The Strongest Hacker

Vol 2 Chapter 584: Focus (3)

The press conference was officially held with the arrival of time. At the beginning of the press conference, not only the current president of BMW, Hemut Punk, but also the owner of BMW, Susanna Kratten, appeared on the podium. And naturally, sitting next to the two is Zhang Yang, who is the honorary technical director of the Star Group: seeing these people appear here together, the following reporter’s flashlight is also crazy to click. Endless, everyone knows, this news today Perhaps it means a reshuffle in the next automotive field: BMW cars will be renamed to be made in Zhongluo in the future, but there is still some suspense in this matter before the press conference is fully held, even if most people think This is already a thing of the past. When the host walked up to the front desk and stood in front of the microphone, the focus of Chapter 584 (3) was immediately quieted down.

"Hello everyone, journalist friends, and welcome everyone to participate in the press conference held by the Bavarian Machinery Manufacturing Company and the Star Group. Presumably, many reporter friends have received the news of the technical director of the Star Group Mr. Zhang Yang Zhang in Munich, Presumably many people are also wondering why Mr. Zhang came to Munich. Now we will uncover this mystery for everyone. Below is the board of directors and the CEO of the Bavarian Machinery Manufacturing Company, Mr. Ranmutpunk!"

Along with the host's opening remarks, there was a round of applause from the legislature below. Ran Mute sorted out his clothes, and then took a deep breath before slowly walking towards the podium. He knew that what he announced today would leave a thick and deep one in BMW’s history. Pen, as to what the future will look like, I am afraid that it will only be known step by step, but Hemut believes that the future of BMW is absolutely unlimited: "Hello everyone, journalist friends, please come here today, two pieces The matter is to be announced, first of all, many media friends may have guessed it before. This morning, the Star Group officially acquired 50% of the shares of Chapter 584 Focus (3) 5 of the BMW company for 8.7 billion euros , Become the largest shareholder of BMW, and successfully control the BMW company, BMW will become one of the subsidiary companies of the Star Group." Hemut also did not sell anything, directly announced this major news.

Although most reporters guessed it, the scene was sensational as Hemuth said, and the flash began to sound again: Subsequently, Hemut announced the names of several major shareholders of BMW, As well as the latest party rights of the equity, all reporters also noted that Susanna Kratten, the original largest shareholder, now only owns 31.7 percent of BMW’s shares. In other words, two people own more than 88% of BMW's shares... The entire company's shares are almost completely acquired. With the announcement of this news, the domestic media and the official website forum of the Star Group, etc. have been completely mad. The automotive field represents the level of a country’s heavy industry, while the automobile industry in Zhongluo has Significant development, but many companies are joint ventures, and the real technology is still in the hands of foreigners.

For example, Audi, Shanghai Volkswagen, etc. are actually products of joint ventures, but now the Star Group has finally taken the first step, it can be said that the entire Zhongluo country has not taken the first step and directly acquired a foreign car company! And as a world car manufacturer, BMW's technology in the engine field will undoubtedly greatly enhance China's mechanical level!

This influence is far-reaching. It must be known that in terms of high-precision precision machine tools, China has always lagged behind the mainstream countries in the world, and Germany has always been a powerful country in this respect. The purchase of BMW by Star Group is not only a means With the Starry Sky Group adding another field, it has become a multi-cloud enterprise. It also means that Zhongluo will catch up with all developed countries in the world in terms of high-precision precision machine tools.

Everyone understands that the improvement of high-precision precision machine tools does not only mean the automobile industry, it can be said that all large heavy industries are related to it. This also has a huge impact on the international situation. Does it mean that the Chinese government and the German government have any transactions?

No one dares to guarantee this. After all, the EU arms embargo on China has not been lifted, and whether high-precision precision machine tools are related to this is also a related boundary issue, but at least no country has dared to be brazen. The latest technology in this area is exported to China: "Here is the speech from Mr. Zhang Yang, the technical director of Star Group." Hemut gave the right to speak to Zhang Yang after speaking a lot of nonsense.

