The Strongest Hacker

Vol 2 Chapter 624: I love you (1)

Chapter 624: I Love You (1)

Chapter 624: I Love You (1)

"Premier, you can't be ridiculous, I can't afford this money." Zhang Yang is sitting with the Prime Minister at this moment. Zhang Yang didn't expect the Prime Minister to come over to attend his wedding. To be honest, if his wedding is only held in secret, The Prime Minister came to Zhang Yang to imagine, but today his wedding was not held in secret. Although the reporters below are not allowed to take pictures or take pictures when the wedding is in progress, they will still pass through their mouths and pens. This has a very big impact on the Prime Minister.

"Haha, you kid, don't worry, this money country can't let you personally pay for it. You donate the money to you. This is the initiative of the UAE royal family to sell it to Chapter 624. I love you (1 ) Ours, this is a national matter. Let you pay for it privately. In the future, we old guys will not go out." The prime minister said with a laugh and patted Zhang Yang's shoulder.

"Ha, then I'm relieved." Zhang Yang made a haha, of course he didn't care about the money. In fact, Zhang Yang was a little nervous. By this opportunity, he eased his mood. Otherwise, Zhang Yang didn't know if he could tonight. Fell asleep. "Hey, to be honest, kid, in fact, sometimes we old people feel ashamed when facing you." The Prime Minister sighed.

"Hah... don't say that, I'm doing something ordinary people do, but your status is different from ours. I know you really want to do things according to your own ideas, but sometimes you can't help yourself. Zhang Yang said with a smile. In fact, it is quite difficult for people like the Prime Minister. Zhang Yang is not flattering or speaking for them. The angle of standing is different, and the method of doing things is different.

For the time being, I will say nothing about Zhang Yang’s last life. If something goes wrong, it seems that the country will only protest, but then, if China really has a good way, who would pretend to be a grandson to protest? Who would not want a direct hit on the first six hundred and twentieth chapters I Love You (a) square punch to speak again? Unless he is a masochist, but this is not just as simple as masochism, it should be said that humiliation.

The Internet in my previous life was also popular enough. Zhang Yang once scolded it online and scolded policies, but in the final analysis, if there is a way, who would like this? Zhang Yang couldn't understand it in his previous life, but Zhang Yang understood it in his life, because the angle of standing is different, and the way of looking at the problem is different.

Once something went wrong, according to ordinary people, directly pulling the warship to fight in the past, yes, it is easy to start the war, but what is the loss of the war? It is the overall national power! Moreover, 90% of the countries in the world are laughing at their dreams after seeing the war between China and people. Unfortunately, many people do not understand these things, and the words are directly released without the brain’s consideration.

As for domestic issues such as *, Zhang Yang did not want to say anything, and Zhang Yang did not comment on such matters. Some things have to be considered from another angle. When the water is clear, there are no fishes. Many people say that foreign governments serve ordinary people, but do you dare to say that these people do not have their own interests? Too ridiculous, if you are tired like a dog every day, earn less money, have no rights, and don't get any private gain, this kind of thing lets you do it, do you not do it?

The answer is obvious. Zhang Yang is not saying that he agrees with the trend of corruption*. He just wants to say to those who say that foreign countries are better and better, and domestic ones that are worse or worse. Did you do your own responsibility first? Zhang Yang never felt that he was a good person. At least anyone who dared to move people around him would dare to kill him with his right in his hand.

People don't kill themselves for their own sake, but there is a principle for doing things. If there is not even a basic principle, it is scum. It is deserved to die if you die.

"If everyone thinks like you, that's right. I have something to tell you. Tomorrow, the chairman is coming. You are here to make security preparations in advance." The Prime Minister said with emotion A sentence, and then remembered something, said to Zhang Yang.

