The Strongest Hacker

Vol 2 Chapter 594: System (1)

With a clatter, when Zhang Yang came out and opened the door of the technical department, a group of people outside stood up from the rest chair above the corridor. Looking at the group of people standing outside, Zhang Yang looked at the sky and found that it was already dark It’s not too late. Today, I have a whole day of tossing, Zhang Yang smiled helplessly and asked, "I said, you are all doing nothing, what are you waiting for here? Disperse, disperse, disperse, nothing. That's the problem, just now I just deal with the things on the system."

Waiting in the hallway included not only the main heads of the technical department, but Chen Xiaowei and they were waiting here a lot. "I said, if you haven't somehow sorted out such a big thing, do you think we are willing? Well, well, everyone is all right, why should we go to Chapter 594 System (1) Right." Chen Xiaowei rolled his eyes before clapping his hands to signal that everyone was gone.

"Zhao Fei, the order is lifted, and the normal state is restored." Zhang Yang again issued a new order to Zhao Fei and others who were nearby. "Yes!" Zhao Fei directly saluted, nodded, and then issued an order to the security guard of the entire floor through the intercom. After Zhao Fei and them were all gone, Zhang Yang turned his head and said to Chen Xiaowei, "Well, since everyone is here, let's go sit in the meeting room and prepare all the information for more than half a year. To listen to the company’s current development."

, "Okay." Chen Xiaowei also simply turned around and said to everyone, and then followed Zhang Yang to the elevator. Going downstairs, because other people still need to prepare the data and the like, Zhang Yang is not too early to see the time, he just waited in the big conference room, basically nothing changed around, but the development of the entire Star Group There is undoubtedly a big change.

After waiting in the office for about half an hour, the executives of the whole company basically came one after another. I don’t know if it was because of the development of more than half a year. Chapter 94 System (1) The subsidiary has a main person in charge here, and there are many new faces here.

Li Keqing was the first to come to the conference room. When she saw Li Keqing coming in, Zhang Yang smiled and waved at her. Li Keqing's eyes showed a mist of water and quickly walked over to Zhang Yang. Zhang Yang stretched out his hand and took her in. In your arms: "You have suffered these days."

Li Keqing shook her head desperately. For a long time, she buried her head in her arms and said violently: "I am not bitter, I just think about how powerful you think, every day." Zhang Yang nodded forcefully, "Well, I I know. I won’t go anymore. I will be by your side every day."

"Um...they are coming soon. Let's go home and say." Li Keqing said softly, then stood up from Zhang Yang's arms.

Looking at the employees under him, Zhang Yang hasn't spoken for a long time. Except for some major old employees, most of the other half have not been seen by Zhang Yang. "I would like to introduce to you that there must be a lot of people here who met him for the first time. This is the true founder of Star Group, and is also the fiance of Miss Li Keqing, the decision maker of Star Group, Mr. Zhang Yang Zhang." , Chen Xiaowei first introduced it to everyone.

With the introduction of Li Keqing, the elites of the following shopping malls have all turned their eyes to worship. These eyes have complex emotions of worship, admiration, awe, envy and so on.

, "Mr. Zhang!" Everyone stood up and bowed to Zhang Yang in unison.

Zhang Yang did not stand up, just smiled and waved his hands to signal that everyone was seated, and then said, "In the past seven months or so, I have divided the various business locations, schools, etc. of all the subsidiaries of our Star Group , I have turned it all, although I found many problems, but in short, in the past seven months, I still see the changes in our group bit by bit, I can see the seven Over the past few months, you have made great efforts. Now, starting with Chen Xiaowei, you will probably report on the achievements made by the group in the past seven months."

Chen Xiaowei immediately stood up from his position, opened the file in his hand and said, "Yes! In the past three quarters of 2006, the total sales of Starry Sky Group was about RMB 5.9 trillion! Total cost Expenditure is RMB 347.75 billion. Starry Sky Technical School spends RMB 42 billion. Star Cup spends RMB 16 billion. Starry Star Heavy Industry’s factory renovation, production line renovation, and personnel related professional training costs are RMB 22 billion. Various construction investments, totaling 120

RMBUG, miscellaneous expenses are 33 billion RMB. The total net profit of Star Group in the three quarters was RMB 229.5 billion. The total net profit is about 283.3 billion US dollars! "

With Chen Xiaowei's report, although Zhang Yang didn't have any expression on his face, he was still a little agitated in his heart. Unexpectedly, the net profit of Sanmou quarter alone could reach 2833 US dollars!

This is pure profit! The total sales of Starry Group made Zhang Yang feel a little scary, almost the same as the market value of Starry Group.

, "The company made a total of 7365 cases of important personnel adjustments." With the introduction of Chen Xiaowei, Zhang Yang also probably learned about the main changes of the company during his absence. In general, the Star Group’s past The main change in the period is to gradually consolidate the upper and lower structure of the entire company and make the management more reasonable. In these aspects, it is the most important.

There are some other expenses, because the company's financial confidentiality, the investment of these expenses Chen Xiaowei has not been announced, such as the secret research base built by the Star Group, and the experimental bases such as large particle accelerators. The investment of these things is probably in More than 500 billion RMBUG

about! That is close to more than 70 billion US dollars! And through Zhang Yang’s hands, the funds for Anthony’s support are close to 40 billion US dollars. The entire Star Group’s accumulated wealth for one year is 1,000.

There are also the previous debts, etc. After all the payments have been made, the remaining available working capital of Star Group is about 130 billion US dollars, which is equivalent to more than 1 trillion RMB. However, even if this number is announced, it will definitely let all Everyone feels terrified. The cash flow of a company has reached about 1 trillion RMB. This is still the case when all the huā fees are counted out. That is to say, no matter how huā money is publicized now, I am afraid that I can’t use these. The money was lost to huā.

