The Strongest Hacker

Vol 2 Chapter 665: Everyone to find fault (below 1)

With specific ideas in mind, Zhang Yang quickly began to act. ; NND, want to grab food from Laozi's mouth, then let's see who is more insidious than others. The so-called gun shot the head bird, hey, since you jumped out, don’t blame me for your hands, although Zhang Yang knows that there is a great possibility that Symantec is innocent, and the one who really wants to acquire McAfee is definitely INTEL Not Symantec, after all, Symantec is also a security company, although the acquisition of McAfee can be said to be a strong alliance.

But Symantec's related strength is already stronger than McAfee. The successful acquisition can be said to be a strong alliance, but it can also be said to be wasteful, because many businesses are the same between the two parties. If the acquisition is made, including hardware Including, a lot of things will become repeated existence Chapter 665 everyone to find fault (next), so that, undoubtedly, this is a huge waste, for Symantec, Mike There are only two things that Philippine is powerful for them.

The first is the McAfee security personnel and programmers, and the second is the business. Now the business can be described by McAfee. Many previous McAfee customers have now signed a contract with Symantec because of the reasons It was McAfee that caused these customers to unilaterally breach the contract. McAfee could not say anything. Instead, they compensated these customers for a lot of money. Of course, who paid the money, only God knows.

So Symantec is actually useless to acquire McAfee. If it is useful, just digging corners is just fine. After all, in the case of McAfee, individuals know how to choose. Of course, Zhang Yang knows this, but he knows that, but Zhang Yang doesn’t plan to let go of the iron shell. Anyway, it is a raccoon. Although Zhang Yang doesn’t want to make himself a global enemy, who let you jump out? Since you want to be this early bird, then you have to be ready.

The difference between Black Symantec's official website and Black McAfee's official website is not particularly big, but it can be seen that Symantec has come to find its fault on the official website of Chapter 665 (Next). After the transformation was successful, Zhang Yang spent a lot of effort to invade successfully. Of course, Zhang Yang did not use violent invasion, but sneaked into McAfee's official website.

After controlling the Symantec server, Zhang Yang did not hesitate to start, directly put all the security personnel and administrators in the Symantec server to the server, and then they did not hesitate to their official website homepage Get rid of it and directly replace it with an announcement that has already been made.

There are too many hackers and ordinary people who follow this matter online, and they follow this matter continuously. Except for the media and hackers, the rest of ordinary netizens are almost all fans of GSCSD, so GSCSD is a virtuous person. These people know nothing more, including which hackers, GSCSD thinks they are a lunatic, can lunatics use common sense to infer?

Symantec jumped out so hurriedly, and it would be a ghost if it didn't follow. This sentence was posted on the forum by a water friend on a hacker forum. Anyone who knows that he has just sent it for less than half an hour, and people who pay attention to Symantec's official website with a variety of mentalities suddenly find that Mentec's official website was hacked!

As for who killed the official website of Symantec, the word GSCSD popped up in your mind when everyone knew the news! In addition to GSCSD, who else can invade Symantec in such a short period of time without any care? Almost all the hackers who got the news instantly couldn't help but two words appeared in their minds. Deserve it!

"...Yo, I didn't expect that there will be someone looking for beating this year. I won't say anything nonsense. I will just say, I want to see which company dares to buy McAfee! And, some of the money behind the scenes The ambassador, if you say you donate, you donate. Why do you bother to do so, do you have to toss it? Okay! I will toss with you, I will say a word, there is something in my hand, if you openly give me If I apologize, I will hide the things in my hands. If you don’t want to apologize publicly, it’s very simple. I’ll throw them out to the American people to see if they can find fault. What a violation! As for McAfee, in a word, I left it here. I don’t care if it goes bankrupt and is recovered by banks for auction of fixed assets, but if anyone wants to buy it, it’s okay. Just talk to you and you are ready. Just remember that you only have three hours."

FOOL looked at GSCSD's announcement and looked at it, others didn't know what was in GSCSD's hand, could FOOL know? Those things were thrown by him to GSCSD. Of course FOOL knew what a big uproar would be caused if this thing was thrown out. Thinking of this, FOOL couldn’t help but silently mourn for those in the US cabinet, I hope you make the most Good choice.

