The Strongest Hacker

Vol 2 Chapter 563: Structure (2)

At noon, they invited Mo Lei to have a meal, settled Mo Lei’s father, and then Zhang Yang took the two people who couldn’t wait to go to the Starry Sky Group, and to the downstairs of the Starry Sky Group, Mo Xin said with some disappointment: “This is The largest company in the world, Starry Sky Group? It's not quite what I expected."

Zhang Yang couldn't help crying: "I don't believe that you two haven't seen the photos of the headquarters of the Starry Sky Group before you came. There is no way. Who made our company too short to be born? It can only be so for the time being."

"Well, this is a glory in itself. Hey, no company in the world seems to be able to achieve this level, which is also a unique one." GOD nodded with emotion. Zhang Yang was a little speechless. He waved his hands to the three and then went to the inside of the company.

Starry Sky Group now almost fills up the entire office building. Now that Starry Sky Group has too much business, now the entire group is almost in a state of madness and busyness. It can be said that there has been no stop from the beginning of the establishment of Starry Sky Group. The entire group is almost in this rhythm. Now, the old employees of many companies are almost used to this kind of life, but a little idle is not used to it.

Zhang Yang took GOD and the three of them to go to the company's personnel department to go through the relevant procedures, and then took them to the technical department. In these days, Lan Mo knew that Mo Lei was going to come, but they dressed themselves as pretty ladies, at least Zhang Yang. There was no difference between when I saw Lan Mo and when Zhang Yang first saw Lan Mo in the sales department.

"Uh? Lan Mo?" When GOD and Lan Mo met, Zhang Yang knew that GOD might see Lan Mo's true face for the first time, otherwise it would not be the expression now. "It's me, you're GOD? Are you roasted whole lamb? Cumin lamb?" Lan Mo smiled, stretched out his little hand and shook hands with all three.

The three of them felt a little indifferent, and looked at each other strangely. Obviously, the gap between Lan Mo and their imagination in Chapter 563 Structure (2) was too big. This was the first time I saw Zhang Yang. Lan Mo's expressions were almost the same, no way, Lan Mo's reality looks too ladylike. The gentle appearance and the long, soft hair are too fraudulent, completely covering up her true personality, that is, I know very well that both the GOD and the roasted whole sheep of Lan Mo are this? *"lie coffin× Difficult to say  sakura  gambling to stop sorrows far away  accurate ?br/>

"By the way, I forgot to tell you a message. I just reached an agreement with Vivendi Group. Within two or three days, I will announce the successful acquisition of Blizzard." Zhang Yang suddenly thought of the acquisition of Blizzard. Did not tell Mo Lei and Mo Xin.

"What?" Zhang Yang's words immediately made Mo Lei and Mo Xin almost coincidentally, both of them looked at Zhang Yang inconceivably, as if they saw a monster.

"I bought Blizzard." Zhang Yang shrugged his shoulders.

"Uh... just for the Starry Sky Cup?" Mo Lei responded quickly and immediately understood the reason why Zhang Yang bought Blizzard, because most of the games produced by Blizzard are related to competition, at least Warcraft, and StarCraft. Hegemony's two games are quite competitive games, and Blizzard's own team's ability to create games is the industry's first!

"Almost, but not all, but Blizzard's business, although I bought Blizzard, but Blizzard's internal operations, I do not want to interfere, in addition to providing funds for them, they will do other things separately Operations, and I think you still need a few of them on the battle platform. At present, the technical department does not have too many things to be busy. If you need anything, I can transfer people to help you two." Star Group currently The time is very tight, and Zhang Yang has no time to talk to Mo Lei politely, and directly shifted the topic to this.

"Well, what level do you want to achieve? If it is these battle platforms currently on the market, it should not be too difficult, we can get it soon." Mo Lei raised his head and looked at Zhang Yang. "No, no, if it's such a battle platform, I can just buy it directly, and I don't need to rewrite it at all. I think this is the way..." Zhang Yang thought for a while, and then began to tell the two of them about his requirements. .

"First of all, when we do a game, we need to have a live broadcast, whether it is recorded or broadcast, but we all need an audience, and the video live broadcast tool is embedded in the platform. In this way, we are equivalent to having a webcast platform. In addition, we will add our company’s translation software. With the instant translation software, there will be no problems in communication between countries around the world, that is, players who want to watch our videos can choose their own language. ."

