The Strongest Ice God Of Black Clover

153 Using The Secret Technique

Just now, it was also because the person in front of him showed a flaw, and he was quickly caught by him, which caused him harm.

Otherwise, if the person in front of him reacts, then I'm afraid I won't get much benefit from him.

So that black shadow did not act in a hurry, but he did not relax in any way.

He is still engrossed in guarding Luck's every move, as long as there is any rash move at that moment.

Then this black shadow will deal a fatal blow to Luck with the strongest posture.

But it was also because of the stimulation of blood donation from Luck's wound, which made the red color in this black shadow's eyes more intense.

From the looks of it, these bloods are also a huge temptation for this black shadow.

And it is really very possible that this black shadow survived only by relying on this blood.

Luck also understood that at his own speed, 16 would not be able to pose any threat to this shadow at all.

However, it is not a solution to just blindly defend like this. After all, there is only a thousand days to be a thief, and there is no reason to defend against a thief for a thousand days.

The best defense is offense, there is nothing wrong with this saying, but now, Luck still has to guard the safety of Lin Hao.

This made him a little bit restrained, and he couldn't use it, but now he can't control so much.

As long as he launched a fierce attack against this black shadow, he would have no way to concentrate on dealing with Lin Hao compared to that black shadow.

And as long as I get rid of this black shadow, then the remaining threat to Lin Hao will hardly exist.

Generally, the more powerful the monster, the stronger its territorial awareness, within a certain range.

There will only be one powerful monster, if other powerful monsters rashly enter his territory.

It is equivalent to declaring war, and only one of the two can survive, thus becoming the master of this territory.

Obviously in this area, this shadow is the absolute king, which is both good news and bad news for Luck.

The good news is that this shadow is the only threat he faces, so don't worry, there will be other dangers, such as a sneak attack on him from behind, or this sneak attack by Lin Hao.

The bad news is that this black shadow is actually the king of this field, which means that his strength will be very powerful.

This has to put a lot of pressure on Luck, and he doesn't know if he can make this shadow face the people.

But now he has no choice but to use all his strength to fight.

And Luck, in the booklet that Haining gave him, saw a secret method that can be temporarily forcibly improved and cultivated.

At critical moments, you can directly raise your own strength to a higher level, so that you can get out of danger.

However, the disadvantages brought by this method are also very obvious, although it can forcibly increase the strength.

But it is at the cost of burning blood essence, and the maintenance time is not so long.

As long as the time passes, it will quickly fall into the trough area, and its strength will also decline.

At the same time, the body will still be very weak, that is to say, if he has this secret method by then.

But if he didn't defeat this black shadow, then he would become a fish on the chopping board at will.

Luck thought about it, gritted his teeth and decided to use this secret method at that time, and then this black shadow will fight to the death.

And this secret method can only be used as a trump card until the end, and cannot be used immediately.

Otherwise, once that black shadow is on guard, it will be much more difficult for me to successfully deal with him.

And according to Luck's estimation, although the speed of this black shadow is very fast, compared with his own speed, it is only a little faster.

If he suddenly uses that secret method at that time, the speed will also increase exponentially.

At that time, my speed will be faster than that black shadow, coupled with my powerful attack power.

There is also a high probability that this shadow can be eliminated, which also gave Luck some confidence.

Luck took another look at the cut in his rib, with the help of those medicines.

At this moment, the wound has begun to scab, so it seems that there is no need to worry too much about this wound.

Then Luck turned his head, and suddenly rushed towards the black shadow, and that black shadow was always on guard against Luck.

So when Luck rushed towards her, he reacted quickly.

He arched his waist, made his body into a bent state, and then when that one was about to rush in front of him.

Suddenly, like a spring, it bounced out, and I had to sigh at the strong flexibility of this black shadow's body.

If it is another person, it is very likely that his spine will be broken.

And the sudden jump also added a lot of impact to the black shadow. .

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