The Strongest Hacker

Vol 2 Chapter 557: Back hand (4)

Chapter 557 Back Hand (4)

In this situation, Zhang Yang is overwhelmed, but there is a last sentence in the announcement of Zhang Yangfa, that is, the company is currently conducting a specific inspection and will announce the investment plan in two days. ; So the news almost made people all over the world start to tickle, as if they got ADHD, they were uncomfortable, but there was no way to do it. Who wouldn't say it.

But the Star Group did not say go, the European media seemed to have forgotten about the leagues of various countries for a few days, and they began to report about the Star Group’s purchase of the European Football Club, and all Of the media are guessing which club the Starry Sky Group will buy, some guess Real Madrid, some guess Barcelona, ​​and what Inter, a Mi 575 back chapter (fourth), Juventus and other teams Everyone guessed, anyway, almost everyone on the frontline has guessed it.

Because no one, or no media will think that Li Keqing wants to buy a second-hand team, anyway, is the world's richest man, to sell is to buy the best. And with this announcement, it is felt that there is some mess in the whole of Europe. Zhang Yang has been staying in the technology department of the Star Group for the past two days, and he has been worshipped by the people in the technology department every day.

There is no other way to explain the problem, as long as you can see the visit traffic of the official website of the Starry Group in the past two days, the daily visitor traffic of the official website of the Starry Sky Group has actually exceeded 30 million people, and more than half of them are It is a foreign GOD port, which is the official website of the Starry Sky Group. Because of the optimized access to the network by the Starry Sky system, plus the resources of supercomputers and many servers that can be called, it is possible to withstand such terrible access traffic without crashing.

At least Jin Tianhou’s such high access traffic is not only a test for the server, but also a serious filial piety for the network, system, etc., just for the current heat, I am afraid that when the news is announced two days later, the 500th starry sky Chapter 57 Backhand (4) The official website of the group may be squeezed by everyone, and it is impossible to say.

What is the best way to become a star? Gossip! Or all kinds of news, want to be glamorous. The porter let many girl stars become household names at once. And more hype is caused by rumors. People who have not experienced European and American media do not understand that the spread of various rumors in European and American media is definitely faster than domestic ones. In these two days, various rumors almost filled the pages of major European newspapers.

Some people saw the president of the Star Group appear at the Real Madrid Club, some saw Li Keqing’s first secretary Xia January appeared at the Barcelona Club, and others saw Zhang Yang appear at the Milan Club. Newspaper media, and even many newspapers have photos on their pages. Zhang Yang had to admire these reports, these people are really TM cattle.

Zhang Yang also didn’t know. How did his own photo on the newspaper relate to the Milan club? Well, although the environment in the background of the publicity in that photo is similar to the environment near the home of a director of Ban Lan, I can find it. These things are absolutely...D is a personal talent.

"These reporters... are talents..." Zhang Yang said with a sip of sorrow. Little fat man would like to take the sentence, boss, I think you are more talented than them. Otherwise, how did you come up with this kind of trick? "Uh? Boss, are you sure you will release the news today? At present, the number of visitors to our company's official website has surged to more than 30 million, and this number is still increasing." The fat man looked at the starry sky statistics on the computer screen Asked the figure.

"It's okay, how far is it from the realm?" Zhang Yang shook his head slightly. This kind of access should not be too difficult for the starry sky. After all, simple access can't cause much calculation, only a lot of All kinds of information flow will increase the computing power of the computer. Besides, the performance of the starry sky is fully capable of handling so much computing power.

"It's almost 60% or so, and another 40% of the data will reach the warning line of collapse..." The little fat man looked back and looked at the parameter statistics on the computer. Zhang Yang was a little bit surprised, but he didn't expect it to be so crazy, right The influence of the starry sky also seems huge.

"So let's release the latest announcement..." Zhang Yang thought about it and nodded directly to the little fat man. "Uh okay." The little fat man choked, and threw the new announcement onto the homepage readily. Now Europe and the United States are either in the middle of the night or in the early morning. Domestically, it is cattle, but European and American countries do not know how many fans are staying in front of the computer because of this matter, and everyone is waiting for the latest announcement.

Although these rumors in Europe, major clubs have jumped out to clarify the rumors on their homepages, saying that their clubs have not received any contact from the Star Group or have been visited by relevant persons.

