The Strongest Hacker

Vol 2 Chapter 575: 5 trillion 600 billion!

Fifty-six trillion! When most of the media use this number to enlarge it as a title to express its shock! Because Star Group has always used RMB as a settlement unit, even large international currency settlements require other companies to convert to RMB for settlement first, so these media can only use R Peng as the unit for the market value of Star Group!

But whether it is RMB or US dollars, Star Group has become the only company in history that may have such a high market value! The reason why it is also called a company, rather than a consortium, is because the Star Group does not have the characteristics of consortia, and more importantly, its ownership is Chan...still a private company!

And there is another media that calculated the GDP of China's reeling country in 2005 as compared to the 575th chapter of Chapter 560 billion! The rate of increase, in 2004, China's GDP was about 13 trillion RMB, and this year, according to the published data, the GDP of China's country now reaches about 27 trillion! In other words, within a year, China's GDP has increased by 107% year-on-year! This is a crazy number, if it is said that this appeared in World War I and World War II? * Tomb  飧鍪  only the emperor quietly knocked thorn play?br/>

But now it is the 21st century! This can no longer be described as a miracle, this is simply a miracle! And according to the calculations of this professional financial media, if you deduct the chain reaction caused by the Star Group, including the Star Group, China's GDP growth rate this year is about the same as in previous years, that is, about 10%! From the end of 2004 to the beginning of 2005, several publicly available data from the State Council of the Central Republic of China can be seen. ;

The expected value and predicted value of the Zhongluo government's government are 10%, and now, it's just a living evil. In fact, it’s not just these media that are a little speechless. All the staff members of the Ministry of Finance of the State Council now see the four words of the Starry Sky Group as if they saw God. ! People who have experienced it can't think about what kind of concept it is when the one-year increase in income in one's own country exceeds the total fiscal income in one year!

Although this number is just the company's market value, and its revenue are two different things, but the market value is also a terrible thing, at least if the Star Group now sells its group's stocks on a small scale, I am afraid that its market value will increase madly One trillion dollars is not difficult at all. This has never been seen in history. A company that has broken through trillions of dollars, even if Star Group is not listed, has been forecasted by major financial media newspapers to exceed the concept of trillions of dollars.

The first is Star Computer, because Star Computer’s products are not yet on the market, so its market value is likely to rise again, after all, if AMD produces a new one. If the performance of PU can really exceed INTEE, AMD is in the world. The market share in the UP field is bound to increase significantly, and at the same time, it is AMD stocks that are rising, which is certain.

Because Star Computer is not listed, it was only those subsidiaries of Star Computer that were originally listed, so its market value will change as the market value of these subsidiaries changes. Qualcomm has increased its market value because of a new contract with Apple. It is also inevitable.

Time is always lost before you know it. In all kinds of speculations from the outside world, Star Group ushered in the first year of its establishment. With the advent of January 1st, Star Group is also more busy. Fortunately, Apple's organization is quite perfect, so Apple Computer's affairs do not need to be responsible for Starry Sky Ran, Apple and Starry Heavy Industries can be combined. The only difference is that, unlike IPHONE's global manufacturing, IPHONE2 is all produced domestically, and Apple has built several large-scale production lines in China.

Because the battery production line has re-entered the sub-modulation state, the current IPHONE 2 generation has been sold to all parts of the world. Although there is still a gap between the sales and production, there is basically no problem in delaying the production of new batteries. In January, there are long queues in Apple stores around the world, and some people lined up here several hours before the stores opened.

According to the length of use of IPHONE1, the ratio is basically quite high, and users can exchange for a new IPHONE2 without spending much money. Before the release of IPHONE2, all the media were full of anticipation for it, or its battery. This expectation is not just these media, almost everyone in the world who is related to electronic products is full of anticipation. .

Everyone is not an idiot. If this situation is true, then it means that the world's energy structure will produce new changes.

Whether it was World War I or World War II, why did those oil tycoons have such a great deterrent force? It is because they have the power of the huge ships and artillery of various countries in their hands! If the battery that the Star Group has been promoting is true, then electricity will no longer be an auxiliary power system, it will become a new energy method.

