The Strongest Hacker

Vol 2 Chapter 597: Horse-hook event (1)

, "I went out in advance." Tan Yudie raised her eyebrows and stood up and said.

Zhang Yang hesitated and looked at her strangely and asked, "What's the matter? Would you like to help?" Just now,

Tan Yudie's complexion was also seen. Generally speaking, if nothing happened, this girl's face could not be changed like that.

But Tan Yudie didn't say anything, and Zhang Yang was not good to say anything. After Tan Yudie left, Zhang Yang thought about it and hung up a call to Zhao Fei. Now Tan Yudie and her bodyguards are always with them at all times, but many times Tan Yudie doesn’t like these bodyguards when they go out. They can only be secretly protected, no matter they know it or not, Zhang Yang thinks it is still It's better to tell.

Let Zhao Fei notify the bodyguards below. Zhang Yang Chapter 597 The Horse-hook Event (1) stands up and walks upstairs to his study. Upstairs Zhang Yang’s original server has been completely abandoned and destroyed. Now all the servers placed have been replaced by the newest servers produced by Star Computer, and the telecommunications lines in the entire community have also been completely replaced. All Line telecommunications companies have all re-laid pipes and walked an independent communication line alone.

After turning on the computer, Zhang Yang entered his account, retrieved the latest system log from Starry Sky in the background, and looked at it. After turning a few pages, Zhang Yang couldn't help but shook his head. It was true that the tree's big move was right. Now Starry Sky is exposed to inexplicable hacking attacks hundreds of times every day. These are still very high-quality attacks. However, these alarms have basically been unable to break through the Star Group's peripheral firewalls. Starry Sky will naturally not have any alarms.

"Transfer the files of database No. 1. Are there any special circumstances?" After entering his own account, Zhang Yang said directly to Starry Sky. , "The data retrieval was successful, 00:36 minutes, the No. 1-6 standby satellite received a new signal command, and the relevant processing results have been retrieved into Chapter 597 of the horse-hanging event (1)." Starry Sky’s The sound rang.

, "Satellite 1-6?" Zhang Yang froze for a moment, and the starry sky confused Zhang Yang with a word.

But soon, Zhang Yang instantly reflected what the starry sky said. , "Rely! Retrieve the detailed information." Zhang Yang couldn't help but screamed, and then quickly turned off the information page that was just retrieved. If it weren’t for a whim today, it would have happened.” Satellite 1-6 is nothing else. It was the few spare satellites that were used to serve as broilers and the US TMD and NMD missile defense systems, but Later, after the main system of Starry Sky was transferred to the server of Starry Sky Group, Zhang Yang basically did not need those few satellites.

In addition, later Zhang Yang’s things were also dying, so this thing slowly forgotten, but the satellites were always under the control of the starry sky.” Without Zhangyang lifting the order, the starry sky will naturally not take the initiative to do anything. So the servers of those satellites have always been flamboyant broilers, and the starry sky just said that they have received new signal instructions. No matter whether it is the backup personnel of these satellites who are checking the satellites, "the US * party really has something to use These satellites are good, the starry sky is just a system, and his processing plan will definitely make the other side doubt.

Zhang Yang thought for a while, and it seems that the treatment plan was also designed by him before. Quickly looking at the detailed information taken out of the star air conditioner, Zhang Yang's heart was a little cold and dry, and it was like this. Judging from the information recorded in the starry sky, "Obviously, it is not as simple as a simple annual inspection. It should be that the US has some important things to use these satellites, so they must be restarted.

The method that Zhang Yang designed for these satellite systems was to keep the original satellite system. When an external request came in, the original system was immediately hidden.

This is not wrong in itself, and if the response is timely, the other party is unlikely to find it first, and then slowly disconnect their own connection, the other party should not find that someone has moved on the satellite!

But the publicity here ignores one of the most critical issues! That is, after Starry Sky became the main system of Starry Sky Group, Zhang Yang once made a detailed detection of the starry sky system's warning signs, and scored a general level of network intrusion, or virus intrusion, etc. Starry Sky will automatically clear the virus" and The patches found are not reported to the police. The Star Group’s technical department has also set up special departments responsible for network security. These departments are responsible for these security incidents.

Only when a certain level of security alarm is reached will the alarm be sent directly to Zhang Yang, and will not be sent to the company's security department. When setting this, Zhang Yang has forgotten these satellites, so when the other party tried After the sexual attack, the starry sky directly used the energy of its own system to remove these attacks, but no alarm was issued!

The only thing that counts as good news is that the information about these intrusion alerts did not report them to the company's network security department as if the company's ordinary network was attacked. This joke was a big hit, Zhang Yang laughed bitterly in his heart, and now I can only see what remedies are available, at least not to allow the US government to link the invasion of satellites to the Starry Sky Group, otherwise, this fun can be true Big!

A military satellite capable of invading the United States! And what are these satellites for? This is the last barrier in the United States! Some of the military satellites of the US missile defense system can actually be invaded by them. Zhang Yang dares to ensure that the severity of this matter has definitely risen to the highest level among the major US intelligence agencies, and even the security level of some US internal departments has been raised to orange The level is also inaccurate!

Although the systems of these alternate missile defense system satellites are somewhat different from the security level in use, since these spare satellites can be hacked, it proves that the hackers obviously have a part of the backdoor, flaws, or vulnerabilities in the US network. These missile defense systems can command intercepting missiles. Even if intercepting missiles are not nuclear weapons, if they are used as coordinates for a large American city, then they are launched. The result...

