The Strongest Hacker

Vol 2 Chapter 555: Back hand (2)

From the home of Lao Tan, Tan Yudie didn't follow him, but sent Zhang Yang out. Zhang Yang came back in Tan Yudie's car. When he returned home, Zhang Yang suddenly remembered the recording that Starry Sky had sent to his mailbox. Grandma had a leg. Zhang Yang only reacted at this moment. It seemed that he had just patronized the shocked Starry Sky with this function. Instead, he forgot the matter itself.

Samsung is really cheap, even if you TM has made a faint move yourself, and you are still struggling with other mobile phone manufacturers to deal with yourself? MLBGD, I don’t want to start a little harder, do you really think you have no choice Zhang Yang pondered for a while, this matter can't be treated like this, TNND, if there is no starry sky, he still doesn't know this trick, although they say they are in the back of Chapter 555 (2) For the Star Group, there is no threat, but this breath can not be swallowed.

Samsung can have today's fame. First, it is related to its long-term advertising and various products. Secondly, its image in the minds of young people in various countries has actually had another impact. That is WCG, which is the e-sports event called the World E-sports Contest.

Although e-sports has become one of the sports events of various countries in most countries, including countries with a special environment like China, all countries that regard games as unreliable businesses have passed this resolution, and its influence in the world may not be as good as traditional projects. It's huge, but one day, this project will slowly come into everyone's sight with the development of electronic technology, which is beyond doubt.

Just look at the impact of computers, mobile phones and other electronic products on the lives of all people. If it were not for this incident, Zhang Yang might not even remember it, but now that I think of it, then you don’t want anything. Think about it. Speaking of games, Zhang Yang has also played, and Zhang Yang has thought about the day when he can play games with fairness and integrity, at least without hiding and sneaking like he used to.

Chapter 555 Backwards (2) Before I was incapable, now that I am capable, will I continue this matter? Football, basketball and other leagues are so concerned about so many people because they have enough influence, but with the development of games, e-sports is among ordinary people, especially when the generation after the 80s is updated in this computer technology. As people who grow up grow older, the whole world will accept video games as a matter of course.

The influence of e-sports is not big enough. In fact, the reason is very simple. First, people don’t know enough about it. Second, no one can let people understand it! In fact, these two points are blunt or one point. As long as the second point is achieved, the first point will be gradually done by people.

Since no one has done anything in the previous life, let yourself do it well in this life. Anyway, I have done enough things that have not happened in the last life. Thinking of this, Zhang Yang stood up directly from the sofa, greeted Bai Su and Li Shufang in the house, and drove directly to the company.

This matter needs to be discussed with Chen Xiaowei, isn't it just to play? Let's see who has played before. Anyway, I have money now, rely on! Zhang Yang was very arrogant. He didn't know that Li Jianxi in that squat gestured a middle finger. When I arrived at the Starry Sky Group, it was very easy to find Chen Xiaowei. Looking at Chen Xiaowei's appearance, Zhang Yang nodded with satisfaction and said, "Mr. Chen, I found that you have been slim again recently. Well, this figure has improved a lot. "

When Chen Xiaowei first came to Starry Sky Group, he was still very full. Now his figure has improved a lot, the big one, the small one, the thin one. Chen Xiaowei rubbed his forehead with a headache, looking at Zhang Yang helplessly and said, "My dear big boss, as far as your whole business is concerned, even if I have 180 pounds, I can definitely become a slim person now. People, I think Star Group can also start a weight loss company."

"Haha." Zhang Yang's complaint to Chen Xiaowei immediately smiled smugly and didn't speak anymore. Of course he knew that Chen Xiaowei was busy, and not only busy, but the kind of deadly busy. The two largest aircraft ordered by Star Group and Boeing The passenger aircraft of the same type is almost completed. These two planes are exactly what an airline wants. Because Star Group has paid the full amount in an expedited manner, this aircraft Boeing directly pulled it into Star Group’s order.