But these ordinary fans simply don’t believe it, and the words of those club officials cannot believe it. This kind of thing is not unprecedented. How many players are declared by the club as property that will not be sold, but in the end it is not sold to the club. Anymore?

In this world, the arms cannot be thighs, but the thighs cannot be MONEY! God knows if these clubs keep secrets at the request of each other, just waiting for the explosive news today? This is true for ordinary fans or ordinary people who are very interested in this matter, especially for media reporters, especially reporters from major sports media newspapers. I didn't sleep all night and stayed in front of the computer. I was afraid that when the Star Group was mentally disabled, I made an announcement when I didn't notice.

When the time comes, his rice bowl may be smashed. The boss has repeatedly told him to get the news as soon as possible and let them appear in newspapers and magazines to increase the sales of his own newspapers and the like. So when the fat man posted this announcement, the world did not know how many people saw the news at once.

After seeing this new announcement, everyone, especially these reporters, seemed to be hitting chicken blood. AMP almost soared hundreds of times, and the action of flying with both hands directly opened the announcement. When these reporters worked hard to translate the bulletin into text that they could understand using the translation software they were looking for, when they finished reading, these reporters went black and almost spewed blood directly onto the computer screen.

Nima! Is this the horse situation? I am not wrong, right? The reporters of all sports newspapers almost messed up in the wind almost the first time. Everyone was just an action after a few desires, that is, rubbing their eyes hard, and then carefully, carefully, one word for one word The speculation of the word read the whole announcement. After everyone saw the whole announcement and confirmed that the whole announcement was different from what he thought, these reporters were speechless.

Yes, completely speechless. Ghost... Too TM... Kinky ~ lascivious! Almost everyone had such a thought in their minds for the first time. Who came this loss? Okay, there is no relationship with football hair throughout, we admit that you are right, this thing is related to sports...but...If you invest in sports, you should invest in sports, why do you want to be in front? In addition, the chairman of Star Group felt deeply after watching the football match?

And still feeling deeply after watching football games in Europe? Nima, can you tell me, what does this have to do with watching the football match? Or is there anything to do? Although everyone knows that they are being played by the Star Group while they are speechless, they cannot jump out and refute anything, because they have never said that they want to buy a football club? Others just said that the boss personally made $10 billion to invest in sports, okay, e-sports is also sports?

After the frustration, these reporters sent the announcement and the incident to the editorial department of their media for the first time. Anyway, they have been watching all night, and readers are also looking forward to this news. Go back? However, apart from the slightly flirty nature of the Star Group, this content is really surprising! It can't be described with big brushstrokes. It should be said that big brushstrokes, especially some of them, make people feel crazy to describe them.

First of all, the Star Group will set up a worldwide e-sports league. This league will be divided into four stages. The first stage will be the annual regular season, which will be divided according to the country. Each country will refer to the current tournaments similar to football matches for club leagues. The entire league will be divided into three levels, A and B three levels. The relegation system of the last two clubs will be implemented, and there will be no number in the C-League.

There are only 16 clubs in the first division, and 32 clubs in the second division. And for countries that are willing to allow the Star Group to invest, such league bonuses are 10 million US dollars! In other words, the bonus set for the entire league is 10 million US dollars! This tens of millions of dollars does not include the investment costs invested by the Star Group to organize the league.

Ten million dollars in one country! Even if there are not too many countries that passed the first batch of according to thirty, this is 300 million US dollars! If you add those applications, venues, employees to be hired, and advertising costs, this number needs to be doubled.

But this is only the first stage of the league, the second stage of the league will be the World Club Challenge, each country has only four club places, and the final three league prizes in this stage are 50 million and 30 million, And 20 million dollars! In other words, the top three clubs in the entire game have a prize of 100 million dollars!

The third stage of the league is a personal game. All games that participate in the e-sports project will have a personal game. The prize money for the personal game is not high. The highest in each country is only five million US dollars. Ten million dollars, six million dollars, and three million dollars. But this bonus is personal, so compared to the club, this individual tournament bonus is a bit higher.

In the fourth stage of the league, everyone felt a little shocked after watching it, and no one could say what they thought. ! ! ! ;




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