The Strongest Hacker

Vol 2 Chapter 651: Historical deviation (below)

"Xiao Zhang, you have network security in your company. You should know that the announcement made by McAfee is the result of our deliberations. Although Chinese people have always been more subtle and less obscured, we also Don’t let others bully you and say nothing. Sometimes, your voice should be yours!” Zhang Yang explained to General Yang, but also the Minister of Defense. ;

"Well, I get it." Zhang Yang nodded suddenly, but Zhang Yang's heart surged with a wave of shock! At this point, I am afraid that history will officially begin to deviate. Although Star Group has appeared before, most of the world’s major events have basically not changed. The only thing that has changed is chapter 651 in business and network. The historical deviation (below) is only, and now the domestic foreign policy has obviously undergone tremendous changes.

Zhang Yang immediately thought of the reason, because the domestic inflation rate is now normal, that is to say, the purchasing power of the same funds in China is now more than 30% higher than that in Zhang Yang's memory five years later, that is to say Invisible, according to the current GDP and tax calculation, it will be at least nearly 400 billion US dollars!

In other words, the same tax of 11 trillion RMB can be purchased at least 400 billion more this year than five years later. How much can 400 billion be bought? According to the latest nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, that is, the US Nimitz-class nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, the cost of a super-carrier with a full-load displacement of 100,000 tons is only 5.8 billion US dollars!

In China, the cost is at least one-fifth less than that of the United States due to the cost reduction, etc., which is about 4 billion US dollars! One can imagine why the above is so generous, thinking that there is no inflation, many raw materials, etc. have not increased prices, and now when placing an order, there will be a lot of available funds, which is why there is such confidence in the above.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yang almost understood it. In fact, everything that caused this historical deviation of Chapter 651 (below) is the emergence of the Starry Sky Group. The domestic economy is such a terrifying exhibition that the Starry Sky Group accounts for at least most of it. And the wages of ordinary people do not rise fast, so the inflation rate is so low. If it is the overall economic development of the entire society, then the inflation rate is inevitable.

Not long after Zhang Yang arrived, Luo Tianshu also rushed over in person. Here she will introduce some Star Group equipment to it, but this has nothing to do with Zhang Yang. He mainly attends the military committee meeting. As for the military committee meeting, Talking about what, the meeting has not yet opened, Zhang Yang did not ask, he was only present, but not the decisive figure, so Zhang Yang did not want to express too much speech.

After chatting with General Lu Yuanxing for a while, Zhang Yang rested in a room at the base led by a staff member. This military base should be a refuge similar to protective measures. There are all facilities in the room. Zhang Yang opened the room The computer inside, connected to the Internet to check the latest comments on the McAfee official website incident, on the whole it is nothing unusual.

Zhang Yang looked at the McAfee forum, there are many online game comments, Zhang Yang probably looked at it, many people now believe that mountain is a national organization or something, because according to gocod did not disappear before the character, now It's been a long time since I came out to do McAfee, but now McAfee has nothing wrong.

Moreover, such comments also account for a lot of parts. Zhang Yang narrowed his eyes. The things in his hands could not be exposed, but it does not mean that he can let McAfee do whatever he wants. Zhang Yang quickly took out his phone, and then directly wrote two commands to the starry sky. The command is very simple. When the starry sky does not reach the current schedule, he can use DDOS attacks and then hack the official websites of the three major US intelligence agencies, not to mention now. It's just a McAfee invasion.

After thinking for a while, Zhang Yang wrote the command again to give the starry sky more detailed goals. After Zhang Yang finished all his orders, Zhang Yang ignored it.

At the moment when Zhang Yang was waiting for a military committee meeting at the base, as Zhang Yang thought on the plane, at least 80% of the countries in the world, especially the presidents of European and American countries, were called by their assistants from the bed. Got up.

The presidents of the European countries are okay, but they just discussed with their staff what the policies of the "China" country are, and analyzed what changes will be needed to the policies of the "China" country in the future. But at this moment, Bush was not publicizing. After being called up from his bed by his assistant, after knowing what meeting the National Defense Ministry of China held, Bush directly asked his secretary to urgently convene a joint meeting of chiefs of staff.

As a military adviser to the US President and Secretary of Defense, the Joint Chiefs of Staff meeting can never be said to have been held so urgently. I can imagine the status of China in the minds of the United States. "Everyone, what does the other party mean?" Bush frowned and asked the military staff below.

Gates is a little helpless. As long as it is not a fool, the announcement of the McAfee company can guess that the background of the US government must be behind it, so this kind of thing is not difficult to guess. In fact, it is not wrong. This thing is that Bush personally ordered Gates disagreed with McAfee. At first, Gates disagreed, especially after visiting 〖China〗. Gates had a feeling that he could not tell the young man, and he visited Starry Sky in 〖China〗. After the group, Gates has understood that this ancient eastern country has completely emerged from the shadow of World War II.

And its influence is growing in the world. When a country has a population of 1.4 billion people, and this population of 1.4 billion people starts to catch up under the leadership of a strong government, there is no one who explodes. Can be ignored. More importantly, although many people, including the Chinese people in China, say that one Chinese person is a dragon, and three Chinese people are a worm. But standing in the corner of Gates doesn't think so.

In fact, although Gates can’t talk about 〖China〗 Guotong, as one of the only countries in the world with a different political system from Western countries, 〖China〗 has become increasingly influential. After the disintegration of the former Soviet Union, China is already the leader of the socialist system. Don't look at many people in China who seem to have plots that are ridiculous and foreign, but Gates has studied this country. When this nation is facing strong pressure from the outside world, its entire population will definitely explode a kind of Western The cohesion that the country can never imagine!

