The Strongest Hacker

Vol 2 Chapter 620: Top of the Century (8)

Chapter 620 The Top of the Century (8)

Today is the opening ceremony of the Star Park, and the rostrum is placed directly in front of the Star Group headquarters building facing the square. At the moment, in addition to the various honor guards hired by the square, hundreds of people from home and abroad have gathered Reporter, the rest are nearly a thousand guests. ;

As the time approached 9 am, the host walked directly to the podium. When the host was seen on the podium, there was a clamor from the reporters below. "I said, kid, what are you doing? You didn't even prepare a microphone?" Tan Zhenglin asked, tweeting at Zhang Yang's sleeve. Although Tan Zhenglin stepped down, Tan Zhenglin rushed over and stood next to Tan Zhenglin today. It is the city’s current mayor of Chapter 620, the top of the century (eighth), and the other is "Wang Tian, ​​secretary of the municipal party committee."

Zhang Yangwei smiled and said: "Don't worry, you will know in a moment, we don't need a microphone here." Chen Xiaowei didn't make preparations, so Zhang Yang didn't know what mysterious institutions are in the whole square. These things are all Chen Xiaowei and Starry Sky Security. The company is in charge, and Zhang Yang has no time to understand.

"Come on, please be quiet. On this special day when the world is destined for the Starry Sky Group, the following is to invite Miss Chen Xiaowei, President of the Starry Sky Group!" The host who walked on the podium said directly with a smile. As the host opened his mouth, his voice immediately spread throughout the square, with no response.

With the sound of "boom", there were countless arguments immediately, but because no one answered briefly, although everyone was discussing, it was clear that no one knew what organ was inside. Zhang Yang shook his head slightly, but Chen Xiaowei was extravagant. In fact, these functions are not particularly necessary, and they are undoubtedly consuming starry sky system resources.

"Good boy, how did you get this?" Tan Zhenglin and others all said in surprise. After all, there was really nothing on the table, and there was no ear elephant on the top of the 620th chapter (eighth), and the whole square was above. Did not see the sound. "If I said I don't know, do you believe it? Zhang Yang smiled bitterly, he really didn't know about it.

"Well, I believe, with such a large Starry Sky Group, your kid has always been the kind of person who doesn't care about orders." Tan Zhenglin shook his head slightly.

"Guests, journalists and friends, welcome everyone to Starry Sky Group. Once again, I would like to thank all guests on behalf of Ms. Li Keqing, Mr. Zhang Yang, and all employees of Starry Sky Group. Today is the day when Starry Sky Industrial Park is built and put into use. The entire Starry Sky Industry The park cost a total of US$17.347 billion, and the project lasted 10,000 months. It is no exaggeration to say that this is a miracle of the history of architecture in the world!......" Chen Xiaowei probably introduced the Starry Sky Industrial Park The general situation.

"..., below is Zhang Yang, the honorary chairman of the Star Group, and Mr. Zhang will speak for everyone." Chen Xiaowei took the lead with a smile and applauded.

Zhang Yangwei smiled and then sorted his clothes before walking to the front of the rostrum. Looking at the countless reporters below, Zhang Yangwei smiled and said: "Originally, I thought I would be scolded by men all over the world because I married the goddess in their minds, but now it seems that everyone seems to have nothing to do with me. Opinion." Zhang Yang said jokingly, and a good-hearted laugh came immediately. In fact, when Zhang Yang did not expose it, Li Keqing was the most perfect woman in the minds of all men.

People are beautiful, tender and cute, and the most important thing is that they still have money and are young! It is no exaggeration to say that most of the beautiful women’s fanciful Peugeot can be found on Li Keqing, so many websites have conducted surveys and are guessing what kind of talents can marry like Li Keqing. woman.

But when Li Keqing issued an announcement on the official website of the Star Group, publicly saying that Zhang Yang was her fiance, the majority of men almost choked Zhang Yang with saliva, but with the passage of time, when Zhang Yang created the Star Group When it was slowly dug out by the media, and all the shares were transferred to Li Keqing's name, this kind of curse slowly disappeared.

Everyone has asked themselves, if they can do it by themselves, they can ignore the value of hundreds of hundreds of billions and now even trillions of dollars. Give it to a woman who is not even married to herself?

Can't do it! There is only one answer, not to mention a woman who can only be called a girlfriend. She even asks herself if she can rest assured to her own wife, they may not be at ease. So, after getting the answer in his heart, no matter whether it is a man or a woman, she admires Zhang Yang very much. When a person has done something that no one in the world can do, no one like this admires him.

So since then, it seems that everyone has accepted the fact that Li Keqing’s husband is Zhang Yang, and there are even many people who have maliciously guessed that Li Keqing may not marry Zhang Yang, or may change his mind, but these guesses have followed The passage of time was directly crushed by people. ,

"Oh, here, I want to thank too many people, I won't talk about them one by one, but the only thing I want to mention..." said Zhang Yang paused here, and then shifted the topic: "Maybe many No one can think about it. Before today, a company with a market value of more than one trillion US dollars was shrunk in a small, ordinary office building less than 100 meters high. In such a harsh environment, the entire Star Group’s The employees have persevered through their own solidarity efforts. Today here, I am here to thank every employee of the Starry Sky Group. It is your joint efforts to have the Starry Sky Group today! Here, I want to represent all of the Starry Sky Group. Shareholders, thank you."

As Zhang Yang's words fell, there was an immediate warm applause from the employees of the Star Group. Although the company still has many important things to do today, do not build all those employees who happen to take their turn. All came here to participate in the celebration of the use of the company's headquarters building.