With the original battery, you can produce an electric bicycle that travels more than 100 kilometers. Now if they advertise the new battery of the Starry Sky Group, the storage capacity has increased tenfold under the same volume! Then it means that these electric bicycles can exercise more than one thousand kilometers in one charge! How big is the battery of an electric bicycle? Does this mean that the realization of electric vehicles is not far away?

When these media have bought IPHONE2 and started to evaluate, Zhang Yang secretly met Anthony in his office. "How is it?" Zhang Yang asked.

"The difficulty of carrying out is not small, but to reach the point where you need the boss, I am afraid it will take at least five to six years." Anthony Zheng shook his head. The task that Zhang Yang later explained to him was not just as simple as buying minerals. That task was quite arduous, and the money invested was also a huge number.

"Time is not a problem, money is not a problem. I will try to make billions of dollars for you every year, plus your own company's profit. Do you think you can complete this task?" Zhang Yang raised his eyebrows.

"I dare not say that I have 100% certainty, but I will do my best to do it!" Anthony said seriously, his expression was a little excited, Anthony did not expect such thoughts in Zhang Yang's bones, You know, what he finally achieved is almost impossible in modern times, but if implemented according to Zhang Yang’s plan, it is absolutely feasible!

Zhang Yang looked at the time, nodded and said to Zhao Fei next to him: "Take him away. In addition, Anthony, I promise that if you really do, I can give you 10% of the Starry Sky Group." Zhang Yang's tone is very serious. Anthony's body shivered and could not help but tremble a little, and ran outside for a long time. Anthony is naturally not a person who does not know anything, 10% of the shares of Star Group! What is this concept? According to the current situation, Star Group has a market value of RMB 560 billion! Ten percent is RMB 560 billion!

It was a huge number that made people feel palpitations. It was a long time before Anthony smiled and shook his head with a slight smile: "Zhang, I don't need money, you can arrange my daughter, you don't need to give her too much 0.1% of the shares are enough, and the money is enough to save ordinary people from worrying about life. To be honest, President Zhang did what I did, so you don’t need much said."

Zhang Yang nodded slightly, didn't say much, just said seriously: "You can rest assured, you are not a problem, I will let your daughter take care of you." Anthony only nodded and turned and followed Zhao Fei away . Except for the two of them, Zhang Yang told Anthony that no third person knew. Even Zhao Fei, the person who conveyed the news, did not know.

Some things know as little as possible. After Anthony and their departure, Zhang Yang narrowed his eyes slightly. For five or six years, if he can really do that, I am afraid that the progress of the whole world will follow his own changes. changed.

Hu Siran thought for a while, and then there was a new knock on the door, and Zhang Yang said loudly, "Come in." Luo Tianshu who came in the door, followed by Luo Tianshu's secretary. Zhang Yang was slightly stunned when he saw Luo Tianshu's secretary. The girl was stunned immediately after seeing Zhang Yang. Zhang Yang was puzzled. The girl looked quite familiar. Zhang Yang seemed to have seen it somewhere, but he couldn't remember it for a moment.

"You two know each other?" Luo Tianshu's expressions were immediately noticed, and he asked strangely. "I... I don't know. I seem to have seen a person who looks like President Zhang, but I don't know if it is President Zhang." The girl of Secretary Luo Tianshu looked at Zhang Yang with some anxiety, and then carefully Open mouth.

"Uh, sit down, this, I seem to have seen you, but I can't remember it for a moment." Zhang Yang choked a little embarrassedly, hurried to greet and then sat down.

"Do you really know her? Don't be bragging. I found this when I was recruiting. Her name is the same as mine. It's also called Luo Tianshu, so I recruited her." Luo Tianshu gave a strange look. Before explaining to Zhang Yang.


………I remembered! "Luo Tianshu said this, Zhang Yangmeng remembered who the girl was. Luo Tianshu didn't say that the girl was exactly the same as her name. Zhang Yang couldn't remember it. Now when she said, Zhang Yang immediately remembered that this was not the 9th day of the year. Instructor's girlfriend? When Zhang Yang went to see the slogan instructor's parents, the instructor's parents also introduced the girl to Zhang Yang.

"Zhang Zhang, is that really you?" the girl asked in a cautious start. Zhang Yang Zhengzheng took the lead and said with a smile: "It's me, I didn't expect that we met again, I still left you a phone call, did you forget it?"

