Lin Hao can also be seen, and Luck's potential is also very high, at least among the people he has met, he can be considered to be in the forefront.

Otherwise, Lin Hao would not have exhausted his mind, trying to win him over and work under his own hands.

After all, Lin Hao's power is not something that any cat or dog can enter, at least one has to go through strict screening to be eligible to enter his power.

And this life-and-death crisis can be said to have unearthed a part of the potential deep in Luck's body.

It's not that the crisis that Mark has experienced this time is not dangerous enough, but that the strength that his body allows him to bear at this moment is limited.

This also allowed him to make a breakthrough in this life-and-death crisis, but this breakthrough will not have a large span.

But this is also a good thing for Barcelona, ​​otherwise, if the breakthrough span is too large, his body will not be able to bear it.

At that time, if the 800 subordinates who did not die at the hands of the enemy lost their lives because of their own reasons, it would be a joke of the world.

And Lin Hao felt that he had completely restored the meridians in Luck's body, so he put it aside and guarded her with peace of mind.

It is true that she does not want to give any more strength to help Luck, and everything will depend on herself.

If he can survive, it will be a big improvement for his strength. If he can't survive, Lin Hao will not rescue him.

After all, Lin Hao has helped her a lot. If she can't handle the connection, then she is not qualified to stay under Lin Hao.

And the pills that Lin Hao paid to Luck also contained a lot of magic power.

With the help of these elixirs, the magic power in Luck's body, which had been dried up, began to slowly regenerate at this moment.

And the magic power generated did not dissipate just then, it directly entered Luck's meridians, and began to travel along the meridians throughout the body.

Whenever the magic power travels completely along his meridians, more magic power will enter the body.

In addition, those pills are slowly exerting their effects, if Luck is like a shriveled balloon.

So now Luck is in the process of slowly pumping air into it, so that the magic power in Luck's body begins to gradually increase.

Under this virtuous circle, the magic power also began to spread to other places in the body.

This is a manifestation of the magic power in his body starting to automatically repair the injuries in his body, but because these are not under Luck's control.

Therefore, the efficiency seems to be a little low, and some minor injuries are slowly repaired.

There are only some serious injuries, which would be difficult to repair without Luck's active control.

But now all this is not within the scope of Lin Hao's concern. Anyway, he has already done what he can do, and it will be up to Luck himself.

Fortunately, Lak (bgai) did not disappoint Lin Hao, and he slowly opened his eyes after a while.

Immediately afterwards Luck was completely awake, but as soon as he moved his arm, he couldn't help crying out in pain because of the wounds involved in his body.

It was Luck who noticed the injury on his body, and then recalled the big fight that happened just now.

I couldn't help feeling lingering fear, if it wasn't for Lin Hao waking up at the last moment and saving himself.

I'm afraid that I will have to confess my little life here today. The situation just now is really dangerous and dangerous.

It is precisely because of this that Luck realizes his own cultivation. Although he is relatively strong in the outside world, he is still far inferior here.

It seems that I still have a long way to go, but the most important thing now is to find a way to deal with the injuries in my body.

But when Luck noticed the injury in his body, he couldn't help being a little surprised.

I found that the injuries and meridians in my body have been fully recovered, and only other injuries need to be recovered.

But now for Luck, the meridians are the most important. As long as the meridians can be fully restored, he can manipulate the magic power in his body to recover from the injury.

Originally, he thought that he would have to spend a lot of effort before he could barely heal the injury on his meridians.

But now it seems that there is no need to worry about it at all, and the degree of recovery of the meridian is much more perfect than that of doing it yourself.

And it is tougher than before, and it can accommodate more magic power flowing in the meridians, and the speed of recovering from injuries will be a little faster.

As for the remaining injuries, they are not so serious. Although it looks very serious, now he can produce magic power in his body.

Under the continuous nourishment of these magical powers, those injuries can also be fully recovered quickly.

Thinking of this, Luck couldn't help turning his head to look at Lin Hao, he must have done all of this. .

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