that he was still very poor! There is money everywhere! Just to build the entire battery production line, I am afraid that the capital required is almost the same as that required by Roger. I am afraid it will take a long time to complete the profit, and the addition of platinum is an inevitable hurdle.

When I arrived at the Starry Sky Group, Zhang Yang and Ke Qing had a brief communication, and they directly invited all the senior executives of the whole company to prepare for a formal meeting, especially Luo Tianshu. Once this new battery is established and can be produced, it must be Starry Heavy Industry is responsible. Because there are now factories for producing batteries in the subsidiary companies of Starry Sky Heavy Industry, although the scale is not large, but we can expand it.

"What's the matter?" Seeing that the company's senior executives had basically come to the meeting room, Chen Xiaowei whispered to Zhang Yang and asked her that her president didn't know anything, and Zhang Yang's entire expression was mysterious.

"Good thing, hey, although you are going to spend a lot of money immediately, but I think our company will be profitable immediately. Is there any problem with the reorganization of Starry Heavy Industry?" This is a critical issue. Chen Xiaowei is from Starry Sky Group The CEO, while Starry Heavy Industry is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Starry Group, so Chen Xiaowei, the detailed process of Starry Heavy Industry, may not know, but the specific results must be known.

"There are still many problems that haven't been dealt with cleanly, but according to our estimate, it will probably be completely reorganized in another three to six months." Chen Xiaowei thought about it and gave a conservative "Answer" case.

"It's been too long. Starry Heavy Industry is ready to go public." Zhang Yang thought about it and said quickly.

"Listing?!" Chen Xiaowei's voice sharply raised a Seeing everyone's eyes focused sharply, Chen Xiaowei lowered his voice and asked, "Are there any mistakes? The reorganization has not been completed. Are you on the market? And currently there is no clear product for Xingkong Heavy Industries, aren't you looking for death now on the market?"

"Who said there? There will be it soon, and they will be there when Ke Jing comes." Although Zhang Yang passed Ke Qinggou, Li Keqing had not yet come to the meeting room. She was talking to Jobs after a short time. After the exchange, they will come to the meeting room. Zhang Yang meant to let Jobs come to the city, and then held a press conference again to release the second generation of iPhone, at least to release this news.

At present, Apple's battery production is mainly Taiwanese companies, but the factories are all domestic. If Apple's orders are taken down, the order of the entire Starry Heavy Industry may be more than a horrible number. You know, this battery is not only usable on mobile phones, laptop computers, Apple's tablet computers, and even the batteries on aerospace vehicles of various countries are all needed! According to the calculation of the iPhone, even if it is prepared to artificially weaken by one third in accordance with Zhang Yang's plan, its performance will be thirty times that of the battery of the same period! ! ! ! ;




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