The magical power in Lin Hao's body should not be underestimated. Didn't you see the overwhelming, thick vines just now?

Those are the powerful magic attacks that Lin Hao manipulated the magic power in his body to create.

Therefore, the sufficient magic power in Lin Hao's body is also Lin Hao's confidence, otherwise Lin Hao would not have such great confidence to give Magna a chance.

According to Lin Hao's understanding of Magna, this guy is a very sinister and cunning person~.

Just like the poisonous snake lurking in the dark, it will give you a fatal blow when you are not paying attention.

So Lin Hao also knew that although it seemed that Magna was being suppressed by him now, there was no chance of a backhand at all.

But Lin Hao has no doubt at all, if he removes these vines.

Magna will definitely launch a surprise attack on himself, and he must have hidden means that he has not used.

Moreover, the magic that can be used as a life-saving skill by people like Magna must be very powerful, or it has a strange effect.

But Lin Hao firmly believes that in the face of absolute strength, all conspiracies and schemes are meaningless struggles.

Besides, if Magna really has any powerful moves at that time, Lin Hao doesn't mind using these powerful Biman again.

It has to be said that using this overwhelming attack to defeat the opponent is indeed an unparalleled pleasure.

It's like a crushing posture, and all around are people under his hands.

Even if this Magna wants to escape, it depends on whether these subordinates agree, but for the sake of insurance.

Lin Hao still called one of the space magicians over and asked him to cast a magic that seals the space.

However, because the strength of this space magician is not so strong, the seal is not so strong.

But for the current Magna, it is also like an indestructible moat.

Looking at Lin Hao's foolproof move, Iron and Steel's heart, which was originally cheering, became a little heavy at the moment.

Lin Hao guessed right, he did not use this last resort to save his life.

On the one hand, it is because this life-saving means consumes a lot, and it also has very serious sequelae.

After using this life-saving method, Magna will fall into a period of weakness.

During this period, he didn't even have the ability to resist at all, just like the fish on the chopping board, he was slaughtered by others.

On the other hand, looking at the attack posture of Lin Hao and the others just now, Magna also knew that he could not escape even if he used the life-saving hand Duan Ye.

On the contrary, it is possible to put yourself in a dangerous situation, it is better to wait for the opportunity and then use the last means of life-saving.

After all, if you use life-saving means now, but don't escape, then it is really a waste of delivery.

And when Lin Hao proposed to give himself a chance to fight just now [Magna was really ecstatic in his heart.

He felt that his chance to escape had come, after all, if he had a duel with Lin Hao in a while.

All the attention of Lin Hao and his group of subordinates will definitely be focused on themselves.

At that time, their blockade of the surrounding space will be reduced a lot, and that time is the best chance for them to escape.

……ask for flowers…

He has considerable confidence in his lifesaver Duan Ye, after all he has relied on this method to escape from death many times.

Magna's life-saving method is similar to a space jump, for space magicians.

It is to open two space intersections, the intersection is in front of oneself, and the other intersection appears randomly.

But there will be a distance limit. To put it simply and straightforwardly, it is like traveling through space.

It's just that the time required for Magna's life-saving means to be used is very short.

It can almost be said that it can be excited instantly, and the magic power of space contained in it is also very sufficient.

Part of the space sealing method can be ignored, that is to say, even if the surrounding space is sealed by others, this life-saving method can still be activated.

After all, there are not so many space magicians now, and the means of sealing space are not so advanced.

Moreover, there are very few space magicians who can understand the forbidden space, at least Magna has never encountered it.

That's why he thought that he could still run out of a scary place today.

But what he didn't expect was that there was such a space magician who knew how to enter space with Lin Hao.

This is a bit tricky, although his life-saving means can ignore some means of sealing space.

But look, from the power of Lin Hao's subordinate to display the forbidden space, it seems that the power is also very tyrannical.

If you use this life-saving method when you are in your peak state, do you still have absolute certainty? .

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