The Strongest Hacker

Vol 2 Chapter 687: The world needs news (below)

"It's Freemasonry." Gates said the answer. When these four words came out of Gates' mouth, the whole meeting room fell into a silence. A few people even took a sigh of relief. As senior US officials, no one does not know what Freemasonry is. It can be said that Freemasonry is full of more than two hundred years of history from the founding of the United States to the present. All major events basically have the shadow of Freemasonry.

These generals in the entire conference room can basically understand why Gates chose to cover up this matter, after all this? *诙悦end This burden 饧  rate choking model 淙 has not yet sincerely blamed宦淞玩饕And leeches 駯ridge cloth not cape Mu 匏 total 婸 recorded Yi 忦宦淞潞?br/>

After the Rothschild family supported the Morgan family and the Rockefeller family in Chapter 687 of the United States, the world needs to be revealed (the next), these two families broke away from Rothschild, and then went through the World War and so on , Freemasonry is also in a state of division. "What about Freemasonry? Even if Freemasonry is behind it, what is Freemasonry doing now?" Bush frowned and asked directly.

Gates touched his nose and stopped talking. In fact, Gates wanted to say something. President, of course, you don’t see Freemasonry. The Skeleton Club and the Freemasonry are not right. The Skull Club is just a later development. Compared with an organization that has been in existence for a long time, there is no way to compare an organization that has grown up. No one knows what is behind the Freemasonry. The exposed power alone is enough to shock people.

"Well, Mr. President, what should we do now?" Robert thought about it and asked directly. This matter still requires the President's decision and the President's signing of the authorization agreement. Otherwise, no one can make a decision. "The bombing of the Australian Telecommunications Building is a terrorist act. If Freemasonry jumps out, I think few countries in the world are unwilling to fight terrorism, and the U.S. government does not mind taking back the right to issue dollars."

Bush squinted Chapter 687 The World Needs to Break the News (Part 2), squinting his eyes, and said flatly.

But the meaning of Bush’s mouth made everyone’s eyelids jump straight. This sentence is very plain, but what is inside? *Moisture and bad sorrow Huang Jiang So dive to Shuncha Yi Ji Cai  stall model  cloth did not look at 嬠 豢赡芨   evacuation  leaf armor  eggplant  Huan 矗  stop  Call 橐馐 stack 宿 waterlogging ‖ ǎ Noisy ⒐  Calling for the stacking of the stack 鞯姆 ⑿ fishy??br/>

But Freemasonry cannot just allow an organization under its control to be wiped out. Even if they dare not expressly resist, they will certainly be destroyed in some dark places. These are the reasons why these government agencies are afraid of it. The problem. "Powell, please call the Minister of Finance and say I have something to do with him." Bush turned and said to his first secretary.

"I know Mr. President." Powell nodded immediately, then turned and walked outside. Everyone else looked at each other without knowing what Bush was doing with the finance minister.

When he learned that he needed to participate in the Joint Chiefs of Staff meeting, the Minister of Finance was also a little uncomfortable. He had no idea what Bush had done for him to participate in the meeting. But after he came, seeing a circle of senior US and Chinese generals in the conference room, Bush directly said: "Paulson, please tell us about the signs of the current economic crisis in China."

"Yes." Although Paulson didn't know why he said this at the Joint Chiefs of Staff meeting, but since Bush requested it, he could only do so and immediately began to introduce the situation in the United States. In fact, the economic crisis in the United States and the United States has begun to appear at this time, and many events are already at an uncontrollable stage, so strictly speaking, the economic crisis has already broken out at this time.

With Paulson’s introduction, the generals’ faces began to dignify. Although they did not understand the economy, it did not mean that they did not know the seriousness behind the data. When Paulson’s final conclusion came out, all Everyone seemed to understand what Bush meant.

"So according to the forecast of the Ministry of Finance, in the second half of next year, our country’s economic crisis will explode on a large scale. Please note that it is an economic crisis, not just a financial crisis. At the same time, according to our current statistics, the top domestic ranking Ten banks are probably at least half going bankrupt." Paulson solemnly announced the answer to the Joint Chiefs of Staff meeting.