"Poof..." Zhang Yang spewed out the tea in his mouth directly. "Don't scare me, old man." The Prime Minister was surprised when he came to Zhang Yang. Even the No. 1 chief came, Zhang Yang didn't know what to say. . "I'm scared of what you do, you can rest assured that we are attending your wedding in a private capacity, why? Although we are the president of the country and the prime minister of the country, can we not have our own private life and private socialization? It’s true that we are national leaders, but we are also human beings, and we also have seven emotions and six desires.” The Prime Minister smiled slightly, and said with a smile.

Zhang Yang didn't know what to say for a while, that's right, but the situation in the country is exaggerated. The leader above the fart can smell a different taste, the prime minister and the chairman come Here, can ordinary people have no idea? No idea? By then, he might have become the illegitimate grandson of the chairman and the prime minister.

When the Prime Minister arrived, it was very late. No one but the top executives of the Star Group knew that the Prime Minister had also come here. After chatting with the Prime Minister for a while, Zhang Yang walked out of the Prime Minister's room, leaving his identity aside, he was an old man in his seventies! Ordinary old people of this age have been living at home for a long time, and this one has to do planes around the world every day.

Zhang Yang returned to his room early to take a rest. Li Keqing was not here. Li Keqing had already returned to their house. Tomorrow Zhang Yang would drive from here to the building that Zhang Yang bought to marry Li Keqing. "Why are you all here?" Returning to his room, Zhang Yang saw his parents and Chen Xiaowei were all there, and said a little surprised.

"Nonsense, of course, for tomorrow's wedding. I think whether I can sleep today is a problem. Many things have to be explained to you." Chen Xiaowei rolled his eyes and said helplessly. "You arrange it, anyway, I did not participate in the planning of the entire wedding, what you said is what." Zhang Yang shrugged.

"Relax, Chairman Zhang Da, we won't save you money. The woman will do it once in a lifetime. We will make money for you." Li Yuxuan said with a smile. Zhang Yang is already mentally prepared. These crazy women don't know how to spend money.

"Then I will briefly tell you the main steps." Chen Xiaowei immediately took out what he brought and put it on the coffee table. Zhang Ya noticed that this is an enlarged map near the Starry Sky Industrial Park. . Zhang Yang sat down on the sofa, and Sun Yixiang and Zhang Kuang also got together. They didn't know the specific arrangements for tomorrow. Both were Chen Xiaowei and they were in charge. At this time, Sun Yixiang and Zhang Kuang also wanted to know how Chen Xiaowei arranged them.

"Tomorrow, this entire road will be completely closed." Chen Xiaowei took out a pencil and drew a circle directly on a main road on the enlarged map. Zhang Yang touched his nose, this is a bit exaggerated, but think about it, forget it, marry a wife in his own life, and just to his name, and live for a lifetime, when the time to publicize, you have to publicize a little, seal the road Let's go, anyway, I have a special status now. If someone is dissatisfied, I can't be dissatisfied. I can't let myself be like an ordinary person. I'm afraid that if I want to, I can't let myself toss it. If it's a wedding, I have something with Li Keqing Things, it is estimated that the face will be lost.

Chen Xiaowei's circle is the two bridges across the river built by the Starry Sky Group, and then formed a complete arc. "There are customs in China, and the route for marrying can't be the same as the route for returning, so when we walked, we went from the northeast direction to this bridge, and then came back from the other side. Did you understand?" Chen Xiaowei pointed to the two lines on the map and said .

"Understood, but what should you tell the driver? What did you say to me." Zhang Yang was baffled. "The beauty you think, tomorrow you drive to pick up the bride, how can there be a driver." Li Yuxuan interjected and said. "This is good, I agree." Zhang Kuang nodded and said.

Zhang Yang couldn't help crying, "I'm not going to be myself? I have to get a team of people like a multi-millionaire, do I just drive by myself." Zhang Yang continued helplessly.

"Vulgar! Who doesn't know if we have money in the Starry Group? Do we still have to prove it with money? People want to show off their fleet to show off their wealth. If you want to show off your wealth, why don't you get a private jet flying team?" Xia January rolled his eyes and directly despised Zhang Yang.