"No, no, how can I get rid of it, but I didn't expect... I didn't expect..." The girl stuttered, obviously she didn't expect Zhang Yang's stature to be so terrifying, I'm afraid no one would look down on the stars by now. The founder of the group! No one dares to underestimate the founders of the Star Group.

"Oh, it's okay. Sit down, sit down. Speaking of us, we are friends. Are uncles and aunts okay now?" Zhang Yang once left his phone and asked them to call themselves when they were in trouble. Without calling Zhang Yang, their lives should still be calm.

"The body and everything are fine. They adopted another child, named Zhao Wenliang, and he is already 7 years old this year." The girl with the same name as Luo Tianshu introduced the situation of the two old people to Zhang Yang. Zhang Yang nodded slightly, and until the two of them finished their greetings, Luo Tianshu smiled and said: "It turns out that this is how I said, how could you two know each other, but this is also fine, and Xiao Shu will not be in the company afterwards Dare to bully you, haha."

The girl was a little embarrassed, Zhang Yang smiled and said to her: "Yes, your chairman is right. If someone bullies you in the future, you call me, and she bullies you too." Zhang Yang pointed to Luo Tianshu and said jokingly.

"Go away, am I that kind of person?" Luo Tianshu rolled his eyes before saying, "I won't gossip, what's the matter with you asking me to come?"

"Last time I seemed to have seen hybrid engine research work in your research project. How is this work going now?" Zhang Yang is concerned about the engine research work of Xingkong Heavy Industry. The engine is the core of all machinery in modern society. Power is the heart of all large mobile machines. As long as the outstanding performance is researched, it will be a huge driving force for the giant company, Starry Sky Group!

"Basic has already begun to shape, this still has to rely on Luo Gai, many of the proposals he put forward gave the research team a very direct direction, let our engine research process into the real, and now can basically shape production." Luo Tianshu Said seriously.

"Introduce." Zhang Yang asked seriously.

Luo Tianshu took a folder directly from her secretary Hu, and then took out a few files and looked at it. Said: "At present, there are three kinds of engines we have developed, and we are currently conquering the fourth. The first of these three engines is an electric oil hybrid engine that can be used on cars! It can be used as a hybrid propulsion, and It can be used as a separate electric propulsion, or a single gasoline propulsion. In the case of smooth driving, the default is to use electric power first, and then use fuel. Its working efficiency is about 70% higher than that of the engine! Consumption rate has plummeted. However, the weight of the car body has to increase a lot."

Zhang Yang shook his head slightly: "This is not a problem. Today's better sports cars also need to specially invite people to increase the weight of the car body. If our engine weighs more, we will save a process."

"Well, we have done experiments, our engine battery part can be evenly distributed to all parts of the body, so that the weight of the body is more balanced, but after the hybrid propulsion, our engine can probably run at least a kilometer per liter of gasoline Above!" Luo Tianshu was quite excited about this number.

Zhang Yang is also excited. What is the most missing thing in the world now? It's oil! Otherwise, the United States will not drive an aircraft carrier around the world to grab oil! "If you are fully charged and fueled at one time, how many kilometers can you travel?" Zhang Yang tentatively asked.

"As far as this sports car that our BMW has built for our company is concerned, according to my standard, a car with a displacement is driven by a box of 97 liters of fuel that can only run about 500 kilometers! And our new engine It can drive at least 1200 kilometers by its electric propulsion alone! Because of the electric propulsion system, the mailbox is a bit small. According to this displacement, the mailbox can only travel like kilometers, which means that the entire car's power system It can travel about 1400 kilometers! And it can maintain maximum power output from beginning to end!" Luo Tianshu introduced it immediately.

"What about the remaining two?" Zhang Yang immediately asked. The engine performance of the first model was so excellent, so the remaining few could not be found.

"The second model is an all-electric car engine! Because there is no fuel power system, first of all, it is quite environmentally friendly. At the same time, the body has a larger volume to increase the battery capacity, and its endurance capacity has reached 1600 kilometers! But there is a The defect is that if there is a problem with the circuit, it will break down. Unlike the first engine, if the circuit has a problem, you can use fuel power. However, our circuit system is not so easy to go wrong, and our The modular division of the battery, that is to say, if there is an accident such as a crash, the battery is operated according to the module splicing. If one or several of the batteries are faulty and cannot provide power, it will not Completely broken down, only its overall endurance will decline. But electric-oil hybrid power does not have this advantage, and its battery cannot be so divided." Luo Tianshu said.

