The Strongest Hacker

Vol 2 Chapter 617: Top of the Century (5)

The three old men dressed in Tang suits, with the vicissitudes of life, have a taste. July 1st was the day when Zhang Yang and Li Keqing got married, and it was also the day to entertain guests at the Star Park. In fact, on June 25, the towering walls around the Star Park completely disappeared in one night.

When the people living nearby got up and passed by the next day, they suddenly found out, I don’t know when, in an international metropolis like "City", in such a standard modern urban steel forest, such a piece appeared more like The green forest land of the virgin forest. And such pictures and pictures murdered the headlines of all newspapers, media and websites on the next day.

With the demolition of these walls, the entire Starry Sky Park is officially opened to the top of the fifth chapter of Chapter 171 of the Institute of the Ordinary People (5). The difference is that some key areas are still visited by tourists, but they are publicized at the beginning. I promised Tan Zhenglin that more than 200 acres of green forest land were also open to the outside world. The difference is that at first, those animals could not appear here. At the same time, these green forests were sent by the municipal government to help maintain order. People, such a realistic garden area does not prevent people from entering. Although there are lawns under the big trees, the invited botanists have analyzed it and have fertilizers and water circulation systems under the soil. These lawns rely solely on pedestrians. If you step on it, it is impossible to step on it. Although it may affect the growth of these lawns, it is nothing.

After all, there are not only trees in the entire immersive garden, the entire garden is like a real forest with a three-dimensional structure, there are artificially transplanted shrubbery at the root of the big tree, so the area where people can walk below and not much. Although the Starry Sky Group does not allow visitors to walk into these forests, it is absolutely not allowed to break any branches or throw garbage.

Because of the assistance of the Starry Sky Surveillance System, the relevant staff will immediately appear in front of you in the event of any of the above-mentioned behaviors. Chapter 161, Top of the Century (5). First, the Starry Sky Group will not be fined, but You will be asked to help clean up the rubbish. At the same time, you will also wear a piece of clothing on your body and write the clothes of the head cleaner.

When entering the square, there are special notice boards with these precautions written on it, and when entering the garden area, relevant staff will tell you these things. If you throw garbage again and refuse to help with cleaning, then sorry, someone will invite you out.

And there are tourists all around, for the reason that if you don’t feel ashamed, you can. In a metropolis such as "City, there is basically no one in the hands of fines, but everyone is face-saving. It is estimated that no one will do anything shameful, especially at the beginning of the whole square. I don’t want to describe it. There are beautiful trash cans in many places. The ground is so clean. Are you willing to throw it?

Originally, the opening of the Starry Sky Park was not planned to open at such an early time. It was prepared to be opened to ordinary people after the wedding, but considering that the Starry Sky Park has basically hung up the curiosity and appetite of many citizens to the extreme, in case July On the other hand, if there are too many tourists coming that day, then there will be some problems, so the municipal government will open the Star Park five days in advance after consulting with the Star Group.

Five days is enough to satisfy the curiosity of a considerable portion of tourists. Then, in July, the closed squares or roads will not be affected by ordinary people. This matter, the Municipal Government has to pay attention, because it is not only related to the problem of the Starry Group. With the Starry Group’s business in the world, the invitations sent by Zhang Yang and Li Keqing’s wedding are invited. It's no exaggeration to say that if anyone blasts the entire Star Park into ruins, I'm afraid that half of the top 500 companies in the world will lose their heads.

Like Bill Gates, these people have already said that they are coming. Almost all the top ten people in the world’s rich list will come. You can say, "Can the municipal government pay less attention? And the people who come will not be the only ones. These, their mayors and others will definitely attend this wedding.

"How is it? Are all the chefs in place?" Chen Xiaowei asked Xia Yiyue while looking at Xia Yiyue. Now all the business of the Star Group is thrown to the following managers to take charge. Chen Xiaowei is almost responsible for the wedding. "Well, it is already in place. It is from Beijing. It is said that the chef of the State Banquet was temporarily assigned to us. There are too many people coming this time... and there are many people who exceed our imagination." Xia Yiyue smiled bitterly. With a cry.

