The Strongest Hacker

Vol 2 Chapter 690: Japan is out of eggs (on)

Zhang Yang’s sentence spread quickly all over the world with the TV. This sentence is actually not Zhang Yang’s original. Many people may have forgotten that this was the old man who was not tall, but his figure was very majestic. What is said is just modern, and many people have forgotten this sentence, and now Zhang Yang just makes it reappear in this world. ;

Some words don't need much, but the meaning it represents is completely different. After telling the matter on land, I can imagine how huge it will cause a sensation. I'm afraid it will spread throughout the world for a long time, but before that, it must be concealed for a period of time. At least the first thing is to confirm whether the experiment can be really successful and whether the commercial time is mature before it can be implemented. In one step, it takes a very long period of time in Chapter 690 Japan is gone (Part 1).

However, before leaving, Zhang Yang still talked about the economic crisis in the United States with the above. In fact, the government has been very different from the previous life. The biggest difference is that because of the emergence of Zhang Yang, the reserves of US Treasury bonds are large. The reduction in magnitude is now less than one trillion US dollars, which is several times less than the 3.2 trillion US dollars of the previous life. If it is only hundreds of billions of dollars, a large appreciation of RMB will lose a large part, but it is completely within the acceptable range.

Carrying rmb at least as much as it did in previous life does not appreciate, and finally leads to a more serious ending of domestic inflation. The domestic economic model needs to be transformed, but no one can tell what the way this transformation looks like. This requires a step-by-step trial.

In fact, the appreciation rate of RMB has exceeded the appreciation rate of the previous life, because of the existence of Zhang Yang, and because the Star Group has a strange settlement system that only accepts RMB and not US dollars, plus the Star Group’s business is basically in short supply. Therefore, it is not afraid that no one will buy it, and ICBC's worldwide popularity, so many countries have begun to hold rmb = foreign exchange.

Returning to City H, Zhang Yang, Chapter 690, Japan is gone (on), immediately all the top management of the group was held to discuss the next economic crisis, which will be the top priority of the group in the next three years. Although the Star Group now has a large number of profitable industries, even at the time of the economic crisis, the impact of the Star Group will not be as great as that of other companies, but overall, there are some impacts.

At least the business scope is inevitable. Other companies have been affected, so cooperation with you will naturally have problems, and if ordinary people have no money in their hands, consumption will naturally slow down. After explaining the task, after finishing the day's work, Zhang Yang returned to the villa and felt sore.

Seeing Zhang Yang coming back, Li Keqing got up from the sofa and took the document package in Zhang Yang's hand and put it on the cabinet next to it. "Tired, I will give you bath water." Li Keqing said with a smile. Zhang Yang stretched out her hand and took Li Keqing's waist, looking at the pretty and lovely pure girl who had exuded a charming taste at this moment. Zhang Yang suddenly felt apologetic.

"I'm sorry, I have been burdened by you all these years. I have only been working for a few days. I feel too tired. I really don't know how you persisted." Putting your chin on Li Keqing's forehead, Zhang Yang Speak softly.

"I'm sorry, I'm used to it. Besides, you don't want to start a company. You want to satisfy my wishes. In fact, I think about everything we have experienced. I always feel like I'm dreaming. In the time of the year, the life between us can be said to be the difference between the world and the world. At that time, I did not dare to think of such a situation." Li Keqing lying on the neck of Zhang Yang said with a smile.

"I said, both of you are husbands and wives, don't be so crooked, hurry to eat." Zhang Kuang, who was sitting on the sofa, could not see it. Now, Zhang Kuang's identity is not the same and they can't work anymore. , So I can only sit at home, but fortunately, the Starry Group is big enough now, and it’s okay to raise a few idlers, so Zhang Yang simply let those relatives in his family come to work.

Too important work can't be done, some simple work can be done, but don't say, because Zhang Kuang has greeted them in advance, so these relatives in the company don't talk about the relationship with Zhang Yang, just No one complained when trying to do his job.

"Dad, did you talk to your son's daughter-in-law like this?" Zhang Yang rolled his eyes and lived for a long time. Li Keqing was accustomed to Zhang Kuang's eclectic character, so it didn't seem to be red at first, but also used to it Too.

"Okay, okay, but I said, son, when do you give us three grandchildren and hug, you say we have nothing to do with this idle every day, you give birth to grandchildren, we will coax you, you can rest assured, You are busy with your work, and certainly not delay your work." Zhang Kuang saw Zhang Yang and Li Keqing sitting down on the sofa and immediately smiled together and asked.

This topic made Li Keqing blush, but she did not avoid it, but just turned her attention to Zhang Yang. Zhang Yang shook his head quickly: "Dad, how old are we two, but Qing is too small. In a few years' time, having a baby is not good for her."

"You know a fart, you don't understand it. Your mother and I have consulted the most famous nutritionist in the world. The doctor has consulted, but it is good to have a child at this age. After birth, what is your figure? It's about to recover, do you understand?" Sun Yixiang, carrying a tray of fruit, came over from the side and stared at Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang smiled bitterly: "Mom, I'm afraid we really don't have time now, and a worldwide economic crisis will soon break out... And there will definitely be a lot of things happening in the next few years, so, two years later, a few more In the year of the dragon, we will give you a grandson who belongs to the dragon."

"Year of the Dragon, it is good to belong to the dragon. The problem is, I count it, it will be a few years." Sun Yixiang immediately took his finger to count away, and Zhang Yang wisely hid. What a joke, Zhang Yang, who came here, naturally knows what year the dragon is, and there are more than four years.

