The Strongest Hacker

Vol 2 Chapter 632: Variations (3)

Chapter 632 Variations (3)

Yin Tongyao was surprised to get Zhang Yang to see himself! Or surprised! The reason why he didn’t leave the city is actually because he wanted to see which car manufacturer Xingkong Group chose to cooperate with Xingkong Group, and Yin Tongyao wanted to sign a production contract with this car manufacturer, that is to say, this car The manufacturer signed a contract with the Star Group, and then Chery cooperated with the car manufacturer.

When the new engine car announced by BMW is ready to go on the market, and its predetermined number is only within a few months, when the global predetermined number reaches more than 10,000, Yin Tongyao knew that with the promotion of this battery, Electric-oil hybrid engines, and even all-electric cars will occupy the mainstream of the future car market, especially the Chapter 632 Variations (3) It is now when the price of oil is getting higher and higher!

This is the future trend, so Yin Tongyao stayed here, but Yin Tongyao never imagined that the chairman of the Star Group saw that the first person was actually himself. Following the previous one, Yin Tongyao was a little confused. He suddenly had a feeling that he followed his parents to see the teacher when he was a child.

It was not until Xia January brought Yin Tongyao outside of Zhang Yang's office that he took a deep breath to calm down his mood. "Mr. Yin, President Zhang is waiting for you inside, please come in." Xia Yiyue smiled and opened the door to Yin Tongyao. "Thank you, Miss Xia." Yin Tongyao hurriedly thanked, and then pushed the door and went in.

When pushing the door, Yin Tongyao suddenly felt a little nervous. After entering the room, Zhang Yang smiled and stood up from his position: "President Yin, hello." "Zhang Zhang, hello.

Yin Tongyao hurriedly took two steps, said Zhang Yang with a respectful hand.

Although the other party is only half of his own age, for Yin Tongyao, the man in front of him is also above him. In fact, as long as he is a mixed business person, when he mentions publicity, there is no one who does not admire. If you don’t admire, you have the 600th ability Chapter 32 Variations (3) You do the same thing.

"Please sit down." Zhang Yang smiled and gave Yin Tongyao to the sofa next to him. After the two sat down, Zhang Yang thought for a while, and then said, "Mr. Yin, I will tell you to talk nonsense. I won't say much. We will go straight to the topic. If the Starry Group gave Mr. Yin's company, oh, it is Chery. What can we get if auto companies provide low-end engines with electric-oil hybrid power?"

Yin Tongyao froze for a moment, and then there was a burst of excitement in his heart. Although he had already thought of the purpose of Zhang Yang to call him, he did not expect Zhang Yang to say so directly, and put forward his own conditions. Compared with the Star Group, Chery naturally has no advantage, and even it is no exaggeration to say that now a random subsidiary under the Star Group is bigger than Chery!

"Joint venture?" Yin Tongyao hesitated for a while before he tentatively said two words. The so-called "joint venture" refers to the Star Group using technology to buy Chery, and then see how many shares to the Star Group. Zhang Yang shook his head slightly. The Star Group's stall is already very large. Zhang Yang doesn't want to spread it bigger, so the shares are fine.

Seeing Zhang Yang shook his head, Yin Tongyao was a little puzzled. If he made money, Chery must not have so much money. Zhang Yang pondered for a long time before he said: "Starry Sky Group wants 50% of the profits to divide the prestige!" Zhang Yang said his conditions directly.

"Uh?" Yin Tongyao froze for a moment. "The profit sharing after the cost is aside, the Star Group needs 50%, and we can provide you with an electric oil hybrid engine. You need to buy the engine. This is my condition. You You can go back and discuss with your board of directors, I will not lower this condition. But the only thing I can guarantee is that the Star Group will give you the engine first, and the price is only 30% of my profit! That is to say, the cost The price plus 30% of the profit is the price we sell to you." Zhang Yang said directly that he was dead.

