The Strongest Hacker

Vol 2 Chapter 749: Every enemy is a paper tiger (9)

No one has yet understood what the electromagnetic missile announced by Starry Sky Group is. Starry Heavy Industries has once again released a new message with the Ministry of National Defense of China. The two sides will jointly build China's air-ground integrated national missile defense system, or GFT, for five years. Although it is not clearly stated to the outside world, Starry Sky Heavy Industry has implicitly mentioned that GFT is different from the TMD and NMD missile defense systems of the United States. It will not face one-to-one missile defense. One of its defense missiles can The defense has a solid area of ​​nearly 100 square kilometers, and the interception success rate is infinitely close to 100%.

This news not only made the nerves of Japan nervous, even the United States was nervous. Almost all the overseas departments of the CIA and other departments were mobilized, and they began to quickly search for China, the so-called G 749th chapter. All the enemies are paper tigers. (9) What exactly is the FT National Missile Defense System? The volume of the three-dimensional defense about a hundred kilometers up and down? This... if this effect can really be achieved, it is not a myth that the interception success rate is 100%!

Everyone knows that the reason why the missile defense systems of all countries are unable to intercept all missiles is because these missiles have a limit. For example, if the other party conducts a saturation attack, then if your defense missile does not have more attack missiles from the other party, the defense system will be natural. It's useless.

This is not the most important. The most important thing is that defensive missiles often need three to five to track a target to ensure 100% interception success. Now, from point-to-point to face-to-face, such a defense range is not at all. Too many missiles are needed, and it is even possible that an interceptor missile can intercept several times the attack missile.

I don’t know if this news is true or not, or the smoke bombs released by China at this critical moment, but the United States is very convinced, because from the modern times, China has hardly said any empty words, more of them are In hiding their strength, such as the weapons that have often been announced just now, they are basically out of the stereotype stage, and all the enemies in Chapter 479 are produced by the paper tiger (9).

It has even been secretly listed. China has done such a thing more than once, so Obama convened a joint meeting of chiefs of staff almost immediately, and asked the CIA to find out the truth and falseness of all the information as quickly as possible. He even activated some senior spies in China.

If the news is to let the world's eyes be on China and start to rethink China's strength, then the next thing is to let all countries in the world turn the calendar to see if it is April Fool's Day today! Almost a few days after Star Heavy Industries announced the completion of these two news, Indian Prime Minister Manmohan announced on behalf of the Indian government that a settlement agreement with China would be formally reached. China and India will withdraw all troops in disputed areas between the two sides, except for China in the eastern section of the two sides. The construction of a large military base in the disputed border area, and the army stationed in a brigade, all places will be replaced by ordinary police forces.

In addition, China and India intend to build the territory of the disputed area into an undefended port similar to China's several ports in Russia. At the same time, the two sides will deepen cooperation in the economic field, and India and China will try to open a zero-tariff policy for several commodities of the same level, as well as realize the exemption of short-term passports such as tourism for both sides within the next five years.

After Manmohan announced the news, the Chinese government confirmed it and announced the signing of the Pan-Asian Economic Cooperation Treaty with India. When all the countries in the world determined that the news was not April Fool’s Day, his jaw almost fell off. When Noda Yoshihiko heard the news, he was sitting at the dinner table and eating. After hearing the news, he was so surprised A bite of rice **** in it fell on the table and was not found!

Not only is Noda Yoshihiko in this situation, even Obama has the same idea. The time for the announcement of the news by China and India happened to be close to the early morning of the United States. Obama was resting. After hearing the news from the phone, Obama was almost wearing pajamas A phone call rushed into the Oval Office to summon all the staff to the White House.

Not to mention foreign countries, that is, the people in the country are all stunned by the news. When all the media are frantically announcing the news in a consternation, the people of the world finally understand what happened. Zhang Yang was shocked when he heard the news. Zhang Yang, who was signed by Man Mohan and the chairman, was present at the time.