"This is the most critical point, and the other is the image quality problem, which is almost a difficult problem at present, so I think you and the person responsible for writing Nebula software should contact each other to see if this may be solved, there are other One requirement is about World of Warcraft." Zhang Yang considered Zhu Jun's words and then raised this matter separately.

"World of Warcraft?" The questions Zhang Yang said earlier are already quite difficult. It is not difficult to cut into the software, but the software must be optimized at the same time as the embedding, and compatibility, fluency, graphics, etc. must also be considered. But what about World of Warcraft now?

Seeing several people's puzzled expressions, Zhang Yang once again told Zhu Jun what he had said to himself, but what Zhang Yang thought about was added to it. The first thing was the problem of live broadcasting. The picture optimization of the first World of Warcraft, this is not a problem, there is lucky software, it is a very simple thing to redo the system resources, after all, the Starry Sky Group only uses the data in the World of Warcraft, and the things like the picture can be completely reworked do!

This is not the most critical, the most critical issue is the live broadcast! First of all, World of Warcraft is a 3D page. It is impossible to have an OB perspective like a competitive game, which is called the referee vision. You can see the progress of both parties at the same time! The only possibility is that two pictures appear on one screen, but in this way, the two pictures will definitely affect the viewing.

With the first perspective, there is another problem. The biggest aspect of World of Warcraft is team combat. Once a single vision is used, the audience cannot watch the actions of other characters. Therefore, to add the God perspective in the client, this is the most critical one, that is, the perspective that can only be used by the referee. In this case, the biggest problem comes again. It is true to have the God perspective, but such a third-party perspective Also quite test the skill of explanation. In particular, there are infinitely many skills in World of Warcraft. If so many skills are used for PK, if one explanation is wrong, it will be sprayed.

After Zhang Yang said his request again, Mo Lei and Mo Xin looked at each other, and then smiled bitterly: "We will try this, but we can’t decide this content ourselves, we have to talk to the staff of Blizzard Games. Only negotiation is necessary, especially in terms of modifying the client, and adding the perspective of God. This requires us to know the source code."

"This is not a problem, anyway, Blizzard is almost ours, and it will do. You have to consider the feasibility of this problem in the past few days, at least to solve some marginal problems, I contacted Vivendi Group in the past few days After signing our contract, Blizzard took it back into our arms." Zhang Yang nodded and said, Mo Lei and Mo Xin also nodded in agreement.

But what happened to Zhang Yang in the following discussion was that GOD guy also thought of many key ideas. Zhang Yang suddenly thought of another person, Luo Gai! Luo Gai’s technical strength Zhang Yang did not dare to comment too much, but Zhang Yang had a hunch that Luo Gai was definitely not as harmless as he showed in the computer. Luo Gai once said that he had invaded the Star Group’s official website and tried After the performance of the starry sky, but there is no alarm in the starry sky, Zhang Yang does not know, which is quite scary. Even if Zhang Yang does not use the core authority to test the starry sky, there is no way to stop the starry sky alarm.

And in the place where Luo Gai was found, the server was at the level that Luo Gai had set up. He didn’t even do it himself. In Luo Gai’s own words, if he did it himself, he was afraid that the person who saved him could not invade. server. After leaving GOD on them, Zhang Yang called Luo Tianshu and asked her to arrange to send Luo Gai back to see if Luo Gai and Mo Lei discussed with them.

Luo Tianshu did not refuse because what Luo Gai is studying now... is actually very speechless, at least what Luo Tian Shu said, now everyone in the entire research base treats Luo Gai as a god. The difference is that these people are now following Luo Gai in a mess, and Luo Gai often comes up with an idea in his head. He went to do experiments, regardless of what he was doing.

Anyway, his research has no specific direction, and he will do whatever he wants. Now it’s okay to transfer to Zhang Yang. At least let the researchers sort out some of the results that Luo Gai and them have made during this time. And Luo Tianshu also vaguely revealed a point, saying that it was Luo Gai who solved the most important program of a secret fighter of the military, which seems to be the problem of invisible paint.

As soon as Luo Tianshu mentioned this, Zhang Yang thought of J20 at the time. It seems that J20 is the only invisible paint that can be used in China.

Mo Lei, they came to the Star Group and immediately started their busy work, Zhang Yang also became busy, and Vivendi's movements were also quite fast, almost on the second day of Zhang Yang and Fortu on the phone, Fortu Fly directly to H city with a few assistants. ! ! ! ;




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