The reason why Lin Hao has so many loyal subordinates is not without reason.

Originally, Lin Hao wanted to study carefully how this monster was constructed.

Lin Hao also saw that the monster's body should be a very ordinary shadowless cat.

It was precisely because of some unknown changes that he became what he is today.

While greatly improving the combat power of this shadowless cat, it has not eroded his sanity.

Lin Hao is also very interested in this peculiar method, if there is a method that can be applied properly.

Then, you can quickly improve the strength of your subordinates in a very short period of time.

But Lin Hao also felt that Luck's machine was also very weak at the moment, even Lin Hao had a feeling.

If it was later, then Luck would probably be lost forever, so Lin Hao did the same, and directly eliminated this monster.

Although Lin Hao is also very interested in this method, compared with Luck's life, it seems so insignificant.

At this moment, the monster's body was no longer as strong as before, so it was still a random light blade to cut off his head from the neck.

Lin Hao walked to Luck's side and squatted down, released the magic power in his body, and began to carefully examine the injuries in his body.

As his magic power continued to penetrate Luck's body, Lin Hao's expression became more serious, and his brows frowned involuntarily.

It seems that his injury is much more serious than he imagined, because Luck used the secret method of combat.

As a result, the magic power in his body has been exhausted at this moment, and his body is also extremely weak.

If it weren't for Luck's body before, he was also very strong, otherwise he wouldn't be able to survive until now.

But even so, at this moment, he only has his last breath hanging on his life.

Really, if Lin Hao came one step later, then what was waiting for him would be a cold corpse.

But the injuries in Luck's body are not optimistic now, and the meridians all over his body are covered with scars at this moment.

Even some of the meridians have been broken, and his internal organs were also seriously injured under the impact of the huge force.

Lin Hao also quickly took out a pill from his body, fed it to Luck, and at the same time controlled the magic power in his body.

Start to help Luck recuperate the injuries in his body, for Luck in this state.

If you directly give him the medicinal pill for healing, so as to generate magic power in his body.

Then that approach is not saving Luck's life, it is promoting his death.

Because it is Clark's meridian, it cannot be connected at all, even if it can produce magic power, it cannot complete the circulation in his body.

Moreover, the injuries in his body are not serious now, and the magic power is also consumed [if the emperor's magic power is suddenly produced.

But without effective dredging and guidance, it will slowly accumulate in one place.

After reaching a certain limit, it will explode like a bomb, and then there will really be no bones left.

So the most important thing now is not how to make Luck produce magic power in his body.

But to help Luck first, reconnect the broken meridians in his body, and then repair those injured meridians completely.

Only by completely repairing all the meridians in Luck's body, then yes, the magic power can go through a complete cycle in his body at that time.

Then it was possible to give the customer service a magic-recovering elixir to make magic in his body.

Then, under the gradual nourishment of these tempering, the injuries in his body can also slowly recover on their own.

Although, now Lin Hao can also control the magic power in his body to help Luck recover from the injuries in his body.

However, Lin Hao does not know all the injuries in his body after all, so it is inevitable that 210 will make some mistakes.

It will leave some dark wounds on Luck, and it will be much more troublesome to recover by then, and it will also affect Luck's future practice.

Lin Hao is not the kind of person who is eager for success, nor is he the kind of person who squeezes the potential of his subordinates to achieve his own goals.

So he also decided to help Luck restore the meridians in his body first, and then let him take care of the rest of the injury by himself.

But restoring the meridian is also a very tiring thing, after all, he has to carefully control the magic power in his body.

Talk about those meridian fragments, slowly move them to their original position, and then release the magic power to help them fuse.

This is also a huge challenge for Lin Hao's control ability, and a little leak between each fragment can't be found.

Otherwise, when the time comes, Luck's meridians will become very fragile and completely vulnerable.

If Luck wants to improve his cultivation level by then, it will become very difficult. .

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