"The third engine is an electric diesel hybrid engine developed by Starry Heavy Industries for large-scale machinery. Its battery will use a higher-end battery. This engine can provide super power of 2 strong reel horsepower! It can be produced qualitatively, but this is just an engine. If we want to launch an impact in some aspects, we will need other parts of the year-on-year research." Luo Tianshu said.

Luo Tianshu said this, and Zhang Yang immediately understood what this engine was for. This book was obviously produced for tanks and other heavy machinery!

"How about other performance?" Zhang Yang thought about it and asked again. "Laboratory data can maintain a maximum speed of 80KM/h under the condition of supporting the weight of smart tons, and the range will reach 900km! However, this is theoretical data, the actual data may be lower, but it is similar to the car engine. The fuel mailbox is not large, only about 200 liters of mailbox, can only be used as emergency power!" Luo Tianshu said.

"I see. What is the engine being developed for now?" Zhang Yang asked again. "It's an electric-oil hybrid turbofan engine!" Luo Tianshu didn't introduce it in detail, but said a name. But this name is enough, in other words, the fourth engine will be the engine provided to the aircraft! If its overall performance is more outstanding, then it means that in the field of fighter aircraft, large transport aircraft, etc., China may achieve a take-off.

"The first three engines will not be a problem, but the fourth engine still needs enough time to be developed. And..."

………Roguet’s situation is no longer optimistic. He now lies in the ward more often than he appears in the laboratory, but he will appear in the laboratory as soon as the situation arises, if he can’t get up, Just let our people record, he said there until the vice fan again. The doctor has checked it. The tumor in his brain has compressed several major blood supply arteries, and the blood vessels... there are signs of rupture. "

Luo Tianshu's voice was a little low, saying that he didn't continue. Zhang Yang nodded silently, the implication is that Luo Gai's time is probably running out. Although the research brought by Luo Gai's appearance in the Starry Sky Group is strictly not very special, many things are a bit messy. The data and ideas, because he always records what he thinks, so these things are strictly recorded and protected, but in any case, not to mention the other, it is the same with the battery! Luo Gai has already made enough contributions to the Star Group.

"Tomorrow, Ke Qing and I will go to the hospital and give him the highest honor of the Star Group, the seven-star crystal medal! In addition, for all the research he participates in, we must mark his name and use the letter L instead. After a few years, at the right time, all of this will be announced! His contribution to humanity is unquestionable." Zhang Yang thought for a long time before speaking seriously.

"Well, I understand, is there anything else I need to explain?" Luo Tianshu looked at Zhang Yang and said slowly.

"Give me the details of the detailed parameter information of the car engine. I want to study the tank engine first, and don't move the other systems for the time being." Zhang Yang thought about it. Said. If you want to get orders from the military, you only need to replace the power system. Zhang Yang also knows that you can also get orders. What Zhang Yang hopes now is to wait for him to rectify the domestic military system, and then start to develop the tank, so that the tank's communication system, etc., do not have to go back to the factory for modification.

"Well, then you just have to hold this document directly." Luo Tianshu lowered his head and sorted out the documents in his hand, then pulled out several documents from it and handed the rest to Zhang Yang.

The next day, Zhang Yang followed Li Keqing and the senior executives of a company to visit Luo Gai in the hospital, and personally gave the company a short time after the company had just produced it. The entire Star Group's only seven-star crystal medal was awarded to Luo Gai. Stroking the medal in his hand, Luo Gai, who was pale, smiled and said: "It seems that you guessed the idea in my heart. At least that way, I won't come to this world silently."

"I promise you won't, and in the history of major scientific inventions of mankind, I believe that you will definitely have a place, although I can't guarantee that you will see this day." Zhang Yang has no trace of concealment, and now let Star Group announce Luogai That is impossible in the hands of the Starry Sky Group. If it is really announced, the Star Group offended is not just a Masonic. It was the US special forces that appeared on the scene at the time, and the Russian KGB must also investigate the cause of the incident. It's not that difficult.

If Zhang Yang really announced it, I am afraid that Russia and the United States will unite immediately, and even then I don’t even know if they can keep the Star Group.

