The Strongest Hacker

Vol 2 Chapter 630: Variations (1)

Chapter 630 Variations (1)

Chapter 630 Variations (1)

With the chairman of the Star Group, Zhang Yang announced that all the gifts for his wedding will be paid to the National Palace Museum, and after all the cash for these paid services is invested in education, this is the most important place in the world. The wedding of the most wealthy and the most suitable couple also ended.

Although watching the live broadcast, everyone still has some words about the luxury ostentation of the Star Group, but at the end of the wedding, after Zhang Yang announced the decision, no one has any other derogatory statements, if you say other charitable funds and the like It may be said that the reputation will be sold, but no one in the Star Group’s charity fund doubts. Don’t forget that the Star Sky Technology Chapter 630 Variations (1) The art school now costs more than 6 billion RMB per year! In just over two years, the Starry Sky Technical College has trained at least 300,000 outstanding technicians for the whole society!

The most important point is that the Star Group is too rich! If you have money, the Starry Sky Group can't look at the charitable foundation's money donated by other people. If you throw it away, it will be tens of billions of RMB. If you don't care about the tens of millions you donated? Is it even hundreds of millions? Because of this, the charity foundation specially set up by Star Group has become the first choice for most people to donate!

No one wants to let the money they donate fall into some people's personal purses, and with the figures released after Zhang Yang, countless ordinary people are stunned by the gifts received by Zhang Yang's wedding, a full 2.3 billion RMB! In fact, this is still a large part of Zhang Yang concealing, otherwise, the estimated amount will far exceed this figure.

The more than 100 items donated by Rasid on behalf of the Arab royal family may exceed this number. Not to mention the treasures brought out by the representatives of other countries, but these are the things brought out on behalf of the country, especially the things brought out by Britain and France. They are almost all fine works in the Old Summer Palace. Ten Chapter Variations (1) The four things from two countries are priceless treasures!

"Mr. Zhang, don't know our proposal, what do you think?" French representative Erm looked at Zhang Yang carefully and asked, although his apparent position was very low, but his actual identity was the special envoy of the French president. This has been told to Zhang Yang through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs through secret channels. The identity of the British colleagues around him is not simple.

"Very good, it is not a big problem to hand over the formula to you! But I have a condition that if the arms embargo against China signed in Europe that year cannot be cancelled at the EU meeting, the negotiations between us will not continue. It’s possible to talk about it.” Zhang Yang admits that because of the emergence of Luo Gai and the emergence of the Starry Sky Group, the Republic’s weaponry power far exceeds the level of the previous generation’s weapons and equipment, but this does not mean that it has already been in terms of overall strength. Beyond Europe and America.

Not to mention, the foundation between the two parties alone is a huge gap! So now China still needs to import some technology from Europe that is temporarily on the verge of the country. If Europe can lift the arms embargo against China, then all the equipment levels of China will leap to a high level in a short time!

This is not a joke, this is a fact! A lot of domestic equipment research has reached the bottleneck stage, but it is often that this goal may sometimes take years, or even ten years to break through! But these things are no longer classified in Western countries. As long as they can buy back their things and dismantle the research, these technologies will be completely broken in a short time!

"This...I will immediately give the relevant proposal to our president, and then pass the vote at the EU meeting." Elm hesitated, and then he said very simply. Before he came, he had obtained the authorization of the president to use the greatest strength to obtain the other party's formula for the new battery. This is related to the EU's international status in the next few decades or even a hundred years! Especially after this ancient oriental country started to exert its power, anyone had to watch this oriental lion with vigilance!

Just kidding, any number, even if it is small, when this number is multiplied by 1.4 billion, it is a frightening and terrifying number!

"Everyone, I have the same requirements for you, as long as you can cancel this bill and strictly enforce the trade between us in accordance with the international trade treaty, then the Star Group can exchange the battery formula for some of your hands. Technology! You can rest assured that these technologies are not top-notch technologies. They are just technologies that are in short supply in our country. Previously, we could not sell them to our country because of the Arms Embargo Act. Of course, if the EU can’t agree, it’s nothing. These Technology has basically reached a critical point in our country, we just want to speed up its time." Zhang Yang looked at the representatives of several other countries in the European Union, and then said quietly.

This is the reason why Zhang Yang decided to meet these people for the first time after consideration. As the integration process of the EU in economics and military affairs is gradually accelerated, the influence of this community is naturally increasing, even in the number of Ten years later, it is not impossible for the EU to merge into a unified government! Of course, these are too far away, but at present, what Zhang Yang has to do is to dig up the greatest benefits from their hands!

Zhang Yang's words fell, and while the representatives of these countries were still looking at each other, Chen Xiaowei walked in from outside and went to Zhang Yang's ear, saying in a small voice: "The chairman, Minister Gates has been waiting there for a long time. "Although Chen Xiaowei's voice was not loud, it was coincidentally heard by the representatives of most EU countries present.

After listening to Chen Xiaowei's words, Zhang Yang immediately stood up with a smile: "Everyone, you can continue to discuss this matter with President Chen Xiaowei of our group. I still have some personal things to deal with. I will leave first." Zhang Yang's words, these Representatives of various countries will not believe it! Isn't this nonsense?

They just heard the voice of Chen Xiaowei just now, and they also knew in their hearts that the other party must have let them hear it intentionally, but no matter what the other party thought, they could not ignore the information! Secretary Gates? The whole world is called Gates, and is called by the Minister. All the minds are searching, and a figure who once wore a military uniform appeared in their minds.

