The Strongest Hacker

Vol 2 Chapter 659: Do you know something wrong (below)

Chapter 659 Do you know anything wrong (Part 2)

"It's no problem, but I have the conditions. I know the energy of the directors of the Vivendi Group, so I asked the directors of the Vivendi Group to influence the top executives in France and agree to the EU to lift the arms embargo against China. This is my condition. ;" In fact, Zhang Yang did not put any special conditions on Vivendi Group at all, because this is one of the prerequisites for the negotiation between Star Group and the EU. If the EU does not agree, it will be impossible for Star Group to talk to the EU, anyway. Now the whole international format is like this, Zhang Yang is not in a hurry.

And the Star Group is not fully prepared yet, "This, Mr. Zhang, I think we are businessmen. This kind of political thing should be left to the politicians to resolve." Fortu hesitated and stood at the sixth place of Fu Chapter 159: Do you know that you are wrong? (Part 2) From the perspective of Ertu, naturally you do not want Zhongluo to be strong, but for these businessmen, this kind of thing is actually nothing.

Isn’t it right to say that there is a thousand percent profit, and businessmen can risk their lives, at least for most businessmen.

At least in many ways, these people do not have much choice. "Mr. Fortu is right, but this is one of the prerequisites for our negotiations. If the Star Group cannot reach an agreement with the EU, I think our cooperation will not be discussed." Zhang Yang shook his head slightly. Openly speaking, it is impossible to change this condition. If the EU is willing to see that the United States gets the technology first, Zhang Yang does not mind giving the United States an end. Anyway, the arms embargo against China, to be honest, for the current Republic , With and without much use.

At least even if this is lifted, the Republic will import from the EU nothing more than some sensitive heavy industry technology. As for direct weapon technology, after so many years of research, the Republic’s weapons basically call themselves the system, and after importing EU weapons, You have to use the other party’s weapon system.

"Well, will I know that Chapter 659 is wrong (below) I want the board of directors to propose Mr. Zhang's conditions." Fortu thought about it, or agreed, after all, this kind of thing Fortu knew Even if the group of people on the board used their influence to do this, it was not the French family who made the final decision. In fact, it did not make much difference to Vivendi.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Yang shook his head slightly, whether in Europe or the United States, it was a good idea to want to get the technology, but did not want to bring out anything. If they have always been like this, it would be better. Domestically, it is almost equal to Europe and the US. If there is another 10 years, it is not an illusion to exceed.

Especially now that the GOD aircraft carrier of the Republic has officially started laying the keel and starting construction, this problem has seen some clues. Hanging up the phone, Zhang Yang did not enter the background of the starry sky for the first time, but opened the McAfee website like an ordinary netizen. Just after entering the URL, Zhang Yang saw that the McAfee website was showing server maintenance on the website. Expected maintenance unfixed time.

Zhang Yang smiled. It seems that McAfee is quite tragic. Zhang Yang opened the help and looked at the recent search frequency. McAfee and gscsd are located in the top two of Gооgle’s global search. Obviously this matter It caused quite a sensation in the world, and Zhang Yang carefully looked at the results of Gооgle's search, and almost no security company commented or commented on this matter.

At least it was not aimed at u. Instead, some security companies mentioned this incident, but when promoting their company’s products, they started to drop McAfee obscurely, while for gscsd, they said nothing. mention. After testing online for more than 20 minutes, Zhang Yang almost laughed. These security companies are obviously afraid that gscsd will come to them with such a trick, and it will collapse.

But there is only one security company exception. Needless to say, we all know who this security company is. Of course, it is a star network security company affiliated to the star group. Star network security company not only made a detailed comment on this matter, but also The incident also expressed its views. At least although Star Group did not condemn gscsd, it is at least much stronger than other security companies. In the latest announcement of Star Group on this matter, Star Group directly said: "Star Sky Network Security companies have the strength and ability to provide their customers with complete cybersecurity and resolutely resist all cybercrime."

