The subordinates sent by Vetto have found the entire labyrinth.

"Don't run, you belong to the black bull, right? If you know where the magic stone is, just hand it over obediently! I can spare your life!"

Ge Xiu walked quickly through the maze, followed by a person with Bai Ye's magic eye who was chasing him, and his attacks had already hit Ge Xiu several times. After fighting with the people from the Undersea Temple just now, and now starting to fight the enemy again, Ge Xiu can't use his strength at all, and his magic power is almost exhausted.

"Damn it! I thought I was just a little boy, but I didn't expect it to be really strong!" Ge Xiu's body is full of scars now, and even using the avatar can't change this predicament!

"I thought that Black Bull was so powerful that he could repel Lord Three Demon Eyes. Didn't I expect it to be this level?" He taunted.

"You are far behind them!" Ge Xiu said.

"Are you looking for death? That's easy to do, let me wear you down!" He used a chain, and a thick chain is not good for being tied to someone else or being beaten!


Ge Xiu didn't pay attention and was sent flying! He hit the wall 283 directly and couldn't move!

"Haha! Let me finish you!"

At this moment, Ge Xiu changed his usual masked face and cold look, began to tremble, and shrank himself into a ball, shouting: "Help! I'm so scared! Let me go!"

Although the other party felt very strange, he was even more proud and said: "Haha! Go to hell! Weak!"

"Damn you!"

Another Ge Xiu suddenly appeared behind him!

"Mirror Magic: The Great Reflection Ray!"


A powerful laser pierced through the opponent's body, directly knocking out the person with Bai Ye's magic eye.

"That's all you guys have to do! Next time you want to deal with me, just let those three magic eyes hit me, but I promise to defeat them all!" Ge Xiu said coldly

"Haha, I'm actually Grey! I've been transformed into Ge Xiu's appearance since just now, hahaha!" another Ge Xiu laughed.

"Don't use my face and body to put on such a funny and beating expression, I will really kill you!" Ge Xiu said while touching another Ge Xiu with his feet.

"Hurry up and change back!" Ge Xiu said.

Gray said helplessly: "The magic power is used up, and I can't change now! I can only maintain this posture first, and then I can change back after my magic power recovers!"

"Damn it!" Ge Xiu had no choice but to carry Gray, who had been hit hard just now, and was unable to stand up and walk alone, and headed towards the place where the fierce battle took place.

After several forks, they suddenly saw a person lying on the road.

"Isn't this Charmy?"

Charmy is lying on the front right now, snoring and talking in her sleep, looking very leisurely.

"How come that guy is still like this now, watch me wake him up!" Ge Xiu slowly approached with Gray on his back, and now he is also in a situation where he may fall down at any time

"That guy is still one of the combat strength, probably stronger than most of the people in our Black Bull regiment! If only Lin Hao was still here!"

"Vine Trap Magic: Binding Vine!"

Before Ge Xiu and Gray could react, a magic that was activated soon completely restrained their bodies!

"What is this?! This vine!"

"Ahh! I can't move!"

"Is this transformation magic? But it doesn't matter, my magic can absorb all the magic power of the captured person, so you are unlucky!"

Looking at the other side, it is a member of the Undersea Temple. He is currently being tied up in mid-air by this vine. He has no strength to struggle, and he must have been sucked dry long ago!

"It's you again, Bai Ye's magic eye!"

"Exactly! I have placed (bgdg) my trap magic everywhere in this maze, and then I just need to wait quietly for the prey to take the bait! Haha!"

"Don't get too complacent, one of your partners has already been defeated by me!" Ge Xiu said.

"So what, you are still obediently bound here by me? Soon there will be no magic power in your body. You should know what will happen to that person if you forcibly absorb the magic power!"

"Yes! But we have no magic power now, and it's useless to suck us!" Gray said.

People who are drained of forced magic power may not be able to use magic in the future. This is a very dangerous situation!

"What should I do? Now I can only rely on myself!" Ge Xiu thought, he wanted to use his mirror magic to completely cut off Mo!


"What? Grimoire is wrapped too?!"

"I know what you are thinking, so of course I tied up your weapons beforehand! Don't try to struggle anymore!"

Ge Xiu looked at Gray who was constantly struggling beside him, and found that Gray's Grimoire was not restrained!

"That's right! If Charmy can be awakened now, there may be a chance!"

"Ah, this piece of meat seems delicious!" Charmy was talking in his sleep.

"That's right! Hey! Charmy! Someone is stealing your food!" Ge Xiu shouted.

"What are you talking about?" Bai Ye's magic eye man asked suspiciously, but he didn't think Ge Xiu and the others would be able to break free.

"Grey!" Ge Xiu shouted.

"Understood!" Gray used transformation magic to turn a huge rock opposite into a huge barbecue!

"what is this?"

"Hey! Get away from which piece of meat!" Ge Xiu woke up from his dream, Charmy suddenly saw a stranger between himself and the meat, of course he would be angry!

Charmy's Grimoire unfolded, and a powerful magic power burst out from his body, completely surrounding the opponent!

"What's going on here?! In this little guy's body... Could it be a beast?!"

The other party is now so scared that he can't even move!

Although Ge Xiu and Gray were not directly enveloped by this aura, they still felt the powerful coercion of Charmy!

"This little guy really has amazing magic power! At this level, he is going to catch up with the leader, right?!?" The two were surprised!

"Cotton creates magic: A blow from the sleeping sheep!"

"Two hits!"

"Three strikes!"

Charmy used her magic to perform a full three-stage attack on Bai Ye's magic eye guy!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The power of this move is completely unlike that of a small person like Charmy! It overturned the imagination of Ge Xiu and Grey!

And this blow completely shattered the opponent's magic!

Recommend a friend's book "I Have a Chat Group in Naruto".

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