After Chen Xiaowei's introduction was completed, the principals of the following branches introduced the situation of their respective branches. From the reports of these branches, Zhang Yang immediately saw that the sales and profits of the company were mainly concentrated in Several large branches were added.

The first one is undoubtedly Apple. Although the sales of iphone have stabilized again after a year of popularity, not as hot as in the first year, but the overall hardware performance of the iphone2 generation has not improved much, but in the system and In terms of network, it has stabilized a lot, especially after using the latest battery, iphone2's excellence has made all mobile phone manufacturers in the world unable to compete.

Currently, Starry Heavy Industry’s battery production is quite limited, so it can only be used by its own company. Contacting Starry Heavy Industry’s worldwide companies who want to buy new batteries does not know how many, and the order is not known. At the end of this year, the production line and production plant of Xingkong Heavy Industries' battery will have an annual production capacity of about 20,000 tons!

When entering next year, the production capacity of Xingkong Heavy Industries will be able to meet most of the orders, and it will only start to provide battery production related to companies in other countries. And because Starry Heavy Industry's battery sales profits are actually very large, leading to Starry Heavy Industry's stock price has been growing steadily during these three quarters. At present, the market value of Starry Heavy Industry has already reached the market value of about 500 billion US dollars! It has officially surpassed Apple and has become the company with the highest market value among the subsidiaries of Starry Sky Heavy Industry! And Apple's market value has slowly exceeded the limit of its previous life, reaching a height of more than 390 billion US dollars!

The combined market value of the two subsidiaries of Starry Sky Group is close to 900 billion US dollars! After listening to the following reports from the principals, "It was already more than 9 o'clock in the night. After the meeting, Zhang Yang left Chen Xiaowei and a few important people behind.

"Some things are designed to the group's confidentiality, so I didn't formally propose it at the meeting, let Ouyang Xin tell you, now she is the faint president of Starry Heavy Industry" Luo Tianshu couldn't come back busy, but Starry Heavy Industry all Ouyang Xin also knows everything. "There are only four people left in Li Keqing's office, Zhang Yang, Li Keqing, Chen Xiaowei and Ouyang Xin.

After Chen Xiaowei finished speaking, Ouyang Xin nodded slightly and said, "The current financial situation of the company is not very optimistic. The cash available to the entire company is only about one hundred billion US dollars." For companies with more than one trillion dollars, ten to one cash flows are too few. The main capital investment is still on the side of Star Heavy Industries, especially the investment of several new engines. Ouyang Xin said while standing up and quickly made a few clicks on Li Keqing's desk.

Then the curtains of the glass in Li Keqing's office came down automatically, and the wall opposite them was publicized. Two decorative murals slowly separated to the two sides. A high-definition LCD screen of more than seventy inches appeared on the wall. , "Starry sky, carry out authorization authentication." Ouyang Xin quickly opened her mouth, and soon she entered her authority into the starry sky.

Only then did Ouyang Xin mobilize the information directly in the laptop in her arms. The first thing that appeared on the LCD screen was a arrogant fighter. , "This is a stealth fighter being researched by the Third Aircraft Research Institute of Starry Heavy Industry! It will use our latest jet turbofan engine. Because of the high-performance battery, the heat resistance and shelter of the engine material will be almost It has been greatly improved, and its radar cross-section is almost better than that of the existing American fighter 22. Although this project has not yet been finalized, some technical problems are still to be discussed. After all, the company we bought at the beginning of the aircraft There are not many companies in research and the technical staff is very limited." Ouyang Xin pointed to the picture of this new fighter on the LCD screen.

"Uh? Did you know the research of this fighter?" Zhang Yang choked. Although Zhang Yang didn't know that the technical problems of this fighter have not been solved, if Zhang Yang remembered correctly, it looks like the domestic -20 stealth fighter. Is it almost coming to an end? If Zhang Yang remembered correctly, the booming J-20 on the Shangxin network is very good in other performances. The only drawback is that the performance of the engine cannot keep up, resulting in the J-20 being temporarily out of production. Supersonic cruise cannot be performed, and its performance is greatly restricted.

If the research of this fighter is known above, it is estimated that the progress should not be so slow. "Uh, I don't know for the time being. It is a secret of our company's secret, because our company has relatively few aircraft researchers, probably less than 200, some of them are young researchers at the student level, so although the company invested a lot Funds, but in fact we did not ask them to complete a product Just let them look at the engine and other aspects to see if they can have some groundbreaking thinking, we did not expect them In less than 7 months, such an excellent fighter can be designed and solved most of the problems." Ouyang Xin looked at Zhang Yang strangely before explaining the problem.

"Er, did you propose any new scientific research projects during this period?" Now, some domestic researches have also adopted a similar approach to the United States. That is, the state has publicly expanded its standards to various companies, and finally whose design can meet the standards The data standard proposed by the military, which company's product is used, this has a very strong role in increasing the competitiveness of major military industrial enterprises. The only difference is that all were state-owned enterprises in the past, and now there is one more starry sky. Heavy industry private enterprise only.

"Yes, it is a high-thrust turbofan engine. The new engine of our company is fully designed to meet the data requirements put forward by them, and even has a performance that is about 40% higher than the data requirements put forward by them. Although its cost is a bit high, relatively speaking, the **** set is undoubted." Ouyang Xin did not know how Zhang Yang knew, but still answered Zhang Yang's question. ! ! ! ;




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