The Strongest Hacker

Vol 2 Chapter 657: The so-called modern war (3)

I didn’t see the details for a long time. Wang Mingguang was a little disappointed. Zhang Yang just didn’t speak. He just stood beside him with a smile. After all, he didn’t know how to fight, so he couldn’t see the strategic position of this place, nor did he. Disturbing Wang Mingguang, but seeing Wang Mingguang a little disappointed, Zhang Yang smiled. It seems that they still don't understand Pangu's performance. ; But think about it too. More than a year is not enough. You know, although the entire Pangu hardware facility is not as exaggerated as the US Department of Defense, it has an area of ​​more than 500 acres, but there are still more than 200 acres! With so many hardware facilities, Zhang Yang suggested to the country under the calculation of the starry sky that they should place an order.

And the above is ruthless enough. I bought all the direct ones. The so-called modern warfare (C) of Chapter 657 of these hardware functions is enough to install dozens of hard disks. It’s impossible to study all the hardware functions in the sky. There is no way. The Republic is exaggerated in this step. Unlike the United States, the entire system has been built for decades and has been improved step by step. What functions are naturally incomparable Familiar.

And Zhang Yang, as the creator of Pangu, and almost all the hardware of Pangu can be said to be produced by Star Group, so Zhang Yang naturally knows what Pangu can do. "Pangu, scan the image of the entire area, and fill the image with pixels, enlarge it by a thousand times year-on-year, and analyze all abnormal images." Zhang Yang smiled and spoke for Wang Mingguang next to him, Wang Mingguang did not know what Pangu could do , But Zhang Yang naturally knows.

With Zhang Yang's words, the image of the whole area will gradually become plump and clear. If it takes billions of image processing hardware and can't do this, then it will be useful. Ordinary satellite lenses are naturally unable to capture camouflaged ground targets, but after being filled with pixels of Pangu, after zooming in, the camouflage below is also clear, and you can even see the grass on the ground below the woods Clearly sway with the so-called modern war (C) wind in Chapter 657!

This is exactly like a documentary version of an ultra high-definition movie! Seeing these pictures, to tell the truth, Wang Mingguang was really stunned. He didn't expect that modern technology could do this. Although he can usually get a lot of satellite photos and information, he didn't expect that after the hardware conditions kept up. Satellites can actually achieve this level. Zhang Yang smiled. In fact, the Republic is still far from the United States.

Not to mention the entire Department of Defense in the United States, it is the spy satellites under the CIA. They are distributed in major cities around the world and in the cities of major intelligence agencies. These spy satellites are almost 24 hours a day. Shoot and shoot, you can take hundreds of millions of photos every year. If you turn these photos into a high-speed movie, you can even see a city's complete development movie in a year!

This is where the CIA is! Otherwise, you think why the CIA got the name of the world’s first intelligence organization is because of the annual investment of the US government. Otherwise, although the United States has the world’s largest aircraft carrier battle group, it is impossible to consume hundreds of billions. The annual fee in US dollars, not to mention the fact that there are still many gray and black military expenses in the US government.

"Okay!" Wang Mingguang patted his thigh fiercely, and then turned around and said aloud: "Okay! General Zhang told you how to fight. Now should you show General Zhang your skills?" I want to know if there are any troops with no mission in this place?"

Zhang Yangwei smiled and did not speak. In fact, he had already demonstrated so much. Zhang Yang also wanted to see how much these staff could understand. Some things need to be understood by yourself, otherwise it would be useless to teach Zhang Yang more. "Yes! There is a twelve-man action team under the Spike Special Brigade near the C2 area. They are temporarily scouting the enemy and have no fixed missions!" General Wang Mingguang had just finished asking, and there was a young man in less than 20 seconds. The lieutenant colonel's staff directly raised his head and shouted.

"Okay! Pangu set up a communication channel for me!" Wang Mingguang said immediately. "The order is accepted, communication is being established." Pangu's voice rang almost immediately. It seems that Wang Mingguang's optics are still very fast. Many times Wang Mingguang was given to the staff before such an order, but sometimes he can actually complete it directly through Pangu.

Of course, this is just an exercise, so there is not much intelligence to be analyzed. If it is a real war, or even a full-scale war, this spare military command center cannot even put down the staff of the Republic and support a national In military wars, the number of staff may be more than thousands. The role of these people is to aggregate all the military intelligence of their own area chiefs, and report any new situations to the first time, and at the same time be calculated by the computer.

