The Strongest Hacker

Vol 2 Chapter 340: Storm (5)

Entering Li Keqing's office, Zhang Yang quickly opened her computer. After the computer is successfully started, Zhang Yang directly said: "Starry sky, turn on voiceprint verification to confirm identity." If he directs the starry sky on other occasions, Zhang Yang still needs to be verified.

"Xingkong understands, please enter instructions." The sound in the room quickly made a sound, and then a window popped up on Li Keqing's computer screen in front of Zhang Yang, and a password input box appeared on it. Zhang Yang directly entered his super password into it. .

"Identification confirmed. Hello Zhang Yang." The starry sky's voice became instantly rigid, completely anthropomorphic. "Is the intrusion signal still there?" Zhang Yang asked directly. "The intrusion signal is confirmed, and the target location is directly displayed on your computer screen. Chapter 340 The Storm (5)." Starry Sky quickly gave the "Answer" case, and then a pair of Starry Sky Group appeared on the screen in front of Zhang Yang The immediate analysis of the headquarters building, the location of a red dot is directly marked on the map.

Not the technical department! Not the same as Zhang Yang thought, Zhang Yang immediately picked up the phone on the desk and pressed a few numbers: "Is the Security Department? I am Zhang Yang, go to the personnel department on the 19th to see who is on duty, right, don't Alarmed anyone, understand?" Zhang Yang gave orders directly regardless of who answered the phone.

After a pause, Zhang Yang suddenly patted his forehead. It's really silly. Do people still have to see it? "Starry sky, bring up the image of the monitor closest to the target location." Zhang Yang finished, and a dialog box popped up immediately on the computer screen in front of him. Then a scene of a hall appeared on the computer screen.

"No one?" Zhang Yang froze for a moment, and walked along the screen of the monitor. There was no one sitting in that place, and the computer on the table was not turned on. After frowning for a while, Zhang Yang quickly continued to say: "Starry sky, self-check the monitoring system, and recognize that there is no problem with the system."

"Order to accept." After Zhang Yang waited for about three minutes, the sound of the starry sky Chapter 340, the storm (five) sound was quickly passed over: "The system has no problems, but after the screen comparison, the monitor screen appears briefly lost. Frame phenomenon, it is recommended to check." Starry sky gave the "Answer" case. Zhang Yang shook his head, but he forgot that the other party would naturally not be able to manipulate the monitoring system without a hacking system, so there was only one place to do it, and that was to do it from the outside. As long as you are careful, starry sky is unlikely to be discovered.

After all, the monitors of the Star Group were all pressed up later, because of the problems of wiring and decoration, some monitors are definitely inevitable with dead ends, which is inevitable. But the new headquarters will not have such a problem. The design drawings of the entire headquarters building are all input into the starry sky. Through the calculation of the starry sky, the entire building will be the starry sky design and installation of monitoring equipment. Ensure that there will be no dead ends in any place except the confidential position. Moreover, there are spare monitors for each device. The cost of renovation of the entire building may be another 10 billion yuan.

Sometimes the construction often can't get more money, the real money is the later decoration, especially the installation of these equipment, these are the money places. At this time, the phone on Zhang Yang's desk rang. Zhang Yang reached out and answered the phone, and a security voice came out immediately: "Report that there is no one in that position but the computer is running."

"I understand, don't fight the snake, maybe someone sneaks into our headquarters. Starry Sky compares all the strange faces of the whole building and compares the daily behavior of all the employees of the whole building to analyze the abnormal behavior." The second half of the sentence is Zhang Yang directly issued to the starry sky , Of course, he hung up the phone. The entire monitoring equipment is under the control of the starry sky. Every day's daily audio-visual materials are stored in the starry sky's server. If someone has abnormal behavior, the starry sky can be distinguished as soon as it is analyzed and compared.

"The order is confirmed, the analysis begins, and the estimated time is 16 minutes, 32 seconds, 16 minutes, 31 seconds..." The voice of the starry sky quickly rang. "Stop the countdown, and give me the〗 〖Answer case when there are ten seconds left." Zhang Yang stopped the countdown of the starry sky and hesitated. Zhang Yang stood up from the position and then pushed open the door and walked outside. Coming out of Li Keqing's office, Zhang Yang walked directly to the elevator. He wanted to go down and see.

When approaching the elevator door, Zhang Yang's mobile phone rang suddenly, and Zhang Yang frowned. This alert tone was not a message alert tone, but a reminder that Zhang Yang had received a new email. There is only one common mailbox for Zhang Yang, and this mailbox is still an open mailbox, which is the mailbox set by the director of the technical department of Star Group.

Generally speaking, no one sends mail to this mailbox, because there is starry sky, and things like spam can't get in at all. But now someone has sent an email to this mailbox, which proves that this email is not spam. Zhang Yang paused, took out his mobile phone and directly opened the mailbox to retrieve the mail.

