The Strongest Hacker

Vol 2 Chapter 674: The consequences of detonation (below)

It took about ten minutes or so for Zhang Yang to figure out a lot of questions. Zhang Yang looked up at the three financial experts, and then he tentatively asked, "I think of some questions. I don't know if the three can answer me." "

"Okay, Mr. Zhang, please say... Li Haoyang nodded immediately, Aiwei and Muke also nodded to know that Zhang Yang immediately said: "Then I assume that when the financial crisis erupts, to be precise, when the currency is in the "subprime loan The flow of "financial product chain" suddenly stopped, which means that the flow of dollars in the financial sector will also decline, and the real economy of commodities will decline even more. Then the economic crisis will erupt completely. If you want to come out of the economic crisis, then just restore the dollar Liquidity is sufficient. In this way, when the US government rescues the market, only the consequences of Chapter 674 detonation (below) leave a means. Is it right to buy and sell treasury bonds? "Li Haoyang gave Zhang Yang a weird look, and Ivy could understand Chinese, so all three had very strange faces. Finally, Li Haoyang nodded and said weirdly: "Although we don't know that Mr. Zhang will rescue the market by then, What are the specific measures, but your analysis is correct. "Correct fart! Zhang Yang came up with a series of situations in his previous life. Zhang Yang finally figured out why there is a legal requirement in the central bank of all countries in the world, including the central bank of the Chinese country, that is The central bank has the right to buy and sell government bonds! From another perspective, the central bank is responsible for currency issuance. The US central bank is the Fed. Even if the Fed is private, it is also the right of the central bank. The central bank is originally printing money. This situation occurs. Direct printing of banknotes can increase the circulation of the real economy of commodities, but now it is possible to buy and sell treasury bonds. In this way, the central bank has a right to borrow money and continue to borrow, such as those that go bankrupt. In this way, the dollar naturally began to recirculate.

And when there is no money, continue to issue treasury bonds, no worries that there is no "bullet." At the same time, the consequences of the detonation of Chapter 674 (below) increased the monetary flow of the commodity real economy, and another measure is needed to increase fiscal expenditure!

by! Thinking about this, Zhang Yang understood a lot of things. Why did the later Obama administration put forward a plan for high-speed rail construction... Why did the economic crisis just stabilized not long after that, the Middle East began to be "coincidentally" unrest and then the European and American coalition forces were dispatched Of course, the aircraft carrier formation was also dispatched. What are the battles of modern warfare?

It is logistics! To put it bluntly, it is money! Then the finances will naturally be spent!

But this is not a long-term plan, and there is only one way to completely get out of the economic crisis! That is the depreciation of the U.S. dollar. The depreciation of the U.S. dollar will help reduce the US trade deficit and accelerate the return of the U.S. dollar.

In this way, the same amount of dollars buys fewer goods, and the liquidity naturally increases. When the Fed buys and sells government bonds, because the dollars in the financial field begin to circulate wildly, it is easy to cause ordinary people’s psychological panic. As a result, the dollar immediately It began to depreciate, this is the US policy of the previous life!

At the same time, when the US dollar depreciates, if the new economic entity still controls the exchange rate despite the depreciation of the US dollar, then inflationary pressure will become greater and greater! Unless the exchange rate control is relaxed to reduce the issuance of local currency and thus foreign exchange reserves.

But the last thing the United States did not have left is the most critical thing. It is well known that the currencies of all countries in the world are linked to the US dollar. When the depreciation and circulation of the US dollar accelerates, the currencies of these countries naturally appreciate relatively, so that the US economy The large-scale losses are directly passed on to all countries in the world, especially the powerful emerging economic entities. In Zhang Yang’s previous life, the United States did not expect that the emerging economic entities will grasp the exchange rate so tightly!

It is better to have an inflation rate in your country than to let the currency appreciate! There is no doubt which country this emerging economic entity is! There is no other country besides "China", do it! When Zhang Yang was an ordinary person in his last life, he still complained about why the country did not allow RMB to appreciate. Because RMB appreciates, then the domestic inflation rate will naturally fall, and the price will naturally be less expensive. Here is the emotional reason.