Although there is no mention of gscsd, but these words also show their attitude, anyway, gscsd is not a crime? It is not wrong for Star Group to say this, but many hacker forums have reprinted this announcement from Star Network Security, especially most of the hackers on the domestic hacker forums still have positive opinions on this announcement.

At least when all cybersecurity companies in the world dare not be the first bird, the Star Group dare to say so... This is also a kind of courage. Who knows if gscsd will target other cybersecurity companies? Starry Sky Network Security Company can not care, because even if this company goes bankrupt, it doesn't matter. Starry Sky Group is too rich, and it doesn't matter if you shut down a company.

Not to mention that Star Group’s strength in network security is very bullish, at least their servers are probably not only inferior to Mike Pfeiffer, or even the Symantec Iron Shell dare not compete with Star Group’s server Ps: Starry Sky Headquarters Building When it was completed, the supercomputer system inside the Starry Sky Group also caused a great reversal in the outside world, as can be seen from the Starry Sky Group’s financial report.

The cost of the hardware equipment of the supercomputer of the Star Group system alone is a number that no company dares to look up to, and there is no comparability between the two parties. The world's leading software strength, coupled with the world's top hardware strength, such a hard stubble, that is, gscsd should also consider whether to hack into it? At least gscsd has hacked the official website servers of CIA and other intelligence agencies, but why hasn't gscsd hacked the military network systems of these intelligence agencies?

The two sides are not at the same level. Zhang Yang quickly entered the backstage of the starry sky and checked the starry sky's record for half a month. Zhangyang has seen that the starry sky has completed the goal of Zhangyang. That is to analyze and crack all McAfee products, and then Write a Trojan virus that specifically targets any McAfee product. This Trojan virus will infect all McAfee products, antivirus software, firewalls, or other software.

Looking at the starry sky's attack records, the last attack was seven hours ago, which means that McAfee just shut down his server seven hours ago, and in the previous record, Zhang Yang has seen McAfee shut down the server. The maximum time is five days!

After thinking about it, Zhang Yang was ready to stop this kind of thing. Now McAfee's stock has fallen to the lowest point in history. The entire company is not far from bankruptcy, and it is meaningless to go on. Zhang Yang directly found some of McAfee's large customers from the database collected by Starry Sky, and then randomly found a company. Zhang Yang passed on the Trojan virus.

This Trojan virus is written by Starry Sky according to McAfee products, that is to say, only users who have installed McAfee products will be infected by this Trojan, the same? * Ping Di is low about Bai Yuan 境  锩 奈奈Betrayal⒚Unloading and transportation弱鼖淖笠桓静Net?br/>

After uploading the virus, Zhang Yang added an afternoon announcement. Any system infected by the virus, whether it is the homepage of the website in the server or the system of the personal computer, will pop up such an announcement endlessly. Although McAfee's official website has been closed, in fact, their product server can still operate. So when Zhang Yang's virus was uploaded, almost 80% of McAfee users were infected with the virus in just a few hours.

And many of the company's server homepages that have websites even pop up this announcement written by Zhang Yang. The McAfee incident has attracted the attention of most hackers, security companies, and people in the four T industry in the world. Of course, the media is also indispensable. . However, after nearly 20 days of entanglement, most people are a little And more people have another feeling for gscsd. I used to think this guy is a lunatic.

Now they found that gscsd is not just a madman, but more like a mad dog like gummies, as long as you get it, and you don’t have much better than his strength, then okay, you’re out of luck. Ten days! Keeping up with McAfee's website, as soon as the other party resumes use, the tide-like attack will follow. This can no longer be described by perseverance, but only by it.

When everyone was numb, the new news swept the Internet all at once. When I learned that all users of McAfee products were infected with Trojan viruses, and as long as the McAfee products were uninstalled, it would be fine. All The hackers watching, IT professionals, and netizens couldn't help but start to mute for McAfee.

You said it was bad for you, why are you getting such a bad one? It's simply not giving me a way to live. The McAfee president and director who got the news almost spurted blood onto the screen. If gscsd can hear it, it is estimated that these people would like to say a word, uncle, give it a job? ! ! ! ;




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