The Strongest Ice God Of Black Clover

122 Battle In The Demon Palace

Lin Hao took Bai Ye's magic eyes into the magic palace, because there is still very little information about the magic palace, and they don't know what danger lies ahead, so they started to disperse

Explore slowly.

Lin Hao waved his hand, signaling them to spread out and act separately.

"Master Lin Hao!"

"Once you find something, return to the exit, or just~notify me!"

There is no way to use space magic in some strong magic areas, because the danger is too high, but it can be used like the Witch's Forest and the Undersea Temple, but there is no way to use space magic to shuttle directly inside and outside !


The crowd dispersed, all in groups of three or five, but Lin Hao asked himself to explore alone. Although everyone in Bai Ye's magic eye was against it, they didn't persuade Lin Hao, so they had to let him go.

Lin Hao carefully observed the inside of the magic palace. This magic palace is not like the one he saw before. The inside of this magic palace is completely like a "palace", although it is already dilapidated.

Lin Hao walked towards the main hall, where the tallest part of the building seemed to be the widest part of the whole building.

Just after Lin Hao entered, the door closed suddenly! A powerful wave of magic power surged continuously throughout the hall.

Lin Hao is ready to defend. No one knows what dangers will be in the unknown magic palace. There have been incidents in which the entire army of mages was wiped out because of exploration.

"Is it like the 'trial' in martial arts novels?" Lin Hao summoned his own Grimoire. In this case, it is better to use magic power first. If you use the ice ability, you will consume yourself Physical! It's dangerous!


A roar came from the outside of the hall, and the walls of the magic palace were opened, and many human-shaped puppets came out of it, made of rocks and ice! And after these puppets came out, Lin Hao had a very strange feeling. Familiar feeling, isn't this my own forbidden magic?

"Isn't this made of magic power? It can be preserved for such a long time!" Lin Hao was taken aback, but she was not timid, because she seemed to have a little reaction on the taboo magic page in her Grimoire just now , although it is not enough to come out by itself, but at least it is better than no response before.

And since these huge dolls came out, they seemed to resonate.

"Forget it, the priority is to fight against the enemy now!"

"Plant magic: Thousands of vines!" Lin Hao directly concentrated on attacking all the puppets, wanting to catch them all in one go. After all, so much time has passed, these puppets should have dissipated long ago!


Thousands of vines bombarded several dolls at the same time, but they were only able to push them back a little bit, without any substantial damage at all! On the contrary, my own vines were all interrupted by the impact force because of hitting the dolls A lot!

"This level of aggregation!" Lin Hao felt that only his own forbidden magic could fight against this kind of puppet!


Lin Hao didn't know how many doors were opened, but just coming out and seeing the six dolls in front of him was enough for Lin Hao to toss for a while!

They rushed towards Lin Hao quickly, clenched their fists tightly, and kept attacking Lin Hao!

When he was almost able to attack Lin Hao, a powerful hand made of wood and vines suddenly appeared from Lin Hao's Grimoire, holding the opponent's fist tightly!

"That's it! Have you started coming out without authorization again?"

This is Lin Hao's lack of control, and he ran out by himself last time.


The treant on Lin Hao's side is supported by constant magic power, while the other party is only using the magic power in his body, so it's reversed all of a sudden!

The treants continued to show their power, crushing the surrounding rock or ice men, and even the fire dolls were completely defeated after a period of fierce fighting!

Lin Hao looked at the debris scattered on the ground around him, and felt that this force is really difficult to control!

"I'm currently at the quasi-deputy regiment level, but I can't do anything about these puppets, and this taboo magic can do this, no wonder it's taboo magic!"

The body of the puppet that was completely crushed by the treant appeared a little bit of light, which was quickly absorbed by the treant. Soon, the treant dissipated, but the resonance in Lin Hao's magic book still did not exist. disappear.

……ask for flowers……

"It seems that I still need to find out the truth of this matter!" Lin Hao continued to explore the palace.


On the other side, Magna and Luck have also entered the magic palace.

Although the two of them rushed in very quickly, but because the magic palace is constantly changing, Lin Hao and the others did not meet together for the time being.

"Luck, didn't we come to this magic palace to find a way for Asta?" Magna asked.

"Yeah, I'm so sorry that I was only focused on fighting." Luck calmed down thinking about it.

"You rushed in so fast, I haven't seen the structure of the magic palace clearly, now we might get lost!" Magna said helplessly.

The lightning wrapped around Luck's body started to move again, and he said, "You mean to fight with me?"

"Not at all! You battle mad!"

Although the two had often fought each other together before, it was all forced by Luck. After the battle at the Undersea Temple, the two discovered their own fusion magic, but they never succeeded again, so this time the two Going out for personal trials is not only to find a way for Asta to detect problems, but also to train himself and find a way to break through.

Suddenly, Luck said: "I feel a strong and familiar breath, I should have felt it before!"

Magna asked, "Where?"

At this moment, waves of powerful magic power came from a channel. Although they couldn't see what was inside, both of them felt that unusual pressure!

They all think that place is the most dangerous place in the Demon Palace, but correspondingly, the wealth inside must also be the most!

"That's the place, do you want to go? Magna!"

"That goes without saying!" said Magner.

The two rushed in immediately without saying a word!

One uses electricity, the other uses fire, and the speed of both of them is not slow, but to advance so fast in this kind of magic palace full of unknown dangers, it is simply too much for one's own life. But even if they are in danger, it should be what these two people expect! .

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