The Strongest Hacker

Vol 2 Chapter 578: Home (below)

Zhang Yang couldn't help crying: "Grandpa, you said that, I'm an ordinary person now, but I just made a little money.;"

"Brother, can you not be so humble? If you say this, it is estimated that businessmen all over the world simply jump off the building. If you make a little money, then everyone else has to be a beggar. "

Lulu was straightforward and said what she thought.

"Lulu, what nonsense, your brother is called modesty, if you have one percent of him, don't say one percent, it is one in ten thousand, your father and I will be happy and broken." Dajirenren Lulu couldn't help but scold. Zhang Yang hurriedly said, "Uncle, it's okay, it's okay, we all don't have to meet so much from our family, but why are you all here?"

Chapter 578 The family (below) chatted with them for a while before Zhang Yang understood what was going on. Basically, my mother called them both. They are not likely to go to work now, and they are bored at home every day, so the two simply appeared to get these relatives into this community, when it was okay , Everyone is sitting together, but they are also very happy.

Zhang Yun’s appearance here is actually quite simple. Wang Laoqi didn’t know whether it was because of Zhang Yang’s relationship. Anyway, the luck was much faster than that of Zhang Yang’s previous life, but all of Wang Laoqi’s gang was not long ago. It was wiped out by the above... There was no ambiguity, and even with a lot of officials followed, Zhang Yun naturally couldn't avoid it.

However, Zhang Yun’s situation is special. After reporting in the city and province, Zhang Yunduo finally paid double the fine. Anyway, he was not a principal, but an accomplice who was used by Zhang Yang. In the case, Zhang Yang was sold as a face. Zhang Yun now lives in this community, which is basically in a foot-forbidden state. If you want to go out, you can go out, but someone has to follow.

Needless to say, all this was done by my own mother, otherwise, where would Zhang Yun find so much money from Chapter 578 (Part 2)? No wonder he would be embarrassed like that when he saw him. After listening to Sun Yixiang, he secretly explained to himself. Zhang Yang finally shook his head and said seriously: "Mom, Zhang Yun's thing is fine, but you don't want this kind of thing in the future Randomly. Your son is okay now, but these things will always leave some handle to others, and it will be difficult to ensure that others will not say anything over time. We are doing well... Sitting on the side, even if our family has some power now Yeah, but you can’t compete with the law."

Sun Yixiang nodded and said quickly: "Son, your mom understands this, Zhang Yun and my dad didn't even know about it. When Wang Laoqi had an accident, we were still discussing it at home, your grandpa. Let me talk about it, let us not care about his life and death, but later people in the city took the initiative to find him, saying that he actively cooperated and so on, and can be lenient, and this is the current situation."

"Well, I understand. I will say something to me in the future, don't let me know." Zhang Yang nodded helplessly, he knew that this was selling him face, and so far, Zhang Yang could only admit. Anyway, as long as he doesn't do those things, Zhang Yang is too lazy to care about him.

"Okay, I know, you can rest assured, what kind of person is your mom and dad, don't you know? You don't know who has been looking for me and your dad for more than a year and wants to enter your company. How many, all kinds of messy relationships have ran over, and finally let us block it back." Sun Yixiang nodded and said with a smile.

Zhang Yang really didn't pay attention to this matter, but when Sun Yixiang said this, Zhang Yang did not understand that he ignored this matter, and there are more people in the world who are becoming more and more inflamed. My dad and mom haven't really troubled me in this regard, and they can be regarded as relatively worry-free parents. If you run into those uneasy, unshakable ones, you must advertise them to the company , Zhang Yang is no way.

After all, this is their own parents. For themselves, they are bigger than the world. Zhang Yang can't refuse their request. "By the way, you and Ke Qing, don't you get the marriage certificate after the New Year? It's not a problem for you to keep dragging like this all the time." Sun Yixiang said quietly.

"Why? Why? The two of us are still young and have not yet reached the legal age for marriage." Zhang Yang said with a helpless look at Sun Yixiang. "What is legal, what is legal, your second uncle is like that, do you think your mother is a fool? Is it difficult if you want to get a marriage certificate? I know you are busy with your work? But it's not me who is stinky. You should also take a little responsibility? You said how long you have been together, don’t you say to give someone a place? And there are many girls around you? Don’t say anything else, the current Starry Sky Group’s Those high-levels are almost pretty girls. You don’t know how many gossips are outside.” Sun Yixiang said dejectedly.

