The Strongest Ice God Of Black Clover

115 The Strength Of The Leader Of The Golden Dawn

Yuno didn't answer, which made Rags very unhappy, so he expanded his attack range even more, intending to force Yuno into one place.

"Hurry up and be defeated by my magnificent magic attack!" Rags shouted.

The battle between Yuno and Lagos is heating up!

"Come on, Yuno!" Asta yelled to the sky, and Charmy also secretly cheered Yuno on, but she was too shy to shout out.

"Do you still have time to cheer for other people's homes?" A Diamond Kingdom mage saw that the two were children, and attacked them!

"Senior Charmy, be careful!" Asta shouted, his hands are now bandaged, completely unable to defend and attack, it is really dangerous to be alone here!

"Don't bother me!" Charmy was looking at Yuno with great enthusiasm, and didn't even move his eyelids, for fear of missing something, so he seemed very disgusted by other people's sudden attack.

"Cotton Makes Magic: A Blow of the Sheep!"


Charmy's sheep hit the wizard with a punch! A big hole was hit on the ground, and the wizard fell into a coma immediately!

The power of this 880 strokes is not a joke, especially when Charmy is angry, it is full of destructive power. Don't look at this as cotton creation magic, but its power is no less than an "iron creation magic" or something.

"Senior Charmy, you're so strong!" Asta threw herself in admiration!

"You can't fight now, so let me protect you!" Charmy patted her chest and said, she knew that Asta and Yuno were good friends for many years, so Charmy wanted to give Yuno a good impression.

"Thank you, Senior Charmy!" Now it seems that Asta has become Charmy's little fan!

The members of the regiment fought so hard, and Vangeance, the leader of the regiment, was certainly not idle, although he did look like he was idle.

"Oh, what is this leader doing?" A lieutenant of Diamond Kingdom sneaked into the city and observed everyone's movements, because his magic is very good at hiding

If Luck was by the side, he would definitely have a fight with him immediately, because he was the one who used magic with his eyes in the magic palace back then.

"He is the team leader without a doubt, but what kind of operation is (bgbd) staying there and doing nothing? It feels really disturbing!" Lotus said to himself.

"He must be casting some kind of large-scale magic?" Lotus looked around to see where Vangeance's magic had reached.

"Huh? Absorbing other people's magic?" Lotus saw that the vines of Vangeance's plant magic were touching every fallen Diamond Kingdom mage "absorbing their plants!

"No, this might be a bad situation!" Lotus felt that something was wrong, so he hurriedly reported to the three chief generals, that is, the three eight-hui generals.

"Lieutenant Lotus reports to the three generals, Lieutenant Lotus reports to the three generals, the enemy is about to release some kind of large-scale magic, please pay attention! Please pay attention! It is best to retreat quickly! 11


"Damn it, no one responded, I'd better run first!" Lotus realized that something was wrong and wanted to run away.

"The time is ripe. Now, the big tree is sprouting!" Vangeance said these words, and the whole ground began to shake! Countless vines began to drill out from the ground, and then grew into thick saplings. This is not the end , all the saplings began to gather and grow towards one place, and the growth speed was visible to the naked eye!

"What is this terrible magic?!" This spectacle shocked everyone!

Vangeance was directly brought into mid-air by the crazily growing sapling, standing on the branch, overlooking the entire battlefield!

His magic is not only defense, but also attack! Not only put the whole town under the protection of big trees, but also form a home field that is beneficial to him!

"World Tree Magic: Mistedtin's Big Tree!"

Lin Hao watched the entire process of Vangeance's magic with his own eyes, and he was inspired a lot, because his wood attribute magic and Vangeance's magic do have a high similarity, and it can even be said that two people are one magic: so Lin Hao can learn from it Gain a lot of knowledge here at Vangeance!

"The weird feeling just now is also because the magic we both use is of the same element!" Lin Hao remembered that Charlotte's magic, another group leader, should also be of the wood attribute

Yami saw such a big tree rising from the ground in the town, and immediately guessed that it was the magic of Vangeance.

"Little ghosts, I'll go up and have a look, and I'll find the leader of the Golden Shining Group by the way, you have to be careful!"

"Yes, Captain!" Asta roared.

Although everyone was shocked by Vangeance's World Tree magic, they were still fighting non-stop.

"Damn it, the first team was wiped out, and the second team was also wiped out!" The invaders of the Diamond Kingdom had suffered, but they still refused to give up.

"Don't be afraid! There are still three master generals! This tree must be empty and empty! Come with me!"

The battle between the two sides became more intense!

Vangeance stood on the branch without any new movements. At this moment, a wisp of smoke that could not be discerned suddenly appeared behind him.

"Successful!" Lotus emerged from the smoke and attacked Vangeance. Now he is only one step away from Vangeance!

Vangeance only reacted at this time!

"Sneaking in secretly? Is it the master of the Diamond Kingdom, has he eliminated his magical aura?"


call out!

Yami flew through the past at breakneck speed and blocked the attack for Vangeance!

"Excuse me, masked man!" Yami said, looking at Vangeance.


Lotus hurriedly distanced himself from the two regiment leaders. He was only a lieutenant general. Although he was confident in escaping, his strength meant that if he did not carry out an assassination, he would not be able to beat even a regiment leader.

"Oh, I thought I would be able to catch the leader of the Golden Dawn and turn the tide of the battle, but this time it seems impossible!"

"And the young man I met back then is actually so strong now!" He looked at Yami and said.

"Vangeance, you owe me a favor, and, that uncle over there, do you want to surrender?" Ye Ye said.

Lotus said: "I will not surrender, all I have to do now is... retreat!"

After finishing speaking, he used his smoke magic to escape in one breath.

Seeing that there was no one around, Yami said to Vangeance: "There are only two of us around, the scenery here is so beautiful, why don't we have a good talk?"

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