It seems that RMB appreciation is very beautiful, but the consequences are quite scary. Zhang Yang finally understood why the Republic resolutely refused to open the exchange rate, and strictly speaking, the soaring domestic prices in China is not a lack of government power or government inaction, but the United States! It was the United States that allowed the dollar to depreciate, leading to a rapid increase in the domestic inflation rate of China!

This is why the governor of the central bank of the previous life [China] once bluntly stated in a public interview that [China] can withstand a greater inflation rate. This is not the government’s desire for inflation to occur, but if it is liberalized After the exchange rate control, RMB accelerated appreciation, the United States will come out of the economic crisis as soon as possible, and all the losses will be passed on to these countries in China.

In the last life, the exchange rate of the "China" country was not relaxed. In the end, the U.S. Treasury and the Fed completely disappeared. At that time, the U.S. Treasury Secretary once said that if countries such as China do not open the exchange rate, the United States wants There is only one way out of the economic crisis, which is to withdraw money directly in a helicopter, because only this way can let these dollars flow back to the hands of civilians.

The effect of China’s failure to liberalize the exchange rate is obvious. Although there is inflation in the country, the economy is still growing slowly within the tolerable range, and the United States was poor from the end of 2010 in the previous life to the first half of 2011. The wealth gap has widened sharply, and tens of millions of civilians in the United States need to rely on food relief! How many people are there in the United States? In a word, the situation at that time can be described. The civilian consumption capacity of the United States is extremely shrinking, and there is no money!

But there are still mistakes in the domestic policy of the last life, that is, blindly staring at the dollar printing money. In short, since the economic crisis broke out in the last life, the world economy has been in an abnormal state, whether domestic or foreign.

Having figured this out, Zhang Yang stood up and said to Chen Xiaowei: "After you discuss the economic crisis, what should we do, I have something to do first." After talking about Zhang Yang, regardless of Chen Xiaowei, they directly hit Li Keqing. He quickly left the headquarters of the Star Group.

Zhang Yang left because Zhang Yang had thought of the result, and the turmoil in the Middle East was the result. If Zhang Yang remembered correctly in his previous life, not long before his rebirth, Europe raised trade in many low-end commodities in China. The big stick of war is used to resist the dumping of goods from China. And when this kind of trade stick is increasing, soon both China and the United States will join. Then please refer to World War II for the next consequences!

Because the result of a complete economic collapse is that right-wing forces came to power, such as the Nazis during World War II! The cost of rebuilding the economic system is to rebuild after the war! Because the war begins, money doesn't matter. Everyone plays fists, whoever has the fist is the boss! Whoever has the right to speak.

So there are only two results after the outbreak of the economic crisis. Either everyone discusses a result, or wait for the third world war. But this life is different from the previous life, the biggest difference is that the Starry Sky Group appeared! In the previous life, because of the Star Group, China wanted to use exports to promote economic transformation, but because a large amount of foreign exchange reserves were collected by the central bank, the amount was as much as trillions of dollars. In this way, ordinary Americans have no money, 〖 Japan] Since ordinary people have no money, who will stimulate consumption? What's more, countries still want civilians of all countries to consume their own goods.

Without the export of commodities, the economy cannot be transformed. There are two endings. One is to open the exchange rate and the RMB appreciates. Then all the countries in the world discuss one way and everyone wins together. The second solution, trade war, everyone lose together! What is different now is that the star group has the killer star battery! In addition, Apple and other companies can also be regarded as exports because of the acquisition by Star Group. In this way, the foreign exchange reserves in this life will definitely not be as much, and these foreign exchange reserves will not be circulated, but will be turned to other new economic entities, such as Japan, South Korea, Asia and other countries.