However, FOOL also knows that it is almost zero for the US government to make an apology publicly. Even if the US government knows that there is something in GSCSD’s hand, it will not choose to apologize publicly. The government's image in the whole world has been ruined for decades.

How can this happen? The US government will not compromise with GSCSD even if it has a swollen face and a fat face. Thinking of this, FOOL can’t help but start to sigh. I’m afraid that Bush will be fooled by GSCSD this time. Disabled, no matter what country it happened in, it was a big deal, no one would care.

When seeing this announcement, many smart people guessed that the person in the mouth of the GSCSD is the US government. These people have begun to guess what the US government has in the GSCSD hand, but they have not guessed this. People are beginning to gloat, just do not know if Symantec still dare to continue to announce the acquisition of McAfee.

The GSCSD announcement did not last long on Symantec's official website, which is about ten minutes. Symantec closed the official website and then upgraded and maintained it. While upgrading and maintaining, Symantec's The president, however, clarified the rumors that had just happened not long after through several major US media.

"What happened before is purely fictitious. Symantec has no plans to acquire McAfee. The company has insufficient liquidity to acquire McAfee, and there is a big gap between McAfee’s industry and Symantec. The repeatability of the company’s shareholders will not allow the company to buy a lot of useless things back." This is what Symantec’s president Enrique said at the press conference when he held a press conference.

There are many people watching the press conference through the Internet, and Zhang Yang is naturally among them. At this time, it is already late in China. Zhang Yang was watching this press conference in the living room. Li Keqing was sitting next to Zhang Yang: "This company is really thick-skinned. "As the chairman of the world's largest company, Li Keqing can't possibly not know this big event that happened in the world in the past 20 days!

What happened today, Chen Xiaowei and Li Keqing, all of them are also concerned, so when they saw the Symantec chairman so vowed to hold a press conference, the attitude was very different, Li Keqing immediately said with contempt.

"Haha, it's no wonder they, who made them mad at GSCSD? But speaking, GSCSD is very interesting, if possible, it would be nice if we could collect him under our company name. "Zhang Yang laughed twice, very complacently praised "GSCSD", no embarrassment at all, people, the skin should be thick enough, anyway, they praise themselves, Zhang Yang naturally does not mind a few more praise.

"He? Forget it, I would rather have some technical skills than I would want him." Li Keqing shook his head. "Why." Zhang Yang was curious. "The reason is very simple. A company as large as ours does not have the ability to act like him, so you don't have to show up, you can mess around with it unscrupulously." Li Keqing pointed to the scene of the press conference held on the TV because of GSCSD. .

"Haha, this is also true." Zhang Yang smiled, and Li Keqing was right. People like GSCSD can only live in the dark. As long as his identity is exposed, God knows what the consequences will be. "Yawn" Li Keqing, who yawned, stood up from the sofa and said, "Her husband, I'm going to bed, and there are talks to continue I won't accompany you, do you sleep?"

"You go to bed first, I'll watch it for a while, it's very interesting. Also, if you are too tired, leave it to other people to take care of it. You don't need to participate in these negotiations at all. What is the matter of our group, If you are all involved, you must not be exhausted." Zhang Yang felt distressed.

"It's okay, I'm so used to it now, I can't stop myself if I want to. I don't want to say anything. During this time, the group has too many things. The company's senior executives are almost always busy and unaffected. It is estimated that Sister Xiaowei is almost fast. I'm going to sleep, husband." Li Keqing finished, blinking mischievously at Zhang Yang, and then walked upstairs in slippers.

Zhang Yang shook his head slightly. It was not that he was unwilling to help, but Zhang Yang had not been involved in the management from the beginning. These specific things, Zhang Yang really would not. The most he did was to give some instructions and then make Chen Xiaowei busy. Recently, Chen Xiaowei wanted to refrain from going to the company. Everyone knows that Zhang Yang must have something to explain when he goes to the company. He is already too busy to die now. Zhang Yang explained things again, isn't that worse? ! ! ! ;




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