The Strongest Hacker

Vol 2 Chapter 641: Fox tail (3)

difficult! Seeing this firewall, Zhang Yang frowned slightly. Although Zhang Yang’s technology in this area, coupled with Zhang Yang’s assistance with the starry sky, it is no exaggeration to say that there are no computers in the world that Zhang Yang does not enter. Of course, the premise You have to give Zhang Yang enough time, even if it is the US Department of Defense! The Pentagon, which claims to have more than 500 acres of computer hardware, can give it to Zhang Yang if he has enough time!

But this is built on a foundation. After all, it looks like the Pentagon. Because of its unique identity relationship, because it is responsible for the coordination of all military operations in the United States, it can only increase its own hardware facilities and firewall strength. Increase the protection of the entire military network system, but the firewall of the fox tail (3) in Chapter 641 of this server is different. People can shut down all external ones, leaving only a point-to-point connection port. There is a difference.

To use an analogy, it's like Zhang Yang can't invade a computer that doesn't have a network connection at all. If he can do that, then he is not a person but a god. Although it is said that closing all external connection ports and no network connection are two concepts, the difference is not big. Of course, Zhang Yang is not without a chance. It is just that it is difficult to do it. It is very difficult to do so.

After thinking carefully, Zhang Yang did not rush to start. The only best method he currently has is to crack the firewall, and then use the cracked firewall to open the port secretly, so as to sneak into the other party's server silently. But Zhang Yang's strength is very good,

The computing power of the starry sky is also very good, but even so, the time required to crack a completely strange firewall is not just a few hours.

Although Zhang Yang has enough time, and Zhang Yang actually just wants to know about it, it has nothing to do with him, but Zhang Yang has a hunch that since Gates has already asked him that question, then it is clear that the CIA will Some action has taken place. Chapter 641 The Fox Tail (3), even if the CIA has not acted, I am afraid that ANUBIA should get some information over there. Now the CIA cannot confirm the specific location of ANUBIA, or the one behind ANUBIA Who is the organization.

However, Zhang Yang believes that what he said is not difficult for Gates to understand. His own words have been reminded quite well. As the defense minister of the world’s top power, he needs resources and resources in his hands and personnel and personnel. In addition to his own obvious hint, if Gates still does not understand what Zhang Yang said, then this Defense Secretary Gates should have stepped down.

So what Zhang Yang needs to do now is to add the last chip to the balanced libra before the two sides tore their faces. Scanning the other party's entire system, Zhang Yang finally thought of a way, which is actually very simple, but it is also a way that is easily overlooked. After all, this server is rented by this server company, and the server in the hand of HG high-tech company is natural Are put together.

Therefore, there is an internal LAN between them. Although the servers are leased to different companies, the external IP between these servers and their systems are not the same, but as long as they are still in the scope of a switch Within, Zhang Yang has a way.

To put it bluntly, it is simply to place a switch virus. As long as this server exchanges network data with the outside world through this switch, Zhang Yang's virus can penetrate into this server along with these network information. The starry sky system has the world's most complete virus database storage, including Zhang Yang's own writing. In fact, the so-called virus database in the starry sky server is not the same as that of other security companies.

Starry Sky's virus database is a memory store of the operating modes of these viruses, as well as their infection methods, infection capabilities, etc. When needed, they will directly use the internal program of the system to generate a copy of the virus instantly, rather than like other Like the company's virus database, store a copy of the virus as a backup.

So after Zhang Yang entered his search criteria, the starry sky quickly copied a virus. Zhang Yang copied the virus directly into the internal network of this high-tech company. Zhang Yang did not want this virus to explode on a large scale. Therefore, its infection ability is only allowed to infect it.

Soon Zhang Yang got what he wanted. In about 20 minutes, Zhang Yang saw from the background that the virus had infected more than 30 computers or servers, part of which was leased by the company. Server, and the other part is the computer of the company's employees. Zhang Yang did not clear these viruses, but put them aside first, directly opened the virus of the server he wanted to find, and through this virus Zhang Yang secretly opened an external port and backdoor.

Without touching the firewall, Zhang Yang easily entered the server. The system of this server is a very common Linux system. There is basically nothing in the system, and there is no website or the like, just a nose is running. It’s just a chat software server, quietly open the chat software, Zhang Yang saw the people who are now online in the hacker organization. According to the permissions of these people in the chat software, Zhang Yang quickly found a target , And then directly tracked the past.

As the founder of the famous ideal hacker group in Australia, FOOL does not feel that his strength is outstanding. In fact, his strength among the entire ideals can only be regarded as a master, not a top, but this does not It does not mean that LOOL's position in the ideal is not important, in fact LOOL's position and reputation are top-notch within the ideal!

During this time, LOOL lives almost in fear every day. There is no way. Now the entire Australian Internet community is like a huge vortex that attracts countless moths. LOOL knows it in various names. Sixteen hackers were arrested or simply disappeared! My God, how many hackers are there in Australia?

