The Strongest Hacker

Vol 2 Chapter 625: I love you (5)

Zhang Yang stood at the doorway of the corridor and gasped for a few breaths. He climbed directly from the first floor to the thirtyth floor, even if he was in good health, he had to gasp. ; But before Zhang Yang got out of the staircase, the people inside had already rushed into the staircase, basically all the people of the Li family that Zhang Yang had seen.

"Hey, let's talk about how you want to go." Li Guotao stopped in front of Zhang Yang and asked with a smug smile. Zhang Yang smiled bitterly: "Brother, I'm a brother-in-law anyway, okay, do you have to stand on my side?" Li Guotao laughed twice before saying: "Your little reel, I know you want to be fooled , I’m definitely on your side, but today is the same, but if you can complete the problem we gave you, I will pass you..."

"What is the problem, you can love you in Chapter 625. (5) Take it easy, you are your uncle, you can't toss your brother-in-law like this!" Zhang Yang hurried to fight the prevention first. "Hey, don't worry, this problem is not difficult at all, it depends on whether your eyes are bright enough." Li Guotao smiled proudly, and there was also a sound from the elevator entrance over the room. Obviously Li Yuxuan had already passed the elevator. .

"Okay, let me tell you what to do..." Zhang Yang swept these people around, he probably guessed what Li Guotao was going to do! If you usually encounter this peace, the fastest running is definitely not Li Guotao and them, but Lin Nuoxue, but now Lin Nuoxue has not appeared, plus what Gu Guo Li Guotao said, I definitely want to guess Lin Nuo Who is Xue and Li Keqing? Who made them both look like twins?

If it had been carefully dressed by a makeup artist, it would really be inseparable. "Nothing, as long as you can tell which one is the bride, you take the bride away. If you guess wrong, you will know the consequences. Haha." Li Guotao laughed twice.

"Okay" Zhang Yang smiled bitterly. These animals are so daring to play, aren't they afraid that they will be wrong? When Lin Nuoxue first met Li Keqing, Chapter 625 I Love You (5) There are some differences in the appearance between the two people, mainly because Li Keqing is two years older than Lin Nuoxue. Still in junior high school, it looks naturally a bit more jerky than Li Keqing: after all, the two are not twins, originally Zhang Yang thought that as time goes by, the two will definitely be different when they grow up. Know, the two are actually more like .

The only difference is that Li Keqing has two small tiger teeth in his mouth, but Lin Nuoxue does not have tiger teeth. When they laugh, they are easy to distinguish, but when they don’t laugh, they are exactly the same: but they should not What's the problem, Li Keqing and Lin Nuoxue's temperament is quite poor, even if the makeup artist then make up the difference between the two people should be quite large.

After seeing Zhang Yang agreeing with Li Guotao, they stood up and coaxed Zhang Yang to walk inside and waited into his house. Zhang Yang saw Li Shufang, who was wearing a Tang suit in the living room, saw Zhang Yang coming in, just like Li Shufang, who was like an ancient lady, stood up and walked to Zhang Yang with a smile, took Zhang Yang's hand, patted Zhang Yang's back and said, "Zhang Yang, today Aunt officially gave Ke Qing to you. Aunt knows that you are good to Ke Qing, I don’t have much to say about the redundant words. The only wish of the aunt now is to hope that you all will be safe and sound in the future. It doesn’t matter how much money you make, but you must promise to the aunt. Got it, rest assured." Zhang Yang nodded solemnly. Although Zhang Yang and Li Shufang and Li Keqing lived together more than their parents in the past two years, this was the first time Li Shufang Solemnly say these words to Zi Si, and Zhang Yang solemnly gave Li Shufang a promise to work "Oh, well, then take your young people to play, and the aunt will go first, not to disturb you." The older generation here This left Li Shufang to send her daughter here, and after explaining what Gai explained, Li Shufang walked out of the room with a smile. After Li Shufang was taken away respectfully by the security of the Star Group, Li Guotao smiled proudly and said, "Hey, take the ride and you have to guess right..."

"No problem. Let them come out."

