The Strongest Hacker

Vol 2 Chapter 534: Expand (middle)

After Chen Xiaowei and several of them have finalized their ideas, Zhang Yang directly dialed the phone in front of them to the personal phone of General Manager. ; At this time, there is no time for 〖General〗 to be publicized, but it seems that I haven’t heard of any other places where 〖General〗 should go recently.

The call was quickly picked up by the secretary of the General Manager, but Zhang Yang was lucky. The General Manager was okay at the moment, and the call quickly reached the General Manager.

"Oh, it's Xiao Zhang, I'm looking for you, but it's really hard to find." 〖General〗 Li said a joke, Zhang Yang made a haha, don’t say, 〖General〗 really gave me a few times Zhang Yang made a call, but Zhang Yang didn't know what to say, so he simply used various reasons to fool it. He didn't answer the 534th chapter of the extension (middle) call. Zhang Yang alone.

"Ha, 〖General〗 what you said, I am not here, you just find me on a phone call, I was too busy a few days ago, you should be able to understand, the Star Group now There are too many things." Zhang Yang said quickly.

"Haha, of course, I can understand that your company can't go away, and now we [China] have also stepped out of a world-famous company. During this time, you should be busy. You should do it for the Hong Kong stock market. A lot of contributions." 〖General〗 said with a loud laugh.

This 〖General〗 theory is correct, the shares currently held by Starry Heavy Industries and Starry Sky Software in the hands of Starry Sky Group are slowly released every day. When all these shares are released, Starry Sky Group will get at least 400 more With more than US$100 million in funds, the available funds of the Star Group will reach about US$160 billion! And because these international investment funds attracted by Starry Heavy Industry and Starry Software want to use Starry Group Heavy Industry and Starry Software for the profit-making process, so much money flows, and taxes alone are not a small amount.

"〗 〖General Manager, this time I call the 534th chapter of the 534 chapter expansion (middle), there is something I want to find you to help." 〖General Manager management time is not much, Zhang Yang will not be nonsense "Cut" directly into the theme.

"You said, if I can help, I will try my best to help you." 〖General〗 nodded and asked.

"This is the case" Star Group wants to open schools in 326 cities across the country, one in each city. I don't know if 〖General〗 can provide some help. "Zhang Yang said seriously.

The phone was silent for a long time. For a long time, the voice of "General Manager" came over: "I said, Xiao Zhang, I heard it right?" Obviously, General Manager was also taken aback by Zhang Yang's generosity. . "Three congee cities" means large, medium and small cities including all county-level cities in the country

In cities, there are only town-level and township-level units, even if the country does not have such a large one-time effort for basic education?

"Yes, I heard it right." The general principle is this. Starry Sky Group plans to set up a starry sky technical school in 3263 large, medium and small cities across the country. It will teach some laid-off workers, employees, or just graduated college students. For the professional skills that can survive in society, the Starry Sky Technical School will completely adopt a free policy, which means "all our schools do not charge any fees, including book fees. Because the one-time investment is large, so the country needs help. "" Zhang Yang is not hypocritical, and he directly expressed his thoughts.

There was a long silence on the other end of the phone. 〖General〗 didn’t expect that the Starry Sky Group is not only as simple as wanting to run a school, but also a free school. Listening to Zhang Yang’s words means free school, anyone can come into the school. No fees will be charged. In this way, not to mention the problems of school buildings, etc.” is that personnel, teachers, equipment, etc. are a huge investment.

"I will replace all laid-off workers in the whole country" and those who need help, thank you Star Group! The country will definitely help in this matter. After a while, I will give a call to No.1 personally, and I can give you a statement now. If the Starry Group really wants to do this well, then the land of all the school buildings will be free for the country. For the free use of the Star Group, the construction materials, etc., the country will provide the Star Group at the cost price, the construction unit country can also help contact, and I assure you that these units will definitely not have some messy things. "The general manager gave Zhang Yang a guarantee on the spot."

The general manager is responsible for the country’s livelihood and people’s livelihood. Of course, he understands how great the Star Group has done for this country! Although China has never reported the unemployment rate in the media, although the domestic unemployment rate is not high because of the population, the number is absolutely huge!

This is because the thinking of the domestic people is different from the civilians in those countries in Europe and the United States. These ordinary people in the country do not have a job and can’t live anymore. They will always find ways to find a job and work hard to support themselves, unlike those in Europe and America. The civilians of the country have no job of their own. These people will think that the government has an inescapable responsibility, and they will find the government trouble in the first place.