The title of the email is very simple, there is only one. Some curiously opened the email, and a piece of information directly popped up. The mail inside is very strange, it is a F16 performance parameter, this stuff is not a secret in the world, if it is a F22, it may be interesting. Looking at a lot of data, Zhang Yang felt a little bit hurt, and he directly pulled the document to the bottom.

At the bottom, Zhang Yang accidentally saw another piece of information. This information is no longer an aircraft, but a sniper rifle gun produced by Barrett, or it is not too much to call it a sniper rifle. , Is the XM109 that Zhang Yang once thought of.

...XM109 sniper grenade launcher is a semi-automatic 25-... launcher with a qiāng tube mā447-long, full length 1168. It weighs about 20.9 kg and is equipped with a 5-round magazine. The Barrett M107 caliber sniper step reel qiāng, qiāng tube length is 960 ——, the total length is 48 ——, weighs about 15 kg, and is equipped with a 10 rounds capacity magazine.

The effective distance of the XM109 sniper grenade launcher is about 2000 meters. The 25 used-the bullet is derived from the AM-6. .4 "Apache" helicopter M78. 9 high bào dual purpose (against armor and personnel) 30. the bullet is yào and can penetrate at least 50. -Armored steel plates, capable of destroying light armored vehicles, information launchers and other equipment. According to the yào manufacturer, 25-bullets can more effectively destroy targets, more than, 12.7-2.5 times the caliber of armor-piercing projectiles...


Zhang Yang probably read the performance article of this thing. After reading it, he felt a complete pain. I don’t know if this thing was copied from the Weibo Wiki? Otherwise, why is it so guān dialect? Said. What does this mean? After watching for a long time, Zhang Yang paused and quickly pulled out the command box to enter a new command for the starry sky. Let the starry sky compare and analyze whether this document has any strangeness.

Zhang Yang didn't know whether this vague instruction could be completely "understood" by the starry sky, but now he doesn't have a good deal. No matter who it is, send such a thing in, and God knows how the starry sky passes through. "Comparative analysis has been carried out. The content of the file is an internationally employed and commonly used document encryption method, which was initiated during the Second World War, whether to translate the content." Zhang Yang’s instruction was just issued not long after, Starry Sky directly gave the answer.

"Fuck." Zhang Yang rolled his eyes but how did Starry Sky even know this? Could it be that the anubis group of remixes also entered this kind of thing into the starry sky? True TM's are a bunch of changes. "Translate the content immediately." Zhang Yang did not hesitate to let Xingkong begin to translate.

The content was quickly translated but Zhang Yang frowned as he saw the content. There are only a few lines of words on the upper face, which shows that the rest of the pile of content is a pile of nonsense. "Save me!" Then an address followed. Zhang Yang felt a bit of a pain. Who sent this stuff?

After a pause, Zhang Yang still picked up his telegraph: "Zhao Fei, waiting for me in the parking lot downstairs, and by the way, he started an automobile and prepared to go to this place. Zhang Yang reported the address in his mouth. Then he walked into the elevator. Zhang Yang didn't go to that floor, and it was useless to go. Anyway, someone had seen that place and no one existed. The other party had certain anti-reconnaissance capabilities.

But since he found it, he shouldn't be able to run away, and he shouldn't find that Zhang Yang has discovered his existence. After all, Zhang Yang did not take any means. By the time Zhang Yang got out of the parking lot, Zhao Fei was ready to wait for the car.

"Drive, hurry up." Zhang Yang talked about the driving position and spoke directly to Zhao Fei. Zhao Fei didn't ask why. He started the car and started to rush directly from the parking lot. Zhang Yang directly brought the safety belt to him, he believed in Zhao Fei's technology, but this kind of drag racing, don't throw yourself out of the window for a while.

Taking out his mobile phone, Zhang Yang directly entered a command into the starry sky and asked him to retrieve the map. When the local map appeared on the mobile phone, Zhang Yang frowned, and the place was away from Mengxi Park. It's not far away, but if Zhang Yang remembers it right, it looks like an old factory building ready to move.

"Is there danger?" Zhao Fei looked back and glanced at the open hand camera, and also saw the location marked on the map. Zhang Yang nodded: "I don't know. I just received an email with only one sentence to save me, and then I was followed by such an address. I don't know where it is. Nor Know who it is."

Zhang Yang shook his head while saying, Zhao Fei frowned, looked at Zhang Yang and said: "This may be a trap for the enemy, we still have to go, or directly connect with the people of the national government, let They can’t let me take the risk in the past."

"It's okay, let's go directly. This mailbox is just an external public mailbox. If the other party is really going to lead me out, there is no need to introduce such unreasonable things. As long as it is not white, it will not believe this You know, secret agents, or some shā hands, sometimes think a lot." Zhang Yang pointed to his head.

Zhao Fei shrugged helplessly: "You're right, this is an unreasonable trick. As long as it's not white, you won't believe it, but you have consumed it."

Zhang Yang laughed twice, and then said: "So, we are surprised, I want to see if someone plays, or something."! ! ! ;




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