The Strongest Ice God Of Black Clover

Chapter 196 Meeting A Living Person

In this way, the three of them walked forward very carefully. As they walked, they heard someone talking, but they were foreigners. The most educated of the three of them was Han Xue. Han Xue said that these were foreigners. What should be discussed inside. Let's go, let's go and listen. Why do foreigners appear here?

Luck said. "Don't even talk about it, the purpose must be these treasures~"

Just getting close to the foreigner, Luck accidentally stepped on a small stone, and the foreigner heard the existence of the three of them, "Who is who?" He wanted to run away, but because of Han Xue's leg Part of the reason is that they don't have the ability to run. I can only say, "We are passing by", I don't believe you are passing by. It turns out that these foreigners can also speak Chinese.

There were a dozen of them with weapons and pistols. The three of them who have no power to restrain themselves can only be theirs. target. Give them soup.

Going forward is a stone gate. This stone gate seems to require a password to enter, the foreigner pointed a gun at Lin Hao and said. "Hmph, go and open this password" I don't know if it's a coincidence or what. After Lin Hao was indeed archaeological, his grandfather gave him a key before his grandfather passed away. Just tell him that he will use this key one day. There is a 6-digit code written on the back of the key. Lin Hao naively set it as the password of the bank card.

Lin Hao was terrified and tried the password of his bank card. Put the key in the middle of the stone crevice and brush it. The master saw that all the time fell into ten black holes

Accidentally threw them away.

In this way, the three of them walked forward very carefully. As they walked, they heard someone talking, but they were foreigners. The most educated of the three of them was Han Shuang. Han Shuang said that these were foreigners. What should be discussed inside. Let's go, let's go and listen. Why do foreigners appear here?

Rick said. "Don't even talk about it, the purpose must be these treasures~"

Just getting close to the foreigner, Luck accidentally stepped on a small stone, and the foreigner heard the existence of the three of them, "Who is who?" He wanted to run away, but because of Han Shuang's leg Part of the reason is that they don't have the ability to run. I can only say, "We are passing by", I don't believe you are passing by. It turns out that these foreigners can also speak Chinese.

There were a dozen of them with weapons and pistols. The three of them who have no power to restrain themselves can only be theirs. target. Give them - Soup Road.

Going forward is a stone gate. This stone gate seems to require a password to enter, the foreigner pointed a gun at Lin Hao and said. "Hmph, go and open this password" I don't know if it's a coincidence or what. After Lin Hao was indeed archaeological, his grandfather gave him a key before his grandfather passed away. Just tell him that he will definitely use this key for ten days. There is a 6-digit code written on the back of the key. Lin Hao set it as bank card-password naively.

Lin Hao was terrified and tried the password of his bank card. Insert the key in the middle of the stone crevice and brush it. All three of them fell into a black hole in an instant

Accidentally threw them away.

Han Shuang said, "Lin Hao, put me down, you're tired after holding on for so long, I can walk by myself, and I'll rest well." Lin Hao said, "Okay, be careful, and I'll help you walk slowly." Seeing Lin Hao being so kind to Han Shuang, Luck was once again angry and jealous.

The abbreviation of Luck's feelings for Lin Hao is a moment, and at that moment, he fell in love with him. , Lin Hao's son from a wealthy family, the son of the president of Lin's large company. Out of my own desire to struggle, in a small company. Work. He never revealed his true identity.

...asking for flowers......

Meet again by chance. I met Luck. At that time, Luck was still very innocent. It was a year ago. It was very foggy that night, and few people walked on the street. Luck talked and laughed with several young people, talking and laughing. Talk about homework together. At this time, it is Lin Hao, otherwise, pass by his side. The headlights dazzled his eyes, the slender eyes with curved eye hair, the mouth raised slightly, that kind of smile made him unforgettable, his eyes were so charming. Dressed in black and wearing a pair of white shoes, his eyes and eyes made Luck's heart pound. That is, colleagues of his colleagues, so they got to know each other. But Lin Hao has no feelings for Luck. It's just a relationship between colleagues, talking and laughing is fine.

It is true that his charming eyes have seduced thousands of little girls. Heart.

Lin Hao is a straightforward, straightforward boy with a bright and sunny personality. Speak straight, dare to act. , not easily confused by money and beautiful women. , but only Han Shuang let him. The heart felt a little care. Lin Hao, who has never been in a relationship, actually doesn't know himself. I like Han Shuang.

Han Shuang is a very naive girl who says one is one and the other is two. , never lie. A girl who doesn't swear and is very smart. And very candid. Just such a real girl. It made Lin Hao fall into it and couldn't extricate himself.

As for Luck, he is a particularly mischievous [likes to lie. Lively and lovely girl. Like to play some bad tricks from time to time. It is a potential stockist among bad women. .

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