"Uh? Who are the heavyweights?" Xia Yiyue was in charge of posting invitations and so on, and Chen Xiaowei couldn't control it. Xia Yiyue laughed bitterly and quickly picked up the file in his hand to open the text and said: "First of all, the most important person is the Prince of the United Arab Emirates, Rashid Ben Mohammed Bin Rashid Al , Maktoum."

"Ah... Prince of the UAE? What is he doing here?" Chen Xiaowei choked. "I don't know about this. Our invitation was not sent, but the foreign ministry of the other person personally sent me a note, don't we say it is not welcome? But according to our investigation, it seems that we want to talk about cooperation with our company. Well, I remember seeing it before, the UAE once contacted us to get the battery technology in our hands." Xia Yiyue said.

The Star Group’s battery technology is no longer news in the Golden World. Although the large-scale civil appliances related to the new battery technology have not yet appeared on the market, it has been very fast. The latest series of the Star Group’s BMW car factory The electric-oil hybrid engine car will be officially launched in September this year! It is said that now the global reservation number of this new car has exceeded 10,000!

You know, although the global average selling price of this car launched is not high, it is as high as more than 2.2 million Rpeng! However, its excellent performance, especially the excellent speed-up ability of the new engine, has attracted enough attention! And because it is an electric-oil hybrid power, so no matter which country this automobile Mou appears, it will undoubtedly reduce the fuel consumption of this country to the maximum extent.

"Well, this, forget it, these things don't matter first, since people are coming, and the princes of the UAE are still good to our country, classify these guests according to their ranks, and then receive them separately." Chen Xiaowei also had some headaches. "Well, there are quite a few people who have the same status as this prince, especially in countries where our group has main business. Almost all of them have sent some senior officials from the government to attend this wedding. These people have considerable rights." Xia Yiyue reminded Chen Xiaowei again.

"Well, I know, what about the United States?" Chen Xiaowei seemed to remember something and asked back. "There is also in the United States. The other party has formally submitted a diplomatic note. The person they said in writing will be the Secretary of the United States Department of Commerce. However, the other party vaguely revealed that there seems to be a mysterious guest coming. As for who this person is, we temporarily I don't know." Xia Yiyue turned over the text in her hand and immediately gave Chen Xiaowei an answer.

"Okay. It seems that the purpose of these countries is not simple, certainly not simply to give our Chairman Zhang Da a blessing for the wedding." Chen Xiaowei narrowed his eyes slightly. The purpose of these people is not clear enough, although the starry sky The group's battery has been on the market for more than a year, but it is not so easy to crack this battery. At first, Zhang Yang did a lot of tricks in this battery.

According to the estimate of the Ministry of Technology, even if it is a government research institute in the United States, it may take at least a decade or so to crack the formula of this battery. Of course, this is calculated according to the normal research speed. If the other party gets it For some primary product information, if reverse inference is performed, this time will undoubtedly be greatly shortened!

But whether it is ten years or not! Even if it is only five years, these countries are intolerable, because an extra month means that the Star Group will monopolize this battery for an extra month! The profits that the Star Group will get because of this battery will be even greater! Now that Star Group has launched an electric-oil hybrid car engine, fools know that in terms of engines, Star Group definitely has more advanced ones!

Don’t forget, Starry Sky Heavy Industries does not manufacture cars or the like! It was originally a military enterprise! In the eyes of European and American countries ~ ~ civilian products do not matter, but the military monopoly is what makes them unforgivable, and what makes them dare not think that this battery has been researched. How long has China's military weapons and equipment been upgraded?

This is what these Western countries want to know. Don't think about it. These countries all understand the advantages of electric and oil hybrid engines in the modern oil and gas shortage. You can see from this car engine's long mileage that far exceeds the gasoline engine! When such an electric-oil hybrid armored force appears, what kind of changes will its logistical pressure and assault ability have!

Therefore, the more you feel the power of China, the more urgently these countries want to get the battery formula. In the past, only companies from various countries could contact them, but now there is such an opportunity that these countries do not send politics. The officials of the rein house are ghosts.

The most important thing is that from the analysis of various actions of the Star Group, it is not unnegotiable for the Star Group to formulate such a battery production formula! ! ! ! ;




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