Zhang Yang couldn't help crying: "Mom, what are you talking about? Let others tell you what others say. Can we still sew others' mouths."

"I don't care if I can sew others' mouths. Anyway, you must do it for me." Sun Yixiang pinched Zhang Yang hard and said.

"Okay, okay, I know." Zhang Yang can only sue forgiveness, which is really not as good as his mother's.

Zhang Yang and Li Keqing didn't stay at home for long, but they stayed until the second day of the Chinese New Year. Li Keqing had an emergency in the company, and there were many documents that she needed to sign, so she left first, but Zhang Yang stayed at home for two days before leaving. Zhang Yang originally wanted to bring his parents to Shanghai this time, so that their safety can be guaranteed, but now it seems that some people are more thoughtful in this regard than they are.

When flying back to the People's City from Shenyang, Zhang Yang returned by ordinary civil aviation aircraft. Although the two specially-designed special planes of the Star Group have already been put into use, they can not reach Zhang Yang's turn. The other one was used by Luo Tianshu. Even Li Keqing and Chen Xiaowei were not numbered. When Chen Xiaowei went out, he almost went to civil aviation charter flights.

As for Zhang Yang’s hard-working baby, he can only be his own civil aviation plane. It’s Spring Festival, and there are no extra flights on the plane, so Zhang Yang just bought a few tickets. It’s impossible to get a first-class directly like when he came back. Cabin. There are only four bodyguards left beside Zhang Yang, two are the bodyguards of the company and the other two are sent from above. Everyone sits in a different position, only a company bodyguard sits in front of Zhang Yang, and the rest is slightly away from Zhang Yang.

When he came back, Zhang Yang didn't even get the first-class ticket, and he was still in business class. Next to Zhang Yang, there is a girl who looks about the same age as Zhang Yang. The hat she wears is also the kind of wool hat, but Zhang Yang looks a little familiar. This aircraft is a large civil aviation aircraft. There are also many passengers in the business class. There are three passengers in a row. The girl is sitting right between Zhang Yang and the other boys.

"Hello, do I know you?" Not long after the plane took off, a voice rang in Zhang Yang's ear, Zhang Yang froze for a moment, don't get me wrong, this is not what Zhang Yang said, nor was it that Zhang Yang said , But the male bull sitting on the other side said this.

Zhang Yang is a little speechless, the skill of this conversation is too low, right? Anyway, you change a trick, but Zhang Yang didn't open his mouth, but just turned sideways slightly, watching the young man on the opposite side talking with interest with interest. "I'm sorry, I'm sure we don't know." The girl looked at the young man very seriously, then shook her head slightly and said.

But don't say that she said that, Zhang Yang actually felt that she had seen this girl more, but she couldn't remember where she had seen her in the head.

"No, no, you must have made a mistake. I'm sure we know that you are that Wang Xiaofei, are you?" The guy over there shook his head quickly and said in a very positive tone. Zhang Yang was speechless for a while, and he dared not be sure that this girl was definitely not Wang Xiaofei.

The girl was obviously helpless, looked at the boy, then turned to look at Zhang Yang, and finally tried to open the mouth and asked: "Brother, can we change positions?"

"Yes." Zhang Yang had no opinion. He stood up casually and changed positions with the girl, sitting in the middle by himself. "Fuck, what do you mean?" When Zhang Yang sat down, the boy sitting inside asked fiercely. "What do I mean to care about you?" Zhang Yang raised his eyebrows.

"Xiaolangzi, are you looking for death? Do you know who I am?" The boy and asked in a tone that made Zhang Yang speechless.

"Is your dad Li Gang?" Zhang Yang asked seriously when he turned back. The boy was stunned for a moment. Obviously he was confused by Zhang Yang's sentence. The girl next to him obviously didn't understand the meaning of Zhang Yang's sentence. Asked.

"My dad isn't Li Gang, but what does it have to do with you?" The boy probably didn't remember which character Li Gang was. After a moment's stun, he asked subconsciously.

"Oh, it's okay, kid, it's not like you talked to girls like just ask if you want to call the phone. Is there any embarrassment?" Zhang Yang turned to look at the girl and asked, "Hey ,, can I know your phone?"

The girl naturally heard Zhang Yang's words. When she heard Zhang Yang really turned her back and asked, she immediately covered her mouth and chuckled twice, saying, "Ghost...well." But she didn't directly say her mobile phone number. It came out, but I had to pass Zhang Yang's mobile phone and quickly saved my phone number on Zhang Yang's mobile phone. ! ! ! ;




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