"Zhang Yang! Get out of here!" Sure enough, Zhang Yang, who had just entered the study room not long after, heard the roar of his mother outside, Zhang Yang shrank his neck wisely and did not go out. May disturb yourself, or say it at dinner.

He shook his head slightly and ignored his mother's roar, Zhang Yang thought about it, and then published a new statement on Wikipedia under the reputation of gscsd. This statement is a peace of mind for the US government. When he came back from the United States, Bush had already made a public announcement. If gscsd contacted him again, he asked gscsd to give a statement. If gscsd wanted to publish those things, he didn’t need it. Take care of it.

After all, if you really intervene, it is that you have fallen out with Freemasonry. What is the power of Freemasonry? Bush knows better than anyone. Although it is impossible to compete with the country, in some ways, the state and the president There is a difference.

The content of the announcement issued by Zhang Yang is actually very simple. Of course, he cannot directly say what is going on. He can only say this matter in a very euphemistic and euphemistic tone, but there is one thing that is necessary to do, that is how to get it. Boast about our own company?

"...Gscsd's announcement on WikiLeaks will undoubtedly become the standard for most people in the world to choose security products. I have to say that this is probably the first company that has been recognized by everyone in the world. For the first time, gscsd publicly admitted that it is impossible to invade a company’s firewall. Even if it was once faced with the firewall of the most powerful cia organization in the United States, gscsd has easily invaded, so at this time, you sitting in front of the computer are ready What kind of network security products do you choose?"

With a "snap", Enrique smashed the newspaper in his hand **** the sofa and rubbed his forehead hard. Enrique had a headache. It can be said that in this incident, except for the starry sky The group is the only winner, and all other security companies around the world are losers!

Looking at the report on the newspaper, we know that as computers are getting deeper and deeper into all families, everyone is no stranger to firewall anti-virus software, and now Star Group has undoubtedly won the hearts of everyone in the world! No way, gscsd is too famous! And the noise from gscsd is too big! Now in the so-called most powerful United States, when all the security companies in the world are frightened to accept McAfee, only Star Group stands up.

Does such a company need to doubt? If it is not a different position, to be honest, if Enrique is not a security company, his company must also choose the Star Group. Is this a clear matter, do you still have to choose? Many companies around the world are not short of money, but what they lack is only a person who can provide them with a perfect service, especially those companies that rely on the Internet to eat. The server is the lifeblood of these companies. The server has been killed by hackers for two days. These companies are going to close down.

This newspaper is no longer the first day newspaper. It has been a week since the announcement of gscsd. The news from the company's marketing department. Enrique has some headaches. At present, the Star Group's photon defense software is free. , But almost no less than the performance of any toll company's software, the current installed capacity in the world has exceeded 700 million units!

Seven hundred million! What is this concept? The question of how many computers there are in the world can be ignored, let alone Microsoft, the installed client connected to Microsoft's official website exceeds 500 million. How many are not connected to Microsoft's official client? How many are pirated? How many are repeatedly installed, so the number 700 million looks scary, but considering the global number, it is acceptable, but no doubt, the installed capacity of 700 million, even if its users count as 600 million, this The figures are more than the number of people currently counted by Microsoft.

What does this stand for? With 600 million user support, anything can be done, one person spends a dollar, this is 600 million! And I am sorry to say that the computers in Enrique's own home are equipped with photon defense software. Why? It's very simple, it's so easy to use, especially its optimization of the system and the performance of the hardware, so that people who have used this software are not willing to discard him, including Enrique.

Think about it. Even the president of the world's number one security company is using the free software of Star Group. Its charm can be seen. "Hey, forget it, it seems that Symantec's customer base will change in the future." Enrique shook his head and said to himself.

However, what Enrique does not know is that the Star Group data is much more accurate than his. To be precise, aside from corporate users, the individual users owned by Star Group are 801823494! Even the 360, which was claimed to have 300 million installed capacity in the previous life, is totally incomparable. The two sides are not at the same level. Maybe in another four years, there will probably be a computer number of this number in China alone.

Moreover, almost 90% of the game companies, high-tech companies, and portal companies i like * have chosen Starry Security Company. In just over a week, Starry Security Company 1,755 similar companies signed contracts. These security contracts alone will bring a horrible number of profits to the Star Group each year.

Even the company with the most servers in the world is in contact with the Star Group. Needless to say which company this company Zhang Yang just used up others and it didn’t take long for google, google to contact Star Group In fact, Zhang Yang was also surprised. After all, these companies have the strength to study firewalls by themselves.

In fact, what happened in the next month is not too much. Although the Star Group is busy, almost all the companies in the world are busy. Is it the end of the year? The second reason is that the impact of the economic crisis has begun to appear slowly. The complete outbreak of the economic crisis occurred in the second half of 2008, but the clues began to appear slowly in 2007. No country in the world is a fool. It’s just ordinary people who don’t know.

However, there were many major events that occurred during this time. The first one was a military exercise by the United States and the Australian government. It is said that several weapons were tried to be blasted in North Austria and Theo. As for whether these places are unmanned deserts or something, then Only ghosts know. The second major thing is about *. More than a month ago, what happened in Tokyo, Japan, can be said to shock the world, but what shocked the world even more was that such a big event actually did not catch any one. The robber, not even one killed, directly changed the * cabinet completely. ! ! ! ;




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