The Strongest Ice God Of Black Clover

108 Exit Moment (For Subscription)

Captain Yami let out a puff of smoke and said, "Little devil, so you want to reap the benefits of fishing? You are too young!"

"Go!" Lin Hao said.

"Plant magic: Thousands of vines!" Although Lin Hao asked Ye Ye to make the move first, but saw that Yami did not move, so he started first.

"Dark magic: dark entanglement · ignorance cut!" Yami also got serious, he didn't want Lin Hao, a junior, to surpass him!

"The three eyes said that you now have the strength of the deputy head? It does feel a little bit, but you are still far away!" Yami kept swinging the sword, although the sword has returned to its original state It doesn't have the exaggerated appearance when fighting Vetto, but its power is still not small!

All the forehead vines released by Lin Hao were cut off by Yami, which is not unexpected. "Nine Six Three" because Lin Hao's attack this time was originally for testing, and now he has more worries, because not only will he have to fight with When fighting Yami, you should also pay attention to what tricks the surrounding team members use. After all, Lin Hao is not like Vetto, who can directly fight with his body!

Sure enough, there were members of the group helping behind, and Vanessa released her silk thread, which hindered Lin Hao's movements a little!

"Chop!" Yami looked at the gap and slashed towards Lin Hao. Every time Lin Hao used the ice wall to block it!

"What's the matter, kid, didn't you use that trick?" Ye Ye said.

"You did see it!"

What Yami said was Lin Hao's unique trick when dealing with Charmy, which is to use the ice ability to slow down the flow of space around his body!

But the current Lin Hao can't support such a large amount of consumption. Even using the ice ability needs to recover for a while, because after these few battles, Lin Hao's consumption is not small!

"Damn it! Wood Creation Magic: Tree Net!"

Lin Hao used this restraint magic on the members of the Black Bull team behind Yami, in order to prevent them from interfering with him again!

call out!

Yami interrupted every attacking tree net or entangled skill, and Lin Hao was not successful, but with a hundred secrets, he finally passed Yami's defense, and it was a one-off!

"Little ghosts!" Yami turned his head away, and this happened to be Lin Hao's best chance!


The ground vibrated, and huge icicles appeared under the whole ground and attacked Yami!

"Game Magic: Strange Fish Toy!"

The person in charge of the underwater temple suddenly appeared and used his own magic to block a blow for Yami. If it hadn't been for the blow just now, "Yami, who has consumed too much, would have been knocked down by Lin Hao!

But this time the casting of the magic also exposed the old man's position, and Lin Hao saw his figure!

A huge ice wall formed directly beside the old man, sealing him completely into the ice!

"Grandpa!" Chiat shouted, and now all the top combat power of the Undersea Temple has been controlled by the enemy!

Lin Hao said: "Forget it, I will let you off this time, now Vetto is also seriously injured, you can't wait too long, tell me the way to leave the underwater temple, I will let your grandpa go!!

Lin Hao knew that unless it was Asta's anti-magic sword or Vetto's powerful magic power, outsiders would have no way to get in and out freely. Only the people of the Undersea Temple knew how to pass on both sides of this magic barrier.

"Okay, let me tell you! You have to promise not to hurt my grandpa!" Chiat said.

"Okay, I promise you!"

"Lin Hao!" Asta yelled, "Don't run away, it's not over yet!"

Lin Hao said: "There will be a chance to meet next time!"

It is useless for Lin Hao to stay here now, the final battle is over, and he also got the magic stone in the hands of the bird, so it is useless to stay here any longer. As for why he fought Yami just now, it is because Lin Hao wanted Try your own strength, but because there are too many restrictions, you have to give up in the end.

Lin Hao took Vetto's ice and Bai Ye's magic eye and left the underwater temple smoothly according to Chiat's method, and walked towards the shore.

In the underwater temple.

The broken labyrinth, as well as the scarred people, although the enemy has retreated, it is no different from the fact that you have lost!

"Grandpa! Father!" Chiat was still conscious, worried about his relatives, but Gaheno had passed out after being overworked, because his throat was injured by Vetto, and now his mouth was full of blood, and he also felt dizzy. No sound came out.......

"Jia Henuo..." Nuo Al looked at everything around him, not knowing what to say.

Charmy has been in a coma since the beginning, because fighting Lin Hao consumed a lot of energy, so she fell asleep directly, otherwise it should be an important combat force, after all, Lin Hao was forced to use a unique move.

Magna and Luck just woke up, but the whole body hurts, and they can't move for the time being.

"It hurts, it hurts!" Asta shouted, a bird flew around Asta's head, and kept hitting Asta's head with its own beak.

Asta cried out, and found that there was a small sparkling stone in the bird's beak, feeling a sense of mystery.

"Is this the magic stone?" Asta called.

"What? Found the magic stone?!" Finral yelled.

"Captain Yami, the magic stone is here!" Asta said.

Yami is also a little tired now, sitting on the ground and resting, but his arms grabbed Asta's head very powerfully, and began to squeeze hard, saying: "I heard boy, I am resting now, you give me a moment of silence! "

"Yes! Captain Yami!" Asta called.

Yami began to push hard again, saying: "Speak softly!"

"It hurts, it hurts!"

After Lin Hao left, the old man was released from the ice, he immediately ran to Chiat and Jia Henuo, crying 5.0 and said: "It's all my fault for insisting on playing this game, which hurt you two!"

Then he said to the Black Bull group: "Thank you all, if it weren't for you this time, our Undersea Temple would not be able to defeat an enemy of that strength at all! Thank you all! You have won this battle!"

"Then, take this magic stone as a gift and take it away!" Yami said.

"what is this?"

"Magic stone! That's why we came here, and of course Bai Ye's magic eye!"

"It turned out to be this thing. In fact, I don't know it, but since you want it, then of course I won't be stingy. It should be said, of course. If this magic stone is still here with us, it will definitely cause other disasters." Yes! Just take it away!”.

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