So Lin Hao has always been very vigilant about this strange energy and this stone ball of memory.

However, what these two other things exuded just now actually surprised Lin Hao a little bit.

It seems that these two things seem to have some life-and-death hatred, or like natural enemies.

Lin Hao didn't intentionally control the stone ball at all, but when the stone ball felt this strange energy~.

It also rushed out directly, wanting to compete with this weird energy, but it doesn't mean that Lin Hao didn't control this stone ball.

It's just that no matter how much Lin Hao tried, he found that he had no influence on the stone ball at all.

But now that these two other things are fighting on their own, Lin Hao is also very hot, sitting by the side to reap the benefits of the fisherman.

And these two other things, although they are not within Lin Hao's control, are faintly out of control.

But this is in Lin Hao's body after all, and if he wants to control the general situation at that time, these two other things will not be able to make big waves.

This means that the energies of these two coins have met together, but it seems that neither of these two things can do anything to get each other.

Therefore, the battle situation has also fallen into a stalemate, and there is no progress for a while.

Lin Hao couldn't help but frowned when he realized it. If he continues to delay like this, it won't do him any good.

After all, these two things were fighting, so he had no intention of recovering the injuries in his body at all.

Although it is said that this strange energy is delayed by this stone ball, Lin Hao still has to pay close attention to the battle between the two of them.

In case something out of control happens at that time, he will be able to react immediately.

In order to avoid further out-of-control situations, after all, anything can happen inside the body.

In addition, Lin Hao also has serious injuries in his body now, if there is another accident at that time.

That's really not worth the loss, so even if you waste a little precious time, you have to keep an eye on the two of them.

This is related to his own life, and there is no room for sloppyness. Lin Hao understands this very well.

And if these two things cause some trouble when he recovers from his injuries, then he has no good way to deal with it.

But now these two things are in a stalemate, and time is very precious to him.

Although it is still willing to waste a little time now, Lin Hao cannot bear this kind of waste that is destined to be fruitless.

Thinking of this, Lin Hao also wanted to help the stone ball, after all, judging from the current situation.

This stone ball should be on the same front as himself, they all have a common enemy.

That is that strange energy, and now, they all have to find a way to deal with this strange energy.

So Lin Hao also decided to help her, after all, it would be of great benefit to his more than ten children recovering from their injuries.

So Lin Hao controlled the little power left in his body, and cut off all the sources of this strange energy.

I have to say that Lin Hao's method is also very effective, after cutting off these sources.

……ask for flowers…

The fighting power of this strange energy has also been obviously affected, not as fierce as before.

When fighting this stone ball before, this strange energy also had the upper hand.

The stone ball has been suppressed, and several times the stone ball was almost broken through by this strange energy.

But fortunately, he had to react at the critical moment, otherwise, Lin Hao's body would already be filled with this weird energy by now.

Therefore, neither the market nor the situation of this stone ball is optimistic, if this stalemate continues.

Tsinghua University is also very unfavorable for Korean dramas. It can be said that Lin Hao's sudden move.

It also exceeded the expectation of this strange energy, which made him a little caught off guard.

And that stone ball also seized this opportunity, and really launched an attack on this strange energy.

For a while, this strange energy was also busy, so many flaws were exposed.

So this stone ball also seized this opportunity to continuously dissolve this strange energy.

In addition, this weird energy at this moment is like rootless water, with no resources at all.

I am afraid that according to this situation, it will not take long before it can be completely eliminated.

What Lin Hao is worried about now is if this strange energy is eliminated.

How should he deal with this stone ball? After all, although Lin Hao is also very wary of this stone ball. .

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