This price is not expensive at all. Yin Tongyao thought for a while: "There is no problem to divide it into purchase, etc., but I think we can provide you with engine production drawings, we produce the engine ourselves, of course, we will buy the battery from the Star Group?" Yin Tongyao tried to open his mouth. Said. If the engine called the heart of the car needs to be purchased from other companies, then Chery will be reduced to an outsourcing company that can only produce car shells, circuits, etc. In this way, if there is something wrong with the contract between the two parties in the future If so, Chery may be directly bankrupt.

Although the conditions proposed by Zhang Yang are quite powerful for the current Chery, because then, Chery's production line can fully produce other parts of the car, so that the production efficiency will undoubtedly increase. "Yes!" Zhang Yang thought for a moment, nodded and agreed, selling the engine is only one aspect. If according to Yin Tongyao, the Star Group did not have much investment, as long as it expanded the battery production line.

"Okay, I'll go back and discuss with the board now." Yin Tongyao was also refreshing enough, and nodded directly. Zhang Yang nodded slightly, squinting and said: "I'll explain first, I can probably give Chery a year, in other words, within a year Chery has a leading advantage, I will not only provide batteries to Chery ."

"I understand." Yin Tongyao answered very simply. One year is enough for Chery to occupy the low-end market. Shaking hands with Zhang Yang, then Yin Tongyao quickly left Zhang Yang's office, looking at Yin Tongyao's background, Zhang Yang narrowed his eyes slightly, next year is the beginning of the outbreak of the global economic crisis, and Zhang Yang now gives Chery all the technology. After the outbreak, Chery will undoubtedly take the initiative!

After Yin Tongyao left, Zhang Yang thought about it and picked up the phone to make a call to Chen Xiaowei. "What's wrong?" Chen Xiaowei whispered. "Drag the negotiations with them. How long can it be delayed? It is best to delay it to about a month. In addition, I want you to do another thing. We will publish our battery production standards on the official website. Relevant patents and other international patent agencies, and submit our battery classification standards and quality production standards to the International Standards Association."

"Understood. Do you mean that our company has to start making standards now?" Chen Xiaowei said with a weird tone. Standards are not so easy to do. First of all, you have to be recognized by the world, and the Bureau of Standards The difference between domestic and foreign countries has greatly increased. If it can be made into an international standard, the reputation of Starry Group will undoubtedly be greatly enhanced, not to mention the profit.

"Well, don't you think that it would be better to let the world follow our standards after we release all these technologies?" Zhang Yang said with a smile.

"Well, I will arrange people to do it now." Chen Xiaowei nodded. It is not so easy to formulate international standards. First of all, you have to prepare all the data and related grading standards, quality standards, etc., and then start applying. The most important thing is to look at your company. In terms of the influence of this product in the international field, Star Group has no problem at all. Now this battery is basically a monopoly business for Star Group, and its influence is beyond doubt.

Before Chen Xiaowei's phone was hung, Zhang Yang's cell phone on the table rang. Zhang Yang picked it up and looked at it, which was called by Sun Yixiang. "That mom called me, I'll hang up, you go to prepare." Zhang Yang said to Chen Xiaowei, and then hung up her phone, picked up the handset and picked up: "Mom, what's wrong?"

"Uh, Yangzi, I have something to do with you. Could you do a favor for your little aunt?" Jing and Yixiang said with embarrassment.

"Mom, you are busy, you just say it. Isn't it my auntie? Of course I can help." Zhang Yang couldn't help crying. He wasn't an official or something. His own company had the final say. What help? Busy is no problem.

"It's not that you kiss your aunt, do you know your aunt Sun Lin?" Sun Yixiang asked. Zhang Yang immediately frowned. He hadn't heard of the name. What kind of relatives should he talk about? "It's your old uncle's daughter, the little aunt your little aunt was a secretary of the county party committee in a county in Sichuan. Do you have any impression?" Sun Yixiang asked.

