The Strongest Ice God Of Black Clover

117 The Final Stage (For Subscription)

"Ah..." Rags was beaten unconscious, even he couldn't resist Lin Hao and Yuno's joint attack!

"Good job, what's your name?" Yuno flew over, stood in front of Lin Hao, and asked.

"Me? Sorry, keep it secret for now!" Lin Hao said.

"Well, my name is Yuno, and I'm a member of the Golden Dawn regiment. I don't think you're a member of any regiment!"

"I do it alone, and I'm not a mage from your Clover Kingdom." Lin Hao said.

"Really? Then I'll go first, the war is still going on! You have to be careful!" Yuno said, and flew away with wind magic again.

"Hey, what a pity!" Lin Hao watched Yuno fly away, and suddenly felt a little itchy in his heart. He originally wanted to take advantage of the defeat of Rags, and fight with Yuno again, wanting to test Yuno's strength , but just now he changed his mind, because he felt that Yuno had something to do this time, and he would definitely not fight him with all his strength.

"Wait for the next opportunity! The next time we meet Bai Ye during his magic eye operation." Lin Hao said, he seemed to have become a fighting maniac before he knew it, which was the effect of the atmosphere on the battlefield.

At this moment, Yagos, who was knocked down by Lin Hao, woke up again. He was looking for Lin Hao everywhere: "Where did you go, kid? I underestimated the enemy last time, but this time I won't lose!" of!"

Asta is still calling for Yuno with Charmy, but Yuno is temporarily busy with battlefield affairs. So there is no way to respond to them for the time being. It should be said that they felt a familiar feeling, but they didn't notice the two people on the ground.

"Yuno!" Asta yelled, and the enemies around him were almost stunned by his - voice.

"Asta, do you need help?" After sending them over, Finral went to look for his younger brother --- Langris, but he didn't find it after searching around, only came back.

"Senior Finral!" Asta roared.

"Finral?" Langris just heard Asta's call at this time, and looked under the house.

"Who did I think it was? Isn't this my brother? Long time no see!" Langris stood on the roof, looking at Finral with a proud attitude.

"I didn't expect to meet you here! The disgrace of a clan that can't fight, what do you want to do here on the battlefield?"

"Langris........." Finral didn't know what to say. After all, his level was indeed inferior to Langris. Langris was the deputy head of Golden Dawn, and he was also a recognized genius of Finral's clan. So in comparison, Finral The treatment is much worse, not only can't do magic, but also joined the worst Black Bull group!

"Senior Finral, that is..." Asta asked.

"It's my younger brother, who is now the deputy head of Golden Dawn." Finral replied.

Seeing that Finral didn't reply, Langris became more and more addicted to it: "Is the big brother still working as a porter in that Black Bull group? It's because you are too incompetent. That's why I have to inherit the position of head of the house!"

"You bastard, what is your attitude towards elders!" Lin Hao suddenly appeared and said.

"Where did you come from?" Langris frowned. The other party didn't look like any member of the magic knight order, nor did he look like a member of the Diamond Kingdom's magic army.

"I'm just a simple traveler passing through Chitan! I didn't expect to be involved in this war." Lin Hao said, in fact, he doesn't want to get involved more deeply now and fight Langris directly.

The magic tree of Vangeance towers into the sky, and this battle seems to be the victory of Clover Kingdom and Golden Dawn! If Lin Hao makes a move against Langris at this time, he will definitely be regarded as someone from the Diamond Kingdom, even if he can explain it clearly in the future, There will also be a cross-examination, which is very troublesome!

What's more, there are people from the Black Bull group around, so it's inconvenient to do it now. Lin Hao didn't have a good impression of the royal family and nobles, anyway, everything he is doing now is aimed at the members of the royal family of Clover!

"That's enough, don't say any more!" Finral silenced everyone.

"By the way, when did Black Bull become a nursery school, look at the two kids over there..."

Finral interrupted him, saying: "Langris, you can say what you want about me, but you can't insult us Black Bull!"

…… Ask for flowers…………

Lin Hao was also a little annoyed. Although he was expelled by the King of Clover and is still wanted, even though it was not a big deal to him, it didn't matter, but he still looked down on the nobles of the Clover Kingdom.

However, Lin Hao's feelings for Black Bull are indeed true, because there are no annoying royal families and other nobles in it, and even if there are, they are not that arrogant.

That is to say, among the knights of Clover Kingdom, only Black Bull is the only one that makes Lin Hao less disgusted, so he wants to save the life of his former partner as much as possible in the underwater temple.

"Haha! I found you, others get out of the way, this is a private matter between me and that guy!" Yagos broke in suddenly, interrupting the conversation of everyone, and he came straight towards Lin Hao!

"Is it one of the main generals?" Langris said, "Don't come here! Or you will die!"

"Is it possible? I have civilians from your country here!"

"Then let them die for the glory of the clover!" Langris readied himself to strike.

"Wait, since he is here to look for me, then let me come!" Lin Hao said, he did not treat the lives of these civilians as nothing like Langris, and just took this opportunity to slap Langris in the face!

"Come on, as long as you are not afraid of their lives being hurt! As long as you dare to step forward, they will be finished!" Yagos said proudly, he was sure that Lin Hao could not defeat himself in the situation of protecting the hostages!

"This is really a crisis, do you want me to help you?" Langris said.


Cracks appeared on Lin Hao's body!

"What? Could it be!"

"It's too late!" Lin Hao appeared behind Yagos and froze his snail completely, so Yagos couldn't use his slime to tamper with it. As for the people inside, don't worry, Lin Hao has his own measure.

"You dare to threaten me? You don't want to live!" Lin Hao was even more merciless this time, attacking Yagos in a burst, and didn't stop until Yagos completely lost consciousness. .

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