In less than twenty seconds, a cold voice sounded again in the hall: "Bird's Nest, the call was received, and the Mountain Wolf Squad was on standby."

"Mountain wolf, I now order you to move to the following coordinates immediately to destroy a strong electromagnetic interference shielding facility there. The defenders there are probably two platoons! When you entered the communication closure, you did not have any support." Wang Mingguang directly An order was issued to this special operations unit.

"Mountain wolf understands! Guarantee the mission!" Because the terrain of the area is more complicated, and the two sides of the airpower are now half a catty, the mountain support can only touch armed helicopters, fighters and bombers can not act rashly, after all, it is only a small mission on the battlefield. That's it.

As Wang Mingguang began to command, the entire Blue Army seemed to find a breakthrough at once. The young staff members below did not know whether they received a stimulus from Zhang Yang. Various sounds immediately made the hall noisy. This There is also no way to do it, because when many commands are aggregated, there are always various sounds, and Zhang Yang is sitting on the main console, but he can see the performance of Pangu is practical. This exercise was before Zhang Yang came over. The performance utilization rate of Pangu is only about 30%.

But now, the performance usage of Pangu has soared to 40%! Don't underestimate this 10%, the performance of this 10% can be calculated according to a hardware facility group with an area of ​​hundreds of acres. It is conceivable how strong the processing peak of Pangu's sudden eruption during this period is .

Shaking his head slightly, Zhang Yang did not speak. He just started to watch quietly. After about an hour, Zhang Yang couldn't help but sigh. To be honest, these young staff are really good, and they have a lot of learning ability. And the ability to use is definitely a genius among geniuses. No wonder they are mostly school-level officers at a young age. Of course, they can’t compare with Zhang Yang. If there is no Starry Sky group behind Zhang Yang, let alone a general, just use his Computer technology, he is now at best a school-level officer.

Even though Zhang Yang didn't understand military affairs, with Wang Mingguang's command, Zhang Yang could feel the situation and suddenly leaned over to the Blue Army. You know, the Red Army had the upper hand. And just two hours later, Zhang Yang noticed that these staff members had skillfully started to connect the Air Force’s early-warning aircraft, high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft and Pangu, and in some areas with weak satellite signals, through these early-warning aircraft and high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft, and even It is used for information transmission by UAV and reinforcement of Air Force

Even in order to allow the following front-line combat troops to understand the feast of integrated operations, many staff directly issued orders to front-line class units and platoon units, telling them that they could call Air Force Support, Navy Support, and so on. And with the help of Pangu, many units can directly carry out large-scale cross-region communication links. Like the forward combat units, such as the special unit that Wang Mingguang directly commanded, they can call directly on their heads. Gunships provide fire support.

Although it can be done before, it is definitely not so fast and intuitive. You must know that although the communication connection established in the past was also performed by a computer, it is always made by humans. Now Pangu will automatically allocate communication channels, such as in combat. At that time, the communication between the armed helicopter and the special forces below will be temporarily shielded out independently to avoid the communication channels of other local friendly forces from interfering with them, but Pangu is also monitoring in the background. Once another unit calls this unit, then Pangu will Immediately connect their direct communication.

In this way, the communication channels are guaranteed to be as clean as possible ~ ~ efficient and tidy! And the efficiency is much higher than before. The most important thing is that such communication will be protected by Pangu! In other words, the difficulty of the enemy's monitoring of their own communications will increase more than a hundredfold! Because all control is now under the monitoring of Pangu, in other words, it is no longer like before, all own units use a frequency, so that the call between two brother units, the third brother unit can also Received, it is easy for the enemy to seize the radio station, and then get their own information.

And now, even if the enemy gets their own radio station, there is no direct call, there is no communication connection at all, unless it is some large-scale order, such as when Wang Mingguang simultaneously issued military orders to all combat units in a region. All channels will be disclosed. Usually, these communications are separate communication channels. This is the advantage!

Three hours later, Zhang Yang greeted Wang Mingguang and left the command hall. He is now useless here. Zhang Yang did not expect that his role was only half an hour. I already knew this. , Observe here for half a month of dry hair? ! ! ! ;




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