How many hackers in Australia do not know LOOL, I am afraid even the Australian network security department does not know, but what LOOL knows is that the hackers who can get on the table and really have a certain technical strength may not live in Australia. Thirty people! More than half of them were directly arrested now!

Although the reason why these people were arrested or missing, the news of LOOL is very well informed. He knows that it has a lot to do with the CIA in the United States, and that he was hacked by the US intelligence department when he discovered his military satellite six months ago. The invasion also has a lot to do.

God! To be honest, when LOOL knew the news at that time, he worshipped the unknown hacker. He was a deep hacker. LOOL naturally knew that the United States was strong in the network. It can be said that this network is the country of origin. This has a pivotal role in the network industry The country of power is a high mountain in terms of the network. Although there are various rumors on the network that the hacker hacked the FBI today and the CIA tomorrow, LOOL knows that most of the news is fake.

But in the past two or three years, the strength of hackers around the world has indeed improved. Just because of the emergence of a GACAD, hackers around the world have been stimulated. I don’t know how many rookies are stimulated by GACAD.

As an example, and then worked hard to learn technology, don't say that these people are really a lot of confusion, although LOOL is not one of them, but he knows a few people.

But if it is possible to hack the US military network and control the US military satellites, if it is not spread among hacker circles all over the world, LOOL has never dared to think about it. Deeply hackers, LOOL naturally knows what this represents , Can control the US military satellites, which means that this hacker can tamper with these military satellites anytime, anywhere, and then transmit the orders to the US * around the world! In other words, if this hacker wants to, he can even order an **** ship of an American aircraft carrier to launch a missile to attack any target!

God! To be honest, LOOL had never thought that a hacker could use one's power to achieve such a horrible situation. You know, although the control of US nuclear weapons is impossible to launch nuclear weapons through the Internet in the hands of the president, let alone nuclear weapons, even if the US randomly throws a missile on a destroyer and throws it into the 〖China〗 country, what will be the result? ?

So such a serious and vicious event happened that the United States would have ghosts if it were not crazy. Now the CIA has thrown its eyes to Australia, and LOOL will have ghosts if it is not nervous. God knows if he will fall asleep and find that the CIA's muzzle is on his head. The relationship between the United States and Australia, LOOL does not doubt that CIA has this ability.

However, LOOL does not know that it is impossible for the United States to announce that they have 13 spare military satellites in space. If this kind of thing is announced, I am afraid that not only China, but also these countries will be nervous, but Europe will have to. Tension, although military satellites are not warships such as aircraft carriers, etc., in modern warfare, these satellites are no less important than these warships, even more important than these warships, because they are the eyes of missiles and warships!

So when the news leaked out, the US government did not explain that these 13 satellites were only backup satellites. The above system is very different from the military satellites formally incorporated into the military system. This only allowed hackers around the world to have one. Wonderful misunderstanding.

During this time, LOOL is talking to several important managers in the ideal person. In fact, there are not many people in their small circle, that is, only a dozen people, but some of them are not in Australia. There are only a few people in Australia. Fortunately, these people haven’t happened yet.

But I don’t know why, LOOL always has an ominous hunch. Just when LOOL was a little uneasy, suddenly a wordpad popped up directly on his computer screen, and then a line of English appeared directly on the wordpad, stupefied. After a moment, LOOL immediately understood what was happening, and a trembling current directly climbed his head along the vertebrae, making LOOL's scalp immediately numb.

"HELLO.? *Laughing at Xiongxiaxia, I'm wiggling, and I'm left with overseas philanthropy Ч硪lie? OOL feels terrified. Every day, he hacks someone else’s computer. LOOL naturally knows what happened to him. But LOOL never thought he would encounter such a situation one day. Although he thought that his strength was not the best in the world, but at least not bad? But LOOL never thought that someone could enter silently. His computer.

Is it the GACAD that has disappeared for almost a year? In the mind of LOOL, an ID worshipped by hackers all over the world popped up, although the ID has disappeared for a year.

It took a long time for LOOL to tremble and typed a word on the writing board: "HELLO." After playing, paused, LOOL again typed carefully and asked: "Who is your lord?" "Who am I is not important, I look for You just want to get some news from you." Zhang Yang thought for a while, GACAD can't speak out, let alone his ID, just edit an ID.

There is no convincing at all, this guy can't believe it, so why not say it.

"What Hesitated and did not refuse, no matter who the other party is, since they have found their own head, they must have relied on it. Recently, they have been very careful, and they have basically done nothing illegal, but they themselves It has long been on the blacklist of the Australian police. This kind of thing is inevitable, so LOOL doesn’t want his address to be thrown by the other party to the police inspector. If the other party really tells the police inspector, he will be finished. , LOOL doesn't want to spend his second half in prison.

"Recently the CIA was looking for someone in Australia, I would like to ask the HG where your server is located

What's so special about high-tech companies, or what's so stupid? Also, the CIA reportedly killed 17 agents in Australia. What is going on, and who are they investigating?

Is there any hidden super hacker in Australia?

"Thinking for a while, Zhang Yang hit a series of questions about himself. Anyway, he didn't know who he was!!!!!!;




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