The Strongest Hacker

Vol 2 Chapter 671: Japanese egg is broken (5)

"OK, oh my god! Damn, what's going on? What happened to Tokyo Electric Power?" Mayer Saburo's exclamation sounded throughout the hall. With Mayer's voice, I saw The green energy slot on the power distribution, which represents the energy of the power, quickly and directly reduced from full grid to zero at a terrifying speed. ;

Then in just three seconds, all the energy tanks representing the power supply changed from green to zero.

When the energy on the screen in front of him became zero, Mayer Saburo raised his head subconsciously and looked out of the window. The direction is the urban area of ​​Tokyo. When the original direction looked at night, even the sky was completely The various neon lights in the city turned orange-red, but now it is completely dark, except for Chapter 671 The Japanese egg is broken (5) Looking far away, a bright traffic shows countless vehicles, There are some lights in the building with occasional emergency lighting, and all the rest have become dark.

"Gosh!" The widow's chin fell directly. He was still thinking about what it means to be less troublesome, but when he hadn't thought about it, he found that everything in front of him was completely dark. Of course, the computer in front of him is still running. Almost three seconds after the lights went out, the mechanical sound of the starry sky rang in the communication channel: "It is now!"

When the sound of the starry sky came from the headset, the fangs almost immediately flicked the steering wheel to the left, and then clicked directly under the foot. With the intense centripetal force, it took almost three seconds to complete the vehicle. The body of the car tilted slightly, and then returned to a stable level. At the same time, the fangs stepped on the accelerator again. The vehicle roared and he quickly followed.

As his eyes slowly adapted to the light in front of him, the cold sweat on his fangs had wet his clothes. Only then did he realize that his car had actually drilled through a gap in the cement column railing in the middle of the two-way tunnel After that, there were a few sounds of the broken Japanese egg in Chapter 671. (5) Sudden braking sound, and soon the vehicle followed.

"Clean up your things. At the next intersection, you will have a Toyota off-road vehicle in front of your left. After your car stops, you have 21 seconds to complete the change." When driving through the junction outside the tunnel Before the fangs and others waited to speak, the starry sky sounded immediately.

After stunned for a moment, the whole car started to be confused. The plan will never catch up with changes. According to the plan, six people in that alley will be divided into two groups, three of them drive to attract the target to leave, and the other three leave with something, but the situation was urgent at that time, only two people adopted it. The original spare road was safe, and only one bag was taken away. The remaining two bags of cultural relics were in the backpacks of the four of them.

The fangs had already been prepared to die together, and they had never thought that everyone could leave Japan safely. After all, it caused such a sensation that it was impossible to get rid of the Japanese police’s tracking. Although it was only the people who were tracking Yazzaku at the beginning, as time passed, as long as Yazzaku determined that they could not catch themselves, Will definitely call the police.

As long as the Japanese Self-Defense Forces plug in, these people have no possibility of escape, but Fangfang did not expect that the appearance of a mysterious person would break all this, and they now have the possibility of escape. Having reached this point, each of them had to listen to the mysterious man's command.

The cultural relics they rob are not easily damaged. Although 76 cultural relics are packed in three large bags, they are better than staying in Japan anyway. And there is one of the most important things left alone, this thing is a national treasure, it is still robbed from the Japanese imperial palace.

"Crunchy", when the car stopped at the intersection, fang and others immediately jumped off the Hummer with weapons and cultural relics, watching the traffic lights that are still operating normally in recent blocks, and the entire dark city, fangs endure Can't help but express a sigh of emotion, they originally thought that the widow who acted with them was already a genius, but now it seems that this inexplicable jump out to help them is a talent.

Actually chopped off all the power systems in Tokyo. Don't even think about the fangs. In modern society, after leaving the power supply, I am afraid that the entire Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department and the Self-Defense Force will be chaotic for a long time. But now it's not time to think about it. When I get out of the car, Fang sees a Toyota overbearing parked in another lane in front of them on the left.

The fangs quickly touched them. The fangs pulled the door of the car directly and pulled a Japanese man in his thirties from the car. The Japanese man was just about to swear. When he saw the muzzle of the black hole, the man Closed his mouth wisely.

"Laozi needs this car, but you can rest assured that you are not in vain. You can drive away when you see that Hummer is not available." Tooth said to the man in skilled Japanese. When he was stunned, Tooth immediately He slapped him directly on the face: "Hear no, get out! Or I will kill you immediately."

"Hi!" The slavery in the Japanese's bones could not be changed. At first, he was preparing to resist, but he was slapped by the fangs. Instead, the Japanese had a flattering smile on his face and reached out to take the car in the fangs. The key ran directly to the Hummer with the door open a few meters away.

Where did fang and others take care of him, quickly digging into Toyota, fangs quickly started the car, when the traffic lights turned green again, fangs just turned into another lane, he found that the traffic lights in the back changed in both directions Green. After the fangs directed the mechanical voice to get rid of the back tracking, Zhang Yang was now charging a person with a "watermark for wings spreading" words. Since the task was handed over to Anthony that year, Zhang Yang has been in a certain time for such a long time. In addition to giving Anthony a large sum of money into his account by illegal means, Zhang Yang never contacted him.

"Anthony, do you know what happened in Tokyo now?" Zhang Yang doesn't know where Anthony is, but from the side, Zhang Yang still understands Anthony's current situation. He did a good job.