Zhang Yang nodded, and he didn't believe it, but could Qing Qing have a tacit understanding with him? This is too simple, just look at the eyes can see the multiplier. "Okay, bring the bride out." Li Guotao said with a grin. Soon, the two familiar figures walked out of the two bedrooms from left to right. When they walked out, Zhang Yang couldn't help but froze for a moment, and then he gathered around Li Guotao and said: " I said, you guys are so cruel! How dare you play? Are you not afraid of my guess?"

Obviously, Li Guotao had already expected Zhang Yang to rely on guessing. Both Ke Qing and Lin Nuoxue came out with a pair of sunglasses, and the two men were holding the long mopping wedding dress behind the two girls. Walked in front of Zhang Yang and stood together. Sunglasses are dark sunglasses, and you can’t see your eyes at all, plus Lin Nuoxue and Li Keqing are only smiling, so the two people are exactly the same. At this time, Zhang Yang discovered that the two people are almost the same height.

"Ke Qing, let's talk about it first. You are not allowed to be fooled. If you dare to be fooled, it would be difficult for your animal to go down this building today:" Li Yuxuan walked in front of the two girls with a smile. Instructed the worker, "Wait, you let them both stand at the door of the room, and you both stay away, don't be in the light." Zhang Yang said quickly: Li Guotao they have no opinion, they help with a smile The two walked to the door of the room and stood back to the door, then they backed away again, watching Zhang Yang recognize the two.

Standing opposite Ding Ding and the girl, Zhang Yang couldn't help but touch the nose NND. This difficulty is much simpler than Tang Bohu's Qiu Xiang, I don't believe we can't guess. But to be honest, it's really hard to guess at this time, the two people's wedding dresses and makeup are exactly the same, even the hair position of the head soil is the same, there is no difference, plus look again It’s really hard to guess if you don’t have your eyes, but it’s hard to tell, maybe all are the same, but the only thing is different, Lin Nuoxue can’t compare with Li Keqing, hey, anyway, Li Keqing It was also developed by Zhang Yang. Zhang Yang is no longer familiar with her body. Li Keqing’s body is much better than Lin Nuoxue. Lin Nuoxue’s chest has the most breasts, which is the B cup. Li Keqing is the D cup: this Although the wedding dress is not exposed, but the chest can still be seen at the place, Zhang Yang has recognized the ride, and perhaps no one else knows, but Zhang Yang knows that there is a little in the earlobe of Li Keqing’s right ear The red mole is small and hard to find if you don’t look closely, but Zhang Yang, who has kissed Li Keqing’s body almost everywhere, can’t be sure: Zhang Yang made them both stand at the door 12 I wanted to hold Li Keqing and just ran away. Just kidding, Zhang Yang was sure, after recognition, this group of animals definitely had a trick. Zhang Yang has already observed it, because there must be a lot of entertainment in the headquarters building after a while, so this The skirt of the wedding dress is not big: "The two of you are separated a little, I compare and contrast, don't stand too close." Zhang Yang also directed Lin Nuoxue and Li Keqing to separate a little. When the two people were separated by a distance of about one meter, Zhang Yang approached the two. When Zhang Yang walked by, Li Yuxuan stood up and coaxed: "Zhang Yang, you are not allowed to use small means."

"Relax, it's too simple.

It's hard to fail me... You think "Zhang Yang has come to the person standing on the right side during the speech... Before the sentence is finished, Zhang Yang slammed his head down and hugged Li Keqing directly. In Li Keqing When I subconsciously hugged Zhang Yang's neck, the latter two words in Zhang Yang's mouth also appeared: "More work..."

After finishing these two words, Zhang Yang had turned his head to hold Li Keqing and ran out: at the moment of holding Li Keqing, Zhang Yang was already sure that he had never guessed wrong. The unique scent on Li Keqing was too familiar. When Zhang Yang rushed into the corridor, Li Guotao in the room reacted violently. Fang Shaoyun couldn't help but yelled, "Fuck, this product is too treacherous, everyone quickly chase it."