"Okay, okay, I'm the only car on the whole road, I have no opinion. Anything else to explain?" Zhang Yang nodded to know. "Of course there is. We married on this side, but the people sent over there are going to play with the bridegroom, and it clearly confessed to the people who are not allowed to pass us, so you have to go to the meeting alone." Chen Xiaowei added with a smile. A sentence.

"No! That's about playing with dead people." Zhang Yang was taken aback, joking, getting married and getting married, it was a lively knot. The more people who play, the better, but the more people who play, they have to help themselves. You let me go to the meeting alone, this...I am not Guan Erye, I can cross five levels and cut six.

"Why not, hey, rest assured, there will be a helicopter on your head to shoot live broadcast of your wedding, we have already discussed, since your wedding has been held like this, then simply broadcast live to the world, Isn’t it just spending money? Our Starry Sky Group has nothing, some is money." Chen Xiaowei said with a wave of domineering big hands.

Zhang Yang is a little speechless, it is right to have money, feelings are not your own money. "Uh, what else?" Anyway, this time in this life, Zhang Yang is out, isn't it just to pass the five levels and cut the six? I want to see who is playing there tomorrow? The big deal is just a bunch of employees of the Star Group, nnd. "You don't have to worry about the rest. Tomorrow you will wear your clothes, and then go downstairs to drive, and then follow the route I gave you all the way, and then you can marry Ke Qing smoothly and you will be done! Others Everything is left to us." Chen Xiaowei said cheerfully.

"Well, wait, let me ask first, when playing the bridegroom tomorrow...Which side are you on?" Zhang Yang asked weakly. Zhang Yang had already figured out his own identity and status. Others If people just play, they may not dare to let go, but the people in front of them are different. This is all along the way. The identity and status of Zhang Yang will not work at all with them. If they stand on the side of Ke Qing If so, Zhang Yang could really be killed.

"What do you say? You take a break early. It is estimated that you will get up at five o'clock tomorrow. You and your aunts will also take a break early." Chen Xiaowei threw a wink at Zhang Yang and dropped a sentence, and then they waved to Li Yuxuan. Go outside. Watching the group of animals walk outside, Zhang Yang hurriedly cast a glance at Fang Shaoyun who was walking at the end. Fang Shaoyun pretended not to see it, but he only made a buddy expression to Zhang Yang when he went out. Just run away decisively.

by! Zhang Yang sneaked up a **** to Fang Shaoyun, this animal, nnd, aren't you married yet? When you and Li Yuxuan get married, see how I make trouble in the cave. "Dad, mother, do you know what inside information you know, secretly tell me? You don't want to see your son marrying his daughter-in-law tomorrow." Zhang Yang looked at the Sun Yixiang and Zhang Kuang around him, and immediately made a pitiful coup Asked in the past.

"Get out of here! Stinky boy, are you marrying your daughter-in-law and we are not marrying your daughter-in-law? The old lady is for you to sit in tomorrow, rest assured, if you can't marry back, you can be fine, you won't come back tomorrow, we will recognize Qing as the daughter after "Sun Yixiang immediately glared at Zhang Yang, laughing and scolding.

"Okay... I'm going to bed." Zhang Yang nodded helplessly and turned to his went back to the room and lay in bed, although this day will come sooner or later, and Zhang Yang knows this One day can't run away, but I don't know why, Zhang Yang is still very excited.

I can finally marry her home, and I will be my upright wife in the future. Although the two are no different from the husband and wife, I don’t know anything. When I took this step, Zhang Yang was like a young child, actually excited. Can't sleep.

After lying on the bed for half an hour, Zhang Yang still couldn't sleep. When Zhang Yang was going to find a way to force himself to sleep, the old man's voice came from the bedroom door: "...Zhang Yang, have you slept?"

"No, dad come in." Zhang Yang hurriedly sat up from the bed. Zhang Kuang opened the door and looked inside. Then he pressed the light and walked in.

"Why? Can't sleep?" Zhang Kuang closed the door and asked with a smile.

"Well, I can't sleep." Zhang Yang nodded honestly. RO! ! ! ;




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