The interior decoration and reconstruction works are basically completed. It can be said that, except for some special functions, it cannot be compared with the US President’s Air Force One. The other decoration levels are probably not much worse than the Air Force One. Although Zhang Yang Never got on Air Force One.

Because his company's special plane has not yet returned, what Zhang Yang knows is that the Star Group and Air China have leased two planes, one is used by Chen Xiaowei and the other is used by Luo Tianshu. Almost all of the last month has been spent on the plane Yes, you can catch Chen Xiaowei's time in the company, so Zhang Yang's life is good.

"Uh, I have something to discuss with you. Has our group never advertised?" Zhang Yang asked Chen Xiaowei while looking at Chen Xiaowei, shrugging his shoulders: "Does it work? You know, since the past six months, almost It's almost a week's press conference. Almost all the media industry's news that has been flooded in the past six months is related to the Star Group. The audience is almost aesthetically exhausted. What kind of advertising do you want?"

"There are no advertisements, which is what Samsung will do in the future. Any products that we have against them will be advertised with them. Any product will be." Zhang Yang said without hesitation. "Uh... do they mess with you again?" Chen Xiaowei asked tentatively.

"Of course, don't you know that Samsung is planning to join several mobile phone manufacturers recently to sue our company for monopoly on smartphones?" Zhang Yang said helplessly.

"Uh? Is this the matter? Are you sure?" Chen Xiaowei's face immediately became serious. "Of course it's true. I'm lied to you for this kind of thing. Otherwise, I won't be so angry. I didn't do anything last time." Zhang Yang said innocently.

"Okay, then I agree, but how are you going to deal with this matter?" Chen Xiaowei asked rhetorically. "I already told Steve Jobs, he will tell you the decision, I have another thing to come to you, how do you say we have a World Cup?" Zhang Yang said with a smile.

"World Cup? Fuck, don't you want to play football again? You still forget the Chinese environment." Chen Xiaowei shook his head quickly, and then continued: "If you want to play, you are like Abu, It’s okay to buy a club. Those giants buy whatever they want. Real Madrid, Barcelona or something. I want to buy which one."

Chen Xiaowei's tone made Zhang Yang cry and laugh. Obviously, Chen Xiaowei was frightened by Zhang Yang's messy ideas, so he made this suggestion directly. Anyway, there is not much money to buy a giant. The real president of the Star Group wants to play, it is still fun.

"No, it has nothing to do with football. Although I am a fake fan, I don't usually watch football games. I'm talking about e-sports." Zhang Yang said immediately.

"E-sports? Er? Do you mean to find Samsung's trouble? WCG? Is that the name, I have seen it before, but IMHO, if you invest in such a league, in your style, I am afraid that the handwriting is not small. I admit that your eyes are promising, but I have to say that this is a business that invests money for a long time." Chen Xiaowei said seriously.

"I know, but it doesn't matter, anyway, it's enough to be able to play against WCG on the platform. Anyway, I can earn so much money that I can't spend any money. Why can't I spend as much as I want? Anyway, I just finished with Samsung. With what I just said, what products of Samsung advertise, you will promote what products to our company, as long as we have, we will fight against them specifically.' Zhang Yang said quickly.

Chen Xiaowei couldn't help but glance at Zhang Yang: "Are you serious?" "Of course." Zhang Yang nodded equally seriously. "In fact, our Star Group still has a big enemy. Of course, it's not Samsung. It doesn't accompany it. Not even a shoe lifter counts, so you have to be prepared to make enough money, otherwise, we can't beat each other!" Zhang Yang joked half-seriously and continued.

Chen Xiaowei was completely mad, and she had no choice but to say for a long time: "Did you drink too much? Now, you are not satisfied? Do you still think we made less? Do you really want to make Buffett's investment make money?" "

"Haha, if it is possible, why not?" Zhang Yang immediately smiled smugly. Buffett's investment made money. Naturally, he said that Buffett used Apple's shares in exchange for Star Group's shares. If Buffett's investment made money, I am afraid that the market value of Star Group will be at least about two trillion dollars. After the deal between Buffett and Starry Group came out at the time, everyone in the world laughed, thinking that Buffett, who was smart for a lifetime, finally glanced.