Both parties were very sure at the time that the secret agreement would remain undecrypted for fifty years, but no one expected that it would have been almost public in less than three years. It seems that the changes in the international situation have far exceeded Zhang Yang's expectations, or that it is now announced that it will no longer cause any trouble to China. More simply, China is no longer afraid of trouble!

Although the reactions of countries all over the world were mixed, and there were many people in the country who could not understand it for a while, the media began to invite various experts to analyze the possibility of cooperation between the two parties and the situation after the cooperation. Of course, this is the above advice. After all, India still fought against the country two years ago. It is natural that some people don't understand this kind of cooperation with China.

"...Professor Lu, do you think the cooperation between China and India is good or bad for China and India? Especially though this is an economic alliance, it is not difficult to see from the field of cooperation between the two sides, which is completely or even more than The strategic cooperation between NATO, which was once formed by the United States, is a closer cooperation alliance than NATO." CCTV 4 sets, a dedicated news decryption channel, domestic famous economic and military experts are here to pay attention to this matter for all, listen People in this matter explained this matter.

In fact, not only the domestic people are concerned, the leaders of all countries in the world are watching this program, because everyone knows what is happening in the Chinese press. Although the CCTV 4 sets of this program are ordinary commentary programs, everyone is Understand that this is the Chinese government's next strategy announced by ordinary people.

"Nothing is entirely beneficial or harmful. The Sino-Indian cooperation surpasses the imagination of everyone in the world, but I dare say that this is the most sensible decision made by the Chinese government since modern times, and this The courageous decision is a powerful pressure on the leaders of both China and India. I did not expect that the leaders of the two countries could make such a determination!"

"Let’s take a look. If China and India form a cooperative relationship, China now has a naval port in Sri Lanka, which means that China will directly skip the Malacca Strait and enter the Indian Ocean, while the United States has spent decades The built-up policy of siege on China is directly a waste product! And the two largest future markets in the world, China and India, and economic entities are united together, which means that China and India will be able to completely ignore the blockade of the European Union and the United States in the economic field. "

"...Because neither the European Union nor the United States can now lose these two huge markets, if one China and one India are lost, then now that the two sides are united together, those in the United States and other countries can be said to dominate these countries. The capitalists simply cannot give up this market! The Sino-Indian alliance means that the two countries add up to almost half of the world's population! This is only economic, from a military perspective, the Sino-Indian alliance, and India gave up The border conflict with China means that the conflict between India and Pakistan may also be eased and gradually resolved under the mediation of China! Although the conflict between the two parties cannot be resolved in a short period of time, it is difficult to reopen the dispute. This is undoubtedly good news for India and Pakistan!"

"More importantly, China can now put its naval power in the East! Concentrating on facing the threat of the East, it is not difficult to see from the discovery of India in the past two years, I am afraid that the signing of the contract between the two parties is not a day or two According to the time estimate, we should be able to see now that the two sides reached an agreement within the weird armistice time two years ago. Of course, the disadvantages are not without, that is, India is far from infrastructure construction or economic construction. It is far behind China. Since it is an alliance, China is bound to help India. This is also a major burden for the domestic economy that has just begun to improve. However, India’s huge market is also a supplement to the domestic market. This is mutually beneficial."

Following the professor’s account on TV, almost everyone sitting in front of the TV understood the benefits of the China-India alliance. Of course, the pressure on publishing this news has not been considered. The first is Pakistan. Pakistan has always had relations with China. Very good, China is now closer to India than Pakistan and Pakistan, which naturally makes the sentiment of the Pakistani people unable to pass through, but these things are not what Zhang Yang needs to consider.

And since this news was announced above, the Pakistani side is obviously fully prepared, and there is only interest between the countries. Although the Kashmir region conflict between the two parties cannot be resolved at once, building this region into a similar The non-defense ports at the border with India can be taken slowly.