They just moved a long distance away, and the closest to Zhang Yang and Li Keqing is undoubtedly Lin Nuoxue. After Zhang Yang guessed right, Lin Nuoxue reacted for the first time, and she was going to subconsciously go. Catch up and grab Zhang Yang, but Zhang Yang's movements are too fast. When Zhang Yang ran into the corridor with Li Keqing, Lin Nuoxue just walked to the door of the room, plus she was wearing a wedding dress, it was inconvenient to move. People want to come out, but they are afraid to touch Lin Nuoxue.

The people inside happened to be jammed in the house by Zhang Yang: They rushed to the elevator quickly, and just under the state, Li Yuxuan took a few of them to take the elevator, and all the employees were below. Their car went to the company's headquarters: so the elevator must have stopped on the 30th floor. Zhang Yang directly pressed the elevator, then took Li Keqing into the elevator, and stretched his feet to close the elevator door before pressing the first floor.

When the elevator was moving down, Zhang Yang couldn't help but looked at the pleasant smile in his arms and said: "The wife took off her eyes..." Li Keqing reached out and took his eyes off, then threw them into the nod, just like that Looking at Zhang Yang tenderly, looking at this beautiful and beautiful face, Zhang Yang suddenly felt that Li Keqing is now the most beautiful woman in the world, there is no one, no one can compare with her no matter who she is: Zhang Yang I couldn’t help but kissed Li Keqing’s red lips, “How do you recognize me:” Li Keqing’s post that seems to melt steel is like a deep pool, Zhang Yang feels that he can’t help himself. I got into work deeply. "It's not easy. Since I first met you, I told you that you have been in your life. You can't run even if you want to run. If you can't recognize you, find If you don’t reach you, what if you run away?” Zhang Yang laughed like a fox that had successfully stolen food, complacent: “Lai Pi” Li Keqing couldn’t help but came up and kissed Zhang Yang’s face. “Must Yeah, how can Pihui marry your wife who has been so good for so long, hey, my wife, we have to run for a while, but we can’t let them catch up..." Zhang Yang looked at the elevator and reached the first floor, Zhang Yang quickly adjusted A look at the wedding dress in hand: when the elevator door opened, there was only a security guard outside. Zhang Yang rushed out of the building without saying anything, holding Li Keqing. When Zhang Yang rushed out of the building door, there were cheers of countless people outside, and then with the countless falling petals of flowers, the deafening firecrackers sounded.

"Chairman! I wish you a happy wedding! White-headed and old!" The sound of blessings from more than three hundred employees outside sounded a good ride. "Haha, thank you all, there are brides in the back, I will run for another day and invite everyone to dinner. Haha..." Zhang Yang couldn't help but shouted loudly, then in the laughter of everyone, Zhang Yang ran to the car with Li Keqing The door is always open in the winning driving position, and Li Keqing is placed in the position of co-pilot. Zhang Yang discovered that the color of the body has not changed when it has become a red body, and there are two above the red body. A heart-to-heart pattern that outlined the ride flashed with a radiant brilliance. Zhang Yang just glanced away, and secretly sighed in his heart. This car does not know how much it costs, but I am afraid that tens of millions of boron B may not be enough~www.mtlnovel. Com~ quickly got into the driver's seat, Zhang Yang directly started the car, and when Zhang Yang drove out of the community and went back along another road, he found out that the rose petals on the way back were not pink, but It turned into countless white rose petals and paved the way, just like the white love between the two.

Two red hearts are driving on the path of white love. I don’t know how many women in front of the TV are insane looking at this scene in front of me. No matter how, there are really few people who want to do this. At least, in an international metropolis such as U City, how many people can let the city government come to block the road?

And don’t look at these rose petals, it seems that it does not cost much, but it is really not easy to get so many Rose J petals. It is nearly 20 kilometers away around such a large circle of Dashi, and the entire 20 kilometers of roads are all It is a road with ten lanes up and down, completely covered by rose petals, even if it is a thin layer, the number of roses required is a horrible number.

Although I don't know who designed it, I am afraid that the Starry Sky Group will have to prepare for these months if they are rich. ! ! ! ;




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