A light gleamed in Zhang Yang's mind. When Sun Yixiang said this, Zhang Yang really remembered it. This Sun Lin is the daughter of grandfather Zhang Yang's younger brother. It looks like Zhang Yang is eight and nine years old, and is younger than Zhang Yang. Auntie is younger. "What's the matter with mom?" Zhang Yang immediately asked. Zhang Yang didn't think of this because he knew them very well. In fact, the two parties are far away, that is, they can meet each other when they come back each year. Zhang Yang was not impressed with them.

Zhang Yang thought of it because Zhang Yang seemed to have heard from his mother in his last life. This little aunt's family seemed to have an accident. What happened was too long, and Zhang Yang's memory was a little vague, and he didn't remember anything. It’s just that Zhang Yang’s uncle, who is the secretary of the county party committee, is an upright person and is very kind to his family.

"It's fine if you think about it. It's like this. Your aunt called He Guozhang, the secretary of the county party committee in a county there. I was recently given a double rule by the Discipline Inspection Commission. It is said that your uncle uncle has embezzled seven million yuan. Well, this is going to be a prison for decades. Can you be your uncle? You can rest assured that my dad and I understand your uncle, your uncle is definitely not the kind of corrupt person." Sun Yixiang was on the phone It probably gave Zhang Yang a brief introduction.

As soon as Sun Yixiang said the name He Guozhang, Zhang Yang's head shone brightly, and he remembered it. There was such a thing in his last life! But when Zhang Yang knew in his last life, his uncle, Xiao Guo, who was He Guozhang, was already dead. He Guozhang is not the secretary of the county party committee of other counties, but the secretary of the county party committee of Wenchuan County where the earthquake will occur next year! After He Guozhang was double-regulated, he was later found to have embezzled more than 7 million people in He Guozhang, and was eventually removed from his position.

But then when things couldn't be solved, he committed suicide for He Guozhang again. After the specific situation came out, He Guozhang committed suicide. At that time, he announced that he committed suicide in fear of crime, but this was not the case. After the earthquake in 2008, the whole country Countless disaster relief materials have arrived in Wenchuan, and in the second half of 2008, a huge corruption corruption case was found. At that time, corruption-related disaster relief materials amounted to tens of millions!

After the investigation, the case of He Guozhang was turned over more than a year ago. These people were honestly explained the detailed process of their frame of He Guozhang after the double rules. Later, Sichuan Province also opened a memorial service for He Guozhang for him. Justify the name. Zhang Yang did not know when He Guozhang was sentenced in his previous life. They didn't know until later when He Guozhang was given a name.

If Sun Yixiang didn't mention the name of He Guozhang, Zhang Yang had forgotten this matter, and Zhang Yang only remembered it later. If He Guozhang is worthy of a crime, it is unknown that Zhang Yang’s help will not help. However, since He Guozhang died of injustice, Zhang Yang certainly cannot let his uncle lose his life in vain, leaving the gangs to harm those ordinary people next year. Victims!

Sun Yixiang reminded Zhang Yang of a major event, that is, the next year's earthquake. If Sun Yixiang didn't say it, Zhang Yang might not remember it now. Now that he remembers it, and Zhang Yang has this power in his hand, then he Have the ability to change this. I don’t dare to say anything else, but if the Star Group wants to make predictions about the major earthquakes at that If there is not even one company in the Star Group, who would believe what he said?

"Mom, I know. Give me my little aunt's phone number, and I will go to Sichuan in person." Zhang Yang hesitated, but this happened by coincidence. It was just that he couldn't bring it in the "city, starry sky" The group of people in the group's headquarters, Zhang Yang had to drag them, at least for a month or so, before Zhang Yang could make time for Chery there. This is good, he had an excuse to leave.

Although Zhang Yang can solve this matter with a phone call, Zhang Yang is now ready to go in person. "Ah? Good." Sun Yixiang gave a surprised sound, and then quickly agreed. After telling Zhang Yang of Sun Lin's phone, Sun Yixiang urged him to hang up the phone again.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Yang called Li Keqing directly: "Ke Qing, explain what is in your hand and accompany me to Sichuan."

"En? Good." Li Keqing froze for a moment, but it was nothing. He promised to hang up the phone directly. ! ! ! ;




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