Now regardless of whether the United States and Russia have found this, at least two countries have no excuse to find the Star Group, and from the current situation, it is clear that the two countries have not detected this, even if all national intelligence in the world The information of the Star Group is placed on the desk of the department.

When Zhang Yang and Li Keqing came to see Luo Gai, Star World’s World of Warcraft Athletics Edition also officially started operations around the world. Although the skills and so on are all the same as those of World of Warcraft but because all the art resources are re-made , So it takes enough time to get familiar with these environments, and there is not much time left for players who intend to join the professional version of World of Warcraft.

But what the Star Game Company did not expect was that when the World of Warcraft Athletic Edition was officially opened on the first day, a total of multiple servers were opened all over the world and they were full at the same time! In other words, the global number of simultaneous online players of World of Warcraft has reached more than 3.1 million! This number makes the major game companies feel dumbfounded. They did not expect that this game, which was completely born out of World of Warcraft, was so popular.

However, at the same time that the World of Warcraft is hot, when people are speechless, the global online rate of World of Warcraft has dropped by a step. That is to say, most of the players are from the World of Warcraft, real new players. Actually, not much. But this also indirectly proves how attractive the art resources of the World of Warcraft are to players, especially the night elves and blood elves after the re-production. In the previous World of Warcraft, the characters that women like basically not much.

For girls, playing games, the importance of the beauty of the character is often more important than the equipment, many girls would rather wear those attributes are not good, but the relative?   choking buds blowing ammonia buoyant color pretty beautiful "薷袅袅 forgiveness?br/>

Although his map is not big, but referring to the requirement that the game needs to be broadcast live, all the characters in it are very beautiful or handsome. Take the undead clan, the undead in World of Warcraft is a skull that is hard to see, but in the World of Warcraft, the undead clan has been modified, and each undead clan will be issued a black robe for free. The undead clan covered by the robe adds a kind of mystery, and the part of the face will not be displayed, only a dark black hole.

With the cultivation of the undead clan, that is to say, after your level is high, the shape of the entire undead clan will also change, and it will change your shape according to your talents. The shape of the undead family will also be divided into four types. The first and second types are to maintain the original shape of the undead. In general, it is a skeleton frame. The difference is that the male skeleton bones will be like a fire dragon. The same crimson flame was burning.

The female skull is covered with a dark blue frost like an ice dragon. These frosts and flames cover the skeleton's body and only reveal facial features. These are just appearance special effects and have no practical effect, but it has attracted a lot of players for the entire game.

Another form of the undead is the lich, which has a human-like appearance, so its facial expressions are also richer. Other race shape modifications are basically based on this. The difference is that, except for special races, the overall facial features of World of Warcraft can be implemented according to the perfect human face. In other words, you can completely change it to look just like people in reality.

Of course, there are only a few templates. Otherwise, the wasted performance of so many art resources is an appalling number. This is just a modification, and the other modification is to increase the experience. There is no monster in the entire World of Warcraft competitive version. All the main melody is the ratio between people.

The materials needed to make the equipment were obtained in the victory of the game, but Zhang Yang finally listened to the opinions of those game designers, did not say anything to death, and left the interface for adding a copy in the future. If you add a copy, you can't justify yourself.

In addition to preventing the killing of people in the World of Warcraft, there are various materials in the entire field that can be collected, and the public map of the whole World of Warcraft is only a huge map, in addition to placing someone Squat pits kill people, kill trumpets, and add a random teleportation array in the main city of the competitive version.

People in the main city can choose to teleport to the city immediately, and the location of the city will be uncertain. In this way, people are prevented from collecting corpses. And there is another setting in the wild, World of Warcraft Competitive Edition will not say that running dead, after death, you will be resurrected at any location on the map. It may be the main city, other places in the wild, or it may be resurrected in situ.

After the resurrection, there is five seconds of invincibility time, enough for you to return to the city with the return to city skills. All in all, although the entire World of Warcraft is a PK game, it is also quite large for PK, but there is no penalty here. On the contrary, there is also a reputation list in the World of Warcraft.

As the number of murders increases, your reputation will increase throughout the world, but only if you don’t die. As long as you are dead, this reputation list that has been enhanced by killing will directly clear your data. The popularity of the World of Warcraft Athletic Edition means that the World of Warcraft Athletic Edition's future Star Cup competition may become the most eye-catching game.