"Secretary Paulson has worked hard, you can go to rest, thank you for your report." Bush nodded to him and said, how could a country not know the problems that its country will face? It's just that even if these people know, there is no way to change it, because all the means they can use have been used, and they can only start helping the government to make suggestions and what to do after these situations.

Paulson certainly does not know why this meeting was held. After signaling to these senior US officials, Paulson left the scene of the meeting. After Paulson left, Bush’s eyes flashed. A cold light: "I'm sure Paulson knows the purpose of reporting these situations. I believe you all know that the economic crisis will soon erupt. As for their means in the financial field, after the financial crisis broke out, anyway, even if they don't need to make trouble, our The financial system will also be very bad, they join in, they can’t change anything, at most it’s worse, but if they dare to do it..."

In the latter part, Bush didn't need to say it. Those sitting here already knew how to do it. "Mr. President, please order." Gates sighed. He knows that there is no way to change this matter. Just after Paulson’s report was completed, in fact, Gates did not want the United States to send troops at this time, because at this time, before the economic crisis broke out, Will delay the economic crisis for a while.

This will not do any good to the US economic system, but Gates also knows that this is the best choice, because at this time, Freemasonry does not dare to do anything. If you drag on further, the other side will have enough time to All the evidence is erased, and the US government will be passive by then.

More importantly, the United States can not afford the double turbulence of the economy and the government. If gscsd publicizes all the materials brought by Zhang Yang, then the entire government of the United States may be volatile for a long time. Maybe you need to enter the election ahead of time.

At this moment, Zhang Yang is guessing the actions of the United States in the hotel. Zhang Yang can probably predict that the United States may do it, but in the middle of this operation, how many means the United States will open up, it is unknown. Whether it is a secret hands-on, or a high-profile investigation into the hands-on, and how much the Star Group can benefit from this matter.

Negotiations in the U.S. Government Office are slow. The next day the talks between Zhang Yang and the U.S. Government Office formally ended, and then Zhang Yang began to visit all of the Star Group’s subsidiaries in the United States, Apple, AMD, Qualcomm, Corsair, etc Zhang Yang almost ran it all. On the fourth day of Zhang Yang’s coming to the United States, the senior executives of Star Group and McAfee officially held a press conference in the United States. Star Group acquired all of McAfee’s property business debts and all previous assets for $1.43 billion. Customer data.

And McAfee will be the same as Blizzard as the first wholly-owned subsidiary acquired by Star Group. On the day of the acquisition, Zhang Yang directly announced in a high-profile press conference that all of McAfee’s assets will be merged into Star Security, and McAfee’s products will go through a short transition period and be sorted out by McAfee. After all the user information of these users, these users will be compensated for the doubling of the contract period between the original and McAfee. During this period, the Star Group will provide the same level of security services free of charge.

When this news came out, Star Security's business showed an explosive growth around the world. Many media have announced that Star Security will probably replace Symantec as the world's largest security company. No way, when the Star Group announced the acquisition of McAfee, especially McAfee’s large number of customers, and more than 80% of the original McAfee customers chose to use Star Security’s products, Star Security almost went with Simon. Tektronix's market share is almost the same.

But everyone knows that this is not the end of the matter, because the Starry Group inexplicably ran to the United States to visit, and only a few public visits were made with the US government, but the two parties did not talk about any substantive content. . There must be some greasy stuff!

But many people are lamenting another thing, that is, when the Star Group announced that it accepts these customers and compensates these customers, and received wide praise, Star Group also announced that McAfee’s assets will be adopted Joining the Star Group completely in the form of the Star Security Company is not like any company previously acquired by the Star Group and can retain its original name.

In other words, the name McAfee will completely disappear and no longer appear! That is to say, from the day when the Star Group acquired McAfee, McAfee will disappear from history. There will no longer be the name of McAfee, and some are only Star Security.

