The Strongest Hacker

Vol 2 Chapter 550: You think too much (middle)

Having figured out the seriousness of this matter, Zhang Yang understood that although people all over the world can't discover this secret, as long as it is a hacker master or someone with a high-end technology, he can discover that the client of the translation software Duan is simply a guise. Even if they are very difficult to crack the client, Zhang Yang can guarantee that the client will not be cracked within one year, two and three years, but Zhang Yang cannot guarantee that it will not be cracked by ten or eight years.

As long as someone breaks the client, they may not be aware of the problem, but they can figure out how to use the program from the client, that is, this matter is a time bomb at any time, and The power of this bomb is quite huge. Once it explodes, don’t worry about how much the Starry Sky Group is.

Zhang Yang frowned slightly, this matter said that good handling is actually very easy to deal with, as long as the starry sky simulates an independent program, it will be enough, even if someone finds out that the starry sky group is using cloud computing, the server translates , And then transmit it back, but they can’t say anything, because Starry Sky Group can completely say that this kind of translation is the system’s independent translation, because Starry Sky Group cannot monitor so many people at the same time, and the process of translation is that the system software automatically connects of.

This is the same reason as the call service provided by various communication companies around the world. If the Star Group can monitor everyone's calls, then these communication protocol service providers around the world will naturally more easily monitor everyone's calls, and even locate Where are these people, what are these people and so on.

Even if some people doubt it at that time, as long as Zhang Yang let the national investigation program run autonomously, no one can monitor him. Because no one would think of the logical thinking ability of the host of the Starry Sky Group, the self-judgment mechanism will be so advanced!

However, this kind of extra action for Zhang Yang has a rather serious (middle) disadvantage of Chapter 550!

That is what I want to do... I must consume quite a lot of system resources! Starry Sky Group does not lack money. It doesn't matter how much money it is, but now Starry Sky Group lacks places! The construction of the headquarters building will take at least two more years. Within two years, it is impossible for the Star Group to have room for more server resources.

After pondering for a long time, Zhang Yang temporarily put this matter behind his head. In fact, there is another option that is simpler. It is finished by turning off this function, and it is also the most safe. But the thing about people, at least Zhang Yang is impossible to turn off this function. If there is a chance to get the news of those who want to hurt him, Zhang Yang will not let this opportunity go. Anyway, he will not eavesdrop on calls that are not related to himself. That's it.

Moreover, whose call has not been eavesdropped? Although the governments of various countries do not say that, they are like the fourth-ranking intelligence agencies, which maintain hundreds of thousands of branches around the world every year. Their job is to eavesdrop on various telephones. Certain keywords, such as the codes of some secret operations, etc. The four hosts will automatically record this call and start tracking the location of the caller.

This is not watching movies, this technology is simply too simple to achieve.

Compared with the calls organized by those countries to monitor memory people, they are nothing more than listening to the conversations of hundreds of people. Well, after that, Zhang Yang's guilt disappeared. Zhang Yang directly entered the starry sky system through his highest authority and let Starry Sky pull out this function. Zhangyang began to set keywords.

All the names of people close to him, as well as some specific vocabulary, etc., are set by Zhang Yang. After setting, Zhang Yang thought about it and added a judgment mechanism after this command. This judgment mechanism is very simple: let the starry sky compare the meaning of these keywords before and after, when the starry sky judges against themselves, then start the backup These calls then notify yourself.

Just set these things up, Zhang Yang's mobile phone rang violently, looked at the caller ID on the phone, Zhang Yang slammed his forehead, this thing made Zhang Yang too shocked. Just gave Tan Yudie I forgot about the call. Quickly knocking down the carriage return, Zhang Yang took Tan Yudie's call while shutting down the computer.

"Hey, I said you can't do it. How long has it been? Are you like our women, you have to put on makeup before going out?" Tan Yudie's depressed voice came from inside. Zhang Yang smiled embarrassedly, and then said haha, "Well, I didn't wear any clothes just now, and I didn't wash it when I woke up in the morning. This is not just after washing and dressing up."

"You are a pig, lazy me, okay, have you finished now, hurry up." Tan Yudie said helplessly.