Then these people could not help but breathe a sigh of relief, the US Secretary of Defense? ! Actually came to China? ! And still at the headquarters of the Star Group? Want to talk to the Star Group? Don’t see that NATO still exists, but with the integration of the EU and more and more countries joining the EU, the relationship between the EU and the US will get worse and worse. It is impossible to avoid. In fact, this country in the world There is no permanent alliance between the two, only benefits!

Undoubtedly, a unified EU is not in the interest of the United States! So now the European Union and the United States have become more and more centrifuged. Now I heard that the United States has actually sent the Secretary of Defense to China. This news is like a nuclear bomb. After coming, these people naturally had no intention of continuing to talk to Chen Xiaowei. Zhang Yang had already said very clearly, and what he said was very dead.

The other party's conditions have been put forward, and now I have heard this amazing news. These people naturally want to report this matter to their respective bosses in the first time, and let the staffs of various countries help analyze it. So after Zhang Yang left, each of these people made excuses and left. When they left, Zhang Yang walked into a reception room with a weird smile on his face.

To be honest, Zhang Yang did not expect the US Secretary of Defense to come back. Although the United States secretly told Zhang Yang through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at that time, there was a heavyweight to come, but Zhang Yang did not expect to be such a heavyweight! Don't look at frequent visits to China like the US President, but in terms of military affairs, the US Defense Secretary comes to China, which means something completely different!

Not to mention that this visit was actually a secret visit, and the outside world did not know about it. Zhang Yang knows that there must be some tacit agreement with the United States, otherwise Gates cannot appear here. Just kidding, the defense minister of another country ran to his country and had a private meeting with one of the largest companies in his country. If such a thing doesn't matter at all, it is estimated that this government is almost done. Not to mention, this other country is still the main enemy of its own country in the future!

"Mr. Gates, hello, hello!" Zhang Yang exaggerated his hand and shook hands with the lean man opposite him. Gates's hair was completely white, but as an assistant to five US presidents, and in In 2008, he became the assistant to the sixth US president! The influence of the man in front of the American political arena, especially the US side, the influence of the intelligence department is beyond doubt!

To be honest, when he learned that Gates was here, Zhang Yang's jaws almost fell off. "Mr. Zhang, you're welcome! Please sit down." Gates smiled and nodded politely, looking at the man in front of him with amazement. Gates told the truth, he was very interested in the little man in front of him! Oh, don’t get me wrong, it’s not that. As an excellent defense minister and a defense minister from the world’s largest intelligence agency, Gates has studied the data of countless people in his life, but this age is not enough. The twenty-three-year-old man is undoubtedly the one who surprised him the most, and the one who couldn't see through.

To be honest, even the US President’s resume is not detailed in Gates, but the man in front of me is a mystery. Sometimes Gates doesn’t know how this man’s brain grows. It took more than three years for a group to expand from a capital of less than seven million dollars to a market value of one trillion dollars. This rate... is too exaggerated!

It is exaggerated that if this is not a fact, everyone will think that they are dreaming, of course, all of this is definitely not a dream, and this time in China, Gates tells the truth is shouldering many important missions, first, naturally is the battery Recipe! The second point is related to the last time the US military satellite was hacked.

Zhang Yang sat on the wicker chair opposite Gates. Gates lived naturally in one of the most luxurious suites in the Star Group headquarters building. After Gates got a cup of tea for Zhang Yang, the two sat in silence and started Looked at each other. It took a long time before Gates suddenly said, "I think, at this time, the representatives of the European Union, as well as the representatives of some countries, have already received the news that I am here?"

Zhang Yang didn't have an accident, he just laughed, just like a fox. After a pause, Zhang Yang smiled and said: "Of course, as a helm of a company group, I always want to maximize my own interests. Yes, Mr. Gates should understand this point, and these means for Mr. Gates, you are the rest of your play." Zhang Yang said with a smile.

Gates was a little crying and laughing. Although the information in the two major intelligence departments of i and n knew before coming, the little man in front of him was difficult to entangle, or he was sometimes straightforward and difficult to entangle, but Gates did not expect He actually said his purpose in such a fair and honest way, and he said it so reasonably? Chlorine Shu?br/>

Everyone is so frank, and they can't hold back anymore. Doesn't this seem too careful? "If Mr. Zhang becomes an official in your country, I think that in the next few decades, the top leader of this country will be Mr. Zhang." Gates didn’t know what kind of mentality he had and said to Zhang Yang that Zhang Yang felt a little bit confused. Thoughtless words.

" Gates is wrong, but I want to change my nationality and then run for the president of the United States." Zhang Yang said weirdly.

"Uh..." Gates choked directly. His eyes changed a little, and he finally understood how the rumors on the Internet came. The person in front of him was really a real animal. ...He said this in front of himself? And it was still fair and honest, and said it without a little disguise.

"The United States is a free country, and of course we will not reject such outstanding talents as Mr. Zhang." For a long time, Gates still suffocated and said a sounding sentence. Zhang Yang almost laughed, and this Secretary of Gates was also interesting. Talk to this old fox, you can't play cards according to common sense, otherwise, you will definitely lose yourself, not the other party.

"Well, Mr. Gates, let's go straight to the topic." Zhang Yang thought for a while, he didn't have time to continue to lie about this old fox here, lie about with these politicians, and when the report is not allowed, let the other party grasp the handle It’s better to go straight to the subject. RO! ! ! ;




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