Because in the competitive version, a God perspective that only official officials can open is added. During the game, professional Zhao can switch the perspective, and the arena and the machine during the game are enough to turn the entire game process into a no less than Technical special effects of Hollywood reel!

You have to know that its entire special effects and the characters inside are completely made with Nebula software, and it has a more world view. After zooming in, you can think of it as a magical big reel! In this way, its ornamental properties will be greatly increased, especially the special effects in it, it is absolutely gorgeous!

However, the only disadvantage is that when the broadcast is broadcast, the requirements for commentary and Zhao will be quite high, because it is very difficult for many cameras to adopt a timely angle. This depends on Zhao's skill. Now that the Star Group has recruited a lot of professional experts and commentators in various countries, they are already familiar with the game in advance, and will train them to switch perspectives based on the arena games of ordinary players recorded by the system during these four months , And the professionalism of the commentary!

The eyeballs attracted by World of Warcraft are only a part of it, and a considerable part of the media has been flooded with various transfer news that all clubs suddenly burst. Everyone knows that the bonus of the first Star Cup is the most suspenseful, because everyone is almost at a starting point, so it depends on which of these clubs is fast, as long as you can sign good players, then Your club will have a chance to win the championship!

The same is true for players, so there is a strong start, although Star Games has publicly announced that it is not allowed to sign the election when the transfer market is not open, then the official will directly take sanctions. But if you don’t sign a contract, you can’t sign a contract. Can we always discuss it in advance? In this way, as soon as the transfer market started, various transfers and filings with An Fang surged over.

The wages and wages of players from various clubs and their value also make these media news newspapers and so on a bit dumbfounded. Although the overall value and the like are unlikely to be compared with other sports, but because of the starry sky The cup competition and the eye-catching enough are enough, so the monthly salary of these players is basically hovering around 10,000.

And their value is also tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands can not, can naturally reach hundreds of thousands is a good choice in the previous performance on the mountain flute, this part of people have long been mentioned and stared to death by various powerful clubs . The skill of these clubs is also very big.

In fact, there are not many people affected by the mountain, but because of the small investment of Shanyou, it is unlikely to be publicized on a large scale in China. However, the status of the Star Group and the bonus of the Star Cup are enough to make the whole game a new one. Naturally, the above benefits will not be rejected, so when the Star Group conducts large-scale advertisements in major TV stations, the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television has not stopped it.

Moreover, when Bai Su contacted the reel central office and asked if the five central offices could broadcast, the other party hesitated and agreed. Because of the optimization of the Nebula software and the existence of the Star Wars platform, the videos are all high-definition versions, and viewers watching on the TV will enjoy enough high-definition, which will not affect the viewing of the game.

And the most crucial point is that the status of CCTV is almost equivalent to acquiescing that the country recognizes this industry, which will be guided by many waves of opposition in the country. In fact, to put it bluntly, if one day the Star Cup develops to the same level of influence as a football match, will playing games still be seen by domestic parents as a business?

If it is really that time, as long as playing football is Zhengye then playing games is also Zhengye! The reason why domestic parents regard playing games as unreasonable business is because there is no way to play games. Now Star Group provides a way out for the majority of players, which will give this emotion a place to vent. Over time, this kind of Speech naturally disappeared.

In fact, as the ratio of electronic technology in people's lives is getting higher and higher, this influence is undoubtedly, when the main body of the entire society is occupied by the post-age, post-phantom generation, this influence Li naturally formed With the increasing attention from the Star Cup, those advertisers will naturally not be stingy with the money in their hands.

At the end of January, according to the statistics of the Star Group Finance Department, the Star Cup’s global investment has now recovered about two-thirds. These revenues include advertising, as well as World of Warcraft’s revenue. In fact, the main It is the revenue of World of Warcraft that accounts for almost half the data.

Although there are a lot of other advertisements, it is different from what Zhang Yang thought about. This is still caused by the courageous company Pepsi, otherwise the advertising fee will not be so high.

With the end of January, after entering the month, in addition to the World of Warcraft Edition, the other three games will begin to officially start the game. The heavy workload of Starry Sky Games Company has finally dropped temporarily. After being busy for a month, Zhang Yang finally saw Bai Su again. Bai Su saw Zhang Yang's first sentence and almost let Zhang Yang fall to the ground.

"You lost my first time!"! ! ! ;




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