The Strongest Hacker

Vol 2 Chapter 531: Starry sky (7)

Starry Sky Heavy Industry and Starry Sky Software are listed in Hong Kong, and the two companies' unregistered ordinary shares will reach 40%, which means that 40% of the shares will be placed on the stock market. ; The shares of each subsidiary will be divided into 3 billion shares in total. According to the current industry of Star Heavy Industries, the price per share assessed by the Hong Kong Stock Exchange will be about 300 Hong Kong dollars!

Equivalent to about US$40 per share, this price is calculated entirely based on the industry currently owned by Starry Heavy Industries, and then slightly lower.

The share price of StarSky Software is not so high, mainly because StarSky Software has no hardware facilities, but only uses several software companies to evaluate its actual value. The evaluation of this value is relatively low. Starsky Software The price per share is estimated to be about US$3 in Chapter 531 Starry Sky (VII). That is to say, the market value of Starry Sky Software is calculated based on this assessment, which is only about $9 billion.

Of course, for Starry Sky Software, this stock price is naturally far underestimated, not to mention anything else, just to say that the translation software hung under Starry Sky Software, the number of users who have purchased and used it now has exceeded 4 million! The cost of these four million users alone is calculated according to the lowest level of fees, and its monthly profit is close to 40 million US dollars!

This is pure profit! Because the translation software is naturally responsible for the starry sky, and the starry sky is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the starry sky group, so for the starry sky software, this payment is basically equivalent to no. But everyone knows that this is not the end of translation software. How many people in the world need language translation?

This number is far more than just four million. Although Star Group has never mentioned the promotion of translation software, everyone knows that this step will have to go out sooner or later, and now the reason why Star Group has not let go of it is because In order to help promote the Apple software, be aware that many people like CEOs buy this phone for this feature.

In the world’s high-end smartphone market in Chapter 531 of the Starry Sky (VII) world, that is, the market for mobile phones such as pda, the share of BlackBerry phones is the highest, even if the current Apple sales are already terrifying, but There is still a considerable gap from BlackBerry, and it is quite difficult for these business people to buy a mobile phone for one function.

Especially when the iPhone’s biggest flaw disappears, its performance will definitely be better. For these business people, in fact, many of the functions in the iPhone are useless. All they need is some convenient functions, and these functions are in The power consumption of an iPhone like a phone is indeed quite large, but now this defect will not be a defect after updating the battery, but will be more perfect.

After all, the capacity of Starry Heavy Industries must have been limited at first... Even if other functions in the world are intentionally replacing batteries, they will certainly not be able to supply other companies, namely Apple, in short time. If it is not for Luo Ge to guarantee that the possibility of reverse research of this kind of battery is almost equivalent to no, it is still unknown whether Zhang Yang will do so.

Moreover, several other software under Starry Sky Software are also profitable, but the profitability of these software has not yet been reflected. At 9 o'clock this morning, after the stock exchange opened, the stocks of the two companies, Star Heavy Industries and Star Sky Software, all appeared on the stock exchange's tradable list, although it was one hour before the official opening of the market. You can still list for half an hour, but at this moment the entire stock exchange is already full of people.

Forty percent of the unregistered ordinary shares, this ratio is quite high, but the remaining 60 percent are basically registered preferred shares, which should never move in the hands of the Starry Sky Group.

Anyway, there are half an hour of listing time. Although Zhang Yang knows that the person who bought in the early stage will definitely make money, but he is not ready to intervene. The stocks will always be in circulation to benefit the Star Group. Although it is already late at night in Europe and the United States, many people are waiting for the opening of the Hong Kong stock market in front of the TV.

Everyone understands that perhaps they are witnessing the birth of the world’s first company. Because the assets of Starry Heavy Industry are basically real estate, land and other real estate, the market value of Starry Heavy Industry is basically without any moisture. Such a company, Coupled with Apple’s current rising stocks, and the fact that Star Group owns half of Apple’s market value, it is not a problem for Star Group to exceed Apple’s market value.

The most important thing now is how much the market value of the two subsidiaries of Star Group will reach, and what will be the overall market value of Star Group.

The opening prices of the two subsidiaries of Star Group are not high, at least for the market value of the company itself, but the stock market cannot be inferred using common sense. In fact, the actual market value of most companies is not the same.