"It's finished, I'm going downstairs." Locking the door upstairs, Zhang Yang quickly walked towards the elevator. His clothes were very clean and there was no need to change them. Besides, Lao Tan was not an outsider. Going downstairs, Zhang Yang saw the BMW that Tan Yudie drove. Before Zhang Yang had contacted Chen Xiaowei with BMW, an agreement had been reached quickly.

Or it should be said that BMW was quite happy when it got the news. Who doesn’t know the starry reputation of the Star Group now? All management of the world's largest company will drive BMW cars! This is a recognition of BMW! There are so many famous car manufacturers in the world. Why did Starry Group choose BMW instead of other car manufacturers?

So when Chen Xiaowei made this request and asked BMW to specifically order a model for the Starry Sky Group and not to sell it to any other outsiders, BMW readily agreed. Anyway, there are a lot of limited-edition models sold by BMW, but the limited-edition model was not enough at that time. The difference is that this was ordered by the Star Group, and the Star Group was even willing to pay a special fee for this. BMW is even more so. No problem.

Moreover, the orders of the Star Group are very large. The overall shape of this car tends to be a streamlined sports car. It has a modern style, but while having a modern sports car style, its overall shape is not as luxurious as Lamborghini and Ferrari. , It has a steady and atmosphere at the same time!

The color of the whole car is sapphire blue, which is the main color of the car, but all the colors are not uniform. The reason why it is called a special order is because its shape is very different from other BMW sales vehicles. First of all Where Peugeot is attached to the front and back of the car, it will no longer be BMW’s Peugeot, and BMW’s Peugeot will be replaced by the tires of the four cars.

The places with peugeots on the front and back of the car are stars with artificial diamonds. At the same time, these stars have special meanings. For example, the diamond stars pasted on the places with peugeots are arranged like seven big dippers. Only one person in the entire Starry Sky Group can ride, and this car also represents Li Kejing's car.

And every time there is one less star above, it proves that this person will be one level lower among the management of the Starry Sky Group, and one star is the lowest level. At the same time, there is a very sci-fi style on the doors on both sides of the car, and the silver-gray Starry Sky Group VI with a metal texture is used as a match.

“Li Keqing’s car is seven stars, Chen Xiaowei’s car is six stars, and the subsidiaries’ presidents’ cars are five stars, and Tan Yudie’s cars are all six stars. The difference is that Tan Yudie They got these six stars as a director of the Star Group. Buffett also has such a car. As for Buffett's driving, it is not Zhang Yang's consideration. Anyway, this car is the company's welfare, Zhang Yang has directly Someone sent it to Buffett.

And the directors of the following subsidiaries, only talents with a certain percentage of shares will give away. For example, Apple’s directors, Zhang Yang instead has one man. Hehe, as long as they can’t open, then it is not what Zhang Yang needs to consider. Too. Anyway, because of the discount given by BMW, the price of this car is not expensive. In addition, this car has a tax-free policy, which is equivalent to RMB 400,000 to 2 million.

The money is still public, but once these people drive the car, it means they are part of the Star Group! This kind of BMW, which is called the starry sky version by outsiders, is not sold to Other people can’t drive it, and it seems to those managers in the middle and lower levels of the group that this is a symbol of identity. You Do you know how many people in the world want to join the Star Group?

Not only domestic, but also abroad, almost all college students are tolerant of joining the Star Group, because they have not forgotten that the CEO of the Star Group is a college student at the same age as them! Oh no, they are even younger than them. At least Zhang Yang and Li Keqing are now strictly sophomores! Three years before graduation!

These cars are all four-seater cars. After all, it still needs to consider business cars, but its performance is definitely not worse than those of sports cars. Take Li Keqing's car, if Zhang Yang remembers correctly, it seems that the car is still a 12-cylinder or a 16-cylinder.

Open the door of the co-pilot, Zhang Yang sat in, shrugged and said helplessly: "It looks like, I don't seem to have this car yet." The decoration inside the car is also quite luxurious, but the overall decoration is everywhere. Kinds of eogo and ornaments. ! ! ! ;




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