It’s estimated that the Pentagon is almost scared? , "Download the orbits of the remaining few satellites at once, and compare with the system's flat orbit!" Zhang Yang issued another instruction directly to the starry sky. Now the starry sky must still maintain the connection authority of satellites 1-6, and the rest As long as the orbits of those satellites are checked, it will be known whether the U.S. side has started to orbit those satellites.

If all the remaining seven satellites begin to orbit, it means that the US has discovered that someone has invaded the satellite and the satellite is still under the control of hackers. If that 7

The satellites haven't changed their orbits for a while, so if the US side discovered this, Zhang Yang would not be able to guarantee it, but anyway, this hot potato must be resolved.

"The download is complete." Soon Star gave a prompt tone and put the original and current two satellite orbits directly on the screen, and smiled bitterly at the two apparently different satellite orbits. Well, here comes the fun, Zhang Yang did not issue new instructions, but quickly began to find the initial information on the computer.

Soon Zhang Yang found the first message. When he saw the first message, Zhang Yang was slightly relieved. The result was not so bad. The earliest message was seven days ago, which means Even if the United States finds something wrong in the past few days. The system of these satellites is not the system being defended but the one that was used in the first publicity. In other words, even if the US network security department wants to find on these characteristics which hacker invaded these satellites. A suspected object is definitely not the Starry Sky Group, but gscsd!

Zhang Yang couldn't help but breathe out, nnd, it seems that his gscsd identity is still very useful. Fortunately, Zhang Yang did not modify the entire starry sky system to save trouble, otherwise, as long as the reaction of the system firewall can be guessed What is the firewall of the company, or which hacker is doing things.

The top priority is to find a way to get rid of this matter completely! Zhang Yang rubbed his forehead and thought hard. At present, there is no response from the US side. It is not known whether the other side has discovered it. However, judging from several other orbiting satellites, the US government should have discovered the satellite. Not normal, but the other party did not immediately send a master to track, what do you want to do?

"Starry Sky retrieved all systems of satellites 1-6 to confirm whether the other party had successfully connected to the satellite." After thinking for a long time, Zhang Yang didn't come up with one, so he hesitated, and Zhang Yang issued new instructions to the starry sky. "Order confirmation to start the search." Starry's work efficiency is undoubted. After about five or six minutes, the search results appear on the computer screen, and no one is connected to the satellite 1-6.

Zhang Yang frowned and looked at the satellite layout on the computer screen. For a long time, Zhang Yang was shocked in his heart. He suddenly remembered another serious thing. The 1st satellite was Zhang Yang to save trouble. Four of the satellites were In the Asian region, the other two are over Europe. Later, although several satellites have undergone orbit changes, in general, most satellites are still in Asia.

I have the orbital map recorded in the satellite system server in my hand, and the US government naturally also has it. In this way, the US government has undoubtedly narrowed the scope! dry! Zhang Yang suddenly had a hunch that the transfer of the US Pacific Fleet has nothing to do with the increase in military spending by the Republic? The aircraft carriers of the Pacific Fleet all have fixed bases. A new aircraft carrier formation suddenly appeared in Guam, and it was stationed on the third day of the press conference of the Ministry of Defense. Obviously this aircraft carrier formation is Did you attack early?

Lao Mei is ready to catch people? Zhang Yang thought of this for the first time. The United States Marine Corps is world-renowned. Although Zhang Yang is not a professional soldier, I don’t know how much the strength of the US Marine Corps is boasting or abusive on the Internet, but it is absolutely impossible. Xiao Xiao.

"Starry Sky retrieved all the recent intrusions about our company's network security and compared them to find the same symptoms of these intrusions." Thinking about it, Zhang Yang immediately issued another new instruction. After issuing new instructions, Zhang Yang thought about it and picked up the phone in his hand. During this time, Zhang Yang has been busy, so he did not know what happened in the hacker world. Some things still ask God to compare these guys. it is good.

"Hello, boss, what are you looking for me for?" God answered the phone and asked jokingly.

Zhang Yang smiled: "I can do anything for you. I haven't been busy during this time. I have time to invite you to drink. By the way, have there been any strange things on the Internet recently? I haven't been online for a long time. , The news is relatively blocked. Has the gscsd guy appeared recently?"

"There are so many strange things, but the gscsd guy seems to have disappeared. It hasn't appeared anymore, but I have a message, do you want to hear it?" **** said in a low voice.

"What's the matter? Rest assured, we have absolutely no problems with our phone line." Zhang Yang's phone can't be monitored by anyone, because there is a starry sky, and other people want to monitor it will end without a problem, so Zhang Yang is not afraid of others at all Listening to his It's nothing. I recently heard from some guys with good news on the road that they are fbi and nsa

The following network security department, and a security department that was just formed last year, arrested many hackers in the United States as if they were crazy! Moreover, they were arrested in secret. Now the media are not publicly available. It seems that they dare not report more on this matter. "God said quickly with a low voice.

"Recently? How long has it happened? What kind of play does Lao Mei play?" Zhang Yang said with a curious tone, but Zhang Yang couldn't help but burst out of his heart. Obviously this was one of the reactions of the US government. Don’t look at the vast amount of media in the US and Europe, but if any confidential time is involved, these media will definitely not dare to report. Don’t think that fbi and those departments are to protect the so-called American citizens.

To tell you the truth, if someone really dares to play against the government, there are also people like Zhao Fei under the FOfbi and other departments. This kind of thing is just commonplace for the intelligence department. ! ! ! ;




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