How much your stock price can be depends on how high stockholders expect you, if it is scary enough, quite high prices may also appear.

With the passage of time, Zhang Yang, who is located in a Hong Kong hotel at the moment, is also a little nervous. After all, this is the first time the Star Group has listed on the stock, and everyone feels uneasy. "You said that if the price of our company's stocks fell today compared to the opening price, would our company's reputation be ruined."

Xia Yiyue asked worriedly.

Chen Xiaowei patted her hand and said: "It's okay, don't worry, it shouldn't be. During this time, the inflow of foreign capital on the Hong Kong stock market was at least close to 200 billion US dollars, and many even exceeded this price. Obviously these People are waiting for our stocks to be listed, and new stocks are listed, especially for companies like ours that are well-known all over the world. The price of stocks listed on the first day is definitely ups and downs. Don’t worry too much. ."

"Actually, I still think we should apply for listing in the United States at that time. Although the degree of freedom of the Hong Kong stock market is much higher than that of the domestic market, it is still worse than the United States and London. Today, our company’s stocks may be temporarily suspended. Not sure." Tan Yudie shook her head slightly before speaking.

In fact, Zhang Yang also thought about this issue, but finally gave up. First of all, it is impossible for Starry Heavy Industry to be listed in the United States. It is only in the local market of Hong Kong that it is agreed on the face of Starry Group. Otherwise, if it is listed in Hong Kong, Not too possible.

Although Starry Sky Software does not have this problem, since one company is listed in Hong Kong, the other one is fine. Besides, Zhang Yang couldn’t make it to the United States to pay taxes to them, and because of the economic crisis a few years later, Zhang Yang didn’t want his company to follow suit.

The temporary suspension mentioned by Tan Yudie is when a new stock is listed. If the rise exceeds 30%, it may occur. The exchange will investigate whether the stock is an abnormal transaction, but this is not absolute. First of all, this It is all related to the influence, strength, assets, etc. of the company that issued the stock.

This is unlikely to happen to the stock of Star Group. Star Sky Heavy Industry and Star Sky Software's first day of trading stocks did not release all of them, but only released 700 million shares of each company. Even if it is a loss, you should not lose too much. Anyway, the rest of us can wait for the price to rise to a certain level and sell. (Stone does not speculate on stocks, and does not understand the stock market very well. If there are any mistakes or omissions in writing, I hope everyone will forgive me, but Stone will not write too detailed.)

As the time approached 9:30, all the people in the hotel immediately became nervous. They publicly rented the hotel’s meeting room, and then watched the stock market in real time through the large screen of the meeting room. Now many Hong Kong TV stations are broadcasting the stock market. Situation, so Zhang Yang they are waiting.

But what is surprising is that when the Hong Kong stock market can be officially listed, the atmosphere in the entire hall, etc., gives a rather strange atmosphere. The crazy scenes that publicized their imagination did not appear. Instead, the stocks of other companies have been sold out, but the stocks of Starry Heavy Industry and Starry Sky Software did not appear in any market.

"Lao Fei, what's the situation?" Zhang Yang reached out and poked Buffett, and asked in a low voice. Chen Xiaowei's eyes also looked over. UU reading didn't know whether Buffett was busy. Anyway, Zhang Yang didn't expect that he would follow him to Hong Kong to join in the fun. Such a good thing, according to Zhang Yang's ideas, Buffett It should not be missed.

Buffett shrugged helplessly. Zhang Yang's name made him very speechless. During this time, the two people had been together for a long time. I have to say that many of Buffett's insights are worth learning by Zhang Yang, especially for the world financial market. I am afraid that no one will study more thoroughly than Buffett and Soros.

Shaking the red wine glass on the table, Buffett said with a smile: "Everyone be restless, there are only two possibilities for this situation. The first stock is too cold, the second stock is too hot. First It’s too cold, it’s easy to explain, I won’t say it, it’s too hot, it’s because everyone’s price is different, so they don’t dare to open the market casually. And the two stocks of Star Heavy Industries belong to that situation. Say it, anyway, I'm going to find someone to buy it."

Buffett said it was very simple, but think about it, he is clearly ready, as for buying stocks is naturally hand-held, he does not need to do it himself. ! ! ! </p>;




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