But these things are not Zhang Yang’s choice, it depends on how the above policy is solved, and because Zhang Yang’s Star Group has always only dealt with RMB, the current circulation of RMB is more balanced than in his previous life, although it has appeared Starry Group is such a behemoth, but in general, Starry Group makes a lot of money, but it also makes a lot of money to go out, so the circulation of the real economy is much stronger than in the previous life. Although there is a horrible monster, there is a gap between the rich and the poor On the contrary, it is not as big as the previous life.

Does it add to the economic crisis? Or add fire? The reason why the exchange rate was not opened in the previous life is related to the United States. Another reason is that the country has a large amount of US dollar foreign exchange reserves. Once it appreciates, the loss may be at least close to trillions of dollars. This is not a small number.

If Zhang Yang wants to burn this fire, there will be only one result, that is, it will harm others and hurt others. Really the Starry Sky Group don’t want to make any money, but the ordinary people in China have benefits. If Zhang Yang takes action, then the domestic The economic transformation of China will be very fast, because after throwing out all the foreign exchange reserves, although the country will lose a lot, if Zhang Yang takes the battery out for export, he will make back the lost money and let the economy maintain a balance. The domestic economy will not be too problematic, at least it is healthy, but not necessarily abroad.

By then, RMB's international status........., this is really hard to say. Zhang Yang squinted his eyes, but he didn't use it to say that now is not the time to do this. When he came back, Zhang Yang drove the car very slowly, almost not much faster than walking. By the time he returned to the villa, Zhang Yang had already made a decision in his heart. Was it not to harm others? Brother played, but if you can't play it, it's an unknown.

Hey, here comes the fire. Zhang Yang got out of the car, smiled proudly, and then went directly into the study, but the matter of top priority was to resolve the matter of INTEL's acquisition of McAfee. INTEL has not yet signed with McAfee. The tomorrow's press conference will be officially signed The contract time means that Zhang Yang still has enough time to play.

After returning to the room, Zhang Yang thought about it, looked at McAfee's official website and resumed operations, hesitated for a moment, Zhang Yang did not black McAfee's official website, but directly turned to another website. This website has just been established not long ago, but in the last life, this website is famous, for a period of time, it is more powerful than Google, etc. This website is nothing else, it is WikiLeaks!

The details of WikiLeaks, Zhang Yang, don’t need to say more. In the last life, I searched Baidu for a long time, and I have countless information for you to check. Zhang Yang valued the spirit of this group of people who dare to release these confidential messages. Since you dare to release, I Dare to give you these things.

WikiLeaks in his last life had decrypted about 92,000 US confidential documents in Miami three years later, but are those confidential documents shocking?

Julian Assange is the founder of WikiLeaks, and the person Zhang Yang is looking for is naturally him. The reason why WikiLeaks is not afraid of the closure of governments in various countries is because he does not have a fixed headquarters or base. He relies on servers in dozens of countries around the world and It is operated by supporters. This is very similar to the ANUBIS website. The difference is that many things that ANUBIS does are invisible. WikiLeaks confessed that it is just a media.

Assange is still very admired by the At least he is not afraid that the CIA will kill him one day, this person also has a strong hacking technology, otherwise, you think that WikiLeaks has so many government secrets Where did the file come from?

After quickly searching for the IP in memory, Zhang Yang pondered for a moment. He chose to invade the server directly. Assange is Australian, and this server is located in Sydney, Australia. The firewall of the entire server is absolutely world-class. At least in the last life, after WikiLeaks released a large number of US secrets, it has resisted DDOS attacks for a long time, and it is needless to say who the attackers are.

This server is one of WikiLeaks' backup servers and one of the personal computers that Assange normally uses. After more than 20 minutes of hacking, after successfully hacking into the server, Zhang Yang first quickly checked the entire system. When it was confirmed that someone was logged in to this server, Zhang Yang directly opened a file on the desktop of the system. "Hello, Julian Assange."

Zhang Yang didn't make it mysterious, but chose to go straight to the theme. ! ! ! ;




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