"Boss, I know. What are the arrangements?" Anthony only said that he knew, without asking any extra words. "Well, very good. I just helped those people get rid of the Japanese police's "watermark of the wings" investigation, but if they need to leave Japan, they need a safe place and a safe way. "Zhang Yang said his request directly without any nonsense. It is impossible for these things to hide from Anthony. Besides, this thing is not even a fart compared to what Zhang Yang asked Anthony to do. .

"No problem, boss, tell me their contact information. I will take them away from Japan, but it will take a little longer, probably about half a month." Anthony pondered, and then gave a time.

"Okay, you are responsible for arranging, but remember to let those things and people leave Japan safely. And I am very curious about these people, so you can ask them if they don’t want to say it. By the way, don’t be overwhelmed by strong men. I am curious. Why do they have to grab some cultural relics?” Zhang Yang shrugged.

"I understand, boss." Anthony immediately agreed. After hanging the "Watermark Spreading the Wings" message, Zhang Yang thought about it and said: "Starry sky, connect my words to their communication channel, don't change the sound line." "The command confirms that it is connected." The voice of the starry sky rang again stand up.

"Everyone, I think you should have a safe place to evacuate. Tell me your place of evacuation. I will take you out of here. Otherwise, in the current situation in Tokyo, I guess it is very difficult for you to leave." Zhang Yang's voice rang in their channels.

The fangs hesitated, and then discussed with the people in the car, and finally told Zhang Yang the location of their evacuation. The safe place they prepared for Fangfang did not leave Tokyo, and it was still in the urban area, and there were various ways to evacuate the place, so it was not easy to be surrounded.

In the next half hour, Zhang Yang directed them to change countless cars, and finally arrived silently at their location. After the fangs returned, the young man called the widow and the two people who had left through another route Also went back.

Zhang Yang looked at the damage caused by the starry sky. The entire Tokyo power distribution network has been placed by the starry sky with a super destructive virus. It takes at least twenty-four hours to completely restore Tokyo's power supply! What happens when a city's power supply is cut off. Although the monitoring system in Tokyo uses closed-circuit power supply like the first class, and there is still backup power, the power will be completely cut off for up to twelve hours of the entire route.

The emergency power supply system of the same social infrastructure system can also guarantee up to 8 to 24 hours of emergency power supply. As for the entire network of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, the starry sky is messed up. These networks want to be completely restored. I am afraid that one day’s well Time is absolutely not enough.

"What... how do you call it?" In an old house, fangs and other people looked at each other before they tentatively asked, because now their communication channel is still open, so they know that the mysterious person can Hear their words.

"Oh, Zhang Yang's light laughter sounded in the room. Zhang Yang was a little tangled. If they arranged for Anthony to take them away, I'm afraid they would soon know the relationship between Anthony and the Starry Sky Group. The "watermark of the wings spread" is naturally self-evident. No matter who they are, it is not difficult for these people to guess their "watermark of wings spread" in the future. Therefore, GRCRD IDs cannot be used.

"Call me C." Zhang Yang picked a letter casually. "Well, C, thank you for this matter." Fangya and others looked at each other, and finally Fangfang gave a glance, and said to Zhang Yang.

"No, what are you going to do to bully you tonight? I'm afraid I don't need to say that you all know how much movement there is. It can be said that the entire Tokyo is completely martial. It's not an exaggeration. How do you want to leave Tokyo? Yes, you have left too many clues. The police want to track you down, it is not difficult at all." Zhang Yang threw this question out.

It’s night. Tomorrow’s Tokyo may be even more chaotic, and the entire international community, especially the financial market, may also start to be in turmoil. When the United States was attacked by Sichuan 1 in the same year, the entire futures market, stock exchanges, etc. detonated a financial crisis. .

I am afraid that the loss of the "watermark spreading wings" of these things happened today is even greater than the "watermark spreading wings" of the previous incident. Zhang Yang's problem calmed the atmosphere in the room instantly. Although they could not see their expressions, Zhang Yang could guess. For a long time, Zhang Yang spoke again: "Well, if you don't mind, you can talk about your body's "watermark of wings" and why you did it. If what you say makes me satisfied, I don’t mind helping you leave Japan. "

"Uh? Do you have a way?" The widow froze for a moment and asked subconsciously, originally they just regarded Zhang Yang as a supernatural hacker. They get it from Japan, the energy they need is not what ordinary people can do.

"Let's talk about your situation Zhang Yang asked nonchalantly.

The fangs looked at each other, and for a long time, the fangs spoke and said, "Oh, uh..." You can still use your computer. With your computer, I will take the initiative to contact you." Just when Fangfang was just about to speak, Zhang Yang saw the alert window popping up in the starry sky.

After speaking, Zhang Yang unilaterally terminated the call between the two parties, and then directly started to establish a new communication frequency. With the help of the starry sky, it is not too difficult to establish a confidential communication frequency, and the Japanese military wants to monitor all Radio frequency is also unlikely, but just in case, Zhang Yang decided to use a wireless network to connect. The wireless network used by the widow Zhang Yang has also been checked, and the information is transmitted by disguising the communication signal of a communication company. Purposeful.

Starry Sky only cuts the power supply network in the urban area of ​​Tokyo. The power supply lines around Tokyo are not cut off, so these satellite base stations can still be used. Their lines are separate power supply lines. ! ! ! ;




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