If the people in the country really seem to be ordinary people in those countries, I am afraid that no one would want to do this position.

"Then I would like to thank the general manager here. I will put this news on the Internet. I hope that various educational departments in the country can cooperate to help the Star Group talk about recruiting teachers. The treatment of teachers is not a problem. , But I hope that these teachers will be able to learn with real talent. Although it is said that because the stalls are too large, there may be some problems that cannot be discovered in a short time, but the Star Group will definitely send special personnel to each school to take charge. Once the problematic people are found out, the Star Group will definitely dismiss them." The domestic issues also know that once the Star Group recruits teachers in this area on a large scale, don’t even think about it. Someone must cheat to come in through some means. These phenomena cannot be eliminated, but they must be eliminated to the greatest extent.

"I will tell the following people about this problem. Anyone who has made a false decision on this matter will find it out once and for all! It will never be re-employed." 〖General〗 said very simply, and expressed his position directly. Zhang Yang was satisfied and discussed the specific details with General Manager and hung up the phone directly.

"The boss is the boss, you are a real cow." When Zhang Yang hung up the phone, Chen Xiaowei directly gave a thumbs up. Several other girls are also endless, "I guess the average person who dares to talk to the general manager, is this one of you.? *渌父雠⒍哉馎馑馑馑馑馑鐑鍑絟緟 Exposed silkworm to barium Nachen?br/>

"Just [General Manager] just gave us a guarantee that the problems of land, construction, etc. don’t need our heart, there is the state responsible, and the recruitment of teachers, etc., Chen Xiaowei, you explain it to yourself, first sort out this matter Come up with a clue, especially if you discuss with Luo Tianshu, how should this matter cooperate with Xingkong Heavy Industries? Our technical school must definitely teach the most advanced concepts, and those workers in the factory can be trained irregularly." Zhang Yang said .

"Well, I get it. I'll explain it now." Chen Xiaowei nodded and stood up directly. Even if the small meeting of several people was over, Zhang Yang quickly ran to the technical department to do his business. Now the Star Group building is a must-have. Although it is inconspicuous, the entire building is now within three blocks of the Ministry of National Security. The number of monitoring heads in the three blocks is almost more than before. It has been more than a dozen times, and the police force of the patrol has increased by seven or eight times.

The entire block was once one of the best public security blocks in the city, no way, as long as there was a slight crime, it will definitely be fed back to the city alarm center by surveillance video, and then the police will definitely Immediately rushed over. No one dared to be sloppy here. There is a problem here. Not to mention these little policemen, the chief of the Public Security Bureau of the whole city will follow bad luck.

As long as these things are related to the position of some people, then this matter will definitely be completed by 200%. In the technical department, Zhang Yang arranged what he wanted to the technical department staff, and then set up a special area on the official website forum, called the starry sky technology college area. There are several sub-sections in this area. There is a special section to respond to the problem, because Zhang Yang in this area has specially set up a starry sky, and any useless comments in this area cannot be published.

With the monitoring of the starry sky, there will naturally not be a problem of blocking keywords like the Internet on the future. You can register casually, but as long as you say it has nothing to do with this school, you cannot post these comments. And Zhang Yang believes that the ability of the starry sky is definitely not comparable to those of ordinary systems.

Now the star group's official website has been staring at media reporters for almost 24 hours in order to obtain first-hand information. When Zhang Yang's announcement appeared on the homepage of the official website in bold and bold fonts, it was almost immediately known by good multimedia.

"Starry Sky Group will spend 80 A total of 3263 schools in China will set up Starry Sky Technical School for free. There is no registration mechanism for Starry Sky Technical School. Anyone can come to study, specially for all laid-off workers, ordinary People service, and all workers of Starry Heavy Industry will be irregularly trained in Starry Technology School. Anyone who cannot complete their studies, Starry Heavy Industry will never be hired. In addition, Starry Group will contact factories all over the country. Free introduction of work for all employees, please refer to the section of Starry Sky Group Forum on Starry Sky Technical School for specific details."

The introduction of this announcement is quite brief, but the sensation caused in China is like a twelve earthquake. Running school, from the end of the nineteenth century to the beginning of the twentieth century to the twenty-first century, has been done, but never one , A company runs schools like the Star Group.

If it doesn’t, it’s amazing! 3163 schools in action! Calculated according to the investment of 1 million yuan per school, this is more than 3 billion. This is only the cost of infrastructure costs, plus equipment and labor. I am afraid that the cost of 80 billion yuan will be reduced by nearly half. . ! ! ! ;




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