The Strongest Ice God Of Black Clover

110 The Kingdom's Dynamics (1 More Subscription Required)

Kingdom News

Although the next destination is the Witch's Forest, it still needs time to prepare. Vetto's injury made the atmosphere of Bai Ye's Magic Eye not so good.

Therefore, there are no major activities in the near future, and even the search for the next magic stone is planned in a few weeks. In this way, Lin Hao will have his own time to do other things, and now Lin Hao wants to What you do is to become stronger, only in that way can you not be restricted by anyone!

"Anyway, there's nothing wrong with Bai Ye's magic eye, so I'll find something to improve my strength!" Ever since he figured out the future of his ice ability, Lin Hao wanted to Maximize all your abilities as soon as possible!

"Master Lin Hao!" Everyone who saw Lin Hao from the inside of Bai Ye's magic eye now saluted Lin Hao, because now Lin Hao's status has reached a very high level, even higher than Valtos, because Vetto Injured, so some people even regard Lin Hao as one of the new three magic eyes, so they respect Lin Hao even more.

"I'm going to go out now, take a stroll outside, tell Richter, as long as there are no tasks, don't add me back, next time I will go to the Witch's Forest with Fana

Before that, there should be nothing for me to come back to discuss, if there is something to do outside, you can let me handle it, send me out now!" Lin Hao called a space mage and said.

"Yes! Master Lin Hao!"

This space mage opened the space portal and sent Lin Hao from the stronghold of Bai Ye's magic eye to a mountain forest. This is also Lin Hao's request. Now he is still an exile from Clover Kingdom, maybe after The Undersea Temple has already been destroyed since the first battle, so it is unwise to go directly to the town.

"Then I need this new magic." Lin Hao summoned his magic book and began to use magic.

"Wood Creation Magic: Growing Mask..!"

A complete mask appeared in Lin Hao's hands, completely made of wood. This is the magic that Lin Hao mastered a few days ago. Putting it on, it can completely cover Lin Hao's entire face. It can be easy.

"Okay, I'll go and find out if there is any suitable place for me to 'practice' nearby!"

Lin Hao plans to temporarily not use other wood magic except for this mask, as it will be easy to be exposed. After all, his wood attribute magic is very easy to identify, and his attack methods are already familiar to many people, but ice attribute magic Not too many people know about it, and you can also change your attack method according to your own wishes, which is more convenient than the restricted wood magic.

Some time earlier, Nuo Al led the crowd back to the land from the undersea temple.

"Ah! It's finally out!" shouted Asta, whose arms were now wounded, bandaged and walking funny.

"Kids, let's go back!" Yami said.

"This... What's going on here?!" Finral was the first to notice the unusualness on the beach.

"this is!"

Everyone followed Finral's gaze, only to find something unusual: the whole beach is completely out of shape, completely opposite to the flatness when they went there, and the terrain has undergone a huge change! There are many magicians lying on the ground, all of whom are seriously injured , unconscious!

"That's it! It can't be the one with the three eyes!"

Looking at the striking scratches on their bodies, everyone thought of the murderer.

"Fortunately, he has been defeated by Captain Yami now, and there should be no way to reply in a while!" Magna said.

"But he is really powerful. These should be the elites of the Knights of the Kingdom, and two or three are first-class wizards. I didn't expect to be defeated so easily!"

"Finral hurry back and report! Tell the Magic Emperor what's going on here!" Yami said.

"Yes, Captain Yami!" Finral opened the portal, and immediately rushed back to the capital, bringing all the black outbursts back to the stronghold.

After completing the task of the Undersea Temple, Asta and his team rushed back to the capital without stopping, for fear of encountering any accidents on the way, because the people on their side were already exhausted after the battle, and they might encounter any accidents on the way , If it is not in its prime, it is very dangerous to escort the magic stone! So everyone chooses to use Finral's space magic.

"Senior Finral, why didn't you use space magic in the underwater temple?"

"The flow of magic power there is too strong, and I can't control the stable space transmission, so I can't use it."

"You're trash!" Yami said mercilessly.

". "Captain!" Finral yelled, but he was so tired now that he had no other way to resist, so he could only be so helpless and furious.

On the second day, everyone's condition had not fully recovered, but Yami had already dragged Asta to see Magic Di.

"Captain, are you going to meet the Magic Emperor again?" Asta said excitedly.

"Yes, kid, this time I will hand over the magic stone to him, and there is a plan for the next move!"

Arriving at the Magic Emperor's office, Yami and Asta stood still, and the Magic Emperor said: "I know everything about you, this time it's really hard for you!"

"The magic stone is here!" Yami took a step forward, took the magic cloth from Asta's hand and handed it to the Magic Emperor.

"Very well, with this magic stone, it will be more difficult for Bai Ye's magic eye plan to succeed. Although I still want you to go to the location of the next magic stone, but this time it is just a guess, and a more accurate one is needed. Source of information, so you can take a break for a while!" The Magic (Mo Qian's) Emperor said with a smile.

At this moment, the image of Marx appeared in front of the three of them. His cheeks were dripping with sweat. Although his expression was serious, he must have been very flustered.

"Magic Emperor, something is wrong! Chitan, a small village on the border between the Diamond Kingdom and our kingdom, has been attacked, and the other party has sent a large number of troops. Please report that there are eight-hui generals

"General Bahui? They're coming too?!" Magic Emperor said.

"What? The Diamond Kingdom is attacking?" Asta roared.

Yami said: "Magic Emperor, it just so happens that Finral has been to that town, and we Black Bull can go there!"

Magic Emperor said: "Thank you for your hard work! This is really a big help!"

"Captain, I'm going too!" Asta said.

"You are here to recuperate! You have no way to fight like this!"

"I have reasons to have to go!".

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