"Okay, I’m sure you’re really crazy, so let’s not talk about it first. Just say what you said about hosting a league? What do you think? Is it like Samsung holding a league? Every year? Once?" Chen Xiaowei looked at Zhang Yang seriously.

"Of course not. My idea is that the league we host should be implemented in accordance with the football system and the European Cup system. As for the cooperation of others, it depends on our strength, as long as our strength is strong enough! Dare to guarantee that these people will definitely participate." Zhang Yang said seriously.

"What do you want to do?" Chen Xiaowei was a little dizzy. She still didn't understand it. He didn't understand the system of the European Football League, let alone other things.

"Hey." Zhang Yang smiled triumphantly. He thought of a loss, and once the loss came out, it was estimated that Samsung or South Korea would cry. "My thoughts are like this..." Zhang Yang whispered a lot into Chen Xiaowei's ear.

After Zhang Yang finished speaking, Chen Xiaowei was speechless: "Okay, I admit that your move is really detrimental, and also pinpointed the opponent's life. In this way, the opponent must cry, but the only one The disadvantage is that it costs too much."

Zhang Yang shook his head slightly: "No, it doesn't cost a lot, I tell you the truth, although e-sports is now a blank in all countries of the world, including South Korea! Don't look at South Korea's sound and color now, But the only drawback is that there is too little investment. The influence is not enough! Anything needs to form a cycle, in an event, then influence is the most important! How is influence formed? I will tell you what influence is Formed, and once this influence is formed, our company is waiting to collect the money!"

Nodding helplessly, it is barely agree with Zhang Yang's opinion. Chen Xiaowei just said helplessly: "I don't know how the influence you said was formed, but in my understanding, the method of influence you formed is actually very factual. Simple, only one."

"Uh? What?" Zhang Yang choked, could Chen Xiaowei see through others' thoughts? She knows what she will do? Although I talked a lot, I didn't say any specific measures.

"Frankly speaking, just two words, money!" Chen Xiaowei rolled his eyes.

Zhang Yang froze for a moment, then he paused for a moment, and after thinking about it a bit, Junren couldn’t help but laugh: “Okay, I admit, you’re right about everything, in the final analysis, these two words, yes, it’s money. ."

"Well, say, how much money do you need this time? I made the finance department ready, and the money will not be included in the plan. In addition, if you want to do it, you need to find someone. You are responsible for this matter. I don’t have time anyway. Don’t bother me.” Chen Xiaowei directly cleared his relationship.

"It shouldn't be too much. Prepare 80 billion for me. Of course, this money is a one-time expenditure. In the future, the company will not have to spend money in this area." Zhang Yang thought about it and said quickly.

"RMB?" Chen Xiaowei froze for a asked. "Nonsense, of course RMB, 80 billion US dollars, do you really think I'm crazy?" Zhang Yang rolled his eyes.

"It's okay, your money unit has always been in US dollars. This time a RMB suddenly popped up. I thought I heard it wrong." Chen Xiaowei shook his head directly.

"Since talking about this, I'm asking you, how about our company only holding RMB assets and how to settle with RMB? Are there any excessive reactions from companies that do business with our company?" Zhang Yang immediately remembered another thing.

"No, although the transaction is a bit troublesome, but bank settlement is very good now, so there is nothing troublesome." Chen Xiaowei shook his head slightly. In fact, there are still many inconveniences in this matter. After all, the world currency is still the US dollar, of course, for Zhang Yang. Weird request, Chen Xiaowei did not refute, anyway, this matter is the most pressure on the finance department, the other is nothing. Anyway, Star Group still has 10% of the shares of ICBC, and all the company funds are still in ICBC. ! ! ! ;




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