The meal was eaten bite by bite. Looking at the map, Zhang Yang looked at the countries he could think of now that he might join this contract. Zhang Yang couldn't help but take a breath. This is a big game! It can be said that when this step is taken out, China will undoubtedly completely promote the reintegration of the world's covenants! With the development of the world economy and the development of science and technology, the earth is getting smaller and smaller! The ties between countries are getting closer and closer, and there may be more and more such large covenant groups!

Zhang Yang's speculation has not yet become the second person to tell. In the next few days, the sudden situation of the situation has directly turned Noda Yoshihiko into the dark and was hospitalized. After the announcement of the relevant treaties between China and India, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Laos, Thailand and Sri Lanka announced their accession to the Pan-Asian Economic Cooperation Covenant at almost the same time. Almost all together.

Vietnam is the only one in this area. It is impossible to wait for several South Asian countries to be separated. Even if these countries want to be added, I am afraid they have to pass many audits. Everyone knows which country they prefer. As for Myanmar, although the relationship between China and Myanmar in modern times may not be very good, it was actually a joint military exercise as early as the Golden Triangle? Ci Chunhao?br/>

This is the general trend, and they have no choice. After the end of this series of incidents, the Chinese government once again officially announced that the Chinese government seriously protested any activities related to the Diaoyu Islands in Japan, and the Chinese government has the right to protect the safety of the Chinese people. Recently, a group of Chinese college students will conduct fishing activities, and China will dispatch Two missile destroyers escorted.

The sound of "poo" was almost the moment when I heard the news, and Noda Yoshihiko spurted blood out, escort? Have the right to protect the safety of the people? It was not before that Chinese fishermen did not engage in fishing activities, but when did you see you sending troops to escort?

Jump out right now to escort? Japan’s nerves were tense almost instantaneously, and the Japanese navy also entered a state of combat readiness. The eyes of almost all countries in the world were instantly focused, because everyone knows that this incident has not been resolved well. This will just rise to Positive military conflict between Asia's No. 1 economic power and the former No. 1 economic power in Asia!

Noda Yoshihiko is now on the line and has to send it. It can’t just die like this. So after the Chinese government announced the escort, Japan immediately announced that it would similarly dispatch two missile frigates to patrol the relevant waters. The conflict between the two sides was on the verge, and just after the announcement of Japan, the United States, who was fainted by a series of Chinese boxing fists, finally recovered. At this time, the United States was not prepared to clash with China.

There are no conflicts in the US economy, but the situation does not allow the US government to do anything, so Obama submitted a protest directly to the United Nations, demanding that the United Nations stop China’s behavior that is not conducive to Asia’s stability and require China to be alert to its military actions. Don’t just because of a new round of local wars, etc. At the same time, the United States will urgently send two Atlantic aircraft carrier battle groups into the Pacific Ocean. In this way, 7 of the US 10 aircraft carrier battle groups have been transferred to the Asia-Pacific region!

China still pays more attention to the attitude of the United States. UU has no way to read People are the first military power, and no one can ignore it. However, as one of the permanent members of the United Nations, China has a veto power, so It is impossible for the United Nations to pass this kind of thing. The United Nations is a place used by a big country to lie. Instead, it is action or action.

The whipping of the United Nations cannot attract the attention of the media. Many media have rented yachts, etc. and ran to the Diaoyu Islands. If they want to grab the first-hand news materials, everyone is waiting for the Chinese fishing operation. Two missile frigates in Japan I have reached the sea area around Diaoyu Island about a hundred nautical miles.

When everyone saw the shadows in the distant sea, and then when the shadows were getting closer and closer, the yachts rented by countless global media not far from the Diaoyu Islands, when they saw college students who came to engage in fishing activities, They fell directly on the boat. When these media reporters got up, they were speechless. They wanted to ask, this... The fishing activity that Nima asked college students to do?

Are you kidding me? ! ! ! </p>;




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