Zhang Yang's speech is very short. If it is not a special day today, Zhang Yang is too lazy to come to speak. There are also many routine speeches. For example, the speech of the mayor of H City and the secretary of the municipal party committee is inevitable. But fortunately, because there is no need to answer reporters’ questions, it ends quickly, probably in just over an hour.

"The following invites you to visit the headquarters building of the Starry Sky Group! Please enter in an orderly manner. If there is anything in the building that you do not know, please ask the nearest staff to thank you." With the announcement of the final host, Zhang Yang Chen Xiaowei first walked in with the group of the most important guests from the main entrance of the Star Group headquarters building.

The general shape of the entire building is actually seen as a cone, and the first floor is undoubtedly the largest area. When entering the lobby, everyone couldn't help but utter an admiration. The first floor of the entire hall is almost transparent except for the main load-bearing columns. From the inside to the outside, it is almost glass.

"The function of the lobby on the first floor will be divided into many types. There will be all infrastructures such as post office, bank, restaurant, etc. However, these facilities will be affiliated with the Star Group, in other words, there will be no The emergence of ordinary people will be employees of Star Group, whether they are dining or using other services.

The first floor of the entire building covers an area of ​​at least tens of thousands of square meters in the center of the building, where it is vacant, with a small garden in the middle. "Chen Xiaowei once again? *Private and discouraged?br/>

"... In fact, the lower three floors of the whole building will be the most basic living facilities. From the third floor, we will enter the main work space of the Starry Sky Group. When the time comes, Baozhun will surprise everyone." Chen Xiaowei mysteriously smiled Smiled. All the guests looked at each other face-to-face. Although everyone started talking quietly after entering the lobby on the first floor, and Chen Xiaowei only introduced the approximate functions, these people were not fools. Enough to shock them.

Don’t say anything else, although it’s daytime from the time of entering the lobby, but the building covers such a large area, there are places where natural sunlight can’t directly enter. It is necessary to start lighting here, but everyone noticed that No one turns on these lights, but the lights turn on slowly and slowly as they travel.

Although these lights can be controlled remotely from behind, if it is remotely controlled, there is no need to install a switch for each light? If it is a whole switch, then when it is turned on, it will directly light up the whole, not like it is now, but slowly lights up more than 20 meters away in front of them.

This is only the most basic. In addition, there are many types of elevators on the bottom three floors. They use walking elevators, but these elevators were originally closed, and they were less than five meters away in front of them. At that time, these elevators started to run automatically. All this proves one thing, that is, the entire building has an unexpected automation system.

Bill Gates, whose house is like this, naturally feels the deepest. Others may not feel anything or may not even think of it, but Bill Gates can feel it. It’s like his villa, everything is ears. It is controlled directly by a computer, and the curtains are regularly opened every day, etc., but how big is his villa, and how big is the Starry Sky Park of the Star Group?

What is the performance gap between the two? More importantly, Bill Gates is a top software architecture engineer himself. He naturally knows how to achieve such an intelligent system, how deep he needs to be in the system. Although it is impossible to talk about artificial intelligence, Microsoft does it. The super system that comes is definitely not capable of such logic analysis!

Although Bill Gates only followed most of the guests and had chats with them, but he couldn't calm down at all. It seemed that there was nothing wrong with his decision to come to China this time, otherwise there would be no way to understand The strength of this opponent! Although Star Group has never studied the so-called system, Microsoft and Star Group still have a cooperative relationship after all, and Bill Gates can be said to watch Star Group from a company that was a child when they cooperated with them. For the growth of this behemoth today, it is even larger than Microsoft and several famous high-tech enterprises in the United States combined!

Although Microsoft has always maintained enough vigilance against the Starry Sky Mulberry Group, the Starry Sky Group has not made any achievements in the system, so Microsoft has not paid enough attention to the Starry Sky Group, and now from this system that controls the entire building, Bill Gates has relocated the Starry Sky Group to a sufficiently important position!

Bill suddenly regretted that once he wanted to buy the Star Group, but it was not implemented later. Although it was said that even if the acquisition was not successful at the time, it was regrettable that he did not do it in the end. However, now the Star Group and Microsoft said the straightforward point is the same as more than two years ago, it is not a level of opponents.

Of course, more than two years ago, Microsoft did not take Star Group into consideration. Now, the positions of the two sides have dropped one by one, not to mention that Microsoft is equally huge, but to put it bluntly, Microsoft now has no ability to check and balance Star Group~ Zhang Yang has been chatting with Tan Zhenglin around him, the look in the corner of his eyes has been paying attention to the appearance of these guests around him. Zhang Yang basically sees the expression on everyone's face.

But what Zhang Yang valued most was not those business tycoons, but Prince Rashid of the UAE. Perhaps others think that because of the emergence of the Star Group battery, the status of petroleum energy will gradually decline. Presumably this UAE prince came here because of this, but Zhang Yang knows that there is another big one in his hand? *鳎 芸上ВApologize for the trouble Wash the rice bran loyalty ?br/>

It is necessary to have a good relationship with the prince of the UAE, and more importantly, Zhang Yang is not yet clear about another thing, that is, what exactly caused the unrest in the Middle East four years later. But in any case, since I came back to life again, some things can't be missed. At least Zhang Yang doesn't want the things that happened on the Internet to appear again in later generations, but the domestic government can only protest, when can the warship be opened first Go over and talk again?

"Mr. Zhang, Mr. Zhang?" "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" ! ! ! ;




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