The Strongest Hacker

Vol 2 Chapter 529: Starry sky (5)

Chapter 529 The Starry Sky (5)

Chapter 529 The Starry Sky (5)

Without giving reporters the opportunity to ask questions, Li Keqing quickly threw a second bombshell: "As the price of Mr. Buffett's shareholding in Star Group, Mr. Buffett's 5.2% stake will be officially owned by Star Group, At present, Star Group will hold 50% of Apple’s shares and formally complete the holding of Apple Stock Company. Apple will officially become one of the subsidiary companies of Star Group!"

"Boom", if the first news of Li Keqing just made the scene a bit hot, then the second news is like throwing a white phosphorus burning bomb down, the scene has suddenly become violent and crazy, although said As early as when the Star Group got the 459th chapter of the 529th chapter of Apple's Starry Sky (45) shares, some people had predicted today's ending, but that was only a prediction after all, and although 5% The number of stocks seems to be small, but it depends on the company. ;

Now Apple’s market value is hundreds of billions of dollars, and 5% is already a very large number. But when everyone guessed when that day would come, they didn’t expect the Star Group to complete the acquisition so quickly. This is not counted, and it seems that there is another news, that is, Buffett seems to have entered the Star Group Board of Directors through a stock exchange.

Buffett was the first foreigner to enter the board of directors of Star Group. Although everyone didn't quite understand how this was done, Star Group hadn't let anyone take advantage of it since its inception. Obviously Buffett was out. A lot of blood. The news that Apple was successfully acquired by Star Group is like a worldwide earthquake, which shocked people all over the world.

A super company with a market value of nearly $300 billion has been acquired? Everyone is struggling to digest this news, but some people's reactions are quite fast. The most direct reaction is the US stock market. Apple's stock has been slowly rising to 310.88 US dollars before Chapter 529 Starry Sky (5). However, after the news broke out, Apple's stock began to fall slightly.

All of this happened within a few minutes. The press conference continued because this time it was a press conference held in US time, so this time it was already night in China, but the audience was still quite many. But more concerned about these Apple fans in Europe and the United States. In their view, the acquisition of Apple is just like the white Americans do not discriminate against blacks psychologically. It feels incredible.

But they have to accept this news, but everyone is quietly waiting for the next news from the senior executives of the two companies. Since the two companies have made such a big move, then obviously there should be other news to be announced. .

"... In order to maintain Apple's better development, Star Group decided to continue to hire Mr. Jobs as the president of Apple, and give Mr. Jobs a 0.1% share of Star Group as a reward. In addition, Star Group will transfer 100% Twenty percent of the shares were given to Xingkong Heavy Industry Holdings. At the same time, they also purchased 10% of Xingkong Heavy Industries’ shares for $100 billion." Li Keqing threw out the third news with a smile.

Transferred the shares of Apple under the Starry Sky Group to Starry Heavy Industry, and then let Apple fund the purchase of Starry Heavy Industry’s shares, successfully reducing Apple’s shares to 30.02%, although Apple also invested in Starry Heavy Industry’s shares Although 90% of the shares of Starry Heavy Industries are still in the hands of Starry Group, in this way, Apple is actually equivalent to buying back some of its own shares, and the actual shareholding ratio of Starry Group has been reduced to 100%. Less than fifty.

However, no one cares about this. First, the mutual control of the two companies is the other company’s shares purchased by the entire company. After sharing it with all the shareholders of this company, there are not many, but in this way, the two companies can be allowed. The shareholder structure is more reasonable.

In addition, cross-holding has the advantage of being convenient for increasing the market value of Star Heavy Industries, as well as for future management and avoiding some villains with ulterior motives. Because Starry Heavy Industry holds 20% of Apple’s shares, just because of this Apple stock has increased Starry Heavy Industry’s market value by $56 billion, plus Starry Heavy Industry’s original assets, and Starry Heavy Industry’s new battery This gimmick has a total market value of nearly 200 billion US dollars.

In this way, even after listing in the future, even if the Star Group releases enough circulating shares, it does not have to worry about the possibility of forcible acquisition by others, because such costs will be astronomical.

With the end of the Star Group’s press conference, the world has also fallen into a new shock. People around the world are discussing the Star Group’s successful and complete acquisition of Apple Inc., but they have long publicized this matter. Throw it away.