Zhang Yang nodded with a smile, said hello to all the reporters, and then stood in front of the podium: "Hello everyone, journalist friends...". I was watching Lou et al. at this press conference online. The tea in her mouth was sprayed out directly. She stunned the person who pointed at the computer screen and asked a sister in the dormitory. "This is the founder of the Starry Sky Group? Zhang Yang?"

The girl looked at the computer and nodded. "Yeah? What's wrong? What are you doing, don't you know it before?"

Lou Yixiao was speechless for a long time, and she only numbly said: "I don't know, if I tell you, I know him, do you believe it?"

The girl reached out and touched Lou Yixiao's forehead and said, "I said, did you have a fever? You said you know the richest man in the world...if you know him, what are you going to study? People just start investing in a movie, you Isn't it becoming a heroine? It seems that although Star Group does not have a professional media company, its relationship with Hollywood's film companies is extraordinary. If you look at StarCraft, the global box office will know, $2.8 billion...! Do you know what this means, it means another record in Hollywood."

"Okay, I know, I just made a joke." Lou Yixiao nodded. After the girl left, Lou Yixiao subconsciously picked up the cell phone next to her, turned out the name and phone from inside, and looked at the computer screen. Zhang Yang, Lou Yixiao was in a trance, this...should it be true?

"The Star Group decided to continue to hire Mr. Hemutpunk as the CEO of BMW and the chairman of the board of directors. In addition, the Star Group will develop new power cars with BMW. Here are some engineers from the relevant technical department of BMW to explain related matters. Zhang Yang nodded and did not answer any questions. After finishing his speech, he walked off the podium directly.

Zhang Yang's words made these reporters stunned for a moment, and then they all suddenly realized that they had won, and these reporters finally understood why BMW and the Star Group had reached such an agreement, which is likely to be inseparable from this new energy. In fact, the so-called new engine announced by this engineer is the parameter data of the engine technology brought by Starry Heavy Industry Zhang Yang. It's just that Zhang Yang found a more convincing person to announce it.

When the engineer announced the results, the entire venue was silent. Although the reporters did not understand the field of automobile engines, these reporters understood that when their car was changed from fuel consumption to just charging, it could be moved. What does it mean to substantially increase the number of kilometers required for charging! This means that the world crude oil market will be hit on a large scale!

And since these batteries can be used on submersible vehicles, can related industries, especially military aspects, such as tanks, aircrafts, etc., also use batteries? Starry Sky Heavy Industry did not explain, but it does not prevent these media reporters from madly associating there. At this time, these reporters were somewhat suspicious, why the German government would allow BMW to sell to Starry Sky Group.

In fact, the German government doesn’t really say anything here. BMW is different from Mercedes-Benz. Mercedes-Benz occupies a large proportion in the German military industry. Therefore, if the Star Group buys Mercedes-Benz, it is impossible to bypass the German government, but BMW will It’s different. After all, BMW is a private company, and it’s also a normal sale between the two parties. The reason why there has not been a similar situation before, that is because the previous China has no advanced technology to achieve this condition. BMW owns Naturally, the company will not be two engines announced by this engineer are like a bomb ignited worldwide. If the previous Star Group’s acquisition of BMW was just a small whirlwind, then this engineer The announced situation is a huge storm! Well, Lou Yixiao didn’t even listen to this thing in her head. She didn’t have a class today. Then she turned on the computer and saw the news on the Internet before paying attention to it. But she didn’t expect that she would find such a shocking thing. Lu Qing: From the live broadcast, I saw Zhang Yang sitting in the back row talking to someone, hesitating, Lou Yixiao tentatively sent a text message to Zhang Yang: "What are you doing?" Although the person on the computer saw her Looks exactly the same, but Lou Yixiao still can't believe it.

Not long after Lou Yixiao sent the text message, in the live broadcast, Lou Yixiao saw Zhang Yang pulled out his mobile phone. Seeing this, Lou Yixiao knew that the man sitting next to her and the TV were alone. Zhang Yang certainly did not know At this time, Lou Yixiao was watching the live broadcast. When she saw her text message, Zhang Yangwei smiled and then returned a message: "Talk about a contract and earn a little money:" Looking at Zhang Yang's text message, Lou Yixiao almost fell down. On the ground, this guy is really enough... This is called earning a little money? Does anyone else live? ! ! ! ;




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