Gates can never forget the most direct conflict between China and the United States in the 1950s and 1960s! What was the technological gap between the two sides at that time? But that nation will defeat the powerful American government by birth! No one can deny this! Therefore, in the time when the impact of the war of the last century had not completely disappeared, Gates did not agree to put such great pressure on China.

The best way to defeat that Eastern Dragon is time! Many Western countries believe that the more the world is given to the "Chinese" country, the faster the "Chinese" economic exhibition will be, and the stronger the "Chinese" national strength, but these Western countries have forgotten one thing! That is the human factor! Only a few decades have passed since the war in the early years of the last world, and some young people in this country have begun to envy life in the West.

So what will happen to this world over the past year and two centuries? They are bound to be assimilated by the world. This is what Gates wants to see, and with the technology of today's world, it is impossible to fight again in the world war, unless humans want to destroy themselves.

Bush is a powerful president. During these years of Bush’s administration, Bush did not set all kinds of stumbling blocks for the Eastern Dragon, and now, the Eastern Dragon still has what it takes to blame itself, that’s it. Isn't this direct provocation a quarrel between the other party and himself? Even if you want to make trouble, you have to wait until you get the other party's technology information before making trouble!

Now, things really came along according to what I thought, just build four nuclear-powered aircraft carriers! In addition, the opponent's hand still holds the technology that he can't think of. What does this mean?

Although the construction speed of these four nuclear-powered aircraft carriers is fast, at least five years later when they form combat power, but five years is really not much in the peaceful era when the four nuclear-powered aircraft carriers in China have battled After the formation of combat effectiveness, how many aircraft carrier battle groups will the United States maintain in the Asia-Pacific region?

Five or six? Or more? But it's not a cold war now? *Shuttle  block  漡岵豢赡芘  cheek  private ㄉ 韪  嗟 tushifu   surplus  The tip was transported so well Jia Xiaojiao  annoying 飧飧 飧飧飯Strong vinegar twist? Vinegar Lu Xian Mou Wenbi confessed to  condemned the punishment of the punishment and punishment  controversial law   ignorance feeding Mi Lei Ying  condemned  谒 file wreck white 芡诚 Non  ant  Yi knows  龅穆皇恰Jia Xiaojiao鍪 tailored to be generous Qiao Yi timid ΩMi鍪 tailored to block the bar 魑Lan Ying dedicated to see the tomb remote sweet and comfortable 胡胡胡 shelter Xie  chair  fishy silk  Yi Qiao sincerely admire the bladder glutinous fly Jia Xiao Jiao    Yue Yue Shu Jia Xiao Jiao  Throwing the Xian Xian recruiting the intermediary curtain au Meng  knocking on the orange bad evening group reunion 椋 Suddenly 娌环! Condemned the punishment of the monastery and the punishment of the barnyard 魑YA 窆  Mu 銳 Chang   about He 堑 谖 膰芳芡軡 啦湃ぃ炝Α  Interdisciplinary and harmonious qi hui benzene  Jia Xiaojiao  swim  stop  诙   Huang Lantuo scorpion squirting stolenness  bureaucratic division of Jia Jiao Ting Jia Xiaojiao  啾取?br/>

But Gates's words had to make Bush reconsider the "China" policy, because Bush was right. "General Robert, does Coa have the latest information about China's science and technology?" After a moment of silence, Bush directly shifted the topic to Coa's director, Robert.

Robert immediately said, "Mr. President, according to my latest information, the Chinese government has now determined to study the fifth-generation fighter. According to their naming method, it should be J-XX. Specific performance and intelligence we cannot I learned, but what we know is that the performance of this new fighter is never under our F-22, and it is very likely to enter the test flight training phase! According to our information, this matter is played by the Star Group. The important role is missing! Especially in the motivation of 〖China〗, after obtaining the Bavarian automobile manufacturing company, their motivation technology has been greatly improved. Although we have not received the first report, we have to doubt 〖 There is some secret connection between the Chinese government and Germany." Robert's words immediately made a noise from the chiefs of staff below. Obviously, this news made these chiefs of staff feel incredible. What does F-22 mean? They all naturally know,

But now that the new third-generation semi-fighter fighter J-10 just broke the news, not long after the research was successful, it has already launched the fifth-generation fighter? And has reached the test flight stage?

"What about their batteries?" Gates's face also became serious. He didn't know the news. Although he was the minister of national brittleness, the secretary of defense could not know everything every day, and COA did not analyze intelligence. The confirmed information will not be reported.

"In terms of batteries, our laboratory has studied the batteries on the iPhone and other series. We have to say that we cannot crack them in a short time, and the performance of the cracks is also very different from the other party. And according to our information, the other party has divided a fairly standardized standard rating system in terms of batteries, and has applied for standards from the International Bureau of Standards. In terms of battery power, we have looked for experts to do If the opponent has sufficient development in the power system, especially the motivation, we and the whole world will fall behind [China] in terms of tanks and other army equipment." General Robert's expression is very serious!

"Everyone, this is part of it. According to our latest news, the other party has started to study all-electric submarines. All-electric submarines will undoubtedly be better than our sea wolf in terms of noise and so on! Its threat will also be Bigger!" Robert finally finished speaking.

After talking about the only information in his hand, Robert added another sentence: "Everyone, I think we should consider Minister Gates. We must get this technology. If I remember correctly, Mr. Gates will come back. Later, I said that the other party wants to get the f-22 technology! In fact, the f-35 technology in our hand is a bit more advanced than the f-22, but it is because the counterfeiting is more expensive, and the real good things are not taken out. Now , We think we can sell the F-22 to the other party, especially after there is already a certain type of fighter in the opponent's hand that is comparable to the f-22 fighter. Our technology is actually to let them improve the technology in their hands. Only, it is impossible for them to improve much."! ! ! ;




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