After Zhang Yang visited the Star Group's company in the United States, on the eve of Zhang Yang's return to China, Star Group suddenly announced a press conference with the US government and General Motors Group.

This high-profile press conference once again attracted the attention of the whole world. Zhang Yang originally wanted to drag things down, but the United States has given the answer that Zhang Yang wants, that is, the United States will soon conduct a joint with the Australian military. The joint exercise will thoroughly investigate the “terrorists” in Australia. At the same time, on behalf of the US government, Bush also hinted that the US government can make concessions on some issues in South Asia.

For example, the problem of the South China Sea! The two sides did not talk about the Taiwan issue in a tacit agreement. The Taiwan issue is too big for the United States to relax, and the Star Group’s identity is not suitable for such matters. The Nansha issue was also proposed by the US government, otherwise Zhang Yang is not prepared to speak, anyway, this cooperation, Zhang Yang has been overcast once and for all, and Nansha is a political issue, not a group he can play around, this kind of problem should not be involved.

The Nansha Islands, China and the Philippines and Vietnam and other countries are all talking, but if the United States does not speak on this matter, then these countries will not dare to make it again. And as China’s two aircraft carriers will launch in four years and begin to form combat power, these small countries are even more afraid to jump, mainly because Lao Mei does not support it, and no one dares to look at it.

The press conference was very short, but the content shocked the world. Star Group and GM jointly announced that Star Group will share 50% of GM's sales profits in the United States and will authorize General Motors to manufacture and sell Star batteries. The Star Group and the US Government Department announced that the Star Group will use the production formula of the starry sky battery as a condition to exchange all the production drawings of the US fifth-generation combat office, and the US Government Department will provide a complete set of production lines to the starry sky. For heavy industry, the technical data of F22 will be sent back to China for verification at that time, and the production line will be shipped into China by freighter in a month.

These two news can be said to blow the whole world out of focus, and everyone feels that the Star Group is crazy. It seems that the Star Group and China’s Zhenglu government have made a little bit of a profit, because the F22 is currently the most advanced fighter in the world, and the US Zhenglu government also provides a complete set of production lines for Starry Heavy Industries. In other words, one month later, China can directly produce F22!

This news made the whole world feel a little weird, because it is well known that among all the service fighters in the United States, F22 is not particularly large, but it is the most advanced. Now even the production line is thrown to China. This does not mean that China knows F22. Are all the performance and disadvantages? I rely on it. Isn't this exposing all of your weaknesses to the enemy?

In fact, otherwise, although these drawings are all technical drawings of F22, you must know that there is a gap between F22 and the F22 equipped by the US Air Force. What is the biggest gap? Okay, let’s just say that, what is a complete F22? It depends on how you understand it. Zhang Yang of course wants to treat the F22 served by the US Air Force as a whole F knife, but it is impossible for the US government to agree.

In that way, it means that China will immediately understand all the weaknesses of the most powerful fighter in the United So, this whole F ugly, this word game is already played on it. In Laomei's opinion, it is an ideal F-knife that can fly, even if it is a whole F22, so that they only need to pay for the engine, structure, materials, and invisible paint.

But MD, how big is the gap between a fully equipped F22 and this? Not to mention, missiles, radars, data link systems, infrared detection, digital cameras, etc., these things are the top priority!

In fact, the F22 drawings exchanged by the Star Group are still limited, and the radar is not available. If this thing is given to China, let alone the weakness of the United States, that is, all radars of the entire US* team will be researched by China. Too. Missiles are even more impossible. What we said about the plane, did not say what weapons the plane can hang. Don't even think about the data link. In the words of Lao Mei, this is a part of our military system and does not belong to the scope of F22. Infrared radar and other advanced things are impossible for Lao Mei, not even the functions of the original naval version. For Lao Mei, we are talking about the Air Force version, okay, Nima, Lao Tzu who deficit! Although Zhang Yang was already in a bad mood, on the surface, Zhang Yang was "chattered" enough. ! ! ! ;




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