The Strongest Ice God Of Black Clover

Chapter 216 Behind The Small Shaobings

Luck looked at the villa in front of him, disguised the powder on the small sesame cakes, and prepared to enter the villa. He knocked on the door of the villa...

"Who is it?" It was a woman's voice. This woman's voice sounded very old.

It turned out that it was Lin Haofa. Afraid of inconvenience to Han Hao, he hired a nanny for Han Hao. The aunt and nanny opened the door and took a look at Luck.

The nanny said, "Who are you? Who are you looking for?"

"Hello, may I ask if this is Lin Hao's home? I want to find my sister Han Hao. He is here. His eyes can't see me. I am his sister. I want to see him and take a look at him.

The aunt and nanny nodded in agreement and said. "Little girl, come in. Han Hao is upstairs. Just wait a moment and I will help him down."

The high temperature had just subsided in Han Yun, who was being cared for by Lin Hao. Inside Han Yun's room, two people were talking when the nanny knocked on the door and told him that his sister was looking for him.

Lin Hao knew that Luck came to see Han Hao and went downstairs with Han Hao. Lin Hao was thinking that the cat cried and the mouse pretended to be merciful and went to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing. What was he doing here?

Anyway, no matter what he wants to do? Just ignore him. What's on his mind is to be on guard against Luck.

At this time, Luck didn't know Lin Hao's defensiveness against him. At this time, Lin Hao must have been very calm. Han Hao helped him downstairs and chatted and laughed with Luck about their daily routine.

Lin Hao said. "Luck, long time no see. How are you these days? Bu Hua? Have you met the man you like, Jiang?"

Luck said, "Brother Li Hao, don't be ridiculous. You know my heart and you still make fun of me. Isn't it funny?"

Han Hun said, "Luck, where have you been in the past few days? My sister is here, don't you know? You have something to deal with. You are not at home, and you are staying with your mother."

Luck didn't want to hear anything Han Ling said.

Luck said, "Ah, I've been busy lately and I don't have time to see you. I came to see you because I was free, right? Sister, how are you doing recently? Has your memory recovered?"

Han Hao said. "My memory is now almost half recovered, and I can basically remember everything, but my eyes haven't seen yet. I don't know when my eyes will heal, or whether I will never be able to see again in my life, doctor."

In fact, at this time, Han Yuji's memory recalled everything, including who was good to him and who was not good to him. He knew it very well in his heart. But he, his sister, was completely defenseless.

Luck said, "Sister, look what I brought you. This is what daddy made for you. It's your favorite biscuits. Dad is biased. He only knows how to make delicious food for you and doesn't care about me at all. snort".

As he spoke, he took out the small sesame cakes and handed them into his sister's hands. At this time, Lin Hao saw something wrong and followed Luck, talking and laughing.

".~ What's wrong with Luck? Is your father biased? You can also eat the things your father makes, so he took out one of these small sesame cakes and gave it to Luck."

Luck's words and deeds, he was stunned for a moment, and he took the sesame seed cakes handed over by Lin Hao. With such a stunned look, Lin Hao hesitated to see that Luck had this different psychological level.

At this time, Han Ling looked at his favorite small sesame cakes. When I put it in my mouth, I felt very greedy. Open your mouth when you are about to eat.

At this time, Lin Hao said, "Wait a minute, Han Hao, it's time for you to take medicine. This medicine cannot be taken with food. Did you forget (Li Zhao)? It just so happens that you haven't eaten now, so first Take this medicine."

Han Ling could only put down the food in his hand, take the medicine and choose to take the pill that could cure his eyes.

Luck looked at the food in his hand and wanted to put it down. At this time, Lin Hao wanted Luck to eat the food in his hand.

He said, "Luck, why don't you eat it? Isn't the food your father makes delicious?"

Luck was afraid of seeing a flaw, so he had no choice but to eat this little slut in front of Lin Hao without moving.

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