"I said...Mr. Zhang Yang, you have an old saying in China, and you are too kind." Jobs looked at Zhang Yang with a speechless expression. Because the secret agreement has been invalidated, Li Keqing's words now directly occupy more than half of Apple's board of directors, plus Li Yuxuan and Tan Yudie's 6%. The opinions of other directors are basically negligible.

So Apple and Starry Heavy Industries exchanged shares, and the evaluation of the purchase of Starry Heavy Industries naturally passed. What Jobs said is this matter. Although Apple’s market value is quite good, Apple’s cash is actually not much, especially even now. The factory is still secretly producing the ine1 generation. During this period, because of the stimulation of ine2, the sales of ine1 not only declined, but also began to rise sharply.

Just because one sentence, that is, after ine2 is listed, Apple will give priority to meeting the redemption personnel. This news has made people all over the world expecting ine2 crazy to buy ine1. Anyway, when the redemption is purchased, there is basically no need to add much money. It is like adding a dozen or twenty dollars, and people who can afford ine with this money naturally don't care.

This has caused a peculiar phenomenon. It is clear that the company's second-generation products are about to go on the market. Everyone is still frantically buying the company's first-generation products. Although the ideal is beautiful, in fact, it is nothing more than pre-expense ine2 User!

In just a few days, the sales of ine1 have been close to the global sales of 20 million units. This number has made all mobile phone manufacturers in the world almost pass out, 20 million! Although it is said that the mobile phone is already in use now? Xin Qian Hao Yinne this high-end product.

Among the limited high-end users, Apple stunned and robbed 20 million users! This ratio is not low at all. As we all know, no matter what product, what kind of product is the most profitable? It is nothing more than a high-end luxury. And the number of Apple is still rising crazy.

Although Apple’s earnings are terrifying, in fact, Apple’s current capital is less than 30 billion US dollars, and after the listing of ine2, I am afraid that there will be only expenditures and no income for a long period of time. Now that Zhang Yang has taken advantage of the opportunity to exchange shares, he has withdrawn $20 billion in cash from Apple. The funds available in Jobs' hands have been reduced significantly. Can he not be depressed?

Zhang Yang immediately gave a haha ​​and quickly patted Jobs on the shoulder and said: "Steve, we don't need to see each other. I'll invite you to dinner in China. You will still see this little money. in?"

Jobs was a little crying and laughing, what kind of food can eat 20 billion? Not to mention the US dollar, even the 20 billion won has more than 100 million RMB. You can't eat so much money if you eat platinum. Zhang Yang is also helpless. Luo Guy’s time is limited. If the equipment is bought one day earlier, he can invest in it one day earlier.

However, the Star Group’s gap is actually quite large. Overall, the Star Group’s cash can now be adjusted to include Apple’s US$20 billion, which is only about US$50 billion, and some of these are bank loans. The equipment needed to purchase Luo Gai needs to be close to 10 billion US dollars. First, Zhang Yang built Luo Gai. Second, the high-tech laboratory piled up with 10 billion US dollars needless to say how advanced it is, even if it is Luo Gai is dead, the Star Group's own technical department will also need this laboratory, this cost is not a waste.

The second is about the construction process of this battery production line, the site of Starry Heavy Industries, etc., which probably also need billions of dollars. As for the remaining money, Zhang Yang does not know where else it will cost. In particular, many of the ideas in Zhang Yangxin can already be implemented, and they are all costly projects.

The 50 billion yuan spent a third at once, and I don’t know if the remaining money is enough. "Well, Apple is your company I think you are also responsible for its future development, so if there is insufficient liquidity in the future, I think you should solve it." Jobs is entangled. After a while, he let go, anyway, he was just an e. In the future, if there is a problem with the company, it is Zhang Yang who is really anxious. This is a typical emperor who is not anxious.

After returning from the United States, Zhang Yang was called into the office by Chen Xiaowei as soon as possible. "What's the matter?" Zhang Yang asked, looking at Chen Xiaowei strangely.

"What can there be, the Ministry of Energy and the Ministry of Defense, some officials from the Ministry of National Security have come over and want to talk to us about this battery technology." Chen Xiaowei said helplessly rubbing his forehead.

"Oh, this, you can send someone to talk to them, you don't need to find me." Although Zhang Yang doesn't know what these people are doing, but can guess, their purpose must be multiple, the first is definitely to inquire The role of this battery in the military field has long been thought by Zhang Yang. A cell phone-sized battery can improve the performance by more than thirty times, which has been weakened! Amplify the battery year-on-year, and if it is not weakened, the once electric cars and so on will no longer be a dream! RO! ! ! ;




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